Babies and Sign Language

Babies and Sign Language
Intellectual Benefits
• The intellectual benefits of using Baby Sign
Language are numerous. Infants begin to learn on
the day they are born. Babies are like little
sponges soaking up the world around them.
Anything that helps them learn quicker and more
effectively is beneficial to their development.
Baby Sign Language stimulates the intellect in a
number of ways. This intellectual stimulation
benefits the child way beyond infancy.
1. Baby Sign Language increases the speed of the development of
verbal language.
2. Baby signing increases vocabulary.
3. Baby signing reinforces the use of verbal language.
4. Baby Sign Language promotes language learning through concept.
5. Baby Signing reinforces a child’s communication attempts.
6. Baby Sign Language promotes early literacy.
7. Baby Sign Language increases interests in books.
8. Baby Signing promotes the early use of complex sentences.
• benefits extend to children over 3 years old also
• Older children who used Baby Sign Language as
infants and toddlers have better verbal and
reading skills
• use books along with teaching sign language
• point to a picture and then show the sign for the
word, both reading and communication skills are
• kinesthetic elements of signing reinforce verbal
Baby Sign Language is
• They can actually initiate a
conversation when they want
• teaches a baby how to form
sentences. For example, a baby who
desires milk signs “more” and “milk”