May 17, 2015 Ascension Of the Lord The Catholic Church of Visalia St. Mary ’s, Holy Fa mily, St. Th om as th e Apostle & St. Ch arle s Borrom eo Catholic Center PARISH OFFICE 506 N. Garden St. Visalia, CA 93291 Office Hours/ Horas de Oficina Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Schedule of Masses Holy Family St. Mary’s - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 1908 N. Court Street, Visalia, 93291 608 N. Church Street, Visalia, 93291 M - F: (Misa) 8:00 AM M - S: Mass Saturday: Sunday: Misa 6:00 PM Mass 10:00 AM 7:00 AM *All Fridays during the school year (except during Lent) *9:00 AM & 12:15 PM Misa 12:00 PM y 5:00 PM Saturday 8:30 a.m. - Noon M - F: Mass 12:15 PM Saturday: Mass 4:00 PM Sunday: Mass 7:00, 8:30, 10:30, & 7:00 PM Misa 1:00 PM Phone: 559-734-9522 St. Thomas the Apostle St. Charles Borromeo 6735 Ave. 308, Goshen, 93291 5049 W. Caldwell Ave., Visalia, 93277) Fax: 559-734-3435 M - F: 8:00 AM Servicio de Comunión Sunday: Misa - 9:30 AM Saturday: Mass 5:30 PM Sunday: Misa 8:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 12:00 PM Please visit our website for more information: Confession Schedule Wednesday-St. Mary’s 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM Friday, -Holy Family 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Welcome! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors, families and friends of our community! We hope the information in this weeks bulletin is a helpful resource. Please use the registration form on this page if you are interested in becoming a registered parishioner. Just fill it out and drop it in the collection basket. It’s that easy! Thank you for choosing to visit The Catholic Church of Visalia. CONTACT INFORMATION PRIESTS IN RESIDENCE Fr. Eric Swearingen, Pastor Rev. Alex Chavez, Associate Pastor Rev. Mark Maxon, Associate Pastor Rev. Victor Hernando, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jose Luis Varo, (In Residence) Contact number: The Catholic School of Visalia, George McCann Memorial Sheila Rast, Principal 200 E. Race Street, Visalia, 93291 559-732-5831 Phone 559-741-1562 Fax Website: Scrip Office: 732-7419 559-713-6860 Deacons Rev. Mr. Paul Hernandez Rev. Mr. Doug Pingel Rev. Mr. Julian Ponce Rev. Mr. Ken Ramage Rev. Mr. James V. Rooney (Retired) Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Rev. Mr. Rick Miller, Chaplain at Kaweah Delta District Hospital [email protected] Administrator Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Administrative Assistant to the Priests Ruthanne Parlier, ext.118 Receptionist & Facilities Scheduler Danny Sarabia , ext. 110 Facilities Manager Stan Hillan, Sr., ext. 103 Liturgy Coordinator/Schedules Patty Call, 559-734-9522 Director of Music Charles Culbreth, 559-734-9522 Please submit bulletin items at TCCOV Parish Office or by emailing [email protected] Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick…Every weekend after the BETHLEHEM CENTER Benny Rodriguez, Director 1638 N. Dinuba Blvd., Visalia, 93291 Phone: 734-1572 Website: RELIGIOUS FORMATION St. Mary’s (English) & (Español) Adriana Robles–Noricumbo, CRE (SP) Edie Loudermilk, Secretary, ext. 120 (EN) OFFICE: 559-733-3929 FAX: 559-734-3435 (located in the Parish Center) 506 N. Garden Street, Visalia, M-TH: 10:00 - 6:00 p.m. Closed Fridays Holy Family Irma Gaitan, CRE Office Locations & Hours 1908 N. Court St., Visalia, (on the school grounds near Rm. 4) M-Th 4:00 –7:00 p.m. Phone: 559-732-9651 St. Thomas The Apostle Antonio Mendoza - CRE Office Location (Sunday) 6735 Ave 308, Goshen Phone: 559-651-1923 Fax: 559-651-2270 Youth Ministry Coordinator Ruben Cabatic, ext. 117 4:00 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s, the Anointing of the Sick is offered to anyone who is ill, or who is going to have a medical procedure. Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators (Independent Contractors approved by TCCOV) Holy Family Church St. Mary’s Church Rosann Porras-559-734-4456 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] St. Charles Borromeo Donna Grist 559-625-3115 Carol Serpa-559-734-0412 REGISTRATION: Are you new to The Catholic Church of Visalia? Please take a moment to register by completing this form. You may drop it off at the Parish Office or in the weekend collection. Church most often attending: _______________________________ Name (Head of Household): _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ City, State & Zip: _______________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________ Family email address: _______________________________ Would you like to receive: Offering envelopes? ___Yes ___No Mailings from the Church?__Y __N Be notified about Church Events?__Y__N Be notified about Ministry Events?__Y__N Information regarding Sacrament? __Y__N Please circle the one (ones) that you would like information about. Baptism? First Communion? Confirmation? Marriage? Vocations? Would like someone from our Hospitality Committee to contact you or visit you at your home? __ Yes ____No ____not at this time. The Ascension of the Lord: May 17, 2015 “God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord” -Psalm 47 TODAY AFTER MASS! Pastor Reflection Today we celebrate Christ’s ascension into heaven and his commissioning of the disciples to carry on his mission in the world. First we hear Luke’s description of those events in the opening verses of the Acts of the Apostles. Next we hear words of encouragement and guidance from the Letter to the Ephesians. Finally we hear Mark’s account of the Ascension, foretelling the mighty words and acts the Christian community would do in Jesus’ name. Together these scriptures give us a vision of the mission of the church of Jesus Christ—a mission statement of sorts. Like