Language and Persuasion PPT

Language and Persuasion
Philip K. Dick, “The basic tool for the manipulation of
reality is the manipulation of words.”
Richard Moore, “Language is a field of battle, the
media is the artillery, and vocabulary is the
Language and credibility
– “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children
– "They misunderestimated me." (Bentonville,
Ark., Nov. 6, 2000)
– "...more and more of our imports are coming
from overseas.“ (reported in Slate, Sept. 25,
– "Recession means that people's incomes, at the
employer level, are going down, basically,
relative to costs, people are getting laid off."—
Washington, D.C., Feb. 19, 2004
– "There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know
it's in Texas, it's probably in Tennessee --that
says, fool me once, shame on ... shame on you.
Fool me ... You can't get fooled again.“
(Baltimore Sun, Oct 6, 2002)
– "Families is where our nation finds hope, where
wings take
dream." (LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000)
Language and credibility-continued
Language choices
affect source
– Senator George Allen
referred to a man of
Indian descent as a
“macaca,” a racial slur
Misspellings and
grammatical errors can
reduce credibility
– in resumes or emails
– In everyday interaction
– example: “Me and her
been to that movie.” “I
seen that movie too.”
Language expectancy theory
Burgoon & Siegel (2004):
people have expectations
about what they consider to be
normal, acceptable language
use in various situations.
When a persuader violates an
audience’s expectations, the
violation may be viewed positively
or negatively.
– Depending on the source’s
– Depending on the sources
reward power
Green labeling
Environmentally friendly labels vie
for consumers’ attention
– Dolphin-safe tuna (fish nets that don’t
kill dolphins)
– “Fair Trade” coffee label (ensures poor
coffee growers receive a fair price)
– “Sweatshop free” clothing
– “Free Farmed” label (humane
treatment of dairy cows and animals
slaughtered for meat)
– “Green” products (earth friendly goods
and services)
– Environmentally friendly companies
Roberts (2008) more than 90% of green
labeling is misleading
– more than 50 percent of eco-labels on the
shelves today promote some type of narrow
eco-friendly attribute, such as recycled parts
or content. However, they neglect to refer to
inherent environmental drawbacks like
manufacturing intensity.
– Example: Tyson Chicken promotes its
chicken as "all natural," even though the
company treats chickens with antibiotics
– Example: Kraft's Post Selects Cereals, touts
that its cereals have "natural ingredients"
when, in fact, the corn in the cereal is
genetically engineered
Beware of labels
“Healthy,” “nutritional”
– A study of 30 nutrition bars
(protein bars, meal replacement
bars, diet bars or energy bars)
found that 60% did not live up to
their labels.
– 15 of the bars had more
carbohydrates than claimed.
Some had sodium and saturated
fat levels that were 2- to 3-times
greater than the labels stated.
– This term doesn’t mean anything.
The FDA has no regulations
governing the use of the term
“natural” on foods. It is simply a
“buzz” word consumers like to
– 68 percent of Americans said they
thought “organic” foods were safer
to eat or healthier than foods
without such a label.
– In a recent interview on ABC News'
20/20, Organic Trade Association
director Katherine DiMatteo
reiterated that organic products are
not safer or more nutritious than
other foods.
The Power of Naming
People reconstruct reality through
language: Kenneth Burke, “humans are
symbol using, symbol misusing, symbol
making animals.”
The symbol is not the thing: symbols are
arbitrary, but people don’t always realize
– example: living in the “909” versus “90210” or
the “O.C.”
The ability to name something defines
reality, shapes perceptions, confers power
– example: terms for African-Americans
– example: “undocumented worker” versus “illegal
immigrant” or illegal alien”
– example: “evil-doer,” “terrorist” versus “freedom
fighter” or “martyr”
– example “Clear Skies Initiative” (which
weakened EPA regulations)
Politics and language
Bush morphs the meaning of WMD in Iraq
– August 2002: Weapons of mass destruction
– June 2003: Weapons of mass destruction
– October 2003: Weapons of mass destructionrelated programs.
– January 2004: Weapons of mass destructionrelated program activities.
“Already, the Kay Report identified dozens of
weapons of mass destruction-related program
activities." State of the Union Address, January 20,
More on the power of naming...
Richard Weaver, “language is sermonic”
– god terms: freedom, family values,
progress, balanced budget
– devil terms: deadbeat dad, ethnic
cleansing, gang member, sweatshop,
sexual harassment
– charismatic terms: freedom,
democracy, critical thinking,
empowerment, “thinking outside the box”
Terms may evolve and change over time
– “political correctness,” “affirmative action”
The power of renaming
“progressive” versus “liberal”
“troop reduction” versus “cut
and run”
“peer-to-peer file-sharing”
instead of “music piracy”
“pre-owned” instead of “used”
“physically challenged,”
“handicapable” “differently
Womyn instead of woman
“in the event of a water
The power of renaming
March 23, 2009
The massive insurance
operation will
henceforth be known as
AIU Holdings, Ltd., a
process that began this
past weekend with the
removal of the large,
front-end AIG sign from
the its Manhattan office.
What’s in a name?
Naming prescription drugs
– branding companies typically earn
between $50,000 and $250,000 for
coming up with a desirable name for a
new drug. But depending upon the
scope of the project, the price tag can
reach into the millions of dollars.
Viagra, Levitra
Language and Subculture
Language can serve as a passport into a subculture
– example: drug culture “4:20” or “chronic” (for marijuana),
“Jones” (for a habit)
Language can be used to show solidarity,
– example: gay rights movement “We’re queer, we’re here!”
referring to heterosexuals as “breeders”
Herbert Marcuse’s theory of “desublimation”: the
larger society tends to appropriate symbols from
– example: appropriating rap, hip-hop culture (keeping it real,
Double-Speak & Euphemisms
double-speak: ambiguous or evasive
– example: Clinton’s answer during his taped deposition
about the definition of “sexual relations” or the word “is.”
euphemisms: substituting inoffensive
terms for offensive ones
gaming (versus gambling)
commercial sex worker (for prostitute)
collateral damage (for civilian casualties)
down-sizing, right-sizing, bright-sizing (for layoffs)
aggressive interrogation techniques or tension positions
(for torture)
language dichotomies for people
with disabilities
People with disabilities are
often labeled with heroic
– brave
– courageous
– inspirational
People with disabilities are
often labeled with pitiable
– helpless
– imprisoned
– suffering
However, people with disabilities are simply people, not
necessarily heroic or pathetic
Put the person first, e.g., “a student who is hearing impaired,”
versus “a hearing impaired student”
powerful Vs. powerless
Powerless language tends to reduce
hesitations: “well,” “um,” “uh”
hedges: “kind of,” “sort of,” “I guess”
intensifiers: “really,” “very”
polite forms: “If you wouldn’t mind…” “Could I
please get you to…”
– tag questions: “...don’t you think?” “…isn’t it?”
– disclaimers: “This may sound dumb, but…”
“You’ll probably think I’m crazy, but…”
– exception: Bradac & Mulac (1984) found polite
forms increased persuasiveness (e.g., being
– exception: cross-gender effect: Carli (1990)
found females were more persuasive with men
when they used powerless speech, but more
persuasive with women when they used
powerful speech. (a result of male