6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10TH, 2015 6º DOMINGO DE PASCUA 10 DE MAYO, 2015 The mission of Saint Lucy Parish is to lead people to a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. We live our faith by welcoming and serving. Saint Lucy Parish Parroquia de Santa Lucía 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548 Email: [email protected] www.stlucy-campbell.org www.facebook.com/ SaintLucyParish Twitter @StLucyCampbell Office Hours 9AM - 6PM Mon - Thurs 9AM - 5PM Friday Horario de Oficina 9AM - 6PM Lunes a Jueves 9AM - 5PM Viernes School / Escuela (408) 871-8023 Religious Education Educación Religiosa (408) 379-5900 SVDP/Outreach Services Servicos Sociales (408) 378-8086 Office Open: 10AM-11:45AM Mon - Fri Horario de Oficina: 10AM-11:45AM Lunes a Viernes La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía es guiar a la comunidad a una relación transformadora con Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica. Vivimos nuestra fe en el servicio y al dar la bienvenida. MASSES / MISAS Saturdays / Sábados 8AM & 5:15PM (English/Ingles) Sundays / Domingos: 7AM., 9AM, & 11AM, & 6PM (English/Ingles) 1PM & 7:30PM (Spanish/Español) Weekdays / Días de la Semana 8AM (English/Ingles) Holy Days / Días Santos 8AM, 11:30AM (School), 6:30PM, 8PM (Spanish/Español) RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Friday / Viernes (Bilingual/Bilingüe): 7PM to 9PM Saturday / Sábado: 3:30PM to 5PM PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Pastor/Párroco Rev. Kevin P. Joyce (408) 378-2464 x 106, [email protected] Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial Rev. Steve Kim [email protected], (408) 378-2464, x 105 Pastoral Associate / Asociado Pastoral Antonio Ojeda (408) 378-2464 x 107, [email protected] Co-Directors of Faith Formation / Co-Directores de Formación de Fe Irma Alarcón de Rangel (Spanish/Español ) (408) 378-2464 x 102, [email protected] Principal of the School/ Directora de la Escuela Ms. Sue Grover (408) 871-8023, [email protected] Parish Administrator / Administrador de la Parroquia Raymond Langford (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Accounting/ Contabilidad Russ Paige (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Office Manager / Gerente de Oficina Maricela Gallarate (408) 378-2464 x 118, [email protected] Administrative Assistants/ Secretarias Ingi Ibarra (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Evan- Yvonne Franco gelization / Coordinadora del Ministro de (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Erika Alcaraz la Juventud y Evangelización (408) 378-2464 x 104, [email protected] Patty Osorio (408) 378-2464 x 103, [email protected] Andrew Brown (English/Ingles) (408) 378-2464 x 101, [email protected] www.stlucy-campbell.org LOVE ONE ANOTHER Last Sunday we heard the familiar passage from John's Gospel in which Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and the branches. In that passage we were told that if we remained in Christ we would bear much fruit. Today's Gospel tells us just what that fruit is: love. Today's second reading and Gospel together create a great hymn to love. The chorus of this hymn is simple-God loves us so much that Jesus was sent into the world so that we would have life. The Lord Jesus, who last week told us to remain in him, this week tells us to remain in his love. In a world marked by division and terrorism, the Lord's final words in today's Gospel are a great challenge: "This I command you: love one another." Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Fr. Kevin’s Spirit Seekers Seminar May 17, 2015, St. Lucy Parish Activity Center, 4pm – 6pm All are invited to Father Kevin's seminar next Sunday, May 17, at 4 PM in the Parish Activity Center based on the book, by Ralph Martin The Fulfillment of All Desire: The Transformation of Thought, Desire and Action . The topic will be the importance of prayer in the development of a relationship with God, based on practical wisdom of some great saints. The final seminar this year will be June 14. The topic will be how to deal with temptations and trials. From Sue Grover, School Principal We would like to share the news of the passing of Sr. Peter Joseph Navone, former St. Lucy