mission statements in our parishes and corporations, this mission statement can help us set priorities and focus our activities. It can guide and support us as we strive to continue Christ’s messianic mission on earth. “BE MY WITNESSES . . . TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH” The scriptural accounts do not agree on how long Jesus continued to appear to the disciples before his ascension. Only Acts refers to forty days. Until recently every diocese has followed this forty-day chronology in the liturgical calendar, but the time period is not essential to grasp the meaning of Christ’s ascension into heaven. For Luke, it marks the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the beginning of the disciples’ Spirit-led mission. It is common for parishes and businesses to create mission statements to guide their work. Often such statements begin with a vision for the institution. They go on to state what the institution seeks to do—how it puts its vision into practice. For example, a parish mission statement might say: “We are the Body of Christ. Utilizing the gifts of each member we collaborate to bring more and more people into God’s reign of freedom, justice, holiness, and love.” Today’s scriptures give us a mission statement for the church. It goes something like this: Christ is now working with and for us “at the right hand of God” (Mark 16:19). Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are to be Christ’s witnesses “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). We seek to do so by “proclaiming the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) and “building up the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God” (Ephesians 4:12–13). “A CLOUD TOOK HIM FROM THEIR SIGHT” How many CEOs (or pastors!) would have the courage to leave their corporation and trust the employees to run things in their absence? How foolish! How risky! Yet, that seems to be just what Christ did: “He was lifted up and a cloud took him from their sight” (Acts 1:9). Christ knew that the Holy Spirit would always guide the Christian community in continuing his messianic mission on earth. Today’s Readings: Acts 1:1–11; Ps 47:2–3, 6–9; Eph 1:17–23 or Eph 4:1–13 [1–7, 11–13]; Mk 16:15–20 SERRA CLUB PRESENTS Spring Fling Breakfast Sunday May 17,2015 St. Mary's Parish Center 506 N. garden 7am-noon • $8.00/adults • $5.00/children (5-12) • under 5 -- free Food by Cafe225 Serra Club sponsors priestly vocations Serra members will be selling tickets after all Masses Join us for this year’s Vacation Bible School which will take place from July 20-24, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Participants ages 3 years through 6th grade are invited to learn how to be “Champions for Christ” through Excellence, Prudence, Fortitude, Temperance and Justice. We are very excited to assist the children in learning new and exciting ways of sharing our Catholic Faith. As always, VBS cannot succeed without your help. Teens in grades 7-12 and adults are needed to assist in the program with crafts, snacks, fun & games, as teacher’s aides or wherever needed. Registration forms are available at the Church office during regular office hours or you can download them from the parish website: For child participants or teen helpers, all three forms need to be completed and returned to the church office with the designated fee by Monday, June 22nd. For adult volunteers, the registration form and the release of liability form should be returned to the church office with the fee for the T-shirt. If you need more information, please give a call to Mary at (559)739-7222. We look forward to a fun and exciting week! Upcoming & Ongoing Events WWW.TCCOV.ORG/EVENTS TCCOV PRO-LIFE MINISTRY 2nd Annual Pro-Life Dinner May 23, 2015 $25.00 per person $185.00 per table of (8) Meet & Greet Hors d’oeuvres 6:00 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Featuring: Door Prizes & 50/50 Drawing St. Mary’s Parish Hall – 506 N. Garden St., Visalia CA 93291 Contact Parish Office (559)734-9522 Guest Speaker: Rebecca Kiessling “Conceived in Rape, Targeted for Abortion” Rebecca Kiessling is a Family Law attorney, adoptee, home school adoptive mother of 5 with three biological children and delivers a powerful presentation of her own life story, “Conceived in Rape.” Additionally, Rebecca was recently featured in Governor Mike Huckabee’s film, “The Gift of Life” and was named national spokesperson for Personhood USA. Caritas Christi FESTIVAL OF TREES Caritas Christi Festival of Trees tickets are now on sale, and are going fast! Please contact Carol Serpa at 734-0412 or [email protected] to purchase. Tickets are $25 each or 8 for $200. Festival of Trees August 1, 2015 - 11 am to 3 pm St. Mary’s Parish Hall, 506 N. Garden Hope to see you there! PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, May 21st 6- 8 P.M., St. Therese of Lisieux Room, St. Charles ALL ARE WELCOME! Weekly Collection Your continued generosity in the weekly collections is greatly appreciated. The collection amount for the week ending, May 10, 2015: SM HF SC ST Actual Collection Amount: $12,612.06 Actual Collection Amount: $4,380.37 Actual Collection Amount: $9,541.21 Actual Collection Amount: $533.00 Your generous donation at today’s second collection benefits THE BETHLEHEM CENTER. Thank you for your contribution! PEARLE ZALUD SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE Scholarship funds are available to parishioners who are currently high school seniors who will be attending college fulltime in the fall as well as for parishioners who are continuing full -time college students through the Pearle Zalud Scholarship Fund. To be eligible for this scholarship, full-time college students must have a