St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church 31020 Cole Grade Rd, Valley Center, CA 92082 760-749-3324 - Fax: 760-749-6684 - Rev. Elmer Mandac, Pastor Deacons: Charles “Chuck” Embury: Gilbert “Gil” Salinas: 760-751-4025 760-749-2820 Parish Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Horas de la Parroquia 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Mass Schedule: Saturday Anticipatory:............................................................ 5:30 PM Sunday: .................................................................7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Sunday: ................................................................................ 11:00 AM Monday:................................................................................ 12:15 PM Tuesday & Wednesday: ......................................................... 8:45 AM Thursday (Communion Service):........................................... 8:45 AM Friday: .................................................................................... 5:30 PM Holy Day Mass Schedule: ............................................ As Announced Horario de la Misa: Sabado Anticipatorio:........................................................... 5:30 PM Domingo: ...........................................................7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Domingo: .......................................................................... 11:00 AM Lunes:................................................................................. 12:15 PM Martes & Miercoles:............................................................ 8:45 AM Jueves: (Servicio de Comunion) .......................................... 8:45AM Viernes: ............................................................................... 5:30 PM Dias Santos:.................................................................. (Anunciados) Sacrament of Penance: Friday: 6:00 PM or by appointment Baptism: Please contact our Parish Office 4 months prior to date Marriage: Contact pastor 9 months prior to desired date Sacramento de Penitencia: Viernes: 6:00 PM o con cita Bautizos: Haga Contacto a la oficina 4 meses antes de la fecha Matrimonio: Haga contacto con el Sacerdote 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD): 760-749-3352 Ellen MacPhee: Catechetical Program coordinator Saturday: Spanish: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wednesday: English: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Jr. & High School Youth: Monday: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Confirmation Preparation: Ellen MacPhee: 760-749-3352 Confraternidad de la Doctrina Cristiana (CCD) 760-749-3352 Ellen MacPhee: Coordinadora de Programa Catechetico Sabado: Español: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Miercoles: Ingles: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Grupo de Joveness: Lunes: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Preparación de Confirmación: Ellen MacPhee: 760-749-3352 Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Contact our Deacons: Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos: Llamen a los Diáconos: Scripture Study: Ellen MacPhee: ............ 760-749-3352 Environment Team: ...................................... 760-751-7357 Knights of Columbus: Vito Palermo: ............... 760-277-2283 Women’s Guild: Marianne Stone ............ 760-742-1201 Bereavement: Penny Blazej................. 760-685-3403 Funeral Director: Mary Elaine Gustafson . 760-751-1130 Natural Family Planning: John & Cynthia Tobin: . 760-715-2274 Culture of Life: Mark & Laura Ginella: ..760-751-0301 Christian Family Movement: Dagmar Hoffmann:....... 760-749-9154 Single Parent Ministry: Dagmar Hoffmann: …...760-504-2693 Prayer Quilts Coordinator: Sharon Martineau ......... 760-749-0188 SCRIP Program: Pat Bierle:..................... 760-749-2182 St. Vincent de Paul: Chuck Clayton:............. 760-638-1300 (Pantry open for distribution): Saturday: .............8:30 AM-10:30 AM . Thrift Store: Kathy Eckert................. 760-749-1965 Monday………………………………..9:00 AM-1:00PM Wednesday - Friday:…………. ........ 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Saturday:……….. .............................8:30 AM-11:00 AM Sunday: ………... 10:15 AM-11:00 AM & 12 PM-1 PM Renewal Ministry: Victor Lopez: ............... 