School 8th grade teacher. Sister "P.J." had positive energy and infectious laughter. She was an elementary school teacher and principal for almost 50 years. Beginning at Sacred Heart, San Jose, she served in Seahurst and Seattle in Washington, at Sacred Heart School in Saratoga, at St. Lucy School, and at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Redwood City. Sr. Peter Joseph then taught at St. Joseph of Cupertino for the past 25 years. The funeral Mass will be this Friday at St. Joseph of Cupertino Parish, 10110 North DeAnza Blvd., Cupertino. The teachers and children at St. Joseph of Cupertino School are planning a joyful celebration of her life. Her elementary school students will be telling stories of the way she turned them into avid readers, like herself, and the creative ways she helped them learn to write well. Mostly, they will remember her for loving them and having high expectations for them. Annual Appeal on May 16 – 17. Your donations will be accepted in the second collection and go directly to freeing men, women and children in our community from the devastating grip of poverty. “Catholic Charities are the very hands of Jesus in the world…” Pope Francis ADORATION Every Thursday: 9AM - 6PM, Benediction 5:45 - 6PM Month Of May's Adoration Intention: For All Mothers The Importance Of Their Role Within The Family By Their Unending Love & Sacrifices Can Be Shown To Them By The Gift Of A "Eucharistic Adoration Spiritual Bouquet Card." Your Time Spent Before The Blessed Sacrament In Their Behalf Will Be A Blessing For Them And For You. These Beautiful Cards Are Available Right Now In Both ENGLISH & SPANISH Located At Each Entrance To The Church. Just Complete The Card With YOUR Name, Your MOTHER's Name, DATE & TIME Spent In Adoration & Your SPECIAL INTENTION For Them. Enclose The "Gift Card" In The Envelope Provided And You Will Have A Wonderful Mother's Day Gift To Give Them. Prayer Shawl Ministry The catechesis of children, youth and adults has started registrations for the catechetical year. You can come to register your kids or yourself on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM to 6 PM in the parish office. Also we will have registrations the Sundays of May 17th and 31st from 10 AM to 1 PM in the Lally center. Please come early as spaces for the groups are limited. We offer the following programs: In Spanish 1. Sundays: Preschool & Kinder 3 to 5 years old 2. Sundays: 1st to 5th grade or Tuesdays: 1st to 5th grade 3. Sundays: 9th-12th grade Life Teen Youth Ministry 4. Mondays: 18+ADULTS: RICA (Baptism, Communion or Confirmation) In English 5. Sundays: Preschool 3 & 4 year olds only 6. Sundays: K – 5th grade or Wednesdays: 1st - 5th grade. 7. Mondays: 6th- 8th grades EDGE youth ministry 8. Thursdays: 6th - 8th grades Sacramental Preparation 9. Sundays: 9th-12th grade Life Teen Youth Ministry 10. Tuesdays: 9th-12th grade Confirmation/Eucharistic Preparation (Year 2 Only) 11. Wednesdays: 18+Adults: RCIA (Baptism, Communion or Confirmation) PSM will be meeting on Wednesday, May 13th @ 11 am in the PAC room “C”. If you are ill or otherwise in need of comfort, Make your giving easier with ParishPay secure electronic giving. we would love to offer you a shawl/lap throw we have crocheted/ knitted in prayer. [email protected] Sign-up online at www.parishpay.com or by calling 1-866-727-4741 (5am-9pm, 7 days a Join the St. Lucy's Prayer Chain or submit prayer requests here: week) [email protected] ÁMENSE UNOS A OTROS El domingo pasado escuchamos el familiar pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan en el que Jesús usa el símbolo de la viña y las ramas. En ese pasaje escuchamos que si permanecemos en Cristo daremos mucho fruto. El Evangelio de hoy nos dice cuál es ese fruto: el amor. La segunda lectura de hoy junto con el Evangelio crean un gran himno de amor. El coro de este himno es sencillo Dios nos ama tanto que envió a Jesús al mundo para que tuviéramos vida. El Señor Jesús que nos dijo la semana pasada que permaneciéramos en él, esta semana nos dice que permanezcamos en su amor. En un mundo marcado por las divisiones y el terrorismo, las últimas palabras del Evangelio de hoy son un gran reto: "Esto es lo que les mando: que se amen los unos a los otros". Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Platica del Padre Kevin 17 de mayo 2015, Centro de Actividades, 4PM a 6PM Todos están invitados a la plática del Padre Kevin el próximo domingo, 17 de mayo a las 4 pm en el Centro de Actividades de la parroquia. Esta plática está basada en el libro, por Ralph Martin The Fulfillment of All Desire: The Transformation of Thought, Desire and Action . El tema será la importancia de la oración en el desarrollo de una relación con Dios, basado de la sabiduría de algunos grandes santos. El seminario final de este año será el 14 de junio. El tema será cómo hacer frente a tentaciones y pruebas. De Sue Grover, Directora de la Escuela Nos gustaría compartir la noticia del fallecimiento de la Madre Peter Joseph Navone, ex profesora de octavo grado de la escuela de Santa Lucia. Hermana "P.J." tenía energía positiva y risa contagiosa. Fue maestra de primaria y directora por casi 50 años. Comenzando en el Sagrado Corazón, San José, se desempeñó en Seahurst y Seattle en Washington, en la Escuela del Sagrado Corazón en Saratoga, en la Escuela de Santa Lucía, y en Our Lady of Mt. Carmel en Redwood City. Luego, fue maestra en St. Joseph Cupertino durante los últimos 25 años. Su Misa de funeral será este viernes en San José de Cupertino Parish, 10110 Norte DeAnza Blvd., Cupertino. Los maestros y niños en St. Joseph of Cupertino entonde están planeando una celebración gozosa de su vida. Sus estudiantes de primaria contaran historias de la forma en que los convirtió en ávidos lectores, como ella, y las formas creativas que ella los ayudó a que aprendieran a escribir bien. Sobre todo, se acordarán de ella por como los amaba y por sus expectativas con ellos. Campaña Anual el 16 y 17 de mayo Sus donaciones serán aceptadas en la segunda colecta y van directamente para la ayuda a hombres, mujeres y niños en nuestra comunidad. "Caridades Católicas son las mismas manos de Jesús en el mundo" Papa Francisco ADORACIÓN Todos los jueves 9AM a 6PM, Bendición: 5:45 a 6PM La Intención en la Adoración de mes de mayo será para "Todas las Madres" La catequesis de niños jóvenes y adultos ha empezado sus inscripciones para el próximo año de catequesis. Ustedes pueden ya registrar a sus hijos los martes y jueves de 10 AM a 6 PM en la oficina parroquial. También estaremos registrando los domingos 17 y 31 de Mayo, de 10 AM a 1 PM en el salón Lally. Por favor vengan pronto para alcanzar espacio en los grupos. En Español 1. Domingos: Prescolar y Kínder 3 a 5 años 2. Domingos: 1o. a 5o. grado ó Martes: 1o. a 5o. grado 3. Domingos: 9o. a 12o. grado Life Teen ministerio juvenil 4. Lunes: 18+ADULTOS: RICA (Bautizo, Comunión ó Confirmación) Por la importancia de su papel dentro de la familia, por su inagotable amor y sacrificios, podemos mostrar a nuestras madres una "Tarjeta del ramo espiritual AdoEn Inglés ración Eucarística." Su tiempo ante el Santísimo Sa5. Domingos: Prescolar 3 y 4 años solamente cramento en el favor de su madre será una bendición 6. Domingos: Kínder a 5o. grado ó Miércoles: 1o. a 5o. grado para ellas y para usted. Estas hermosas tarjetas, ubicadas en 7. Lunes: 6o. a 8o. grado EDGE ministerio juvenil cada entrada de la iglesia, están disponibles en inglés y en ES8. Jueves: 6o. a 8o. grado Preparación Sacramental PAÑOL. Complete la tarjeta con su nombre, fecha y hora de Ado9. Domingos: 9o. a 12o. grado Life Teen ministerio juvenil ración por su madre y su intención especial para ella. Adjunte una 10. Martes: 9o. a 12o. grado Confirmación/ Preparación Eucarísti“tarjeta de regalo” en el sobre y tendrá un regalo hermoso para ca (Año 2 Solamente) entregarle el día de las Madres. 11. Miércoles: 18+ADULTOS: RCIA (Bautizo, Comunión ó Confirmación) Ministerio de Mantón de Oración: El Ministerio de Mantón de Oración se reunirá el Miércoles, 13 de mayo a las 11am en la sala de PAC "C". Si está enfermo o necesita consuelo, nos encantaría ofrecerle un mantón para sus oraciones. [email protected] Haga su donación más fácilmente con ParishPay (entrega electrónica segura). Regístrese en línea con Únete a la Cadena de Oración de Santa Lucia o envíe peti- www.parishpay.com o llamando al 1-866-727-4741 (5 a.m.