college major in a music or agriculture related field of study. For those students with the appropriate college major and meeting the other application requirements noted, direct scholarships to be used for tuition and fees are available in the amounts of $200 (music) and $300 (agriculture). Applications with full requirement details are available at the church office during regular office hours or you may call the office and an application will be mailed to you. Completed applications are due in the diocesan Development Office by July 31, 2015. Family Life Workshop June 18 Family Life Ministry is at the heart of this September’s World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia and of this October’s Synod on the Family in Rome. Over the next several years, the Diocese of Fresno is launching a variety of workshops dedicated to enriching marriage & family life. This first English-speaking seminar will explore an overview of scientifically advanced NFP methods and an exploration of Church teaching on family planning that affirms marriage & family and strengthens society. This two-hour workshop, entitled Women’s Health Care, will be offered on June 18 in Clovis, and August 15 in Merced. Registration is now open. Please check with your parish for a flyer and registration form. Contact Sr. Joanne ([email protected]; 559.488-7474 ext. 106) for more information and Edith Maldonado ([email protected]; 559.488-7474 ext. 103) to register by phone. high quality preschool education, the National Institute for Early Education Research finds that certain elements are critical: • • EDUCATION We advocate – as a matter of justice – for the high quality educa- tion of all California students attending our public and private schools from early childhood through college, especially for those most in need. We affirm that all parents and guardians have both the right and the responsibility to direct children’s education, including the choice of public, charter, independent, or faith-based schooling. We support the best preparation, support and accountability of teachers to help them achieve successful careers as professional educators. We believe that needed educational reforms, resources, public and private partnerships as well as policy decisions must be implemented at the level closest to actual teaching and learning situations. “All persons of whatever race, sex, condition, or age, by virtue of their dignity as human beings, have an inalienable right to a quality education.” U.S. Bishops BUILDING THE COMMON GOOD THROUGH EDUCATION Education is a fundamental right vital to the life and dignity of every person. This principle extends from early childhood, through elementary and high school, and into opportunities for college and career technical education. Education creates opportunities for individuals to succeed in life, to actively participate in society and to compete globally in the 21st century. Parents and guardians are the first and foremost educators of their children. We support the parents’ right to choose the appropriate educational community for their child - one that supports their values, meets their child’s learning needs and cultivates their child’s natural talents and interests. Ongoing reforms and additional resources should advance innovation, excellence and equity in education through: Curriculum that educates the whole child; authentic assessment of growth in student learning; meaningful engagement of families; development of highly qualified and effective educators; a welcoming and safe learning environment; and local school community innovation and flexibility. In addition, early learning programs, appropriate intervention, out-of-school time and enrichment opportunities should also be available for students. A “Child Benefit” fiscal policy and creative partnerships should be central in the stewardship of education. Fair and responsible education funding must be provided for students attending our state’s public and private schools, with a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable. We advocate for tax relief that empowers parents and teachers to educate the children entrusted to their care. Furthermore, we also advocate for tax incentives which can inspire greater philanthropy (and savings) in order to generate new resources to expand investments in education. We are committed to collaborating with policy leaders and other organizations, like the California Association of Private Schools Organizations (CAPSO), in advancing these education principles and priorities. THE VALUE OF CATHOLIC PRESCHOOL A high quality preschool education has been shown to result in many strong long-term benefits for both the child and society as a whole. Such benefits include improved student achievement and reduced involvement in juvenile crime. While there may not be an established formula for what constitutes a • For children, it is important that they are respected and nurtured, have ongoing opportunities to learn important skills and knowledge, and are able to make meaningful decisions throughout the day. For parents, a high quality preschool program includes them as partners in all aspects of the educational program and gives them opportunities to improve their educational and parenting skills. Finally, for teachers, a high quality preschool education calls for training in early childhood education, frequent and meaningful interactions with the children, the teaching of important concepts, and being paid a professional salary. When a high quality preschool program, which encompasses many of the elements described above, is provided in a Catholic setting, the benefits to the child, family, and society are multiplied. In a 2005 statement by the United States bishops