St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul 527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, TX 77338 Office: (281) 446-8211 Fax: (281) 446-8213 Office Hours: M-F 8:00 A.M. — 4:30 P.M. Website: Weekend Mass English: Saturday Vigil: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 A.M.; 5:00 P.M. (Youth) Español: Misa de Víspera (Sábado): 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 1:00 P.M. Weekday Mass Monday--Friday: 8:30 A.M. (English) Martes: 7:00 P.M. (Misa en Español) 1st Friday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. 1st Saturday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. Reconciliation (Confession) Tuesday: 6:00 P.M.—6:45 P.M. Saturday: 3:30 P.M.—5:00 P.M. Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration 9:00 A.M.—9:00 P.M. (Mon.—Fri.) Sacrament of Baptism: Parents requesting baptism for their child must call the parish office two months prior to the desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent. Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples interested in marriage at St. Mary Magdalene must contact the office at least six months prior to their desired wedding date. Please contact the office for more information. Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office if you or a loved one wish to receive sacramental anointing of the sick. Sacramento del Bautismo: Padres que quieran bautizar a sus hijos deben de llamar a la oficina por lo menos 2 meses antes de la fecha del bautismo. No hay bautizos durante el tiempo de cuaresma. Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas interesadas en casarse en Santa María Magdalena deben contactar a la oficina por lo menos seis meses antes de su fecha preferida de matrimonio. Por favor llamen a la oficina para mayor información. Unción de los Enfermos: Por favor llame la oficina si usted o algún ser querido desea ser ungido. Pastor: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, M.S.P. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Jude Umunna Uche, M.S.P. Deacons: Nick Caruso & James Meshell Weekly Message He was lifted up We celebrate today the feast of the bodily Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven in the presence of his apostles. This feast is ordinarily celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday, which makes it fall on the Thursday of the sixth week of Easter. However, the feast is transferred to the Seventh Sunday of Easter by most dioceses in the United States. The only ecclesiastical provinces that celebrated the feast last Thursday are: Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and Omaha. Every other province, including Galveston-Houston, celebrates the feast today, the Seventh Sunday of Easter. It is possible for one to celebrate this feast twice in a year. For example, if you attended Mass last Thursday in Boston and you are in church today, you are celebrating Ascension twice within a week! The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles gives us Luke’s account of that spectacular event as Jesus was lifted up from among his apostles. The apostles and disciples probably felt alone, sad and abandoned as their leader was being taken away from them. The angels quickly reassured them: “This same Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven” (Acts of the Apostles 1:11). The Ascension of Jesus to heaven is meant to be a happy event for Christians who truly believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah. The One who descended from heaven and came to earth taking our human form in the womb of the Virgin Mary has now taken our humanity back to heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father. In the ascension of Jesus to heaven, we are certain that we have someone like us in heaven, someone who is also the Son of God and the second person of the Trinity. Tradition has it that the ascension took place on the Mount of Olives not far from Jerusalem. Jesus took the disciples to this mountain and gave them his last words. On that mountain, they must have seen the vast land around them and beyond them; they must have looked at the immensity of the sky and what is beyond. As Jesus leaves his disciples, he commissions them to go out and proclaim the good news to those ready to listen. He has accomplished his own work, and he left the rest for them. To be sure that the disciples did not get discouraged, Jesus promised to empower them. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem … and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1: 8). It is now our duty as Christians to tell the story of the good news of Jesus to those who have not heard about Him. With Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven now, we are certain that he will supply our needs. He knows us and wants us to succeed in life. His mission has now become our mission, and he will help us to accomplish it. Next Sunday is the feast of Pentecost when we shall commemorate the coming down of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Let us pray this week for a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit on each of us so that we can be Christ’s true disciples in our world today. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth thy spirit and they shall be created And you shall renew the face of the earth. —Fr. Felix Are you new to our parish or have been coming for a while but are not yet registered? We offer you a warm welcome to St. Mary Magdalene parish. Becoming an active parishioner begins when you are counted as a parishioner. Please talk to one of the Ministers of Hospitality after Mass about how to register. You can also come by the church office during the week to register. P. 2 Time & Talent Ministries MASS / LITURGY ORGANIZATIONS OUTREACH MINISTRIES KEENAGERS (60+) Barbara Walker - (281) 852-4103 SOCIAL SERVICES Wanda Conley - (281) 540-1907 ALTAR GUILD Shirley Jones - (281) 852-0670 YOUNG AT HEART (50+) SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 PRISON MINISTRY Mary Hernandez - (713) 299-8493 ALTAR SERVERS Vickie VanGordon - (832) 496-9876 Jimena Farfan-Sp. - (832) 513-0812 RED HAT SOCIETY Loretta Schermock - (832) 640-9357 Jo Smith - (281) 381-9892 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Freda Monk - (281) 852-7257 Eduardo Farfan-Sp. - (708) 945-2579 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 6878 Greg Forestieri - (281) 441-2711 ART & ENVIRONMENT Jean Johnson - (281) 358-3416 June Domengeaux - (281) 852-2555 INSTITUTED ACOLYTE Ron Cecil - (281) 590-7528 MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 Francisco Aguilera-Sp.(281) 354-6952, (832) 513-0812 LECTORS Denise Ruffino - (281) 300-8534 Ma. Elena Aguilera-Sp.-(281) 354-6952 CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD Ben Bates - (281) 454-7575 Ericka Gonzalez-Sp. - (281) 731-6050 MUSIC MINISTRY Perci Cacanindin - (281) 446-8211 Yvette Rodriguez - (281) 548-1674 DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Gilbert & Linda Alfaro (281) 852-4573 DIVINE MERCY Terry Mares - (832) 790-0837 LEGION OF MARY Barbara Rivera-En.-(281) 913-9631 Maribel Subias –Sp.-(832) 444-7211 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Brenda Contreras - (713) 277-5093 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - 4TH Phil Ardoin - (281) 852-8773 COLUMBIAN SQUIRES Chief Counselor Alejandro Aramburu - (713) 966-0547 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Virgina R. Eckert - (713) 823-8951 MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO Julio & Cristina Romero- (832) 488-3367 FAITH FORMATION ADULT FAITH FORMATION, BECOMING CATHOLIC (RCIA), INFANT BAPTISM, ADULT CONFIRMATION, RETREATS Ivana Meshell - (281) 446-8211 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Geneva Green - (832) 758-6475 Kay Huggins - (409) 656-6587 YOUTH MINISTRIES Mike Smith - (281) 446-8211 SCHOOL MINISTRIES SCHOOL BOARD Joshua Raab - (281) 446-8535 FORMACIÓN EN LA FE MINISTERIO HISPANO, RICA, BAUTISMOS, CONFIRMACIONES, PATROCINADORES DE MATRIMONIO, QUINCEAÑERAS Vickie Cortez - (281) 446-2933 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Margarita Rodriguez - (832) 445-6318 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Marvin Corbitt - (281) 852-3111 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Teresa O’Brien - (919) 623-5343 ([email protected]) BLOOD DRIVE Loretta Schermock - (832) 640-9357 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Madeline Graham - (281) 446-8044 NURSING HOME MINISTRY Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home Monica Fontenot - (281) 913-5221 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE Darril B. - (281) 852-4230 Wayne B. - (281) 777-9217 Florentino V. - (281) 852-3101 Susan G. - (281) 813-0575 PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY Ron & Ann McCuen - (281) 852-4743 ([email protected]) PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY Jean Chebret - (281) 441-7365 HELPING HANDS MINISTRY Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 OTHERS NURSERY Wanda Conley - (281) 446-8211 FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 Neha Delphin - (713) 927-8239 PASTORAL COUNCIL Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 FINANCE COUNCIL Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 SECURITY TEAM John Garza - (832) 875-1377 Prayer for Consecrated Persons God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes. Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and courageously to your will. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. —Mark 16:16 P.3 CHURCH STAFF Mrs. Wanda Conley, Business Manager Mr. Rick Swanson, Facilities Manager Mr. Jose Garcia, Maintenance Mr. Jorge Acosta, Maintenance Mrs. Susie Zamarrón, Parish Secretary Mr. Perci Cacanindin, Director of Music and Liturgy Mrs. Vickie Cortez, Director of Hispanic Ministry Mrs. Ivana Meshell, Director of Adult Faith Formation Ms. Ginger Herrington, Adult Faith Formation Assistant Mr. Michael Smith, Director of Faith Formation-Children/Youth Mrs. Diana Mendoza, Faith Formation Secretary Ms. Claire Ramos, Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation Mr. Alex Croffie, Youth Ministry Assistant Ms. Madelyn Cañas, Bulletin Editor Ms. Estela Treviño, Receptionist Mr. Ryan Rivera, Receptionist Mrs. Lupe Gonzales, Receptionist Stewardship Offering Offertory May 9 & 10, 2015 — $28,054.00 Online Giving (As of 05/11/2015) — $410.00 Mail-in Offertory — $9,905.19 Total — $38,369.19 Second Collection (School Support) — $8,898.46 DSF Update (As of 05/12/2015) 2015 DSF Goal — $160,220.00 Contribution to Date — $85,865.76 Amount Pledged to Date — $119,059.65 Number of Participants — 376 NURSERY STAFF Mrs. Wanda Conley, Nursery Coordinator Mrs. Lodie Alvarado, Nursery Attendant Mrs. Marcela Castillo, Nursery Attendant Mrs. Isabel Gonzalez, Nursery Attendant Ms. Estela Treviño, Nursery Attendant ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC SCHOOL 530 Ferguson St. Humble, TX 77338 Office: (281) 446-8535 http// Mr. Joshua Raab, Principal Mrs. Trish Duhon, Director of Admissions & Communication Mrs. Lisa Broussard, Academic Coordinator Mrs. April Dandridge, Director of Development Mrs. Carol Poston, Advancement Coordinator Mrs. Christy Keeling, Academic Coach Mrs. Donna Mohrman, Nurse Mrs. Kelli Pitt, Bookkeeper Ms. Josie Alfaro, Office Assistant Ms. Sam McKinney, Secretary BULLETIN DEADLINES ISSUE May 24th, 2015 May 31st, 2015 DUE BY Our parish is offering a convenient service for contributions! Online Giving is a web-based application that allows you to start, stop, and change your contributions at any time. Please notice that there are now cards in each pew that state “I’ve given online,” which you can drop into the collection basket during