Publications by Ineke Sluiter (sept. 2014) Books (author/co-author/editor) 2014 2013 2012 2010 2010 2009 2008 Socrates. Elementaire deeltjes 3. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, isbn 9789089646224 [152 pp.] Wat is Griekenland waard? Haarlemse Voordrachten LXXIII [Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen], Haarlem 2013 [25 pp.] (ed.) (with Ralph M. Rosen), Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill [486pp.] (ed.) (with Kees Schuyt), Cleveringa’s koffer: recht, vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid. Een selectie uit de 26 novemberherdenkingen aan de Universiteit Leiden, 1945-1970. Leiden: Leiden University Press [343pp.]. (ed.) (with R.M. Rosen), Valuing Others in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill [476pp.] Copeland, Rita, and Ineke Sluiter (eds.), Medieval Grammar and Rhetoric: Language Arts and Literary Theory, 300 AD to 1475. Oxford: OUP [992 pp.] (ed.) (with R.M. Rosen), KAKOS. Badness and Anti-Value in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill [514 pp.] 2007 De toverwoorden van de democratie. Voordrachten, uitgegeven vanwege het Departement Rotterdam van de Maatschappij tot Nut van ’t Algemeen, IV. Rotterdam: 40pp. 2006 (ed.) (with R.M. Rosen), City, Countryside, and the Spatial Organization of Value in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill [384 pp.] (ed.) (with R.M. Rosen), Free Speech in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill [450 pp.] (ed.) (with R.M. Rosen), ANDREIA: Studies in Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill [359 pp.] Hoogmoed en Ironie. Couperus’ Xerxes. Couperus Cahier VII. Den Haag: Couperusgenootschap. [44 pp.] (co-author) (with J. den Boeft), Wat betekent de Bijbel? Christelijke scholing in tekstbegrip en presentatie. Amsterdam: Ambo [248 pp.] [in Dutch; a translation by JdB and IS, with introd. and notes by IS of Augustine’s De doctrina christiana] 2nd, revised edition of Law & Sluiter (eds.) 1995 (co-author) (with W. van Bekkum, J.E.M. Houben, K. Versteegh), The Emergence of Semantics in Four Linguistic Traditions: Hebrew, Sanskrit, Greek, Arabic. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins [ix + 322 pp.] (ed.) (with Vivien Law), Dionysius Thrax and the Technê Grammatikê. Münster: Nodus Publications [160 pp.] (ed.) (with J.G.J. Abbenes and S.R. Slings), Greek Literary Theory after Aristotle. A Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor D.M. Schenkeveld. Amsterdam: VU University Press (330 pp.) 2004 2003 2002 1999 1997 1996 1995-i 1995-ii 1993 1990-2 1990 (co-author) (with C.A.C.M. Fisser, A.J. Kleywegt, E. Vester, R. van ‘t Wout), Cicero’s Pro Milone in retorische en cultuurhistorische context. Uitwerking van de eindexamensyllabus Latijn 1994, 2 vols. + teacher’s manual: I Orator (160 pp.); II Advocatus (90 pp.). Den Bosch: Malmberg [in Dutch; a course book on Cicero’s Pro Milone, the history of rhetoric, and cultural history of the 1st cent. BCE] (co-author) (with M. Goris, A. v. Hooff, E. Janner, W. Oehlen, H. Oude Essink, E. Vester), De Taal der Romeinen 2, 4 vols., Den Bosch: Malmberg [in Dutch: a Latin beginners’ course; text book (288 pp.); exercises (145 pp.); grammar and vocabulary (1991, 144 pp.), teacher’s manual (1992)] Ancient Grammar in Context. Contributions to the Study of Ancient Linguistic Thought. Amsterdam: VU University Press [277 pp.] 1 1988 (ed.) (with S.R. Slings), OPHELOS. Zes Studies voor