in which they renewed their commitment to supporting Catholic schools into the new millennium, the bishops recognized the immense value of Catholic schools: “Catholic schools collaborate with parents and guardians in raising and forming their children as families struggle with the changing and challenging cultural and moral contexts in which they find themselves. Catholic schools provide young people with sound Church teaching through a broad-based curriculum, where faith and culture are intertwined in all areas of a school’s life. By equipping our young people with a sound education, rooted in the Gospel message, the Person of Jesus Christ, and rich in the cherished traditions and liturgical practices of our faith, we ensure that they have the foundation to live morally and uprightly in our complex modern world.” While this statement was given in the context of Catholic elementary and secondary schools, it can equally be applied to Catholic preschools. For example, at Holy Family Preschool in Citrus Heights near Sacramento, traditional Catholic prayers, are introduced to the children along with Bible songs. The children also make a monthly chapel visit where a teacher reenacts a Bible story and uses that time to teach the children reverential behavior in church. Moreover, the preschool has a prayer garden with a statue of Our Lady so that the children can make frequent visits for quiet prayer time. The director of Holy Family Preschool, Lucy Eberhardt, notes that the motto of the preschool is “Nurturing Christ-like behavior in one another.” Thus, from a very early age, the children are taught to respect one another and model virtuous Christian behavior. In the 2005 U.S. Bishops Statement, the bishops also acknowledged that: “Catholic schools are often the Church’s most effective contribution to those families who are poor and disadvantaged, especially in poor inner city neighborhoods and rural areas. Catholic schools cultivate healthy interaction among the increasingly diverse populations of our society. In cities and rural areas, Catholic schools are often the only opportunity for economically disadvantaged young people to receive an education of quality that speaks to the development of the whole person.” In keeping with this mission, the many benefits of Catholic preschools are made available to economically disadvantaged families through subsidy programs and tuition assistance. In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, which has 87 preschools, several preschools located in inner cities are subsidized by the Archdiocese. Yet, the focus in all the preschools is the children’s faith formation. In addition, all areas of a child’s development – cognitive, linguistic, social, physical, and creative – are addressed through developmentally appropriate play activities so that by the time the children leave preschool they are prepared for kindergarten. Upcoming & Ongoing Events This week’s bulletin is packed with good information about our parish and diocese… but there was even more information that we weren’t able to fit! To read about the items that didn’t appear in this weekend’s bulletin, check out our website at: God Bless You this Week And Always! SANCTUARY FLOWER DEDICATIONS ST. MARY’S The arrangement at the north side of the sanctuary is in loving memory of AMELIA GUERRERO, the gift of J. Guerrero. The arrangement at the south side of the sanctuary is in loving memory of ALAN DAIGLER, the gift of his wife, Patricia. Part 6 Pastoral Care of the Sick—Rites for Anointing & Viaticum VIATICUM FOR THE DYING When in their passage from this life Christians are strengthened by the body and blood of Christ in viaticum, they have the pledge of the resurrection that the Lord promised: "Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day" (John 6:54). When possible, viaticum should be received within Mass so that the sick person may receive communion under both kinds. Communion received as viaticum should be considered a special sign of participation in the mystery which is celebrated in the eucharist: the mystery of the death of the Lord and his passage to the Father. All baptized Christians who are able to receive communion are bound to receive viaticum by reason of the precept to receive communion when in danger of death from any cause. Priests with pastoral responsibility must see that the celebration of this sacrament is not delayed, but that the faithful are nourished by it while still in full possession of their faculties. It is also desirable that during the celebration of viaticum, Christians renew the faith professed at their baptism, by which they became adopted children of God and coheirs of the promise of eternal life. The ordinary ministers of viaticum are the pastor and his assistants, the priest who is responsible for the sick in hospitals, and the superior of a clerical religious institute. In case of necessity, any other priest with at least the presumed permission of the competent minister may give viaticum. If no priest is available, viaticum may be brought to the sick by a deacon or by another member of the faithful, either a man or a woman, who by the authority of the Apostolic See has been duly appointed by the bishop to give the eucharist to the faithful. In this case, a deacon follows the rite prescribed in the ritual; other ministers use the rite they ordinarily follow for dis-tributing communion, but with the special words given in the ritual for the rite for viaticum (no. 207). The arrangements at the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin last weekend are the kind gift of Helen Schmall. ST. CHARLES The arrangement at the main altar is in loving memory of RALPH LIZARDO, JR., the gift of his wife, Anna, and family. OUR