Solar-B 観測性能と制約 Toshifumi Shimizu ISAS/JAXA [email protected] 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 1 今日話すこと Solar-B搭載望遠鏡の機器としての機能詳細 は話しません 第5回サイエンス会議(六本木)収録を見て 観測プランを考えるとき、データ量の考慮が必 要。この点を中心に議論する。 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 2 Solar-B Flight model Solar-B under system-level test (2004 Sep 15) 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 (2005 Oct 4) 3 3 high-performance telescopes Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) – High resolutional observations of magnetic and velocity fields at the photosphere EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) – Diagnostics of the coronal thermal properties and dynamics X-Ray Telescope (XRT) – High resolution imaging of the corona Coordinated observations among three telescopes 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 4 Solar-B FOV 800arcsec 360arcsec 320arcsec 512arcsec 160arcsec SOT EIS 2000arcsec Maximum size of FOV is shown here. 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 XRT 5 Solar-B data recorder and downlinks Data Recorder – 全体容量 8Gbits (1Gbytes) – うち、7Gbitsが科学データの蓄積に使用予定 – SOT/XRT/EISの3機器がシェアして使用 通常 SOT:XRT:EIS=70%(4.9Gb):15%(1.05Gb):15%(1.05Gb) 運用会議において観測内容に応じて配分を調整 すなわち、SOT:XRT:EIS=100%:0%:0% =40%:45%:15% といったことは可能 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 6 Solar-B data recorder and downlinks 1日に取得できるデータ量は? – ダウンリンク局の頻度による – Solar-B軌道:太陽同期極軌道、約95分周期 – 計画されているダウンリンク局 • USC (内之浦) 朝夕最大各2パス • Svalvard (ESA) 毎週回、一日15パス – データ量見積り • Svalvard – 1パス時間 3~11min (El. 6 ~ 90 deg) – 1日合計 138min (ある日の可視時間予測計算より) • USC – 1パス時間 5~11min – 1日合計 32min (ある日の可視時間予測計算より) • データダウンリンクレート ~4Mbps • 1日合計 40.8Gbits、うち科学データ 35.7Gbits (4.4Gbytes) 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 7 観測立案のため-取得可能データ量 1日合計科学データ 35.7Gbits (4.4Gbytes) – 標準的機器分配 SOT:XRT:EIS = 70%:15%:15% = 25.0Gbits: 5.4Gbits: 5.4Gbits データ発生レート – 一日平均的にデータを取得した時 SOT= ~300Kbps, XRT= ~60Kbps, EIS= ~60Kbps – 与えられたレコーダ容量の範囲内でバース的観測は可能 ある時間はバース的観測、残りはちょろちょろ的観測 例. SOTの場合 Possible maximum rate ~1.3 Mbps (in nominal) ~1.8 Mbps (in SOT dominant) ~50 min to occupy 4.9Gbits in data recorder The rest of the time is in idle. 注:圧縮後のデータで 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 8 観測立案のため-データ量予測 生成データ量の予測が観測計画上重要となる 観測装置としては高い分解能は可能だが…. テレメトリ上制限のため Science data can be compressed in MDP – MDP has an ASIC chip for 12bit JPEG/DPCM • Pixel data is bit-compressed from 16 bit-pixel to 12 bit; 8 look-up tables • 12bit JPEG (DCT): lossy – ~3 bits/pixel for SOT/FG data – ~1.5 bits/pixel for SOT/SP data , when compression noise is comparable to photon noise level • 12bit DPCM: lossless, 6-8 bits/pixel • Compression ratio depends on images and required quality 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 9 観測立案のため-データ量予測 FPP FG Camera simulated image, made from La Palma data 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 10 SOT Observational Capabilities - Focal Plane Instruments Package (FPP)Filter (FG) Observation A 4Kx2K CCD camera shared Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) Typical Observables Filtergram Dopplergram Narrowband Filter Imager (NFI) Long. Magnetogram Stokes IQUV Shutterd exposure Shutterless exposure Spectral (SP) Observation Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) 2005/10/31 Stokes IQUV Solar-B国内会議 11 Multi-wavelength filter observations with SOT Obtained with SVST @ La Palma H alpha CaII