D.M. Schenkeveld. Amsterdam: VU University Press [100 pp.] [in Dutch] Articles submitted: In press: (2014) (2014) (2014) (2015) - with Max van Duijn and Arie Verhagen, ‘When narrative takes over. Mindreading and Multiple-Order Intentionality in Shakespeare’s Othello. [under review Philosophy and Literature]. - with Max van Duijn and Arie Verhagen, ‘Viewpoint Packages. Linguistic tools for communicating and processing complex “thoughtscapes”’. [under review Cognitive Linguistics] ‘Ancient Etymology: a tool for thinking’, in: S. Matthaios & A. Rengakos (eds.), Brill’s Companion to Ancient Scholarship. Leiden, 896-922. ‘Fish similes and converging story lines in the Odyssey’, Classical Quarterly 64.2, 821-824. ‘The Grammarian and the Olympic Athlete: Intellectual Old Age in Terentianus Maurus’, in: M. Huys (ed.), Festschrift Alfons Wouters. ‘Obscurity’, in: A. Grafton and G. Most (eds.), Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach. Cambridge, CUP 2015. published: 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 ‘Te veel, te weinig, of vervuild’, in: Mark Geels en Tim v. Opijnen (red.), Dit wil je weten. 101 experts geven hun beste adviezen prijs. Amsterdam 2014, 131-132. ‘Inleiding’, in: Aurelius Augustinus Handboek Latijn. een korte Latijnse grammatica. Vertaald en toegelicht door Vincent Hunink; ingeleid door Ineke Sluiter. Dordrecht: Damon, 1-8. ‘Anchoring Innovation’, Proceedings of the Vilnius Conference Horizons for the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Vilnius, 23-25 September 2013.;; p. 71ff. ‘Foreword’, J. van Ophuijsen, M. van Raalte, P. Stork (eds.), Protagoras of Abdera. The man, his measure. Leiden: Brill 2013. ‘The Violent Scholiast. Power Issues in Ancient Commentaries’, in: M. Asper (ed.), Writing Science. Medical and Mathematical Authorship in Ancient Greece. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013, 191-213. [met Bob Corthals, Max van Duijn, Michiel Verheij], ‘In het hoofd van Medea. Gedachtenlezen bij een moordende moeder’, Lampas 46, 3-20. (with Ralph Rosen), ‘General Introduction’, in: I. Sluiter & R. Rosen (eds.), Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity. Leiden 2012, 1-14. 2011 Foreword for the Dutch edition of Martha Nussbaum, Not for Profit (translated as Niet voor de Winst. Waarom de democratie de geesteswetenschappen nodig heeft). Amsterdam: Ambo, pp. 11-14. 2011 ‘Deliberation, free speech, and the marketplace of ideas’, in: T. van Haaften, H. Jansen, J. de Jong, W. Koetsenruijter (eds.), Bending Opinion. Essays on Persuasion in the Public Domain. (Rhetoric in Society). Leiden, 25-47 ‘A Champion of Analogy: Herodian’s On Lexical Singularity’, in: Stephanos Matthaios, Franco Montanari, Antonio Rengakos (eds.), Trends in Ancient Scholarship (Trends in Classics—supplementary volume. Berlin-New-York: Walter de Gruyter), 295-315. ‘Textual Therapy. On the Relationship between Medicine and Grammar in Galen’, in: H.F.J. Horstmanshoff et al. (eds.), Hippocrates and Medical 2011 2010 2 2010 Education. Selected Papers Presented at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden, 24-26 August 2005, 25-52. ‘Aanstekelijke verhalen. De bekering van Augustinus’, Lampas 43, 308-326. 2010 ‘Vulcanius: A Twitter on a Facebook Scholar’, in: Helene Cazes and Kasper van Ommen, Catalogue for Facebook in the sixteenth Century: The Humanist and Networker Bonaventura Vulcanius, Kleine publicaties van de Leidse Univ. bibliotheek nr. 83, p. 8. 