-9 p.m., 7 días a la semana) ciones para oración al: [email protected] Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa May 11 - May 17 11 de Mayo - 17 de Mayo Monday/Lunes 8AM People of the Parish Tuesday/Martes 8AM People of the Parish Wednesday/Miércoles 8AM People of the Parish Thursday/Jueves 8AM People of the Parish Friday/Viernes 8AM People of the Parish Saturday/Sábado 8AM Rosendo E. Dreo + 5:15PM Cipriano Lagura + PRESIDERS NEXT WEEKEND CELEBRANTES PARA EL PROXIMO FIN DE SEMANA 5:15 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Steve Kim MAY 17TH READINGS LECTURAS PARA EL 17 DE MAYO The Ascension of the Lord La Ascensión del Señor Sunday/Domingo 7AM People of the Parish 9AM People of the Parish 11AM Josefina Delgado + 1PM Salvador Escamilla + 6PM Dante Iglesias + 7:30PM Lilia Necuze + Please Pray for the Deceased: Oremos por los Fieles Difuntos: Phyllis Griffin + Mike Jelovich + Restie Reyes + Miriam McAllister + Francis Chirco + Sister Peter Joseph Navone, SND + Please Pray for the Sick: Oremos por los Enfermos: Catalina Lamas Harry Collins Ines Grant Welcome We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Lucy Parish. We encourage new parishioners to register as parish members and become active in our parish community. Registration forms are available outside the Church, at our Parish Office and on our Web Site. YOUR GENEROSITY IS APPRECIATED 1st Reading/1ª lectura: Acts/Hechos 1:1-11 Responsorial Psalm/Salmo: Psalm/Salmo 47:2-3, 6-9 2nd Reading/2ª lectura: Ephesians/Efesios 1:17-23 or/o Efesians/Efesios 1:1-13 [1-7, 11-13] Gospel/Evangelio: Mark/Marcos 16:15-20 READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday/Lunes: Acts/Hch 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 -- 16:4a Tuesday/Martes: Acts/Hch 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday/Miércoles: Acts/Hch 17:15, 22 -- 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday/Jueves: Acts/Hch 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph/Ef 1:17-23 or/o Eph/Ef 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk/Mc 16:1520 (for Ascension/para la A scensión); otherwise/o Acts/Hch 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Friday/Viernes: Acts/Hch 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday/Sábado: Acts/Hch 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Bienvenidos Le damos la bienvenida a los visitantes y recién llegados a la Parroquia de Santa Lucía. Invitamos a los nuevos feligreses a registrarse como miembros de la parroquia y participar activamente en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles afuera de la Iglesia, en la oficina parroquial y en nuestro sitio Web. AGRADECIENDO SU GENEROSIDAD The offertory collection for May 3rd totaled $17,508. La colecta del ofertorio del 3 de Mayo fue de $17,508. The Second Collection next weekend will be for Catholic Charities. El próximo fin de semana la segunda colecta será para las Catholic Charities. Diocese of San Jose - Office of Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, Ph: (408) 983-0113; Emergency # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected] Diócesis de San José -Oficina de Protección de Niños y Adultos Vulnerables, Tel: (408) 983-0113; Tel. Emergencia # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected] BEYOND OUR PARISH / MÁS ALLÁ DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Scholarship Award Beca Escolar ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS!!! The Knights Of Columbus Bishop O’Dowd Council 3474 is now accepting scholarship applications. Applicants must be high school seniors and be a member of one of the six parishes that the council serves. This (1) $500.00 Award is presented to an outstanding individual selected from the applications received. The criteria for the selection is based on financial need, Grade Point Average, and extra curricular activities including those with church and community. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS JUNE 1, 2015. Contact Chris Strathmeyer [email protected] for more information and applications. ! ATENCIÓN JOVENES EN HIGH SCHOOL! Los Caballeros de Colón están aceptando solicitudes para beca. Los solicitantes deben ser estudiantes de high school y ser miembro de una de la parroquia de Santa Lucia. Habrá (1) $500.00 premio para un individuo excepcional seleccionado de las solicitudes recibidas. Los criterios de selección se basan en la necesidad económica, promedio de calificaciones, y actividades incluyendo aquellas con la iglesia y la comunidad. EL ULTIMO DIA PARA LA ENTREGA DE SOLICITUDES es el 1º de junio de 2015. Pongase en contacto con Chris Strathmeyer [email protected] para obtener más información y las aplicaciones. Come to the Sisters of the Holy Names Annual Strawberry Luncheon The Sisters of the Holy Names invite you to join them on Tuesday May 19th, for their annual Strawberry Luncheon. The luncheon will begin at 11:30am in the Orchard City Banquet Hall at the Campbell Community Center. Tickets are $20 and by advance reservation. May 1868 saw the arrival of the first Sisters of the Holy Names to California. May is the month to celebrate this anniversary and is a time to reflect on the years of ministry: remembering the students taught and lives touched; and give thanks for so much generosity. The Sisters have been a part of the fabric of the south bay since the 1950s: teaching at St. Mary’s in Los Gatos, St. Christopher and Saint Patrick School in San Jose, and running the Casa Maria Montessori, to name a few. Many of the Sisters have recently relocated to Campbell. Gather your friends and come join the Sisters in celebration. Tickets are available by calling 408-395-2868 by Wednesday May 13. Thank you. St. Ignatius of Loyola Spiritual Exercises Workshop May 30 @ 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Go deeper to meet God! St. Ignatius of Loyola Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life, at Most Holy Trinity Parish, San Jose, invites parishioners to a workshop for learning the Ignatius Spiritual Exercises to encounter Jesus in everyday life. Some people say they have been a Catholic for many years but have never heard about “Retreat in Daily Life.” We often hear about 30-day retreats, eight-day or five-day retreats, but not Ignatius Retreats in daily home life. St. Ignatius of Loyola created a retreat for laypeople called Retreat in Daily Life, also called the “19th Annotation,” that provides an opportunity for busy people who can’t go to a retreat house to deepen their relationship with God. The event will take place Sat., May 30, 11:30 am-2 pm at Most Holy Trinity Community Center; includes simple lunch; no fee; donation welcome; 2040 Nassau Dr. San Jose, Ca 95122. For more information, contact Margarita Hua, 408-6230838; Sharon Bouska 408-978-8159; Kathy Myers 408-476-1514. NOMINATIONS SOLICITED FOR PRESTIGIOUS 2015 ST. THOMAS MORE AWARD The St. Thomas More Society of Santa Clara County, an organization of Catholic lawyers and judges, seeks nominations for this year’s recipient of its annual St. Thomas More Award. Nominees should be members of the legal profession who have demonstrated a commitment to Catholic ideals and service to the community, parish, or profession. The nominee’s name, contact information and a brief description of the basis for the nomination should be submitted in writing as soon as possible but by no later than June 1, 2015, to the attention of Mary Ann Herlihy, PO Box 949, Cupertino, CA 95015. The St. Thomas More Award will be presented to the person selected as this year’s award recipient at the annual Red Mass, to be celebrated Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 at Santa Clara University Mission Church. Dinner will immediately follow in Benson Center with a to-be-announced guest speaker. For questions and details, please contact [email protected]. Marriage Encounter Weekend By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together.The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is: May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: sanjosewwme.org or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or 408-782-1413. Liturgical Ministries - Ministerios Litúrgico ● Altar Servers Sue Grover 408-871-8023 [email protected] ● Altar Society Mary Kate Franci 408-369-8328 [email protected] ● Choirs 7AM—Jeanne Lang [email protected] 11AM—Mary Linduska 408-271-8890 [email protected] 5:15PM—Glenda Rasmussen [email protected] 6PM—Mike Wentz [email protected] 9AM—Katherine & David