TES Times Takada English School Baby Baby Baby! It has been an exciting few months for a lot of people connected to us here at TES. Sara, who is back in Iowa, had a beautiful little girl, her second daughter, and they called her Hina Yoko. As you can see from the photo, she is a real cutie, much like her sister before her. Both mother and daughter are doing very well. Rich on this happiest of times for them. Well, they say that good things come in 3’s, so… Some of you may have noticed that our own Yoko has been around the school less lately, and you might be wondering why. Well, it was always planned that she would step back a bit and that Madoka would take over much of her work during the days. However, now we know that Yoko too is expecting our first baby on January 1st! We are both very happy and are looking forward to the birth of our first child, but are quite nervous about it too! I hope you are all Then, in November of ready for lots of this year, Nicole, who is pictures of the baby also living in Iowa, will (we don’t know if it’s a give birth to her first boy or a girl yet) and child. They already for me to be looking know that it’s a girl. We tired in the school! wish her a safe delivery With that in mind, and a healthy baby. Yoko is planning to We are delighted for stop working from the Sara, Tylek, Nicole and end of November, and Sara & Her baby girl, Hina. She was born in June 2014. we are currently searching for someone to come in during the evenings to work as a receptionist. We will let you all know who that person is when we have everything decided. Oct 2014 Issue 24 Inside this issue: From Peter 1 From Yoko 2 Holidays 2 From Madoka 2 We are also in the From Nicola process of looking for a From Marcia replacement for Sean, whose short stay here Event Info will finish at the end of From Sean the year. It was always a short term agreement, as we for what winter is knew Sean would be bringing me! heading back to Australia, but it’s been great to have him here, and we all wish him, and his wife Aya, well in their Australian adventure! Again, we will let you know who the new teacher will be as soon as everything is decided. 3 3 4 4 So, we will be having a farewell party for Sean later in the year, and we will of course let you know when that is. Winter is coming, so get yourselves prepared. I’m not sure I’ll be prepared enough Rick and 8 month pregnant Nicole. She is expecting a baby girl this November. 2 News from Yoko 秋晴れの気持ちのよい天候が続き ますが、皆様いかがお過ごしです か? 私事で恐縮ですが、11 月の終わり位 から、産休を頂くことになりました。 冒頭のPeter先生の記事にもありま すように、私の大きなお腹を見て、 お気づきの方も多いかと思います が、現在 7 ヶ月で年末位の出産予定 です!Sara 先生とNicole 先生の良 いニュースに続いて、不安ながらも 本当に嬉しく思っています☆ お仕 事の方は今まで通り、午前中から夕 方までは、引き続きまどか先生が、 そして 11 月末からは、夕方から夜ま で、新しく受付の方が入る予定で す。皆様にはご迷惑をおかけします が、新スタッフが決まり次第、皆さま にご紹介いたしますので、今しばら くお待ちいただければと思います。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 予想されますが、皆さまには今ま で通り、楽しい英会話レッスンを提 供できるよう、スタッフ一同努力し て参りますので、今後共、どうぞ 宜しくお願いたします! また、今年の 1 月から、当スクールで 講師をしていただいている Sean 先 生が残念ではありますが、今年一杯 で、オーストラリアに帰国することに なりました。来年、2015 年 1 月から、 Sean先生担当のレッスンを引き継 ぐ、新ネイティブ講師も、決まり次第 直ぐに皆様にお知らせいたします! ドカティ家にとっても、当スクールに とっても、今年の年末は変化が多 く、何かと目まぐるしくなることが 毎年恒例のハロウィーンパーティ ですが、今年は各キッズクラスで お子様のハロウィンレッスンを行 う予定です♪大人のイベントは、 少し先になりますが、Sean 先生の 送別会&恒例のクリスマスパーテ ィを 12 月中旬に計画中です! こちらも日程が決まり次第、ポス ター、HP、Facebook などでお知ら せいたしますのでどうぞお楽しみ に☆We will keep you posted! Next Holiday Schedule 当校の次のお休みは冬季休業です。 期間は以下の通りです。 2014/12/23(祝日) ~ 2015/1/5(月) 来年 1/6(火)からの通常営業です 2015年のTES年間休 日カレンダーは、12月 より配布予定です。し ばらくお待ちください ますよう、お願い申し 上げます。 キッズクラス内で 10 月の最終週に ハロウィーンのアクティビテイを楽 しみましょう♪ 期間:10/28(火) ~11/1(土) 参加費は特にありません。Trick or Treat 言えるかな!? News from Madoka 夏休みも終わり、2 学期がスター も段々わかってきて、「今やると Next トして 1 か月が過ぎました。我が ころ!」なんて日本語で返してき 家もやっと長女、次女が学校に行 き、私よりも、夏休み中子守をお 願いしていた私の母の方がホッと したのではないかと思います (笑)。我が家では、毎朝子供たち に言うことが同じなので、自分の 気持ちに余裕があるときは、英語 で話しかけたりもします。そんな 子育て英語を少しご紹介。「朝ご はん食べて!」は、”Eat your breakfast!”、「歯は磨いた の?」は、”Did you brush your teeth?”、「お着替えして!」 は、”Get dressed!”と言いま す。ぜひ使ってみて下さい(*^_^*) 繰り返し語りかけていると、子供 たりしますよ(笑)。 さて、2014 年度が始まり、半年 が経ちキッズクラスでは、参観日 を設ける事にしました。日頃のお 子さんのレッスンの様子を見て頂 くいい機会だと思いますので、是 非いらして下さい!参観の後に少 しだけお時間を頂き、宿題の出し 方、やり方などについてお話させ ていただきますので、ご都合付き ましたらぜひそのままお付き合い ください。お忙しいとは存じます が宜しくお願い申し上げます。さ らに!10 月は Halloween のある 月ですね!!今年は、10 月最後の週 (10/27~11/1)に各クラス単位 で Halloween-ish (ハロウィーン っぽい)Lesson をする予定で す。Halloween にちなんだゲーム やクラフトを楽しみ、最後にはお 馴染みの Trick or Treating!!学校か ら直接来るお子さんもいらっしゃ るので、仮装はありませんが、1 年に 1 度しか味わえない欧米の文 化をクラスのお友達と楽しんでも らえたらうれしいです。