offertory at Mass. Online Giving is very easy to use and requires no special knowledge other than how to access the Internet. If you haven’t already signed up, please go to our parish website at and select Online Giving. Newly Instituted Acolyte for Our Parish Congratulations to Joel Gonzalez who was instituted as an Acolyte by Bishop Sheltz on May 6, 2015. Thank you for your ministry to our parish. May 18th, 2015 May 25th, 2015 Rest in Peace: Word of Life “When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness. Moreover, the Lord invites each of us to behold ourselves and each other with the same wonder and awe.” — 2014-15 Respect Life Program flyer, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Hugo Gonzalez, Parishioner and husband of Carmella Gonzalez Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord! May he rest in peace! P.4 This Week in the Parish Sunday May 17 Monday May 18 Tuesday May 19 6:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. FLC - KC Breakfast SMH - Comisión Hispana CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet YR - HS Youth Night CP - Respect Life Rosary 9:30 a.m. FLC - Keenagers 6:00 p.m. SMH - Prayer Quilt 7:00 p.m. Lib - Legión de María (Esp.) 7:00 p.m. 101-Coord. Mtg. Grupo de Oración 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. CH - Confessions SMH - Catholic Daughters Mtg. 106, 108, 110, 111 - Cub Scouts 216 - Mtg. B Marriage Prep 101 - Legion of Mary (Eng.) FLC - Grupo de Oración CH - Coro Abba Padre Wednesday May 20 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. CH - Ensayo de Lectores (Esp.) MGH - KC 4th Degree CH - 2nd Power Rehearsal 101 - Ensayo de Alabanza Thursday May 21 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. SMH - Children’s Choir YR - MS Youth Night SJH, 215 - RCIA 207 - RICA—Español CH - Choir Adult SMH - Columbian Squires Mtg. Friday May 22 7:00 p.m. CP - LOM Family Rosary 7:30 p.m. Ch Rm - Voces de Jesus Saturday May 23 8:00 a.m. SMH - Como ser un buen servidor 10:00 a.m. CH - First Eucharist Mass 3:30 p.m. CH - Confessions Sunday May 24 PENTECOST 7:30 a.m. FLC - Catholic Daughters Bake Sale 3:00 p.m. CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet Social Services April 2015 Numbers Thanks to your generous time and donations, we were able to help the following number of people in April: Families: 58 Children: 54 Adults 65 and Over: 4 Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday May 17 7:30 am Eleanor † & Justine Gordon † 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Mabel Harris † Colleen Johns Randazzo † Javier Canales † Beverly J. Mischler † Monday Tuesday May 18 8:30 am Dominic Van Tran † May 19 8:30 am 7:00 pm Eric Dwyer † Special Intention † Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday May 20 8:30 am Erica Capak (SPI) May 21 8:30 am Roxanna Oliver (SPI) May 22 8:30 am Thomas Paul † May 23 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Concepcion Family † Juvenal Gonzalez † Sunday May 24 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Richardo Torrez † Marcus & Indie Flynn Enya Angeles † Connie & Hipolito Gonzalez (SPI) Jesse †, Tony †, & Casey Contreras † To reserve a Mass, please stop by the Parish office and reserve your date and time for the intention. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 TOTAL: 141 People Volunteers contributed a total of 206 hours. We are always very thankful for the generous donations that we receive from parishioners. THANK YOU!!! SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: The Ascension of the Lord; World Communications Day St. John I St. Bernardine of Siena St. Christopher Magellanes and Companions; Julian Calendar Ascension St. Rita of Cascia P. 5 Weekly Announcements What is Spiritual Direction? Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Hail Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. May is the Month of Mary. Please pray the rosary daily in honor of our blessed mother. Upcoming Knights of Columbus Breakfasts Thanks for all your patronage of our breakfasts. All net proceeds of these breakfasts go to support The Gold Envelope for St Mary Magdalene Parish debt reduction, Humble Area Assistance Ministries, K of C Wheelchair Mission, and many other great causes in concert with Church teachings. ALL events in the Family Life Center. May 17th - Mexican Breakfast May 24th — No K of C breakfast; Catholic Daughters Bake Sale May 31st — Squires Breakfast Thanks for your patronage! Knights of Columbus KEENAGERS ALL ADULTS AGES 60 AND UP ARE INVITED Fellowship — Bingo — Lunch MONDAY — MAY 18, 2015 St. Mary’s Hall 9:30 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Just bring a Snack or Dessert to share Volunteers & Helpers always welcome Barbara Walker—281-852-4103 [email protected] Join us the third Monday of each month! Spiritual Direction is recommended for people who are actively seeking God’s will in the midst of their daily life. The primary goal of spiritual direction is the growth of one’s relationship with the Lord and an increased ability to discern God’s voice. In spiritual direction, there is a one-on-one conversation about one’s experience of prayer and the spiritual consequences of that experience to living a full, mature, Christian life. Throughout the whole process of spiritual direction, the primary purpose must always be the spiritual growth and maturation of the person receiving direction. Ultimately, as directees grow in their understanding of God’s working in their life, a deeper, more intimate relationship emerges with the Lord, thus producing a spirit which is more docile and surrendered. There are a number of certified spiritual directors in the Archdiocese. Kay Huggins is a new parishioner at St. Mary Magdalene. She is a Marian Servant of the Incarnate Wisdom, which is a Public Association of the Faithful. She and her husband, Larry, have moved here from