BELOVED DEPARTED In the kindness of your prayers, please remember our most recently deceased: JOSEPHINE GOMEZ mother of Eddie Gomez & Naomi Hall ENRIQUE DELGADILLO husband of Maria Delgadillo JIM & MARIA RAY uncle & aunt of Andrew Tobias PEDRO “PETE” FLORES husband of Cathy Flores Thank You! In appreciation for your generous support in response to the K.V.S.P needs, may God richly bless you for remembering the men behind the walls. -Detention Ministry Team Bienvenida QUEREMOS dar una cálida bienvenida a todas las familias, amigos y visitantes de nuestra comunidad! Esperamos que la información contenida en este boletín semanal sea un recurso útil. Si usted no esta registrado. Por favor, llene el formulario de inscripción en la primera página y deposítelo en la canasta de la colecta y sea miembro de nuestra Comunidad. Es así de fácil! Gracias por elegir ser parte de nuestra Comunidad y por visitar la Iglesia Católica de Visalia. La Ascensión del Señor : 17 de Mayo de 2015 “Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono.” - Salmo 47 Pastor Reflexión “SERÁN MIS TESTIGOS… HASTA LOS ÚLTIMOS RINCONES DE LA TIERRA” Las versiones de las escrituras no concuerdan en cuánto tiempo Jesús continuó apareciéndoseles a los discípulos antes de su Ascensión. Sólo Hechos hace referencia a cuarenta días. Hasta hace poco cada diócesis había seguido esta cronología de cuarenta días en el calendario litúrgico, pero el período de tiempo no es esencial para comprender el significado de la Ascensión de Cristo a los cielos. Para Lucas, marca el fin del ministerio de Jesús en la tierra y el comienzo de la misión de los discípulos guiados por el Espíritu. Es común que las parroquias y negocios diseñen una declaración de metas para orientar su trabajo. Muchas veces dichas declaraciones comienzan con una visión para la institución. Incluyen qué busca hacer la institución –cómo pone en práctica su visión. Por ejemplo, la declaración de metas de una parroquia puede decir: “Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo. Utilizando los dones de cada miembro colaboramos para acercar a más y más personas al reino de libertad, justicia, santidad y amor de Dios”. Las escrituras de hoy nos brindan una declaración de metas para la iglesia. Sería algo así: Cristo está ahora trabajando con y para nosotros “a la derecha de Dios” (Marcos 16:19). Por el poder del Espíritu Santo seremos testigos de Cristo “hasta los últimos rincones de la tierra” (Hechos 1:8). Lo haremos “predicando el Evangelio a toda criatura” (Marcos 16:15) y “construyendo el cuerpo de Cristo, hasta que todos lleguemos a estar unidos en la fe y en el conocimiento del Hijo de Dios” (Efesios 4:12–13). “UNA NUBE LO OCULTÓ A SUS OJOS” ¿Cuántos ejecutivos (¡o pastores!) tienen el valor de dejar su empresa y confiar en que los empleados se encarguen de las cosas en su ausencia? ¡Qué insensato! ¡Qué arriesgado! Sin embargo, eso parece ser justamente lo que Cristo hizo: “Se fue elevando a la vista de ellos, hasta que una nube lo ocultó a sus ojos” (Hechos 1:9). Cristo sabía que el Espíritu Santo siempre guiaría a la comunidad cristiana para continuar su misión mesiánica en la tierra. Lecturas de hoy: Hch 1:1–11; Sal 47:2–3, 6–9; Ef 1:17–23 o Ef 4:1–13 [1–7, 11–13]; Mc 16:15–20 ¿Está ssiendollamado? ¿Estás siendo llamado a dar de su tiempo y talento para servir a los demás? La Iglesia Católica de Visalia está buscando voluntarios adultos para ayudar en las misas funerarias. Se necesitan hombres y mujeres para ayudar a servir en el altar o para proclamar la Palabra de Dios. Usted puede servir tan a menudo como quiera. No se necesita experiencia y nos encantaría enseñarle. Para más información, por favor Comuníquese con Patty Call al 734-9522 Oración y Vida Taller No es demasiado tarde para ir a los Talleres de Oración y Vida los miércoles por la mañana de 9am a 11am en el Centro Serra (600 N. Garden St.) detrás de Santa María. Descubra cómo puede acercarse a nuestro Señor a través de las escrituras, la música y el uso de diversas técnicas de oración. El Taller de Oración y Vida puede cambiar su vida. No hay ningún costo. Llame a Charlotte para más información 559-799-3048. RETROUVAILLE Tensión en su matrimonio?- Retrouvaille en un programa para parejas casadas que se sienten aburridos, desilusionados, frustrados, o enojados en su matrimonio. Algunos experimentan frialdad. Otros experimentan conflictos en su relación. La mayoría no saben cómo cambiar la situación o incluso como comunicárselo a su esposo(a). Este programa ha ayudado a miles de parejas experimentando dificultades en sus matrimonios. Para información confidencial acerca del programa o registrarse para el siguiente Fin De Semana, por favor llame al (559) 935-1424 o por email: [email protected] , (559) 367-6575 o por Email: [email protected] o visite el sitio web Upcoming & Ongoing Events LAESCUELACATOLICADEVISALIA ACREDITADAporWASC/WCEAUNAMBIENTESEGUROY CÁLIDO PROGRAMADEFORMACIÓNDEFEPROGRAMASACADÉMICOS FUERTES: •MAESTROSCONCREDENCIALES •CURRICULUMALINEADOSCONLOSESTANDARESFUNDAMENTALES COMUNES •ACTIVIDADESDEENRIQUECIMIENTOACADEMICO/EXCURSIONES •LABORATORIODETECNOLOGIA •MENTORESDEARTE/MUSICA/PROGRAMASDEEDUCACIONFISICA •PROGRAMADEDEPORTESPARAESTUDIANTESDESECUNDARIA •PROGRAMADECUIDADOPARAANTES/DESPUESDECLASE •PROGRAMADEPARTICIPACIONPARAPADRESACTIVOS *Unprogramadeenriquecimientopreescolarparaniñosdetres añosdeedadtambiénseofrececonunaopcióndedos,tresocinco días.UnprogramadePre-Kindergartenestádisponibleconuna opcióndemedioodíacompleto. Siustedestáinteresadoenunaeducacióncatólicadecalidadpara suhijo/a,porfavorllameal732-5831. Lassolicitudessepuedenrecogerenlao icinadelaescuela ***HAYAYUDAFINANCIERA/BECASDISPONIBLES Como Nosotros Readings for the Week Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Taller