2010 (with R.M. Rosen), ‘General Introduction’, in: R.M. Rosen & Ineke Sluiter (eds.), Valuing Others in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill, 1-14. 2010 2010 ‘Chez Tantalus’, De Gids [thema-nummer ‘Aan tafel!’, red. Louise Fresco], 621-627. review of Richar Wrangham, Koken. Over de Oorsprong van de Mens, Nieuw Amsterdam 2009 [oorspr. Engels: Catching Fire. How Cooking Made Us Human, London 2009]. Vrij Nederland, Strandacademie, week van 5 juli. (with Caroline Kroon), ‘Wij zijn niet voor een ‘gymnasium light’, NRC Handelsblad, 15 januari, p. 7. 2010 2009 2009 2008 2007 ‘Persuasion, Pedagogy, Polemics: Two Case Studies in Medieval Grammar Teaching’, New Medieval Literatures 11 (2009), 177-194. ‘Socrates als de ideale man’, Lampas 42, 3-14. ‘General Introduction’, in: Ineke Sluiter & Ralph M. Rosen, KAKOS. Badness and Anti-Value in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill, 1-27. ‘Symbolic monarchy, symbolic debate’, in: D.J. Elzinga (ed.), The Dutch Constitutional Monarchy in a Changing Europe. Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer, 197-211. 2007 ‘Over de spaarzaamheid van de klassieken’, themanummer De Gids (De Titels van Montaigne), juli-aug.-sept. 2007, 725-6. 2007 ‘Classical Challenges: Black Athena, Thucydides in Iraq, Plato in the Courtroom’, in: Groen, Adriaan in ‘t, et al. (eds.), Knowledge in Ferment. Dilemmas in Science, Scholarship and Society. Leiden: Leiden Univ. Press, 189-207. 2007 2006 ‘Vrije meningsuiting – maar jegens wie?’, Volkskrant, 24 februari 2007 ‘Academici vechten met ideeën en woorden voor de vrijheid’, Leidsch Dagblad, 2 december 2006 ‘Vrijspraak voor een moordenaar’, NRC Handelsblad, voorpagina Cultureel Supplement (p. 19), 24 november 2006 2006 2006 (with Ralph Rosen), ‘General Introduction’, in: R.M. Rosen & I. Sluiter (eds.), City, Countryside, and the Spatial Organization of Value in Classical Antiquity. Leiden: Brill, 1-12. 2006 ‘Symbolisch koningschap, symbolisch debat’, in: D.J. Elzinga (ed.), De Nederlandse constitutionele monarchie in een veranderend Europa. Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer, 193-206. ‘De weerbare democraat’, in: Leidraad, april 2006. 2006 2005 ‘Homer in the Dining Room. Ancient Interpretations of the Duel between Menelaus and Paris’, Classical World 98, 379-96. 2005 ‘De zoete bluf van ‘t eerst’ Latijn’, Trouw (Letter & Geest) 5 november 2005, 5-7. 2005 ‘Communicating Cynicism’, in: Dorothea Frede and Brad Inwood (eds.), Language and Learning (Acta Sympos. Hellen. 2001). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 139-163. ‘Lezen als levensreis: een metafoorcomplex bij Augustinus’, in: P. van Geest en J. van Oort (eds.), Augustiniana Neerlandica. Leuven: Peeters, 95-103 SOAP. Over Attische tragedie en Euripides’ Phoenicische Vrouwen, in: Lampas 38, 17-33 = (2005) SOAP. Over Attische tragedie en Euripides’ Phoenicische Vrouwen, in: Studium Generale Utrecht, ed.Jeroen Bons. ‘Maken en breken. Over taal, identiteit en minderheden’, diesoratie Leiden. Univ. Leiden 8 Febr. 2005. 26 pp. [in Dutch: University lecture on the occasion of the 430th dies anniversalis of the University] 2005 2005 2005 3 2004 2004 (with R.M. Rosen) ‘General Introduction’, in: I. Sluiter and R.M. Rosen (eds.), Free Speech in Classical Antiquity. Brill: Leiden 2004, 1-19. (with Anthonya Visser), Playing The Persians: On Remembering History in Literature, in: J.F. van Dijkhuizen et al. (eds), Living in Posterity. Essays in Honour of Bart Westerweel. Hilversum: Verloren, 239-248. 