760-520-3274 Alfredo Cruz................. 760-638-1453 Estudio de Escrituras: Ambiente: Caballeros de Colón: Gremio de Mujeres: Desconsuelo: Ellen MacPhee: ........ 760-749-3352 Monica Jauregui....... 760-415-0076 Vito Palermo:........... 760-277-2283 Marianne Stone ........ 760-742-1201 Penny Blazej .............760-685-3403 Planificación Familiar Natural: John & Cynthia Tobin:760-715-2274 Cultura de Vida: Mark & Laura Ginella: 760-751-0301 Movimiento Familias Cristianas: Dagmar Hoffmann: .. 760-749-9154 Ministerio Monoparentales Maria Cavaliere: ...…760-508-5496 Coorinador de Colcha de Rezo: Sharon Martineau..... 760-749-0188 Programa SCRIP: Pat Bierle: ................ 760-749-2182 San Vicente de Pablo: Chuck Clayton: ........ 760-638-1300 (distribución de comida): Sabado: ...........8:30 AM-10:30 AM Tienda Barata: Kathy Eckert…….….760-749-1965 Lunes…………………..…..9:00 AM-1:00 PM Miercoles - Viernes: ......... 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Sabado:….….. ..................8:30 AM-11:00 AM Domingo:.. 10:15 AM-11:00 AM y 12 PM-1 PM Ministerio de Renovacion: Victor Lopez ............ 760-520-3274 Alfredo Cruz ............ 760-638-1453 ST. STEPHEN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH / IGLESIA We extend our hands and hearts in Christian friendship to you whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish If you are not registered, have moved or have other needs, please fill out this form and place in the collection basket or mail to the Parish Office. We will send all new parishioners a census form. Name/Nombre: Address/Domicilio: City/Ciudad: Zip/Código: Telephone/ Telefono: Cell/Celular: New parishioner / Soy nuevo en la parroquia I have changed my phone number / He cambiado numero de teléfono I am moving please remove my name from parish list/Me he mudado favor de quitar mi nombre de la lista parroquial Please send contribution envelopes / Por favor de enviar sobres de ofertorio I have a new address / Tengo domicilio nuevo The Ascension of our Lord May 17, 2015 Pastor’s Corner Feast of the Ascencion On the Feast of the Ascension, the Church does not merely commemorate a historical event in the life of Jesus Christ. On this day, the Church celebrates Jesus Christ's physical departure from the world and His glorification with God the Father. Ascension falls on the fortieth day after the Resurrection. Why did Jesus leave His disciples forty days after His resurrection? Forty is a significant number in the scriptures. Moses went to the mountain to seek the face of God for forty days in prayer and fasting. The people of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years in preparation for their entry into the Promise Land. Elijah fasted for forty days as he journeyed in the wilderness to the mountain of God. For forty days after His resurrection Jesus appeared numerous times to His disciples to assure them that He had risen indeed and to prepare them for the task of carrying on the work which He began during His ministry on earth. Jesus’ departure and ascension was both an end and a beginning for His disciples. While it was the end of Jesus’ physical presence with His beloved disciples, it marked the beginning of Jesus’ presence with them in a new way. Jesus promised that He would be with them always to the end of time (Mt. 28:20). Now as the glorified and risen Lord and Savior, ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven, Jesus promised to send them the Holy Spirit who would anoint them with power on the Feast of Pentecost, just as Jesus was anointed for His ministry at the River Jordan. When the Lord Jesus departed physically from the apostles, they were not left in sorrow or grief. Instead, they were filled with joy and with great anticipation for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ last words to His apostles point to His saving mission and to their mission to be witnesses of His saving death and His glorious resurrection and to proclaim the good news of salvation to all the world. Their task is to proclaim the gospel – the good news of salvation – not only to the people of Israel, but to all the nations as well. God’s love and gift of salvation is not reserved for a few or for one nation alone, but it is for the whole world – for all who will accept it. The gospel is the power of God, the power to release people from their burden of guilt, sin, and oppression, and the power