Diocesano de Comunicación Familiar La Diócesis de Fresno / Ministerio de Vida y Familia te invita al primer Taller Diocesano de Comunicación Familiar el Sábado, 27 de Junio y el Domingo, 28 de Junio, 2015, de 9am a 3pm ambos días, en la Parroquia de Santa Brigida en Hanford. La Inscripción es de $25.00 por persona. Haga su cheque o Money Order pagadero a la Diócesis de Fresno. Atención: Sr. Joanne Bauer, CSC, Family Life Ministry, 1550 N. Fresno St., Fresno, CA 93703. Para obtener más información comuníquese con Marina A. Martinez, SFP. 559-737-3596; email: [email protected] El volante está disponible en su parroquia o en Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 19:1-8; Sal 68 (67):2-3ab, 4-5acd, 67ab; Jn 16:29-33 Hch 20:17-27; Sal 68 (67):10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Hch 20:28-38; Sal 68 (67):29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Hch 22:30; 23:6-11; Sal 16 (15):1-2a, 5, 711; Jn 17:20-26 Hch 25:13b-21; Sal 103 (102):1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Hch 28:16-20, 30-31; Sal 11 (10):4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Vigilia: Gn 11:1-9 o Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b o Ez 37:1-14 o Jl 3:1-5; Sal 104 (103):1-2, 24, CATHOLICSCHOOLOFVISALIA GeorgeMcCannMemorialInformation ServingPreschoolthrough8thgradestudents Establishedin1924-WASC/WCEAACCREDITED Safeandcaringenvironment Faithformationprogram Strongacademicprograms: Credentialedteachers Curriculumalignedwiththecommoncorestandards Academicenrichmentactivities/ ieldtrips Technologylab Artdocent/music/PEprograms Sportsprogramforjr.Highstudents Before/afterschoolcareprogram Activeparentparticipationprogram *Athreeyearoldpreschoolenrichmentprogramisalso offeredwithatwo,threeor ivedayoptionforchildren.AJr. Kindergartenprogramisavailablewithhalfday/fullday option. Ifyouareinterestedinaqualitycatholiceducationfor yourchildpleasecall732-5831. Applicationsmaybepickedupintheschoolof ice ***Tuitionassistance/Scholarshipsareavailable Masses & Intentions SATURDAY, MAY 16, VIGIL FOR FEAST OF THE ASCENSION 4:00 p.m. RICHARD GRAJEDA by his wife, Mary (SM) 5:30 p.m. MARIA MENDES by Joe & Fatima Parreira (SC) 6:00 p.m. MEMBERS OF THE US MILITARY, ESP. THOSE IN HARM’S WAY by Russ & Joanne Hurley (HF) SUNDAY, MAY 17, FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD 7:00 a.m. HENRY G. LORENZ by Juanita Lorenz (SM) 8:00 a.m. PETRA ALVARES by Juana Karis (SC) 8:30 a.m. SERGE WINSLOW by Wilmyrthe Hanson Winslow, Cary Serge & Thomas Hanson Winslow (SM) 9:30 a.m. INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS (ST) 10:00 a.m. RITA MORGAN by her husband, John, & family (SC) 10:00 a.m. ROGER H. GARCIA by Roger & Mary Garcia (HF) 10:30 a.m. WILLIAM & CELIA MACH by Norman & Karen Donohue (SM) 12:00 p.m. MANUEL HERNANDEZ by Lynda Hernandez (SC) 12:00 p.m. CARLOS CISNEROS by Rick & Lori Tucker (HF) 1:00 p.m. CONSUELO SKIDMORE y HIJOS departe Alicia Carvajal & family (SM) 5:00 p.m. INTENTIONS OF CYNTHIA SALAZAR & DENISE VASQUEZ (HF) 7:00 p.m. RESENDO CALVENDRA by Leo Calvendra (SM) 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. (SM) Tuesday, May 19, Easter Weekday INT. OF MARIAN AVILA by Francine Ferris AMELIA GUERRERO by J. Guerrero COMMUNION SERVICE (SM) (HF) (SM) 7:00 a.m. Friday, May 22, St. Rita of Cascia INT. OF ISMAEL, ISAAC & NADIA ZAMBRANO by Benicia Garcia (HF) INTENTIONS OF GLORIA PAULSON by Ed & Patty Carroll (SM) IN HONOR OF SAN RAMON by Gina Escalante (SM) Saturday, May 23, Easter Weekday PAULA WOLFE by Tom & Mary Ann Van Woerkom Like us! (SM) (SC) (SM) (ST) (SC) (HF) (SM) (SC) (HF) (SM) (HF) (SM) First Step in Becoming Catholic (SM) (HF) Thursday, May 21, St. Chrisopher Magallanes & Comp. 7:00 a.m. JOHN BRADLEY - BALLY HALLY by McEntees – Lisarney (SM) 8:00 a.m. PASQUALE & MARIA COPPOLA by Sam & Terry Sciacca (HF) 12:15 p.m. ELIZABETH MORSE by Elaine Stetson (SM) 9:00 a.m. SUNDAY, MAY 24, FEAST OF PENTECOST 7:00 a.m. PETE GIOTTA by Joe I. Mendonca, Jr. 8:00 a.m. FAMILIA SANDOVAL Y RODRIGUEZ by Sergio Sandoval & Maria B. Rodriguez 8:30 a.m. CLAUDINE URTECHO by the Zaragosa family 9:30 a.m. INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS 10:00 a.m. MAE MILLER by Lois & Ruthanne 10:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF MARY GONZALES by the Gonzales family 10:30 a.m. JUNII HATAKEDA by Barbara Cox 12:00 p.m. HELEN MOMBOURQUETTE by Gene & Anna Sheesley 12:00 p.m. ANNA PORRAS by Frank & Joan Bell 1:00 p.m. OLIMPIA NAVARRO JIMENEZ departe familia Valladolid Xochil 5:00 p.m. INT. OF COLLEEN MESTAS by Fr. Eric 7:00 p.m. RICHARD E. DEAN by Lucila Dean INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM Monday, May 18,St. John I AGNES COSTA by Marilee Roadcap DANIEL GONZALES by Mary Gonzales INTENTIONS OF STUART & JOAN MORSE by Elaine Stetson Wednesday, May 20, St. Bernardine of Siena 7:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF DAVID & TAMMY RAMIREZ by Rachel Navarrete (SM) 8:00 a.m. LEONOR FRAGOSO by Sara Gaytan Fragoso (HF) 12:15 p.m. INT. OF JOSEPH VELASQUEZ by his father (SM) 8:00 a.m. SATURDAY, MAY 23, VIGIL FOR FEAST OF PENTECOST 4:00 p.m. MARIA SOUZA by her family SM) 5:30 p.m. JOSE & MARIA QUEZON by Paz Q. Ricablanca (SC) 6:00 p.m. PEDRO LEON by his family (HF) (SM) Are you unbaptized, and considering being baptized in the Catholic faith? Have you already been baptized in another church and are now considering becoming a Catholic? Are you a baptized Catholic who has never been confirmed? If your answer to any of these questions is “Yes” and you are at least 18 years old, Introduction to Catholicism might be just what you've been looking for. It is the initial phase of the RCIA process, and is also call Inquiry. It includes 9 sessions covering basic Catholic beliefs and practices in an informal setting where questions are welcomed. Our first session will be Wednesday, May 27th, at 7:00 pm in Room 2 at the Parish Center on Garden Street, between Murray and Race. If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Ken Ramage - 734-8303; [email protected], or Jack Martinesen – 303-8706. 