2004 2004 ‘Lezen met Augustinus’, Schrift 215, 175-178 [in Dutch: on Augustine’s hermeneutic theory]. ‘Een Neo-Stoïsche Kijk op Emoties’ (rev. Martha C. Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought’, Mare 3 June 2004, p. 4. 2003 (with Ralph Rosen) “General Introduction”, in: R.M. Rosen & I. Sluiter (eds.), ANDREIA. Studies in Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity. Brill: Leiden, 1-24. 2003 ‘Ook professor Meijers moet herdacht’, Mare 27 Nov. 2003, p. 13 2000-i 2000-ii ‘Zeven grammatici over de ablativus absolutus’, Lampas 33, 89-110 [in Dutch] ‘Seven Grammarians on the Ablative Absolute’, Historiografia Linguistica 27, 381-416. ‘Taaltheorie en vrijheid van meningsuiting’. Inaugurele oratie Univ. Leiden, 28 april 2000. 25 pp. [in Dutch: inaugural address] ‘The Rhetoric of Scepticism: Sextus against the Language Specialists’, in: J. Sihvola (ed.), Ancient Scepticism and the Sceptical Tradition, Acta Philosophica Fennica 66, 93-123. ‘Language and Thought in Stoic Philosophy’, in: S. Auroux, K. Koerner, H.-J. Niederehe, K. Versteegh (eds.), Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften. BerlinNew York: de Gruyter, 375-384 ‘The Dialectics of Genre: Some Aspects of Secondary Literature and Genre in Antiquity’, in: M. Depew & D. Obbink (eds.), Matrices of Genre. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard Univ. Press, 183-203. 2000-iii 2000-iv 2000-v 2000-vi 2000-vii ‘Sapphisch’, en ‘Een lied van Alkman’, in: M. Horstmanshoff e.a. (eds.), “Wat ontsprong aan hun verwondering en stralend de millennia doorscheen”: Ida Gerhardt en de Klassieke Oudheid. Leiden, p. 43-44 en 62-63. 1999-i ‘Communication, Eloquence and Entertainment in Augustine’s De doctrina christiana’, in: J. den Boeft, M.L. van Poll-van de Lisdonk (eds.), The Impact of Scripture in Early Christianity. Leiden: Brill, 245-267. ‘Commentaries and the Didactic Tradition’, in: Glenn W. Most (ed.), Commentaries – Kommentare (Aporemata Bd 4). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 173-205. ‘Metatexts and the Principle of Charity’, in: P. Schmitter, M.J. van der Wal (eds.), Metahistoriography. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects in the Historiography of Linguistics. Münster: Nodus Publications, 11-27 ‘Parapleromatic Lucubrations’, in: A. Rijksbaron (ed.), New Approaches to Greek Particles, Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 233-246 [on parapleromatic particles and ancient stylistic theories of redundancy]. Review article of Catherine Atherton, The Stoics on Ambiguity. Cambridge: CUP 1993, and Andreas Schubert, Untersuchungen zur Stoischen Bedeutungslehre, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1994, Mnemosyne 49, 222-233. (with S. Douglas Olson), ‘An Emendation in Porphyry’s Commentary on Ptolemy’s Harmonics’, Classical Quarterly 46, 596. (with Vivien Law), ‘Introduction’, in: Dionysius Thrax and the Technê Grammatikê, 7-12 1999-ii 1998 1997 1996-i 1996-ii 1995-i 4 1995-ii 1995-iii 1994-i 1994-ii ‘The Poetics of Medicine’, in: Greek Literary Theory after Aristotle. A Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor D.M. Schenkeveld. Amsterdam, 193-213. ‘The Embarrassment of Imperfection. Galen’s Assessment of Hippocrates’ Linguistic Merits’, in: Ph.J. van der Eijk, H.F.J. Horstmanshoff, P.H. Schrijvers (eds.), Ancient Medicine in its Socio-Cultural Context. Clio Medica (Rodopi), vol. II, 519-535. ‘Two Problems