to heal, restore, and make us whole. This is the great commission which the risen Christ gives to the whole church. All believers have been given a share in this task – to be heralds of the good news and ambassadors for Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world. We have not been left alone in this task, for the risen Lord works in and through us by the power of His Holy Spirit. Today we witness a new Pentecost as the Lord pours out His Holy Spirit upon His people to renew and strengthen the Body of Christ and to equip it for effective ministry and mission world-wide. Points to Ponder: Do you believe in the power of the gospel? Do you witness to others the joy the gospel and the hope of the resurrection? Prayer: Lord Jesus, through the gift of your Holy Spirit, you fill us with an indomitable spirit of praise and joy which no earthly trial can subdue. Fill me with your resurrection joy and help me to live a life of praise and thanksgiving for your glory. May I witness to those around me the joy of the gospel and the reality of your resurrection. Amen. ( God Bless! Fr. Elmer Pray for our Priests May 2015 May 17 May 18 Rev. Rev. Msgr. Neal Wilkinson, SJ John Wright May 19 Rev. Abbott Charles Wright, OSB May 20 Rev. Eduardo Zarate- Suarez May 21 Rev. Edmund Afagbegee, SVD May 22 Rev. Lawrence Agi May 23 Rev. Patrick Ahern Serra Daily Prayer for priestly and religious vocations: Jesus, Lord of the harvest, Look with love on this portion of your vineyard. Bless the Diocese of San Diego with more priests to shepherd your people, Priests with hearts like your own. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us. Pray for Priests and Vocations “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) When we pray for vocations for the priesthood, diaconate and religious, we actually pray for ourselves, since holy priests, deacons and religious should result in a holier people. When we pray for these servants of Christ, we also win the favor of Christ, for we, in so praying, are furthering His work. By praying for vocations we are helping our children and our children's children because we are using a meritorious means of preserving our faith for them. “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP F A I T H F St. Stephen’s Middle School Youth Group is for youth in grades 6, 7 & 8 and meets on Monday nights from 7:008:30 pm in the parish hall. As a Catholic Community, we have the opportunity to give our Middle School youth the EDGE they need in life: Jesus, The Word, The Eucharist, and the Church! The last “official” Middle School of the year will be Monday May 18th! BUT, we plan on having activities for Middle School throughout the summer! Stay tuned for more info! O R M A T I O N C O R N E R Leadership Training Series: Sunday July 12th & July 19th10:00am-1:00pm All ministries at St. Stephen’s are growing and we need YOU! Especially our MS & HS Youth Ministry! Might God be calling you to use your gifts, but you lack the confidence to step up and volunteer?? This 2 part series will empower you to become the leader God is calling you to be! Open to all parishioners including High School Youth who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. AND all those already involved in parish ministry! Join us July 12th & July 19th from 10:00 am-1:00 pm in the parish hall. SAVE THE DATE! Family Day of Renewal - Saturday September 19th - 8:30 am-4:00 pm. All families are invited and encouraged to attend this special day! Families with children in Sacrament Preparation (First Holy Communion & Confirmation) are expected to participate. RITE OF CONFIRMATION Sunday May 31st @ 3:00 pm Bishop Robert Brom - Celebrant Rehearsal will be Friday May 29th beginning with Mass @ 5:30 pm in the Church. Sponsors must attend. ST. STEPHEN YOUTH MINISTRY! “Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations…” This is the great Commission given by Jesus just before He ascended into heaven. It is our Mission as Church! Our parish community desires to form our young people into Disciples of Christ who love Jesus and live the Gospel! All activities offered for Youth Ministry are for ALL High School youth. Dawn Patrol - Morning Prayer & Devotions EVERY Wednesday @ 6:45 am. (MASS - First Wednesday of the Month ~ June 3rd) Life Nite - Youth Group - Meet in Youth Room Monday May 18, 2015 @ 7:00 pm “ Game Night” So.... Bring your game Face! Bible Study - (Every Wednesday) Home of John & Stephanie Boyd (Hannah & Daphne) Wednesday May 20, 2015 @ 7:00 pm Confirmation Formation - Year 2 ONLY with Sponsors Sunday May 17th @ 8:30 am Confirmation - Yr 1 (only) (Span. & Eng.) Sunday May 31, 2015 @ 8:30 am 'Put on Christ' and your life will be full of his love; it will be a fruitful life.’ ~ Pope Francis Steubenville San Diego July 24-26, 2015 St. Stephen’s spaces for the Steubenville Conference are now filled! You can add your name to the waiting list if you want to go! All forms & payments are due now. Please turn into the office as soon as possible! Coming Soon! June 2015: Young Adult Leadership Training, exact date and more information to be announced! JUNE, 20, 2015 BON FIRE! FOR ALL YOUTH For more information call Colleen @ 760.855.2510 XLT:ADORATION, PRAISE & WORSHIP NIGHT! Friday May 25th. 7:00pm at ST. Stephen Church. Gather with St. Stephen youth, parishioners, family and friends for XLT (short for “Exalt”) A night of Praise n’ Worship, small talks, Prayer, Reflection & Adoration. Come to know Christ in the Blessed Sacrament & Be transformed in your encounter with the living God! For more information contact Colleen @ 760.855.2510 Collection/Colecta May 10, 2015 Goal /Meta $11,000 Plate: Envelope: Debt Reduction: Total: Other: Mission Sunday $ 3,402.25 $ 5,017.00 $ 302.00 $ 8,721.25 $ 4, 408.60 EUCHARISTIC ADORTION Every Tuesday and Thursday-1:pm-9:pm Friday June 3, 2015 FIRST FRIDAY 24-HOUR EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Won’t you spend some time with our Lord? Missionary Appeal Today Thank you so much for your generosity to last weekends collection appeal for The Missionary Society of Saint James the Apostle. The Society founded by Cardinal Cushing in 1958, has members come north to spread the word about their missionary work and to appeal. If you did not get a chance to donate, envelopes for this collection can still be found in the Church Narthex, any amount is greatly appreciated. For more info. re: Society of St. James visit 2015 Ecuador Mission Trip Raffle Quilt The beautiful handmade quilt of Jesus in the Garden was won by Carmen Flores! The funds raised is for air fare for the 8 persons traveling to Ecuador. There will be more beautiful handmade quilts to be raffled to raise funds, so don’t miss your chance to win one of the other lovely quilts! Thank you for supporting the trip! The mission trip to Guayaquil, Ecuador is scheduled for August 2015! More information please contact: Chris Robinson (760-751-8850) or Colleen Murphy (760‐855‐2510) if you are interested in joining the Ecuador Mission Trip. Parish Activities for the week of May 17, 2015 Sun. 5/17 Mon. 5/18 Tues. 5/19 Wed. 5/20 Thur. 5/21 Fri. 5/22 Sat. 5/23 Sun Mass 5/17 Mon. 5/18 Welcome Enjoy 8:00am 8:30am 8:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 1pm-9pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 9:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 1pm-9pm 7:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 8:30am 9:00am to St. Stephen Catholic Church! Coffee, Donuts & Fellowship after Mass Blood Drive Knights of Columbus Breakfast 1st & 2nd yr. Confirmation Jr. High & High School Youth Groups Rosary & Divine Mercy Devotions Eucharistic Adoration (Blessed Sacrament) Welcome Committee Meeting RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Women’s Ministry (Spanish) Bible Study Women’s Guild Board Mtg. Knights of Columbus Officers mtg. Eucharistic Adoration (Blessed Sacrament) Bible Study “Book of James” Mass & Confessions Crecimientos Bible Study (Spanish) St. Vincent de Paul Food Distribution Adult Faith Formation w/Gloria Salinas Intentions For the week of May 17, 2015 7:30am Novena 9:00am Julie Gonzales-MacPhee 11:00am Pro Populo 12:15pm Eugene Revelas, ╬ Tues 5/19 8:45am Harold Kruchen, ╬ Wed 5/20 8:45am Inez Rizo Thur 5/21 8:45 am Servicio de Communion Fri 5/22 5:30pm Pastor’s Intention Sat 5/23 5:30pm Carol Studenka, Sp. Intention PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH: Steven Andrews; Ignacio Alcantar; Maria Nicolas; Ruben J. Nieto; Marie Tate; Cecile Illig; Amanda Luman; Eloina Sanchez; Carol Leigh; Sue Pederson; Jesus Angel; Jerry Lobb; Tom Barry; Jim Nelson; Christopher Johnson; Ralph Jensen; Mike Rice; Jasmin Kubart; Alessandro Gomez; Therese Thomas; Justin Sweeney; Eva Rosa; Lucas Valencia; Frannie Steinhauer; Paul Oakley; Sean