Risk in Ecology and Society 生態学と社会のリスク March 20, 2012 Hiroyuki Matsuda (Yokohama Nat’l Univ) 松田裕之(横浜国立大学) 学会賞選考理由 Report from Award Committee 日本語 English 中文 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2012/ESJaward.pdf 1 Self-evaluation of my research activities 松田裕之自己評価 Mathematical models that develop… • Evolution theory before adaptive dynamics 進化理論の発展(適応動態論以前) • ecosystem approach in fisheries management 漁業管理における生態系アプローチ • Extinction risk assessment in vascular plants 維管束植物の絶滅リスク評価 • Practice in adaptive wildlife management 野生動物の順応的管理の実践 2 My academic career 私の学歴・職歴 I graduated from and got IAccording someone Japanese have changed Government recommended jobs to a professor’s Doctoral degree in of Kyoto IEmployees moved to the lab frequently. me to apply were Just to Kyushu after restricted Univ. advise, I resigned my job University. Mathematical Ecology inin getting But to move 20 years DSc., their ago I job, got Fisheries a including job notsupervisor, to sayInstitute, the next job.I1 My Ei Teramoto, Fisheries and Nippon Institute national Medical university “prevented” School from month after I became anof was a physicist, student became fisheries and where changing professors Dr. staff Kawasaki without to univ permiscoeven Assoc. Prof. inNovel Kyushu Univ. the Japanese Prize marine ecologist. worked he worked to make for >10yrs an IT there. tool. sion of employer. 割愛願 winner, Hideki Yukawa • 1985 Doctor of Science, Kyoto Univ. supervisor Ei Teramoto (Yukawa School) • 1985 Research Technician (Nippon Medical School) • 1986 Res. Assoc. (日本医科大学情報処理室) • 1989 Nat’l Res. Inst. Fisheries Sci. 中央水産研究所 • 1991 Aug.-1992 Aug. Visiting Sci., Univ. of Minnesota • 1993 Jan. 1st, Resign of Japan Fisheries Agency • I had no job for 30 days. • 1993 Feb. 1st, Assoc. Prof., Kyushu Univ. • 1996 Assoc. Prof. Ocean Res. Inst. Univ. of Tokyo • 2003 Prof. Yokohama National Univ. Please ask me how to resign job! 辞表の書き方教えます 3 私の学位論文 Doctor thesis • Dr. Yoh Iwasa 巌佐庸博士 • Application of Optimal strategy to life history 最適戦略の適用 • Prof. Ei Teramoto 寺本英教授 • Life is not optimal. 生物はいい加減 に生きている • Describe evolution by dynamic models力学モデルで進化を記述 • “Evolutionarily stable strategies for predator switching” Our supervisor, Ei Yoh is 5 yrs older than me. Teramoto, Second, I modeled disliked He is outstanding and did “optimality”. dynamical systems that elegant research using He just said describe evolution to me, optimal theory in life “Yoroshii (almost (invasion plots). good)”. I history strategy. First I misunderstood Ei said, “very good”. this is followed his approach. encouragement. 4 found that condition of IIIPeter simply compared realized, reviewed paradigm previous shift Just before I visited Peter ESS is all negative diagonal condition between Nash Mr. Harada, related must pay studies. many 2 yrseffort I agreed yonger and he Abrams, he disagreed. But elements of the Jacobian solution inin game theory than is be the tolerant me, top author. against ouratlab But many our when I arrived matrix, this is neither and dynamic stability, using explained paper bashings. wasBut us rejected to now, detail this >4 of Minnesota, he said, “you necessary