Chester, TX. She is a certified spiritual director, a graduate of The Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spirituality in Association with the Franciscan University of Steubenville. Call Kay at (409) 656-6587 for more information, should you feel the Lord calling you to this kind of relationship with Him. A Prayer for Vocations O God, Father of all Mercies, Provider of a bountiful Harvest, Send Your Graces upon those You have called to gather the fruits of Your labor; Preserve and strengthen them in their Lifelong service of you. Open the hearts of Your children That they may discern Your Holy Will; Inspire in them a love and desire to surrender themselves To serving others in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ. Teach all Your faithful to follow their respective paths in life, guided by Your Divine Word and Truth. Through the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, All the Angels, and Saints, humbly hear our prayers And grant Your Church's needs, through Christ, our Lord. Amen. P. 6 Weekly Announcements Next Sunday’s Second Collection — Social Concerns & Support for Nepal’s Earthquake Victims A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal late in the morning of April 25th, 2015, toppling buildings and homes, causing widespread panic, and claiming thousands of lives. Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by this powerful earthquake. Our second collection next Sunday will partly support our parish Social Services Ministry and partly support the victims of the earthquake in Nepal. Please be generous. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Join Fr. Felix and other parishioners on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from November 2 – 10, 2015. To learn more about this pilgrimage, there will be a presentation and prayer session for those who have registered and other intending pilgrims on Monday, June 8th at 7 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. We will visit the actual sites of the events portrayed in the Stations of the Cross, the resurrection, and many more in the life of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Other sites will include the site of the First Miracle of Jesus, Mount Olive, and the Tomb of the Virgin Mary. We will visit Bethlehem and Nazareth, the Church of the Beatitudes, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, St. John the Baptist, the Church of the Nativity and many more. Call the parish office for more information or visit Nominations for Pastoral Council The Pastoral Council is accepting nominations for positions to the council. The selections are determined through a discernment process. The discernments for these positions will be held on June 7th, 2015 at 2:30 P.M. in McGivney Hall. As a member on the Pastoral Council, you serve as a representative to all the parishioners of Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Community. Your primary purpose is to be a consultative body for the pastor. Council members should strive to represent the hopes, needs and issues of all the people of this parish and report them back to the pastor. Some of the requirements for membership are: must be registered in the parish, have demonstrated a commitment to the parish community, and be in full communion with the Catholic Church. Please use the below form to enter your name or someone that you would like to recommend to the position. The form may be dropped off at the parish office, it can also be dropped in the offering basket, and, additionally, there is an online form at: Thank you and God Bless. Your Pastoral Council Nominations for Pastoral Council Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ Phone: _________________________________ P. 7 Weekly Announcements * • Specific curriculum program for Pre K3 & Pre K-4 • Before and After school program available • Affordable Tuition with Assistance Programs Available • Daily Religion Classes including weekly Mass • Spanish, Music, Art, PE • Advanced curricu- lum based on national standards • Formal “Academic Enrichment Program” with a dedicated teacher & Technology, National Junior Honor Society, Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Football, Chess Club, Basketball, Track, Soccer and more! 530 Ferguson St. Humble, TX 77338 (281) 446-8535 KSHJ 1430 AM – English Catholic radio in Houston, TX. Tune in for intelligent talk, catechesis, apologetics, a Catholic perspective on news and current events, great fun, and lots of advice on living the faith in our relationships and sharing the faith with our friends and family. Tune in every Monday at 12 noon to “Evangelium Live,” Houston’s local live program hosted by Joe McClane. Listen on air at AM 1430, online at, or on your mobile device – both IOS and Android. * Mason is a 2-year-old boy who suffers from seizures. He was diagnosed with Lennox-Gastant Syndrome. LGS is a severe form of epilepsy that is difficult to treat. Mason has up to 80+ seizures per day. Our goal is to help out the family with medical equipment, medical bills, and other items to help out Mason. VIRTUS Training The Archdiocesan Office of Safe Environment requires that all volunteers and employees of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church attend VIRTUS Training. If anyone took the Protecting God’s Children class before 2010, they MUST take a Keeping the Promise Alive refresher class to maintain their VIRTUS status. If they do not complete the refresher, they CANNOT participate in anything involving minors. Please make every effort to maintain your VIRTUS status. Visit for registration and for a list of churches that are holding the training. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Enloe at (281) 389-1820 or e-mail Linda at [email protected] P. 8 Youth Ministry News Graduates’ Mass: This Sunday, May 17th, we will honor our graduating high school and college seniors at the annual “Graduates’ Mass.” Graduates are invited to be recognized for your accomplishments and receive a special blessing at the 5:00pm Mass; all graduates are asked to wear their school’s graduation gown (no caps, please) to Mass. Please gather in the narthex {the gathering space} of the church no later than 4:45pm so you can process in prior to Mass beginning. “Youth Nights”: We will hold a high school “Sports Night” this Sunday, May 17th from 6:15pm – 8:00pm “Sports Night” in the FLC. Our next middle school youth event is “Movie Night” this Thursday, May 21st from 6:00pm – 7:30pm in the Youth Room. Note: the Youth Room is now located in the St. Paul Center, where our Faith Formation classes are held. Be sure to bring a friend! Next week’s schedule: Sunday, May 24th – high school “Bowling at Max Bowl”… Thursday, May 28th – middle school “Arts and Crafts Night.” 2015 – 2016 Faith Formation Registration: Parents who wish to register their child(ren) for Formation / Sacrament programming for the next school should plan to attend the final “early registration event” on Saturday, June 6th (2pm – 5pm, Family Life Center). Please bring in one of your offering envelopes to confirm your parish registration; payment in full is expected at the time of registration - we accept cash and checks for tuition fees. There will also be a “late registration event” on Saturday, August 29th (2pm – 5pm, FLC). These will be the only remaining opportunities to register for classes prior to the start of classes in September. “YOUTH JAM”: Our second “Youth Jam” is coming up on Sunday, June 7th. Middle school and high school youth (grades 6th – 12th), and their families are invited to attend the Sunday 5:00pm Mass… Following the Mass, all youth are invited to go to the Family Life Center for music, food, fun, and more. “Youth Jam” will run from 6:10pm – 7:30pm. If you would like to assist with this special event, please call the Youth Office at (281) 446-1241, or email Mike at [email protected]! You can also get text message reminders sent to your cell phone by texting @youthjam to 81010! Summer Study CCE: Our two-week summer intensive program is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 8th, and we are in need of elementary, middle school, and high school catechists to lead the Faith Formation classes. We are required to have at least two adults in each class, and training is provided! If you are interested in sharing your faith with our children and youth, please contact the CCE Office… You do not have to be a professional teacher to be a catechist. All that is needed is a heart for young people and a desire to share the faith God has already put in your heart. “Genesis Retreats”: The first of our two “Genesis Retreats” is coming up on Saturday, June 20th from 9:30am – 6:30pm in the Family Life Center (the registration deadline for this event is Monday, June 15th). This one-day retreat experience is for our 2016 Confirmation candidates… The second event is scheduled for Saturday, August 15th. Parents must complete and turn in the red retreat registration form that was given out at the Confirmation meeting; no students will be permitted to register at the door on the day of the retreat. Parents and students are encouraged to sign-up for text message reminders, which can be sent directly to your cell phones (see below)! If you would like to help staff this event, please contact Mike in the Youth Office. Archdiocesan Youth Conference: Between July 31st and August 2nd, we will meet in downtown Houston for Cardinal DiNardo’s “family reunion” for high school youth – the Archdiocesan Youth Conference (AYC). AYC is a gathering of 3,000 youth and youth leaders for a weekend of music, prayer, Mass, fun, and workshops. The cost is $165 per person, and the registration deadline is Monday, June 22nd. Contact the Youth Office for details on getting signed up. Text Message Reminders: We are pleased to offer text message reminders which can be sent straight to your cellphone / mobile device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific messages for our programs… 2016 Confirmation candidates / parents: @conf2016 2017 Confirmation candidates / parents: @conf2017 2015 – 2016 Reconciliation / Eucharist preparation: @sacprep Middle school / High school “YOUTH JAM”: @youthjam Mike Smith, Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth [email protected] Alex Croffie, Youth Ministry Assistant [email protected] Youth Office: (281) 446-1241 CCE Office: (281) 446-2933 P.9 Children’s News Faith Formation (CCE) & Sacramental Preparation Registration The last “early registration event” for the 2015 - 2016 catechetical year will be Saturday, June 6th in the Family Life Center from 2pm-5pm. There will also be a “late registration” event on Saturday, August 29th in the Family Life Center from 2pm-5pm. These are the only times you may register for classes. We will no longer be taking walk-in registrations in the Parish Offices! Please bring your parish offering envelope with you, as well as either cash or check (payable to St. Mary Magdalene) for CCE tuition fees. “Summer Study” Catechists Needed The two-week summer intensive is coming up June 8th - 12th and June 22nd - 26th… and there is still room for you to help teach one of these classes. We are looking for catechists and assistants to help staff all grade-level CCE classes. If you are interested in sharing your faith with our children and youth, please email Mike at [email protected] or call 281-446– 2933. We are in need of approximately 90 more adult catechists for this amazing experience. Please prayerfully consider this rewarding ministry; classroom training is provided! Sacramental Preparation If your child needs to be re-interviewed for their First Communion, please contact the CCE Office (281-446-2933) to schedule an appointment. Also, if you still have