Jo li e t P u b li c S c h o o ls - D i s t ri c t 8 6 GOMPERS JUNIOR HIGH Volum e 1 , Is sue 7 Apri l, 20 15 DISTRICT INFORMATION INSIDE THIS ISSUE: District Info 1-2 6,7,8 Social Science 3 Children for Peace Fine Arts Festival April 29, 2015 7:00 p.m. Rialto Square Theatre $3.00 tickets available at the Rialto Theatre Performances by the District 86 All City Band, All City Choir, All City Jazz Band, All City Orchestra and Children for Peace Glee Club. Every Child Every Chance Every Day Gompers Administration Mrs. Constance Russell — Principal Mr. Tony Villagomez — Asst. Principal Mr. Sam Tharnish — 6th Grade Advisor Mr. Pete Kolinski — 7th Grade Advisor Mr. Christopher Suffecool —8th Grade Advisor Office Staff Mrs. Williams Ms. Vollmer Ms. Bibian Ms. Hagner Festival de Arte Children for Peace 29 de abril 2015 7:00 p.m. Rialto Square Theatre Boletos de $3.00 disponibles en el Teatro Rialto Actuaciones de District 86 All City Band, All City Choir, All City Jazz Band, All City Orchestra and Children for Peace Glee Club. P age 2 Gompers Junior High DISTRICT INFORMATION Conratulations to 6th grader Magdelena Silva! DISTRICT 86 COMMUNITY FAMILY FAIR Joliet Public Schools District 86 will host a Community Family Fair on Saturday, May 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Lynne Thigpen Elementary School, 207 S. Midland Avenue. Activities will include District 86 2015-2016 student registration, community displays, presentations, entertainment, and concesMagdelena’s Author story, Nunu the740-3196. Clown, has sions. AdmissionYoung is free. For more information, call (815) been chosen to be read at the Joliet Family Reading DISTRITO 86 FERIA COMUNITARIA FAMILIAR Night on May 14, Las Escuelas Públicas de 2009. Joliet Distrito 86 será el anfitrión de la Feria Comunitaria Familiar el sábado, 16 de mayo de 11:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. en la escuela primaria Lynne Thigpen, 207 S. Midland Avenue. Las actividades incluirán registro de los alumnos del Distrito 86 para el 2015-2016, exhibiciones de la comunidad, presentaciones, entretenimiento y concesiones. La admisión es gratis. Para obtener más información, llame al (815) 740-3196. 2015-2016 Student Registration Online student pre-registration is now available. We encourage you to pre-register your children for the 2015-2016 school year by visiting our website and clicking on 2015-2016 Student Registration. In order to utilize the online pre-registration process, you must have a District 86 Parent Portal account. If you need to create a Parent Portal account, please stop by our school office. Online pre-registration is currently only available in English, however, a Spanish language guide will be provided online to assist parents to complete the online pre-registration process. For those who are unable to complete the online pre-registration process, blank registration forms in both English and Spanish are available on the website. Pre-registering your children online will save you a lot of time. Once you submit the online preregistration forms, you must stop by our school office and bring your proofs of residency between the hours of 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, between April 8 and June 3. Registration is completed at our school when you bring your proofs of residency. For detailed instructions, click on the 2015-2016 Student Registration banner on the District 86 website, Registración Escolar 2015-2016 El pre-registro estudiantil está disponible en el internet. Le animamos a preinscribir a sus hijos para el año escolar 2015-2016, visite nuestro sitio web y haga clic en “2015-2016 Student Registration.” Para utilizar el proceso de pre-registro en internet necesita una cuenta de Padres para el Portal del Distrito 86. Si necesita crear una cuenta para el Portal, por favor pase por nuestra oficina escolar. El pre-registro en internet solo está disponible en inglés, sin embargo, un guía en español se proporcionará para ayudar a los padres a completar el proceso de preinscripción. Para aquellos que no pueden completar el proceso de preinscripción en internet, los formularios de inscripción en blanco, tanto en inglés como en español estarán disponibles en el sitio web. El pre-registro de sus hijos en internet le ahorrara mucho tiempo. Una vez que envié los formularios de preinscripción por el internet, usted tiene que ir a la oficina de la escuela y llevar sus pruebas de residencia entre las horas de 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. de lunes a viernes, entre el 8 de abril al 3 de junio. El registro se completa en nuestra escuela cuando usted proporcione sus pruebas de residencia. Para instrucciones detalladas, haga clic en el “2015-2016 Student Registration” en el sitio web del Distrito 86: P age 32 Gompers Junior High GOMPERS—SOCIAL SCIENCE Conratulations to 6th grader Magdelena Silva! The direction of the sixth grade Social Studies curriculum has recently changed 6th Grade Science Magdelena’s Young Author story, the Clown, hastaking the Constitution within District 86. Starting this year, ALLNunu sixth graders will be been toitbe the during Joliet Family Reading test. Inchosen the past, hasread beenattaken the seventh grade year. We ask that you Night on May 14, 2009. please help your sixth grade student study for the test. This test has been broken into six “mini” tests to allow the students to focus on each part of the Constitution at a time, as to not overwhelm them with one big test. As a whole, the sixth graders have already completed the Preamble and the Legislative Branch portion of the Constitution test. After spring break, your student will be studying the Executive & Judicial Branches of the government, as well as the Bill of Rights and the remaining Amendments to the Constitution. Please feel free to ask your student about what they are learning. In addition, please allow them time to study and use the internet to help them practice. 7th Grade Science What is the Preamble? Your 7th grade sons and daughters should be able to explain to anyone details of the U.S. Constitution including the Preamble. We have been studying the entire U.S. Constitution including all the Articles and Amendments. Students are or have taken the state required U.S. Constitution tests. These tests must be "passed" in order for any 7th grade student to be promoted to 8th grade. Ask your child how they are doing! Upon completion of the constitution units, we will be studying the events leading up to and occurring during the Civil War. The year concludes with the events surrounding the assassination of President Lincoln. 8th Grade Science The eights grade team is studying the Illinois Constitution. The students will complete state required test. When students complete the constitution we will move on to Cold War/Current Events.
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