in Ancient Medical Commentaries’, Classical Quarterly 44, 270-275. ‘Grammatici antiqui de gerundio et epirrhêmasi thetikois’, in: S. Albert, J. Kramer, W. Schweickard (eds.), Miscellanea ad linguam Latinam linguasque recentiores attinentia(Romania occidentalis Bnd 26). Veitshöchheim bei Würzburg, 75-87 [in Latin] 1994-iii ‘Themistocles, Labeo en de Taalkunde’, Hermeneus 66, 210-214 [in Dutch; on Themistocles’ interpretation of the “wooden wall” oracle, Hdt. 7.140ff.] 1994-iv Review article of M. Baratin, La Naissance de la Syntaxe à Rome. Paris 1989, Mnemosyne 47, 123-132. 1994-v Course material ‘Stemmata quid faciunt’, published by Dept. of Education Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (ca. 50 pp.) 1994-vi ‘Stemmata quid faciunt? Tekstkritiek voor 4VWO’, Lampas 27, 78-89 [on textual criticism and editorial technique] ‘Antieke grammatica: autonoom of instrument?’, in: J. Goedegebuuren (ed.), Nieuwe wegen in taal- en literatuurwetenschap. Handelingen van het 41ste filologencongres. Tilburg, 129-141 [in Dutch: on the use of philology by nonspecialists in Antiquity] ‘Some Notes on the Edition of Tzetzes’ Ilias-Exegesis’, Mnemosyne 45, 482500 ‘Tzetzes on a Mini-Thesis in Homer: the epirrhêmata thetika’, Mnemosyne 45, 526-8. ‘Causal hina – Sound Greek’, Glotta 70, 39-53 ‘Periplectomenus over het huwelijk: oude wijn in nieuwe zakken’, Lampas 25, 172-183 [in Dutch; on Plautus’ dramatic adaptation of a (rhetorical) motif from Theophrastus] ‘His Master’s Voice: de rol van Homerus in het antieke onderwijs’, BZZLLETIN 175, 40-47 [in Dutch: Homer’s role in ancient education] ‘Exclamationes festivae: quid grammatici antiqui de interiectionibus ab adverbiis distinguendis senserint’, in: S. Albert (ed.), Latine “sapere, agere, loqui”, miscellanea Caelesti Eichenseer dedicata. Saraviponti, 29-40 [in Latin] ‘Een en al oor. Grammatica en euphonie’, in: Ophelos. Zes Studies voor D.M. Schenkeveld (ed. S.R. Slings and I. Sluiter), Amsterdam, 77-95 [in Dutch; on euphony as an ancient criterion for grammatical correctness] ‘On ê diasaphêtikos and Propositions Containing mallon/hêtton’, Mnemosyne 41, 46-66 ‘Perversa Subtilitas. De kwade roep van de grammaticus’, Lampas 21, 41-65 [in Dutch; derision of schoolmasters in ancient and later Western European literature] 1993 1992-i 1992-ii 1992-iii 1992-iv 1990 1989 1988-i 1988-ii 1988-iii 1988-iv 1987 ‘De ignitabulo’, Vox Latina 24, 113-115 [in Latin] ‘De seminario Latinitatis Vivae Morsacensi’, Vox Latina 23, 413-416 [in Latin] 1986 ‘To Bliktri’, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 102, 207-213 [in Dutch; on a Greek expression in a Dutch novel from the 18th cent.] 5 Reviews in press 2005-i 2005-ii 2004-i 2004-ii 2003-i 2003-ii 2003-iii 1998-i 1998-ii 1997 1996 1995-i 1995-ii 1995-iii 1994 1992 Jean Lallot, Apollonius Dyscole, Syntaxe, Echos du monde classique Wilhelm Geerlings, Chr. Schulze (Bd. 2), Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter, Classical Review 55 (2005), 699-700. Ronald Hock & Edward O’Neil, The Chreia and Ancient Rhetoric. Mnemosyne 58, 141-2. Raffaele Grisolia, Oikonomia. Struttura e Tecnica Drammatica negli Scoli Antichi ai Testi Drammatici. Napoli 2001, Mnemosyne 57, 106. Jean Lallot, Apollonius Dyscole, De la construction (syntaxe): (Histoire des doctrines de l'antiquité classique 19, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, Paris, 1997, vol. I (introd., texte et trad.), 303 pp., vol. II (notes et index), 477 pp), Lingua, 