Zolo version for piano accordion jukka tiensuu 2002 M =ROR YHUVLRQIRUSLDQRDFFRUGLRQ 7HPSRJLXVWR $SSDVVLRQDWR 0 %6VHPSUH 3DXVHHVDWWH [ -XNND7LHQVXX L I QRQGLP 1 M 1 QRQ%6 1 0 [ X [ 0EHOORZVVWD\RSHQ %6 L X [ E QRQ%6 0 K [ 1 E 0 1 [[ ] %6 0 XX ] W UDOOSDS ] [[ 1 QRQ%6 DFFHOPROWR 0ROWROHQWR WUHPRORUDOOQRQWUHP X X X X H YLEUDFFHO E 1 0 QRQ%6 ULFRFKHW TXDVLFKURPDWLFJOLVV ULFRFKHW D DGOLESRFKLVVUDOO YD E YD %6VHPSUHQRWHWUHPROR GROFH OHJDWLVVLPRVHPSUH ED XX X L M %6 YD %6 IUHH]H E YD D DGOLESRFKLVVSLXOHQWR TXDVLFKURPDWLFJOLVV ULFRFKHW j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jukka tiensuu 2002 Zolo version for piano accordion Performance note: There are two versions of Zolo: one for button accordion, the other one for piano accordion. The version for piano accordion was made on the iniatitive and with the kind help of Margit Kern. Notation: In combined registers, the lowest sounding pitch is notated. A single 8' is always cassotto. A bend of either a quarter-tone (bars 94, 102) or 3/8-tone (bars 18, 25, 30-31, 46, 69, 70). A traditional (quasi) chromatic glissando. These traditional glissandi are never played with B.S. (But see about bars 34-35, 56-57 below). A quarter-tone higher/lower than the written note. All accidentals are valid till the end of the bar. An eight-tone higher/lower than the written note. All accidentals are valid till the end of the bar. Start and end marks of a way of playing, where the keys are pressed down before the bellows are activated. When a chord is repeated, the keys are kept down and the rhythm is produced by the bellows shake, only. This is also meant by "(B.S.)". However, it is possible to use occasionally "normal" bellows shake to give more impetus to the accentuated notes. Note that all tremoli (B.S.) are measured 1/32-notes. (But see about bars 29 and 45 below). o dal niente/start from nothing o al niente/let sound die (the last notes need not be heard by the audience) > All accents should be exaggerated. bars 13, 21 and similar: in left hand the small cluster grows wider and gets narrow again. bars 29, 45: tremolo unit lenghtens gradually from 1/32-note to 1/8 note. bars 34, 56 suggested realisation: with a rotational movement quickly glide through (quasi) chromatic scale during the ricochet. Let tones overlap. bars 38-, 57-, 86- if rall. is done, the tempo must not go below MM. 63
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