nor sufficient an “evolutionary dynamic quantitative times. paper isPeter one said, genetic ofmistake.” most he’d model. cited taught me my condition of dynamical model” never experienced papers by me and Peter. it. stability x g x y 0 2F 2 x 2G xy Evolutionarily Stable Convergence Stable Evolutionarily unstable fitness maxima 進化的に不安定な適応度最大点 Abrams, Matsuda, Harada (1992) Evol. Ecol. 0 F ( x, y) / x g y G( y, x) / y 2F xy a b 2G c d y 2 * a 0 * d 0 ad 0 ad bc 0 • I pointed out ESS is neither necessary nor sufficient condition of dynamical stability. • Harada first understood Roughgarden’s (Iwasa’s) quantitative genetic model. • Abrams reviewed our historical status (referred to convergence stability) • Our paper was rejected 5 times! Quickly accepted paper is not really new. A new paradigm is often criticized. 5 寺本Teramoto 寺 本 研 川崎Kawasaki Goel 高田Takada 原田Harada 東Higashi 巌佐Iwasa 難波Namba Teramoto Lab. 梯Kakehashi 鈴木Suzuki 重定Shigesada 6 Thanks to many co-authors 恵まれた共著者に感謝 I may be characterized by many coauthors but ave. no. of coauthors is 3.5/article. I changed my research field and many people helped me. 20: Abrams PA and I wrote 20 articles together. Supervisors 8: Kar TK, Kotani小谷浩示, Kaji梶光一, Lab colleagues 6: Katsukawa勝川俊雄, Makino牧野光琢, Students/Postdocs 5: Hori堀道雄, Matsumiya松宮義晴, Saitoh齊藤隆, Uno宇野裕之, 4: Amemiya雨宮隆, Hirakawa平川浩文, Kakinaka柿中, Rossberg AG, Iwasaki岩崎雄一, Kagaya加賀谷隆, 3: Asano浅野謙二, Harada原田泰志, Itoh伊藤公紀, Iwasa巌佐庸, Takenaka竹中靖人, Takeuchi竹内康博, Tamada玉田克己, Yahara矢原徹一, Yamamura山村光司 2: Fukase深瀬, Kishida岸田達, Kurumada車田, Mitani三谷勇, Mori森光代, Morita森田健太郎, Nakajima中嶋美冬, Namba難波利幸, Sakurai桜井泰 憲, Seno瀬野裕美, Shimada嶋田正和 Uozumi魚住雄二, Wada和田時夫, Katsukawa勝川木綿 No. coauthors=107 1: 67 coauthors 7 Nominal no.=238 Key scientists who led me new worlds 私を新たな世界に導いた方々 • Ei Teramoto, Nanako Shigesada, Toshiyuki Namba encouraged dynamic theory 寺本英・ 重定南奈子・難波利幸=力学的世界観 • I thank Peter Abrams! • N. Yamamura 山村則男 connected me with M. Hori 堀道雄 – Fish laterality dimorphism and foodweb structure • • • • Y. Matsumiya 松宮義晴 led me Fisheries Y. Tsukio月尾嘉男 led me Aichi EXPO and local schools月尾塾 T. Yahara矢原徹一invited me Red-list & Env. Impact Assess. K. Kaji 梶光一 invited me Wildlife management & Shiretoko world heritage. • J. Nakanishi 中西準子 invited me Risk Science • T. Sato 佐藤哲 invited me WWF and 地域環境学 8 Basic Science & Applied Science • BS基礎科学 = seek new, counterintuitive theorem 誰も信じないような新たな定理を見つける • AS応用科学 = Seek feasible solutions even not new. 奇をてらわず現場に役立つ解を見つける • 目から鱗を落とす>煙に巻く Eye opening (Seek simplicity, but distrust it). > Seek complexity, and trust it. • 科学者は慎重になれ。Scientists should commit only if it is definitely better than silence because environmental science is still immature and the “best” solution depends on stakeholders. 9 IOne haveofareaction Jpn & Eng is by blogs, just use my past emails. Rosenzweig, Editor of I sent EER. newmade He year “citizen’s message page” to 700in in Jpn & EER web 80 site, people thein1stEng every year. message is mine. 公開書簡, Open Emails and 年頭挨拶(NY message) to 700 Jpn+80 Eng … • These help me to link with international scientists and policy makers 公開書簡を通じて世界に訴える 10
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