Williams: Clarisse Prefontaine; Dick Tenwolde; Pricilla Paterson: Tony Elliano; Mario Macias; Pricilla Paterson; Valerie Swain; Hudson Schaner Faith and Family Night Out very own San Diego Padres are hosting an exciting Faith and Family Night at the ballpark on Saturday, May 16th, 2015 and August 23, 2015. The focus this year will be on faith and fellowship and we have a great program lined up. May 16th - We will be bringing in our very own San Diego Native Phil Wickham to put on a post-game show followed by testimonials from some players. August 23rd – We will feature a post-game event with New York Times Best Selling Author Bob Goff. Bob is a motivational speaker, and local San Diegan. We will also have a performance by Propaganda, and American Christian hip hop and spoken word artist. Many churches in the area have found value in this opportunity, as well as other programs the Padres offer. More Info.? Lucas Allison @ 619.795.5287 Thank you very much for your time and Go Padres! Office for Marriage & Family Life Widowed, Divorces and Separated persons ready to move beyond their grief are invited to attend a BEGINNING EXPERIENCE WEEKEND On Jun 5-7, 2015 at Whispering Winds, Catholic Camp in Julian, CA. A trained team of peers leads participants through a healing and growth experience. If you are willing to put your feeling of anger and despair behind you and desire a new beginning, this weekend may be for you! For more info. call Linda: 858.0915 or Cathy: 619.222.9093 What is Retrouvaille? A Program designed to help troubled Marriages regain their health. It helps spouses uncover or re-wakens the Love, Trust and Commitment that originally brought them together. English weekends: June 19th.-21st. or Sept. 11th. -13th. Space is limited For information call (951) 259-9474 Spanish weekends: September 18-20th. For information call (619) 423.0182 The “Retrouvaille” Logo indicates the “Lifeline” that is given to marriages, via Retrouvaille, to be healed through the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s Death and Resurrection BEREAVEMENT CORNER Hope everyone had a peaceful Mother's day. To help in your transformations in life, I would like to recommend the following book: "Growing Wings - the Positive Change" by Martha Beck. The following quote may help you to understand the grieving process a little bit more: "Sadness of loss never completely leaves your life, it does stop feeling so paralyzing impossible after time". You do not "get over it" because in order to do so you would have to stop loving the one who died. Remember the one thing that death can not take is love. We are here for you Penny Blazej: 760-685-3403. Scripture Reading for the Week of May 17, 2015 Sun.: Acts 1:15-17,20-26/Ps 103:1-2,11-12,19-20/ 1 Jn 4:11-16/Jn 17:11-19 Mon.: Acts 19:1-8/Ps 68:2-7/Jn 16:29-33 Tues.: Acts 20:17-27/Ps 68:10-11,20-21/Jn 17:1-11 Wed.: Acts 20:28-38/Ps 68:29-30,33-36/Jn 17:11-19 Thur.: Acts 22:30;23:6-11/Ps 16:1-2,5,7-11/Jn 17:20-26 Fri.: Acts 25:13-21/Ps 103:1-2,11-12,19-20/Jn 21:15-19 Sat.: Acts 28:16-20,30-31/Ps 11:4-5,7/Jn 21:20-25 Next Sun.: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1,24,29-31,34/1 Cor 12:3 -7,12-13/Jn 20:19-23 St. Stephen 2015 Women’ s Retreat! Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center, Temecula CA Mark your Calendar & Save the Date! Sept. 4th. 5th. & 6th. Deacon Ralph Poyou will be our 2015 Retreat facilitatorDcn. Ralph has ground his ministry in his relation ship with the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit . He has been in ministry for over 30yrears; He is extremely passionate about helping people experience the person of Christ in everyday life. Brochures are available in the church narthex. For more info. Please call Valerie Rizzotto: 760.533.6564 [email protected] La Ascensión del Señor 17 de mayo 2015 Esquina del Pastor Solemnidad de la Ascención En la Solemnidad de la Ascensión, la Iglesia no sólo conmemora un acontecimiento histórico en la vida de Jesucristo. En este día, la Iglesia celebra la salida física de Jesús del mundo y Su glorificación con Dios el Padre. Ascensión cae en el cuadragésimo día después de la Resurrección. ¿Por qué Jesús dejo a sus discípulos cuarenta días después de su resurrección? Cuarenta es un número importante en las escrituras. Moisés subió a la montaña a buscar el rostro de Dios por cuarenta días en ayuno y oración. El pueblo