not turned in your child’s baptism certificate, please do so as soon as possible! ADULT FAITH FORMATION CATECHESIS & EVANGELIZATION Ivana T. Meshell, M.A., Director, [email protected] Assisted by Ginger Herrington, [email protected] The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study Bible Study resumes on THURSDAYS beginning September 17, 2015. Mornings 9:30-11:30; Evenings 7:00-8:40 (new night!) No Tuesday bible study. Studying Act of the Apostles The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. Contact the parish office so we can register you and order materials this summer! CHRIST COMES AMONG US EVERY DAY Christ comes regularly to St. Mary Magdalene in the persons of those who seek to have their babies baptized, in young couples looking for direction as they plan their married life together, in children who need to learn about God’s love, in adults who seek to join the Catholic faith, in the many who come to our door for help and hope. Our parish is in continual need of more persons in many of our ministries to attend to the needs of Christ present in the persons who need our help. Please consider assisting. If want to know more, contact the parish office. WEEKLY FIVE MINUTE PRAYER This week, let us pray for each other, and let us pray especially that men and women from our own families will step forward to serve the Church, that we will have many more priests, deacons, and pastoral ministers to serve the needs of our own people and that we will have the courage to encourage others to serve. P.10 A Biblical Walk Through the Mass: Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy by Edward Sri The Mass is very biblical. As Catholics, it is the center of our Faith. Many are familiar with the responses and gestures. But do we know what it all means? In A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri takes us on a unique tour of the Liturgy. In this video series, we will explore the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy and explains their profound significance. This intriguing look at the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your devotion to the Eucharist. St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Humble, Texas Saturday, June 20, 2015 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Followed by Mass for those who wish to attend. Welcome Catholics, non-Catholic, and non-practicing Catholics to learn about the Mass! Program materials are $20.00. Attend for FREE! If you just want to come and listen. Bring your own lunch or request a box lunch for $10.00. Contact us by JUNE 5 so we can make plans and order materials. Contact Ivana T. Meshell, M. A. Director of Adult Faith Formation [email protected] 281-446-8211 Visit our Parish Website: P.11 Especialmente para nuestra Comunidad Hispana Él fue elevado Hoy celebramos la fiesta de la Ascensión corporal de nuestro Señor Jesucristo al cielo en la presencia de sus apóstoles. Esta fiesta es tradicionalmente celebrada 40 días después del domingo de Pascua, lo cual hace que caiga el día jueves de la sexta semana de la Pascua. Sin embargo, la fiesta se mueve al Séptimo Domingo de la Pascua por la mayoría de las diócesis en los Estados Unidos. Las únicas provincias eclesiásticas que celebraron la fiesta el pasado jueves son: Boston, Hartford, Nueva York, Newark, Filadelfia y Omaha. Todas las demás provincias, incluyendo Galveston-Houston, celebran la fiesta hoy, el Séptimo Domingo de la Pascua. Es posible celebrar la fiesta dos veces en un año. Por ejemplo, si usted asistió a misa el jueves pasado en Boston y están en misa hoy, ¡están celebrando la Ascensión dos veces en una semana! La primera lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles nos da la versión de Lucas de ese evento espectacular cuando Jesús fue elevado de entre sus apóstoles. Los apóstoles y discípulos probablemente se sintieron solos, tristes y abandonados mientras su líder estaba siendo llevado lejos de ellos. Los ángeles inmediatamente los tranquilizaron: “Ese mismo Jesús que los ha dejado para subir al cielo, volverá como lo han visto alejarse” (Hechos de los Apóstoles 1:11). La Ascensión de Jesús al cielo debería ser un evento alegre para los cristianos quienes verdaderamente creen que Jesucristo es el mesías. Aquel quien descendió del cielo y vino a la tierra para tomar forma humana en el vientre de la Virgen María ahora ha llevado nuestra humanidad de nuevo al cielo y está sentado a la derecha del Padre. En la ascensión de Jesús al cielo, estamos seguros de que tenemos a alguien como nosotros en el cielo, alguien quien también es el Hijo de Dios y la segunda persona de la Trinidad. La tradición mantiene que la ascensión ocurrió en el Monte de los Olivos, no muy lejos de Jerusalén. Jesús llevó a los discípulos a esta montaña y les dio sus últimas palabras. En esa montaña, ellos seguramente vieron toda la tierra alrededor y más allá de ellos; ellos seguramente vieron la inmensidad del cielo y lo que hay más allá de eso. Mientras Jesús dejaba a sus discípulos, él les encargó que fueran y proclamaran la buena nueva a aquellos quienes estaban listos para escuchar. Él cumplió su propio trabajo y les dejó el resto a ellos. Para asegurar que los discípulos no se desanimaran, Jesús les prometió apoderarlos. “Cuando el Espíritu Santo descienda sobre ustedes, los llenará de fortaleza y serán mis testigos en Jerusalén… y hasta los últimos rincones de la tierra” (Hechos 1:8). Ahora es nuestro deber como cristianos contar la historia de la buena nueva de Jesús a aquellos quienes no han escuchado acerca de él. Ahora que Jesús está sentado a la derecha del Padre en el cielo, estamos seguros que él proveerá para nuestras necesidades. Él nos conoce y quiere que tengamos éxito en la vida. Su misión ahora se ha convertido en nuestra misión, y él nos ayudará a cumplirla. El próximo domingo es la fiesta del Pentecostés cuando conmemoremos la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles. Oremos esta semana para una efusión fresca del Espíritu Santo sobre cada uno de nosotros para que podemos ser verdaderos discípulos de Cristo en nuestro mundo de hoy. Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles Y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Manda tu espíritu y ellos serán creados Y tú renovaras la faz de la tierra. —Padre Felix P.12 Ofrenda Semanal Ofrenda 9 y 10 de mayo 2015 — $28,054.00 Ofrenda enviada por Internet — $410.00 Ofrenda enviada por correo — $9,905.19 Total — $38,369.19 Segunda Colecta (Apoyo para la escuela) — $8,898.46 Informe del DSF (A partir de 05/12/2015) Meta del DSF 2015 — $160,220.00 Contribución a la fecha — $85,865.76 Monto comprometido a la fecha — $119,059.65 Numero de participantes — 376 Inscripciones para el Catecismo del Año Escolar 2015-2016 Estaremos implementando un nuevo procedimiento de inscripciones para todos los programas de catecismo este nuevo año. Si necesitan registrar a su(s) hijo(s) para cualquier programa del catecismo, nuestro próximo “evento de inscripción” será el sábado, 6 de junio (2-5 P.M., FLC). También habrá un evento de inscripciones de último minuto el sábado, 29 de agosto (2-5 P.M.). Estas serán las únicas oportunidades para inscribirse para las clases. ¡NO SE ACEPTARÁN INSCRIPCIONES EN LA OFICINA! Favor de asistir a unos de estos eventos de inscripción. Información adicional acerca del proceso de inscripción al igual que costos serán publicados en las próximas semanas. ¡EL MONTO COMPLETO DE LAS CLASES SE DEBE PAGAR CUANDO SE REGISTRE! Palabra de Vida Cuando Dios creó a cada uno de nosotros, lo hizo con precisión y con un propósito, y mira a cada uno de nosotros con un amor que no se puede superar en intensidad ni ternura. Además, el Señor nos invita a contemplarnos a nosotros mismos y a contemplarnos mutuamente con la misma maravilla y asombro. — Volante del Programa Respetemos la vida 2014-15, Secretariado de Actividades Pro-vida de la USCCB Descubre: Una Reunión de Discernimiento para los Hombres 21 de mayo 2015 7:00 P.M. Borsky Athletic Center Salón 107 9845 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77024 ¿Has pensado sobre tu vocación y el plan de Dios para tu vida? Acompáñanos en esta reunión mensual de discernimiento vocacional en español para jóvenes adultos solteros de 18-35 años de edad. Habrá convivencia, comida, música, oración, charlas sobre el llamado vocacional, y acompañamiento de sacerdotes y religiosas. Para más información o para reservar tu espacio, visita o llama al (713) 652-8239. P.13 THRIVE BY LE-VEL Shannon Schiele 832-512-9038 TALK 19020 West Lake Houston Parkway 1/3 mile south of 1960 ........... (281) 812-DrDo (3736) Accepting New Patients Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-7:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM-2:00 PM Parishioner ........... MEXICAN RESTAURANT 242 1st St. Humble 281-319-4912 WestLake Medical 24/7 HELP NOYOLA’S Home Made Tortillas Thong M. Do, M.D. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice New Location!! WEIGHT MANAGEMENT • COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE • JOINT SUPPORT DIGESTIVE & IMMUNE SUPPORT • LEAN MUSCLE SUPPORT ANTI-AGING & ANTIOXIDANT • MENTAL CLARITY • APPETITE CONTROL SSCHIELE.LE-VEL.COM $3 OFF $15 or More Expiration Date 11/24/13 Order W/Ad Open 7 Days Open for B’Fast F-Sun 8AM… SOUTHERN FRONT Michael S. Bogenschutz Attorney at Law DOORS INC. Board Certified - Family Law $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Family Owned & Operated Since 2000 All Types of Front, Back, & Patio Doors Wood Doors • Steel Doors Iron Doors • Fiberglass Doors Thousands of Styles to Choose From Turn Key/Full Service ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Texas Board of Legal Specialization 540-2200 Sales • Finishing • Hardware • Expert Installation Experienced • 14 Years in Business • Dedicated to Customer Satisfaction Member of the BBB • Member of the Greater Houston Builders Association TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 11234 Jones Road West, Suite B, Houston, TX 77065 281-890-5860 *First Three Months CERTIFIED MEDICAL EXAMINER * DOT/CDL Physical exam $60. CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS Neck, low back or Joints Pain Soft tissue injury, Headache LOP accepted for Motor Vehicle Accident Injured @ Work (Worker’s Comp) Dr. Jenny Le, D.C. 713-862-0035 440 Benmar, Suite 1020 Houston, TX 77060 2019 FM 1960 East Associates Northeast II Humble, TX 77338 281-446-3000 Est. 1985 HOWARD’S HOME & SMALL BUSINESS SERVICES Repairs • Restoration • Installs We Will Get Your Projects Done Reasonable Pricing Parishioner Email: [email protected] Mayo Clinic Trained 713-367-3175 Jesus A to Z Eye Exams and Eye Surgery DOLORES AGUIRRE 18700 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. Bus. 832-445-3234 Cell. 713-501-6878 281-812-4000 CALVARY HILL FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY Hablo Español MGZ ASSOCIATES Bookkeeping and Tax Services Parishioners Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Mark Zylker – Owner Pat Carreon A colorful Catholic ABC Vera Eisterhold 281-360-1811 book for kids and Schmidt Counseling Associates families! Includes a glossary of questions William Schmidt PhD to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover Realtor Licensed Professional Counselor Consultation to Medicine, Law, Religion, Education 21723 Aldine Westfield Rd. $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 515133 St Mary Magdalene Church (C) Humble, TX 77338 281-443-3340 514 East First Street 6565 W. Loop S. Humble, TX 77338 Suite 600 281-359-8998 Houston, TX 77401 Fax 281 446 7774 [email protected] For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 CATFISH CAFE 7042 FM 1960 RD EAST Dale Guidry, Jr., Agent 281-812-8055 9142 Will Clayton