ちょっと 早いけれど、Happy Halloween to everyone!!! Scottish Independence 3 By Nicola Maruyama Well it has been an interesting couple of months for Scotland as the country debated the pros and cons of staying in the Union. We all know the result but sometimes it is not the result which is the most important thing. Many Scots thought long and hard about whether to vote YES (For independence) or NO (against independence). Opinions divided families, workplaces and towns and cities and fierce debates took place all over the country. This process has made many Scots recognize what is good about Scotland and with a little more time I believe the outcome may have been different! I initially started as a NO vote but after reading about the issues and watching programs debating the pros and cons I eventually swayed from NO to YES. I realize now how strong I felt because when the final result came in I was deeply disappointed. However one good thing which has come from this is the media coverage about Scotland. We are a small nation but have much to contribute and I hope one day we will once again be independent and have the power to make decisions for ourselves. My Summer in Japan By Marcia Faulise As the summer comes to a close we say goodbye to the sweltering heat and humidity, and hello to the crisp, cool breeze and changing trees. Everyone warned me that the summer in Joetsu would be miserable, full of long, hot days from June to September. Either people were just trying to scare me, or I really lucked out with a mild summer. True, there were some days where I didn’t even want to leave the air conditioned safety of the indoors, but it sure wasn’t as severe as I had been expecting. For the week-long summer holiday my parents came to visit and I had to play tour guide and show them around to all our favorite sites in the Joetsu area. We went to the beach a few times, to Myoko for a visit to Naena waterfall, and to Togakushi Ninja-mura in Nagano. On their own, my parents visited Kyoto. They loved exploring the many temples and parks within the city, but did complain that it was much hotter there than Joetsu. My stepfather’s main goal for his visit to Japan was to climb Mt. Fuji. He and my mother were successful and they were able to view the sun rising from the top of the mountain. Nick and I went to visit them for their last weekend in Tokyo. We cheered on the Giants at the Tokyo Dome and took a trip to the top of Tokyo Tower. They thoroughly enjoyed their stay in Japan and were sad to leave when the trip was over. Now, as we head into my favorite season of the year, Nick and I are taking part in the Komachi Magazine’s Ramen challenge. The magazine has showcased some of the best Ramen shops in Niigata prefecture. For those interested, there is a stamp book for collecting marks from participating shops. If you get thirty stamps you receive a prize and some free Ramen vouchers. I am already about halfway done and will hopefully get to thirty stamps by Halloween. Along with eating the delicious Ramen, I have also been taking pictures and writing a blog about each shop I visit. If you are interested I would be more than happy to share the website with you. It is pretty much all in English, but it may be a good chance to practice reading, as well as learning about some good Ramen shops here in Niigata. More about Sean 4 Takada English School 943-0824 上越市北城町 3-5-5 コスモスシティ内 2F Phone: 025 523 4788 Fax: 025 520 4008 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/takadaes あなたの町の英会話 We’re on the Web! www.takadaes.com 冒頭の News にもあります通り、今年 の 1 月より、当校で子供から大人のク ラスまで、幅広く授業を担当して頂いて いるパート講師の Sean 先生が今年い っぱいで、母国オーストラリアのタスマ ニアに帰国されることになりました(;_;) へのお手紙ですが、Sean 先生のレ ッスンは、年末まで、通常通り継続 いたしますので、引き続きどうぞ宜 しくお願いいたします<m(__)m> 10 年の間、ここ上越の地で、英語講師 として、またアーティストとして活躍され た Sean 先生ですが、また母国でも、ま すます活躍の場が広がることをスタッフ 一同応援しています! 上越のフリーペーパーGiftなどで、彼の アート作品に親しみのある方も多いか と思いますが、11 月の末に、Sean 先 生帰国前の最後のグループ展示会 が、東京・中目黒の『Ofr』で行われる予 定です。即売会も実施しています。ご興 味のある方は、詳細をお知らせいたし ますので、直接Sean先生にお問合せ 頂くか、受付までお気軽にお問い合わ せ下さい。 以下、ショーン先生より受講生の皆様 昨年購入した Sean 先生の オリジナル作品です。 高田イングリッシュスクール のロゴマークも入れて頂きま した❤ それにしても細か い!脱帽です。 Farewell Greetings from Sean Dear Students of Takada English School. It may come as a surprise, but in December this year, I will be retiring from TES and returning to Tasmania. Together with my wife, we will start the next chapter of our lives in Australia. It has not been an easy choice, and I will miss the friends I have made, the community I have become a part of, and you, the students, most of all. TES is a special place, and in the short time we have spent together, I have always felt like part of a family. I can say without reservation, that working here and meeting you has been such a privilege - you have motivated me to be the best teacher I can. The lessons I have learned from you in the classroom will never be forgotten. Thank you for your efforts, your patience and your generosity, so many good times, and so many good memories. In the future, when I look back on my 10 years in Japan, the last 12 months I spent at TES will be the most fondly remembered. Thank you! I wish you all the best with your English studies and hope we will have a chance to meet again - maybe in Tasmania? Yours Sincerely, Sean
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