de Israel estuvieron en el desierto por cuarenta años en el proceso de preparación para la entrada en la Tierra Prometida. Elías ayunó durante cuarenta días, durante viáje en el desierto a la montaña de Dios. Durante cuarenta días después de Su Resurrección Jesús se apareció varias veces a Su discípulos les aseguro que Él había resucitado y que los iba a preparar para la tarea de llevar adelante el labor que Él se inició durante su ministerio en la tierra. La salida de Jesus y ascensión es a la vez un fin y un comienzo para Su discípulos. Mientras que fue la final presencia física de Jesús con Su discípulos amados, que marcó el comienzo de la presencia de Jesús con ellos de una manera nueva. Jesús prometió que estaría con ellos siempre hasta el fin de los tiempos (Mt. 28:20). Ahora, ya que el glorificado y resucitado y Salvador, ascendió a la diestra del Padre en el cielo, Jesús prometió enviar el Espíritu Santo que unge con el poder en la Solemnidad de Pentecostés, al igual que Jesús fue ungido para su ministerio en el Río Jordán. Cuando el Señor Jesús se apartó físicamente de los apóstoles, que no se dejan en la tristeza o dolor. En lugar, ellos se llenaron de alegría y con gran expectación de la venida del Espíritu Santo. Las últimas palabras de Jesús a sus apóstoles de su misión salvífica y a Su misión de ser testigos de su muerte redentora y de Su resurrección gloriosa y a anunciar la buena nueva de la salvación a todo el mundo- para todos que lo acepatan Sus tarea es la de proclamar el evangelio- la buena nueva de la salvación- no sólo para el pueblo de Israel, sino a todas las naciones. Él de Amor de Dios y el don de la salvación no está reservada para unos pocos o para una sola nación, sino que es para todo el mundo- para todos aquellos que lo acepten. El Evangelio es el poder de Dios, el poder de liberar a las personas de la carga de la culpa, el pecado, y la opresión y el poder de curar, restaurar, y nos hace completo. Esta es la gran comisión que Cristo resucitado da a toda la iglesia. Todos los creyentes han sido parte de la tarea - a ser anunciadores de la buena noticia y embajadores de Cristo Jesús, el único Salvador del mundo. No nos han dejado solos en esta tarea, por Él Señor resucitado trabaja en y a través de nosotros por el poder de Su Espíritu Santo. Hoy somos testigos de un nuevo Pentecostés, el Señor derrama Su Espíritu Santo sobre su pueblo para renovar y fortalecer el Cuerpo de Cristo y para equipar para un ministerio eficaz y la misión de todo el mundo. Puntos para reflexionar: ¿Crees en el poder del evangelio? ¿Das testimonio de la alegría del evangelio y la esperanza de la resurrección? Oración: Señor Jesús, por el don de tu Espíritu Santo, que nos llena de un espíritu indomable de alabanza y gozo que ningún juicio terrenal puede someter. Llenamé de alegría de Tú resurrección ayúdame a vivir una vida de alabanza y de acción de gracias para tu gloria. Puedo dar testimonio de los que me rodean la alegría del evangelio y la realidad de su resurrección. Amen. ( Que Dios los Bendiga! Padre Elmer Resen Por Nuestros Sacerdotes de la Diócesis de San Diego May 17 Rev. Neal Wilkinson, May 18 Rev. Msgr. John Wright May 19 Rev. Abbott Charles Wright, Mayo 2015 May 20 Rev. Eduardo Zarate- Suarez May 21 Rev. Edmund Afagbegee, SVD May 22 Rev. Lawrence Agi May 23 Rev. Patrick Ahern REZO PARA SACERDOTES....Jesús, reza por tu sacerdote fiel y ferviente; Por tus sacerdotes infieles y tibios; Por tus sacerdotes que trabajan en casa o en un pais extranjero y en misiónes distantes. Por tu sacerdote tentado; Por tus sacerdotes solos y solitarios; Por tus sacerdotes jóvenes; Por tus sacerdotes agonizantes; por las almas de tus sacerdotes en el Calvario. Pero sobre todo, te recomiendo a los sacerdotes los más queridos a mí: el sacerdote que me bautizó; los sacerdotes que me exoneraron de mis pecados; los sacerdotes en cuyas misas que asistí y quién me dan Tu Cuerpo y Sangre en la Sagrada Comunión; los sacerdotes que me enseñaron e instruyeron; Todos los sacerdotes a quien soy endeudado de cualquier otro modo (sobre todo a...). Guárdalos cerca de tu corazón. Amén. Oración Diaria por las Vocaciones: Jesús de la coseha, mira con amor a esta porción de tu viña. Bendice la Diócesis de San Diego con más sacerdotes que pastoreen a tu pueblo, sacerdotes con un corazón semejante al tuyo. María, Madre de la Iglesia, intercede por nosotros. GUARDAR LA FECHA! 