1 Wednesday, May 27, 2015 We Believe 2 Wednesday, June 10, 2015 We Believe 3 Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Liturgy/Sacraments 4 Wednesday, July 08, 2015 Liturgy/Sacraments 5 Wednesday, July 22, 2015 Bible/Tradition 6 Wednesday, August 05, 2015 Bible/Tradition 7 Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Saints/Mary/Prayer 8 Wednesday, Sept.02, 2015 Why Do Catholics . . ? 9 Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2015 Recap and Q&A Best FISH and SHRIMP TACOS in the Valley Voted Best SALAD and BURRITO in Tulare County HANFORD 150 N. 12th Ave., Suite 109, 583-0589 TULARE Plaza Del Lago 1348 Prosperity Ave., 685-0366 VISALIA 3000 Dinuba Blvd., Suite A, 733-5125 GEORGE YBARRA PAINTING Lic# 644731 592-7264 VAL DORNAY Francisco Javier Gómez Pimentel Realty Group-KW ATTORNEY AT LAW Permítame Servirle con Honestidad y Respeto Former Dep. D.A. & Vietnam Vet. 559-397-3846 [email protected] Knight of Columbus For 35 Years Gracias por su Preferencia. Martinusen and Associates LEGAL SERVICES FOR: COMPRA • VENTA • INVERSIÓN Janet W. Martinusen, CFP® RICP® a financial advisory practice of AUTO ACCIDENTS • PROBATE WILLS • LIVING TRUSTS Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Jack Martinusen, CFP® CRPC® FREE Consultation • Se Habla Español 1104 W. Center Ave. Glenn R. Dembroff (559) 299-5300 or (888) 214-1000 Visalia, CA 93291 Financial Advisors DISCOUNT OF 50% FOR PROBATE, Specializing in Personal Injury and Auto Accidents. Free Consultation. 2340 W. Whitendale Ave. Suite A, Visalia 559-739-7005 Phone: 559.732.4955 WILLS & TRUSTS FOR PARISHIONERS A to Z EDDIE & MIKE PROFESSIONAL ROOFING SANCHEZ BROTHERS LIC. #882464 RE-ROOFING & LEAK REPAIR TREE SERVICE CA. CONT. LIC. #799998 FULLY INSURED PL & PD ASPHALT SHINGLE/TILE ROOF CERTIFICATION MATEO ESPINOZA 559-679-3504 STERLING & SMITH FUNERAL HOME Catholic owned & operated! We offer the highest quality services at affordable prices! Direct Cremations from $1,000 Funeral Service with a Cremation from $2,795 Funeral Services from $2,885 Hablamos su idioma! TULARE (559) 685-9295 PARISHIONERS VISALIA (559) 636-9295 Ask about preplanning! 10% Discount with Ad We accept Pre-Needs & insurance policies written by other funeral homes 409 N. “K” Street Tulare (559) 684-9304 1123 Plaza Dr., Visalia 559.302.4550 Fax 559.651.1742 Lic. # FD2106 Lynn A. Minyard, LCSW BeautiControl Children, Adult, Family & Charlotte Willenborg Couples Counseling Independent Consultant Fluent in “Tagalog” Personalized Skin Care • Cosmetics 504 West School Ave. 559-732-0122 Spa Products • Anti Aging Treatment Visalia LCS #19607 (559) 799-3048 [email protected] INSURANCE AGENCY E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 7 3 CA Insurance Lic. #0472072 Local for 40 years! Let’s Meet at the Bear After Mass We are associated with a major insurance company, and a nationally top rated claims department. Good Old-Fashioned Family Food AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL RV/TOYS • RETIREMENT • LONG TERM CARE Now Open Saturdays 9am-1pm LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF COURT & WALNUT BEHIND 7-ELEVEN Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 2041 S. Court Street • Visalia • [email protected] For Professional, Personal Service Call: 900 S. MOONEY BLVD. Beer & Wine 559-627-6301 635-1260 AN ALLSTATE AGENCY Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner DISCOUNT GLASS Beer & Wine 3103 S. Mooney Blvd. “Homemade is Our Specialty” 734-8394 Ruben & Lydia Ortega (Parishioners) LIC # 828678 Replacement Windows Window Repair - Shower Doors Mirror Installations - Screens 4118 W. Mineral King, Visalia (559) 732-5048 Se Habla Español 600750 Catholic Church of Visalia (C) ·New & Used Auto Glass ·Vidrios de nuevos y usados ·Window tint - vehicles & commercial AUTO GLASS & WINDOW TINT ·Mobile service available 903 W. Murray · 308-6213 Craig P. Swearingen, CPA Partner 3326 W. Mineral King Ave., Visalia, CA 93291 Phone 559-625-4444 Fax 559-636-8668 [email protected] For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Russell F. Hurley C A F E 2 2 5 Law Offices of Hurley & Laird Wood-fired Rotisserie & Grill Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Monday - Saturday / 7:00 am - 10:00 pm WILLS & LIVING TRUSTS REAL ESTATE, BUSINESS & AGRICULTURE 403 N. Floral St. Karl & Kim Merten 225 W. Main St. • Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-2967 739-7200 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 BUHL APARTMENTS Scott, Mainord, Langley & Simmons, Inc. Certified Public Accountants Frances I. Langley, CPA Parishioner 733-1090 3600 W. Mineral King Ave Ste C Visalia CA 93291 (559) 625-3200 Parishioner Miller Memorial Chapels FD-65 732-8371 1120 W. Goshen • “Next to Visalia Cemetery” ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 2230 E. MAIN ST. 625-8239 WHY IS IT Alethea Coelho, DDS A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket Family & Cosmetic Dentistry on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas Dr. Alethea Coelho and her staff share a common goal, which is to provide the very best, friendly, warm, and welcoming environment to each and every patient. A dental professional who devotes herself to excellence in General and Cosmetic Dentistry. bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup (559) 733-2218 2220 W. Main Street, Visalia 93291 • of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. Home Financing At Its Best! • Conventional / FHA / VA / USDA • Jumbo loan products • Investor Loans • New Construction • Refinance • Remodels $4.00 OFF Naturally Nuts Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. Gift Baskets, Sugar Free Chocolates I am patronizing your business Now Located At because of it! Caldwell & Fairway, Visalia 559-432-2727 Rosa Compean NMLS# 258932 1111 E. Herndon Ave, #111 Located in the Atrium building at First & Herndon in Fresno Cell: 559-930-9127 [email protected] Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the CA Department of Business Oversight CRMLA 4131040. Corporate NMLS ID 174457. All rights reserved. 