H Magnetic fields 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 continuum (G-band) 12 地上観測例:2005/7スペイン観測から DOT G-band 下記5台CCD同時に走らせた CaII H G-band Blue continuum H alpha Red continuum 2005/10/31 Speckle処理後のデータ 1.3K x 1K 90”x70” 30sec毎 220Kpixel/sec Solar-Bに置き換えて、 3bit/pixel圧縮 650Kbps 視野を限るか時間を落とすかバースト的観測 Solar-B国内会議 13 Observation Example To study magnetic/dynamical nature of microflareassociated small emerging fields in AR. Need telemetry ~300 Kbps continuously for a long period SP observation – – – – Fast mapping, 80” wide scanning, NS size=80”, 0.32” resolution One map completed every 15 min Data size: 229Kpixel every 3.6 sec. Telemetry: 96 Kbps with 1.5bits/pixel compression. FG observation – G-band, 3 wavelengths in Halpha, Longitudinal magnetogram, Dopplergram, repeated every ~45 sec. – 80”x80” FOV, 0.08” resolution for G-band and magnetogram, 0.16” for Halpha and Dopplergram – Data size: 3.25M pixel every 45sec – Telemetry: 222 Kbps with 3 bits/pixel compression 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 14 Observation Example (2) To study short-term magnetic evolutions of entire AR. SP observation – – – – Normal mapping, 180” wide scanning, NS size=180”, 0.16” resolution One map completed every 90 min Data size: 191Kpixel/sec. Telemetry: 290 Kbps with 1.5bits/pixel compression. FG observation – G-band, 3 wavelengths in Halpha, Longitudinal magnetogram, Dopplergram, repeated every ~ 1 min. – 160”x160” FOV, 0.16” resolution (2x2 summing) – Data size: 8.4M pixel every 60 sec – Telemetry: 420 Kbps with 3 bits/pixel compression 合計 710Kbps 300Kbpsの倍1/2観測し、1/2休み 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 15 XRTの場合 Observation controlled by observation tables: Typical Time Cadences typical data rate for XRT(1) ~ 600 k pixel / min – example 1: Continuous Observation (576 k pixel / min) • 384”×384”, 1”-resolution, 30sec-interval of a filter pair. – example 2: High-Speed Observation (576 k pixel / min) • 384”×384”, 1”-resolution, 5sec-interval of a filter pair, 10min-continuous observation and 50min intermission. – example 3: Combination of FFI and PFI (586 k pixel / min) • 384”×384”, 1”-resolution, 40sec-interval of a filter pair. • 2048”×2048”, 4”-resolution, 200sec-interval of a filter pair. (1) The total rate of 400kbps (about 15 downlink/day) is assumed. SOT, XRT and EIS usually share this data rate in the ratio of 70%, 15% and 15 %. XRT image data is 12bit/pixel and may be compressed to about 6bit/pixel by DPCM. 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 16 EIS Data Flow CCD Readout Electronics Large hardware CCD window Small spectral window (25 max) Data compression DPCM(loss less) or 12bit-JPEG 2Mbps max EIS ICU 1.3 Mbps S/C MDP control Observation table 1 slit obs. 40 slot obs. 250 slot obs. Spec.width 16 40 250 Spatial width 256 512 256 No. of lines 8 4 4 Compression 20% 20 % 20% Cadence 2 sec 5 sec 15 sec Rate 38.4 kbps 38.4 kbps 40 kbps 250 kbps max for short duration, 40 kbps average Average rate depends on number of downlink station. Telemetry data format 10 min cadence for 44 rastering 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 17 最後に、Joint観測案の一例 MO&DA Action Item: Weber, DePontieu, & Landi will create two examples of SolarB JOPs. Location: MODA website (SAO)-- 中身は良く見ていませんが、観測立案でどのようなことを考える かを知る参考になるかな。。 2005/10/31 Solar-B国内会議 18
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