114, 629-634. Wilhelm Geerlings, Chr. Schulze, Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter, Classical Review 53, 472-4 Sibylle Ihm, Clavis Commentariorum der antiken medizinischen Texte. Isis 94, 362. Catherine Dalimier, Apollonius Dyscole, Traité des Conjonctions. Mnemosyne 56, 617-21 Oeuvres de St Augustin 11/2: la doctrine chrétienne. De doctrina christiana, texte crit. du CCL, rev. et corr.; intr. et trad. De Madeleine Moreau; annot. Et notes compl. d’Isabelle Bochet et Goulven Madec. Paris: Bibliothèque Augustinienne 1997: 626 pp. Vigiliae Christianae 52, 334-338. “De oudste Kleine Griekse Grammatica”: recensie van P. Swiggers, A. Wouters, De Techne grammatike van Dionysius Thrax. De oudste spraakkunst in het Westen. Leuven: Peeters 1998. Lampas 31, 412-413. R. Rutherford, The Art of Plato: Ten Essays in Platonic Interpretation. London: Duckworth 1995. Mnemosyne 50, 226-229. Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique XL: La philologie grecque. Sept exposés suivis de discussion. Ed. Fr. Montanari. Vandoeuvres-Genève 1994. Mnemosyne 49, 353-355. Kenneth Dover, Aristophanes Frogs. Ed. w. intr. and comm., Oxford: Clarendon Press 1993, and Marie C. Marianetti, Religion and Politics in Aristophanes’ Clouds, Hildesheim-ZürichNew York: Olms Weidmann 1992, Mnemosyne 48, 473-479. Marie-Christine Leclerc, la parole chez Hésiode. A la recherche de l’harmonie perdue. Paris: les belles lettres 1993, Mnemosyne 48, 462-466. Jan-Wilhelm Beck, Terentianus Maurus De syllabis. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1993. Mnemosyne 48, 490-493. J. Wisse, Ethos and Pathos from Aristotle to Cicero. Amsterdam 1989. Mnemosyne 47, 251256 Kenneth S. Rothwell, jr., Politics and Persuasion in Aristophanes Ecclesiazusae. Supplements to Mnemosyne 111. Leiden 1990. Mnemosyne 45, 407-412. Digital publications 2013 publicatie van de pilot van het nieuwe woordenboek GrieksNederlands (de letter pi) [digital open-access publication of the pilot of the new Greek-Dutch Dictionary, Ineke Sluiter & Albert Rijksbaron (eds.)]. CDs – audio lectures 2013 Het nieuwe van de oudheid: Een hoorcollege over de klassieken in onze moderne maatschappi.j Home Academy [four audio-lectures on the relation between ancient literature and the concerns of our own time; download only; ISBN: 9789085301233] 2009 Meer klassiekste klassiekers:Een serie van vier hoorcolleges over literatuur in oorlogstijd. Home Academy [four audio-lectures on Greek literature in war-time] 2007 Op zoek naar Socrates. Een serie van vier hoorcolleges over een onverschrokken vragensteller. Home Academy [4 cd’s, isbn 978-90-8530-068-7] [four audio-lectures on Socrates] 2006 De Klassiekste Klassiekers. Een serie van vier hoorcolleges over Ilias, Odyssee, Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, en Sophocles’ Koning Oedipus. Home Academy [4 cd’s, isbn 90-8530-287-0] [short-listed for Best Audio-Book of 2006 Award] [four audio-lectures on the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeschylus Agamemnon and Sophocles Oedipus Rex] Reports 2010 (met Caroline Kroon) Het Geheim van de Blauwe Broer. Eindrapport van de Verkenningscommissie Klassieke Talen. 2010 [The secret of the blue brother; report of the national committee on classics teaching]. 6 Other knowledge utilization Spinoza te Paard lecture: Gedachten lezen: je leert het van verhalen. Paard van Troje, 17 febr. 2012 [on YouTube]. 7
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