04102014 WHY IS IT? 0001 186374-01-1 David Miller Brad Miller Gary Giraudi Jim Klapperich Ray Gomez an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA EL AGUA ES ASUNTO DE TODOS (559) 513-8564 • May God Bless You + Que Dios Los Bendiga PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE 205 North K St. Tulare, CA 93274 PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP The Vintage Press Restaurante ........... (559) 688-1800 Office $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts (559) 786-4495 Ruben Cell (559) 280-0571 Elizabeth Cell E-Mail: [email protected] Ruben and Elizabeth Madrid Web: STAN VIERRA ELECTRIC Hanford Commercial • Industrial Agricultural • Residential State License No. 323578 582-8693 24 Hr. Service 600750 Catholic Church of Visalia (B) ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Fashionable Dining Sunday Brunch & Dinner Serving Lunch Dinner & Cocktails Banquet Facilities *First Three Months 216 N. Willis, Visalia 733-3033 Restaurant and Caffe For Authentic Italian Cuisine Come to 30 Years Experience “ASSISTING SENIORS IN THE CENTRAL VALLEY” ICON DENTAL Closed on Sundays 303 W. Main St. 734-2906 FAMILY SEDATION & IMPLANT DENTISTRY Parishioner (559) 733-2273 MEDICARE LIFE • DENTAL VISION GROUP & INDV. HEALTH PLANS • 559-229-5060 or 559-960-4235 Se Habla Español “ Still Making House Calls” Lic. #0728600 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 DAVID MINYARD Valera Tech Services 559.280.6951 CELL Family Law • Personal Injury • Criminal Law Divorce, Adoptions, Guardianships 635-4794 Visalia, CA 904 West Center Ave. [email protected] 2410 E. Mineral King 732-2112 We Sell the Best & Service the Rest Referrals Appreciated I MMIGRANT R IGHTS C ENTER “Dignified and Affordable Without Compromise” OLA R AZA , I N C . Horacio Valera Computer Technician [email protected] 559-429-5294 Delta Nursing & REHABILITATION CENTER Gerrie Giotta R E A LT Y Attorney at Law I.T. Services With A Personal Approach • Desktops, Laptops, Macs & PCs • Computer Virus & Spyware Removal • Hardware Diagnosis & Repair • Network Setup & Data Recovery • Mobile Device Repair: iPads, iPhones, Androids, Tablets & Smartphones “Your Hometown Appliance Store” F U N E R A L C H A P E L 2 Locations to Serve Your Family Guaranteed Lowest Cost VISALIA 559-625-8900 FARMERSVILLE 559-594-1063 1700 W. Caldwell, FD# 2129 332 E. Visalia Rd., FD# 2048 Mission Care Group Mark and Maureen Fisher S.A. CASSADAY SERVICE, INC. phone 559-732-8614 Electrical and Lighting 559-733-7574 cell: 559-250-1091 514 North Bridge St. C10-914200 C7-HIC Visalia, CA 93291 fax 559-732-1082 Fax: 559-733-9336 Parishioner Law Offices of Jim R. Martinez•DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry JAMES P. HURLBUTT New Patients Welcome 3445 S. Demaree • Visalia Attorney / Parishioner Estate Planning • Wills, Trusts & Probate Elder Law & Long-Term Care Planning Conservatorships • Business Transactions Estate & Business Litigation CENTRO DE DERECHOS DE INMIGRANTES CON EL PUEBLO DESDE 1974 733 - 4478 Bakersfield Delano Porterville Tulare Visalia 1630 19th St. Bakersfield, California 929 Jefferson St. Delano, California 180 N. Main St. Porterville, California 140 S. “K” St. Tulare, California 115 W. Main St. Visalia, California For further information, please call the Parish Office. Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Roger & Linda Delph Maria A. Haro Owner / Parishioner Insurance and Financial Services Agent 3636 W. Mineral King 3636 S. Mooney Blvd. 1401 E. Noble Ave. 1819 E. Noble Ave. 234 E. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 Tel 559.732.5252 Fax 559.732.5253 [email protected] License: OE50518 (inside Wal-Mart) 3102 N. Dinuba Blvd. 5215 W. Walnut Ave. Registered Representative, Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC 30801 Agoura Road, Bldg. 1, Agoura Hills, CA 91301-2054 Tel: 818.584.0200 Member FINRA & SIPC (559) 688-0086 26300 N. Mooney Blvd., Tulare, CA 439-2991 BANKRUPTCY FAMILY L AW IMMIGRATION Ed’s Fountains Joel’s Handyman Service LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES (Lic.# 858753) FULL LINE OF RELIGIOUS STATUARY Lynn Ramires-Owner/Parishioner Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Parishioner 134 N. Akers St., Visalia, CA 93291 • (559) 738-9646 • Se Habla Español 661-324-1667 661-725-2123 559-784-1121 559-684-1470 559-627-6291 call 679-8930 and Real Estate 559-734-0400 Janine Esquivel | Abogada/Attorney For Reliable, Quality Work Repairs and Improvements Free Estimates Commercial and Residential Sales & Leasing License #018394960 LA ABOGADA HABLA ESPAÑOL Parishioners, discounts offered Visalia’s Only Locally Owned & Operated Funeral Chapel FD-1781 • Member of George McCann’s Script Program • Owner Jeff Salser (FDR 1464) • Owner Steve Dillard (FDR-167, EMB-7791) Parishioner of St. Mary’s On Site Cremation Services Available 127 East Caldwell Ave., Visalia • (559) 635-1144 • 600750 Catholic Church of Visalia (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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