2015 Sorteo para la Misión a Ecuador La hermosa colcha de Jesús en el jardín fue ganado por Carmen Flores! Los fondos recaudados son para comprar el material que ayudará a construir una biblioteca en la escuela que el Padre P. J. Hughes ha ayudado a construir. Habrá más hermosas colchas hechas a mano en otras rifas para recaudar fondos, así que no pierda la oportunidad de ganarse una de las otras colchas preciosas! Gracias por apoyar la misión! El viaje a la ciudad de Guayaquil, Ecuador será en agosto, 2015. Si usted está interesado en formar parte del viaje a Ecuador, hable con Chris Robinson (760-751 8850) o Colleen Murphy (760-855 -2510). Actividades Parroquial Para la Semana de mayo 17, 2015 Vienvenidos Visitantes a Iglesia de San Esteban Dom 5/17 Café, Donas y Comañerismo 8:00am Campaña de Sangre /en el estacionamiento 8:30am Knights of Columbus Confirmandi Breakfast 8:30am 2nd &1st. Yr. Confirmation Lun. 5/18 Mar 5/19 7:00m Grupo Jóvenes Escuela Secundaria/Primaria 7:00pm 1:pm-9pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Rosario y Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Comité de la Bienvenida - reúnion Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Sab. 5/23 Dom 5/23 7:00pm 9:30am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 1:pm-9pm 7:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 8:30am 7:00am 7:00am Ministerio de Mujeres - Crecimientos Espirituales Estudio Biblico, (ingles) Ensayo para Primera Communion Gremio de Mujeres, Reúnion directiva Renovación Dicipulo ( Formación San Andres) Caballeros de Colon, reúnion directiva Adoración al Santísimos Sacramento Estudio Biblico (ingles) “Libro de Santiago” Misa/Confesión Crecimientos de la Fe San Vicente de Pablo - Distrtibución de comida Retiro Matrimonial~Pentecostés Retiro Matrimonial~ Pentecostés Dom Intenciónes de la Misa de Semana 17, de Mayo, 2015 7:30am Novena Mier. 5/20 Juev. 5/21 Vier. 5/22 5/17 Llamamiento Misionera Hoy! tenemos un sacerdote diocesano de la Sociedad Misionera de San Santiago el Apóstol, que nos dará una idea del estado de las misiones en América del Sur. La sociedad fundada por el Cardenal Cushing en 1958, tiene miembros venir al norte, a difundir la palabra sobre su labor misionera y a suplicar Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos El programa de Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Adultos (18 años o mas) o simplemente RICA, es catecismo para adultos que les falta alguno o todos de los Sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana: Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación. La preparación de RICA se llega a completar en menos de un año. Ya estamos tomando inscripciones. El programa comienza en el mes de Agosto. Para más información llame a Miguel Madera: 760.580-1945. 9:00am Julie Gonzales-MacPhee 11:00am Pro Populo Lun 5/18 12:15am Eugene Revelas, ╬ Mar. 5/19 8:45am Harold Kruchen, ╬ Mier 5/20 8:45am Inez Rizo Juev. 5/21 8:45am Servicio de Communion Vier. 5/22 5:30pm Pastor’s Intention Sab. 5/23 5:30pm Carol Studenka, Sp. Intention Semínarios para bautismo están programados en el primer y el segundo lunes de cada mes. Por favor nota * ambas fechas son obligatorios. Si no eres capaz de asistir a ambos primer y Segundo lunes del mes necesita asistir dos lunes al mes siguiente. Para inscribirse en el seminario o mayor información, por favor, póngase en contacto con Miguel Madera:760.580.1945 Para una Noche Con La“Tormenta” Equipo de Beisbal En Lake Elsinore Mas información llame a Vito Palermo. 760. 277.2283 RETIRO PENTECOSTÉS PARA LOS MATRIMONIOS: Si desean que Dios sea el centro de su hogar, les invitamos a un fin de semana y que sean tocados por el amor de Dios y envueltos en su gloria. El retiro se llevará acabo el 23 y 24 de mayo, 2015 en el salón de la Iglesia de San Esteban. Para mas informació llame: Jose/Inez Ortiz-760. 809.1020 Andres/Isidora Carrillo 760.420.0486. RECIEN BAUTIZADOS ~ FELICIDADES Y BIENVENIDOS! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Alicia Gonzalez / Tomas & Isabel Gonzalez Maribel Oros / Guillermo & Maria Villegas Alheli Villegas / Guillermos & Maria Villegas Guadalupe Villegas/ Guillermo & Maria Villegas Antonio Eduardo Rojas Jr. /Antonio & Noemy Rojas Ariana Lizbeth Garcia Jimenz /Jose & Iracema Hernandez Caidan Avila / David & Jamie Avila Lecturas para la semana de Mayo 17 2015 Lunes: He 19:1-8/Sal 68:2-7/Jn 16:29-33 Martes: He 20:17-27/Sal 68:10-11,20-21/Jn 17:1-11 Miércoles: He 20:28-38/Sal 68:29-30,33-36/Jn 17:11-19 Jueves: He 22:30;23:6-11/Sal 16:1-2,5,7-11/Jn 17:20-26 Viernes: He 25:13-21/Sal 103:1-2,11-12,19-20/Jn 21:15-19 Sábado: He 28:16-20,30-31/Sal 11:4-5,7/Jn 21:20-25 A Cat’s View Veterinary Hospital MON - FRI 8-6 SAT 9-12 Church of the Resurrection Rock, Sand, Gravel, Top Soil VALLEY CENTER MATERIALS Religious Gifts - Bibles - Rosaries Landscape Supplies Weekdays.: 9 am - 5 pm Sat.: 9 am - 7 pm Sun.: Open before & after all Masses 31034 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center 760760-749749-0099 (760) 751-9688 Gift Shop Caring For Your Unique Dental Needs 27319 Valley Center Road Valley Center, CA 92082 Scooter Service & Repair New & Used Scooters HANDI-VAN Cage Free Dog Boarding Doggie Day Care Dog Training Dog Grooming Ph: (760) 749-4022 1320 Simpson Way #D Escondido, Ca 92029 27455 Valley Center Rd. Ph. (760) 749749-0024 Fax (760) 749749-0026 Mon.Mon.-Sun. 7:30am7:30am-9:30pm Like our page Valley Center Wireless Wireless Starting at 28904 Valley Center Rd. $19.99/month! Free Local Tech Support! Bring this ad for your 10% Discount! JP ROOF SERVICES Joe Perez Lic #846691 / Insured Your Favorite Place 25 Yrs. Experience Espresso - Breakfast - Sandwiches Mobile: 760.802.5173 Smoothies - Ice Cream Office: 760.888.9385 Catering For All Occasions Email: [email protected] Phone: 760-749-0123 556 Iona Court Fax: 760-749-0110 Escondido, CA 92027 29115 Valley Center Rd. Ste G. GOD BLESS OUR ADVERTISERS! Office: 760.749.1335 Fax: 760.749.7257 DSL Starting at Matthew Mancino (760) 432-8785 Fax: (760) 741-5778 (760) 747-2322 Just for you, we are now offering: High Speed Internet $39.95/month! Scooter Lifts Wheelchair Lifts 760760-749749-4700 1445 Conway Drive • Escondido Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS Email: [email protected] Web: The merchants who advertise make our bulletin possible. When you patronize our advertisers, please thank them for supporting our parish. ACUPUNCTURE Dr. Benson, Tues EXOTIC PET SERVICES Dr. Mendez, Wed and Thurs • Ranch/house calls available • Walk-ins and emergencies • Surgery • No-anesthesia dentals • Internal Medicine • Digital xrays • Care Credit Payment Plans! 760-749-0560 2014 Fine Food and Cocktails Specializing in BBQ Ribs, Steaks and Seafood CATERING SERVICES 1040 S. 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Washington Ave. 7602133903 760 213 NEW CONSTRUCTION Escondido, CA 92025 FD 297 760-743-6252 Vista 760-724-5595 JOE’S COUNTRY FEED & PET (Hay &Grain) 760.749.9328 27847 Valley Center Rd.• VC Joe & Jenni For all your pet & livestock needs (760) 751-4075 Office (760) 535-5927 Cell Chris Banner Owner/Operator Lic.# CA993166 Insured FOX ACCOUNTING License No. 709686 Income Tax Return Preparation WATER WELL DRILLING AND for Individuals & Businesses COMPLETE PUMP SERVICES Linda Fox Certified Public Accountant • Parishioner M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-4 760-751-9824 IN GOD WE TRUST Visit us at DR. ROBERT Medina Eades, VERTREES D.D.S. A healthy smile says a lot CHIROPRACTOR [email protected] (760) 749749-8211 27545 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center 760.742.3668 27940 Valley Center Road Valley Center, CA 92082 749-8824 Russ Oney, Pres. • Dewayne Oney, Vice Pres. Specialty Equine Practice Buscemi Plumbing Inc. Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS Full service plumbing co. 29115 Valley Center Road. • Ste. F Valley Center, CA 92082 Notary Public Tankless Water Heaters Saturday, Sunday & Evenings 1895 S. Centre City Pkwy, Escondido Lic. No. 946882 Work 760760-703703-3181 Home 760760-749749-2436 Serrato Grove Management Inc. Cell: 760 212-4533 Discounted Prices • Greeting Cards Value Store • Two Full Lines of Vitamins Complete OTC, Cough & Cold Office and School Supplies Gifts: Beanie Babies, Toys, and More!!! [email protected] An Independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Orthodontics for Children and Adults • Grove Care • Harvesting • Consultation • Grove Development 36437 - B Carney Rd. 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(760) 749-3656 27847 Valley Center Road POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES (760) 749749-3443 #38 St. Stephen Church, Valley Center - Outside Paul Buscemi Owner Beth Smith
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