Civil Justice Research Project PROJECT LEADER PROFESSOR MASAYUKI MURAYAMA CHIBA UNIVERSITY The Outline of the Project 司法 1.National Survey with Questionnaire 2.Purpose:To Collect Empirical Data Indispensable for the Judicial Reform 3.Questions: We would like to know ① What kind of legal problems the citizens have ② How those problems develop into legal disputes ③ How and why disputants bring their cases to the court 4.Focus of the Research:Individual Behavior A. What variables influence citizens’ decisions on ① claiming ② the contact with ADR agencies ③ litigation B. Variables ① Dependant variable: disputants’ behavior ② Independent variables a. Personal attributes – age, gender, income, education, occupation, etc. b. The nature of the problem and dispute c. Legal and social consciousness d. Past experiences of a dispute, the use of a lawyer, litigation, etc. CIVIL JUSTICE RESEARCH PROJECT Legal Consciousness Age Gender Social Consciousness ●DISPUTE ●USE OF LAW Income Education Social Strata ●LITIGATION Value Attitudes Dispute Experience Legal Knowledge Connection CIVIL JUSTICE RESEARCH PROJECT Disputing Behavior Social Value Attitudes Legal Consciousness Experience of a Problem Thematization of Law 動 Dispute Negotiation (Use of Law) (Seeking Advice) Trust in the Judicial System Giving Up CIVIL JUSTICE RESEARCH PROJECT The Use of the Law (Disputing Behavior) (Consultation with the Third Party) Negotiation with the Other Party Giving Up (Litigation Behavior) Social Strata Lawyer Judicial Scrivener ADR Agencies Advice Agencies The Use of the Law CIVIL JUSTICE RESEARCH PROJECT (The Use of the Law) Litigation Behavior Negotiation with the Other Party Settlement Litigating Behavior Judgment Gender Litigation Giving Up Conciliation ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROJECT(1) 法化社会における紛争処理と民事司法 Coordination Board Chair:Masayuki Murayama, Professor, Chiba University (General Secretary, Japanese Association of Sociology of Law) Yoshiyuki Matsumura, Professor, Hokkaido University (Chair, International Committee, JASL) Shozo Ota, Professor, University of Tokyo (Chair, Public Relations Committee, JASL) Yoshitaka Wada, Professor, Kyushu University (Chair, Program Committee, JASL) [The others are also JASL board members] Evaluators Shigeaki Tanaka, Professor, Kyoto University Makoto Ito, Professor, University of Tokyo Kazuo Seiyama, Professor, University of Tokyo International Support Members H. M. Kritzer (Professor, U. Wisconsin) H. Genn (Professor, U. London) ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROJECT(2) 法化社会における紛争処理と民事司法 Research Groups A01 Disputing Behavior:Legal Consciousness Yoshiyuki Matsumura(Hokkaido Univ.)─Katsumi Yoshida(Hokkaido Univ.) Ichiro Ozaki(Hokkaido Univ.) Manako Kinoshita(Kagawa Univ.) Akira Fujimoto(Kassui Women’s College) A02 Disputing Behavior:Process of the Thematization of Law Masayuki Murayama(Chiba Univ.) ─Takaaki Ogata(Chiba University) Satoshi Minamikata(Niigata Univ.) Keiichi Ageishi(Niigata University) Ryo Hamano(Rikkyo University) 法化社会における紛争処理と民事司法 ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROJECT(2) - Continued RESEARCH GROUPS B01 The Use of Law: ADR by Administrative and Private Agencies Shiro Kashimura(Kobe Univ.)── Ken-ichi Baba(Kobe University) Hiroshi Takahashi(Kobe Univ.) Masaki Abe (Osaka City Univ.) Iwao Sato(University of Tokyo) Yoshiki Kumizawa(Waseda Univ.) B02 The Use of Law: Legal Service by Law Professionals Yoshitaka Wada(Kyushu Univ.)──Atsushi Bushimata(Fukuoka Univ.) Tsuneo Niki(Kurume Univ.) C01 Disputing Behaviours Daniel Foote (Univ. of Tokyo)── Shozo Ota(Univ. of Tokyo) Shusuke Kakiuchi(Univ. of Tokyo) Yuriko Kaminaga(Senshu Univ.) Yasuhiro Wada(Osaka Women’s College) Akira Moriya(Kanseigakuin Univ.) The Schedule of the Research (2003 to 2008) Dispute Behavior Survey Use of Law Behavior Survey Litigation Behavior Survey 2003 Deciding Research Design, the Structure of Questionnaire Individual and Group Interviews Pre-Test First Pre-Test 2004 Document Research Analyzing Results of First Pre-Test Interview of Litigants And Attorneys Second Pre-Test Analyzing Results of Second Pre-Test 2005 First Main Survey Second Main Survey International Meeting First Main Survey Main Survey - Document Research The Schedule of the Research (2003 to 2008) [continued] Dispute Behavior Survey Use of Law Behavior Survey Litigation Behavior Survey Second Main Survey - Interview of Law Users Main Survey -Interview of Litigants and Attorneys 2006 Analyzing Survey Data 2007 Analyzing Survey Data Analyzing Survey Data International Symposium on Civil Justice Research 2008 (Preparation for Publication) Presenting Research Findings at International Meetings 司法 The Method and Budget of the Project 1.Research Method: Interview with Random National Samples 2. Disputing Behavior ① The First Stage:Interview of 18,000 individuals ② The Second Stage: Interview of 3,000 Individuals 3. The Use of Law ① Mail Questionnaire: 150,000 individuals ② Interview: 3,000 individuals 4. Litigation Behavior ① Case Sampling:1,500 cases ② Interview:4,000 individuals and lawyers in total 5. Budget \ 480,000,000 for 6 years Academic Purposes 司法 1.To Obtain the Reliable National Data on Disputing Behaviors ① Rough Estimates of the Number of Civil Disputes in the Society ② How and To What Extent Disputing Parties use ADR agencies ③ How Litigants and their Lawyers Behave in Litigation ④ How Disputing Behaviors Are Related with Institutional, Social and Cultural Variables 2.Differences from Previous Studies ① Previous Japanese Studies: Focused on Legal Consciousness and Social Attitudes Independently, but never looked at the Behaviors. ② Previous Foreign Studies: A. Did not really research on the relationship between cultural variables and behaviors B. Rarely study the intermediate stage between the emergence of a dispute and going to the lawyer or the court 3.To Facilitate Empirical Studies of the Sociology of Law ① Give research experiences to graduate students and young researchers so that they will be able to conduct empirical research by themselves ② Recruit sociologists, social psychologists and statisticians to open up the field of Sociology of Law so far only open to researchers with the legal background ③ The data will be kept in an archive so that other researchers can use the data Social Purposes 司法 1. To Obtain Data Indispensable for Judicial Reform: We have to know ① how disputes are handled and resolved out of the courts ② what kind of disputes are eventually selected to reach the court and why ③ What kind of information and support disputants need to assert their rights Because we are concerned with the quality of dispute resolution out of the court and the possibility that institutional factors of the court discourage disputants to come to the court. 2.To Facilitate the Sociology of Law to Perform Its Proper Role in PolicyMaking ① This research project will be a good start for the Japanese Sociology of Law to develop itself to be a social science which can regularly perform an important role in policy-making for the legal system ② We hope to organize in future a group of social scientists, including sociologists, political scientists, psychologists and others, which are specialized in the policy-making for the legal system
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