Parkway Bus 281-852-7967 Fax 281-446-2420 [email protected] Humble Free Drink w/$8 Min. Open 7 Days Anderson Properties Carpet & Tile, Inc. Carpet • Vinyl • Wood Ceramic Tile Abbey Carpet & Floor 281-446-0783 1390 E. FM 1960 Bypass Martha Sanchez, Realtor® 17 N. Main St., Kingwood, TX 77339 Parishioner Cell: 832-489-1408 CLINICA MEDICA COMUNIDAD LATINA HORARIO: LUNES A VIERNES 9 AM-7 PM SÁBADOS 9 AM-2 PM 212 CHARLES ST. HUMBLE, TX Like a Good Neighbor State Farm Is There VISITA POR TAN SOLO 281-973-9510 SERVIMOS A TODA LA COMUNIDAD $30 Member SIPC Retirement Plans IRA’s Rollovers Mutual Funds Stocks • Bonds CONSULTA SOLAMENTE PREGNANCY HELP 1502 FIRST STREET SUITE F HUMBLE, TX 77338 281-540-1123 Noah LaBauve, Agent STATE FARM INSURANCE Providing Insurance and Financial Services 9701 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. East Ste. 250 Humble, TX 77396 DIANA VANHORN Office: 713-453-7191 CFP® Fax: 281-458-3121 Finincial Advisor 20121 W. Lake Houston 281-812-7593 Email: [email protected] MATT PRUCHA CFP®, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1710 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. #190 281-312-1345 Chris D. Csengery, D.D.S. Alan Carriere 19211 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. (in HEB Center) Atascocita Owner 1805 1st St E Humble, TX 77338 Email: [email protected] 281-852-3561 Parishioners of St. Martha Office: 281-570-6228 Fax: 281-990-2241 BRUCE D. WISE, CFP®, TGPC Retirement Specialist Make the WISE choice! (281) 360-WISE (9473) 1801 Kingwood Drive #160 Securities Offered through wfg INVESTMENTS, inc., member FINRA & SIPC Annie Murray DISNEY TRAVEL PLANNER 281-468-4934 [email protected] BOOK A NOV/DEC 2015 DISNEY WONDER CRUISE OUT OF GALVESTON AND RECEIVE UP TO $500 IN ON-BOARD CREDITS! FRIDAY / SATURDAY 11AM-9PM SELF STORAGE SUNDAY 11AM-6PM 3700 Atascocita Rd Humble, TX 77396 (281) 540-1985 [o] [email protected] CATERING AVAILABLE 832-776-7494 I TA L I A N O ’ S Pizza-Pasta-Vino Al & Susie 832-971-8400 Catering Rehearsal Dinners Anniversary Parties Danny Sullivan 24 Hrs 281.359.3598 I-Car Certified Techician Fax 281.359.1985 Owner 22500 Loop 494 Kingwood, Texas 77339 515133 St Mary Magdalene Church (B) Private Parties All Occasions 217 FM 1960 East Bypass For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Everything Plumbing Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise 281-360-4114 Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Agency 860.399.1785 Travel of AOS-USA Free Estimates GAVIN CUNNINGHAM Master Plumber #37024 Parishioner MIA’S BEAUTY SALON ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” General Handyman Men, Women & Kids Haircuts Haircolor • Highlights Facial Waxing & More 8950 Will Clayton Pkwy Ste F 281.358.1065 Se Habla Español Custom Cabinet Maker $30 Discount w/Ad and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 713-409-5668 QSC-1 Cleaning Concepts • References • Insured • 12 Years Experience • Houses & Apartments Weekly • 2 Weeks • Monthly 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Haydee 832-817-9388 832-499-8253 19011 Hwy. 59 North Humble, TX 77338 Deductible Rewards. Accident Forgiveness. New Car Replacement. Sound good? It’s time you gave me a call. (281) 446-0271 Sal Ortiz (281) 587-0000 1434 FM 1960 W., Ste. D Houston [email protected] LORI’S ADULT HOME CARE CHILDREN’S PLACE Mary De La Rosa Realtor 281-389-4822 Coldwell Banker United Realtors ASSISTED LIVING CARE FOR SENIORS LEARN & GROW APPT. ONLY “We value education & Give your child a healthy start” HUMBLE, ATASCOCITA, KINGOOD, SPRING *FREE MONTH 24 HRS. OF LOVE AND CARE WITH RESPECT AND DIGNITY Call: 832-528-3083 [email protected] 8014 FM 1960 E. Humble TX Tel: 281-812-0177 Email: [email protected] HEAVENLY HOUSE CLEANING • References • 13 Years Experience Weekly • 2 Week • Monthly Satisfaction Guaranteed Zulma (832) 867-9811 (832) 275-9003 EL RANCHERO COLDWELL BANKER UNITED REALTORS® MEXICAN RESTAURANT Bus — 281-852-4444 Ext 107 Cell — 713-865-3713 24551 Loop 494 @ Northpark Dr * Kingwood Joe Palermo 19100 West Lake, Houston Parkway Change Your Habit $5.00 Off SALES, SERVICE & RENTAL CUSTOM FRAMING • DIGITAL PRINTING MON. - FRI. 9AM-6PM SAT. 9AM-4PM 281-540-4101 FAX 281-540-4103 114 E. MAIN, HUMBLE, TX PAT ABLES — Broker Associate 281-358-5660 HUMBLE CAMERA CENTER Be a Quitter and Stop Smoking Any order of $20 or more Not valid with Alcohol, other offers, lunch specials or fajitas. One Coupon / Party Dine-In 22704 Loop 494, Suite K, Kingwood, TX 281-570-4553 [email protected] A & P ELECTRIC LAW OFFICES OF LYNETTE A. MARTINEZ Agent IMMIGRATION • DIVORCE • CRIMINAL 4345 Phelan Boulevard, Suite 101 Beaumont, TX 77707 Bus 409 838 2688 Fax 409 838 2689 [email protected] Good Neighbor Agent Since 1983 Commercial & Residential TECL-23929 - Se Habla Español Lynette A. Martinez Attorney • Abogada 601 First St., Humble,TX BARBER SHOP Straight razor cuts *low/high fades *mo hawks *fades *eyebrow wax 281-447-1355 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 832.233.3830 Se Habla Espanol [email protected] Website: Http:// $7 Haircut w/ this Ad (next to Café East) Call: Ariel 832-266-7937 BRENDA GARCIA 713-859-5221 Redefine Lines / Wrinkles / Pores / Firmness Reverse Brown Spots / Sun Damage Soothe Redness / Sensitivity / Rosacea Unblemish Acne and Acne Marks Rodan & Fields is changing Skin and Changing Lives! 236 First St. W. Humbel, TX Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent Pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company Northbrook, IL © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. JOSE A. MEDRANO, AGENT Insurance & Financial Services 203 N. Houston Ave., Humble 281-446-5404 515133 St Mary Magdalene Church (A) Parishioner 7556 FM 1960 East @ W. Lake Houston Pkwy. (281) 852-2332 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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