Petrucci 408-866-4875 [email protected] ● Coros Coro de Niños—Erika Magallon 408-348-8664 erikaand [email protected] Coro de la 1PM—Jorge Fernandez 408-370-6917 [email protected] ● Eucaristía (Ministros) Arcelia Fernandez 408-370-6917 [email protected] ● Eucharistic Ministers Rita Gray 408-605-4083 [email protected] ● Lectores y Comentaristas Eva Alcaraz (1PM) 408-386-3035 Roberto Garcia (7:30PM) 408-605-2415 ● Lectors Rita Gray 408-605-4083 [email protected] ● Mass Coordinators (Cordinadores de la Misa) 8AM—Brigid Lombardi 408-379-3933 [email protected] 8AM—Margot Lenarduzzi 408-374-9237 no email 5:15PM—Michael Yarbrough 408-377-0870 [email protected] 7AM—Michael Jeffords 408-639-6939 [email protected] 7AM—Dan Furtado 408-378-3506 [email protected] 9AM—Sue Grover 408-871-8023 [email protected] 9AM—Toni Traver [email protected] 11AM—Jim Miller 408-377-5070 [email protected] 11AM—Pat Raceles 408-857-9931 [email protected] 1PM—Filemon Garza 408-666-5643 [email protected] 6PM—Kim Barbieri 408-849-5134 [email protected] 6PM—Rosario Clark 408-379-0635 [email protected] 7:30PM— ● Monaguillos Maria Aguirre Sanchez 408-370-2262 [email protected] ● Thursday Adoration Ed DeGregorio 408-287-1934 [email protected] ● Ushers/Greeters, Captains 5:15PM—Luis Urias [email protected] 7AM—Chuck Rombeck [email protected] 9AM—Joe Cunniff 408-836-3912 [email protected] 9AM—David Woodham [email protected] 11AM—Sue & Michael Huntingdon 408-294-6811 6PM— ● Servidores (Ushers-Spanish) Sofia Tafolla [email protected] Francisco Alcaraz [email protected] Catechetical Ministries - Ministerios de Catequesis ● Catechetics (English) Andrew Brown 408-378-2464 x 101 [email protected] ● Catequesis Irma Rangel 408-378-2464 x 102 [email protected] ● Confirmation, Confirmación & LifeTeen Youth Group Patty Osorio 408-378-2464 x 103 [email protected] ● EDGE Middle school Patty Osorio 408-378-2464 x 103 [email protected] ● Marriage, Preparation Mark & Kim Barbieri [email protected] ● Marriage, Rehearsal Coordinator Pam Nash 408-369-9701 [email protected] ● Matrimonio, Clases y Ensayos Martha y Victor Ceniceros 408-370-0724 [email protected] ● Quinceañeras Irma Rangel 408-378-2464 x 102 [email protected] ● RCIA Andrew Brown 408-378-2464 x 101 [email protected] ● RICA Irma Rangel 408-378-2464 x 102 [email protected] ● Scripture Study Jim Miller 408-377-5070 [email protected] Community & Service Ministries Ministerios de la Comunidad y de Servicio ● Art & Environment ● Art & Environment (Flowers) Leni Grubbs 408-637-6299 [email protected] • Book Shelf Melissa Servers [email protected] • Christian Singles Fellowship Rose Munoz [email protected] ● Classics Peter Wasserburger & Robin Orans 408-364-2015 [email protected] ● Despertar Juvenil Aida Echeverria 408-469-6493 [email protected] ● Filipino & Friends Ministry Titus Raceles 408-835-0855 [email protected] Gregorio Laurel IV 408-888-5872 [email protected] ● Grupo de Oración Jesus Gonzalez 408-627-3504 [email protected] ● Meals for the Sick Ministry Elena Musselman 408-828-2027 [email protected] ● Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Ed DeGregorio 408-287-1934 [email protected] ● Society of St. Vincent de Paul/Outreach 408-378-8086 • Prayer Chain Ministry [email protected] • Prayer Shawl Ministry Rose Munoz [email protected] • Pro-Life Awareness Ministry [email protected] Paulyne Townsend 408-866-8945 • Social Justice Ministry [email protected] Maria Castillo 408-466-1252 • St. Basil's Catholic Couples' Club Michael Yarbrough 408-377-0870 [email protected] ● Women of St. Lucy Nancy Whitney 408-866-6858 [email protected] ● Young Adults Andrew Brown 408-378-2464 x 101 [email protected] ● Young Ladies Institute (YLI) Jean Gutto 408-963-8110 [email protected] Administration - Administración ● Administration Commission Co-Chairs Bach Nguyen 408-540-4969 [email protected] Michael Yarbrough 408-377-0870 [email protected] ● Community Commission Co-Chairs Kathy Gutto [email protected] Steve Duffy [email protected] ● Formation Commission Co-Chairs Christina Gutto 408-334-8392 [email protected] Jose Basulto [email protected] Cheryl Jaques 408-837-2797 [email protected] ● Christian Service Commission Co-Chairs Helene Stewart 408-378-8086 [email protected] Brian Brennan 408-761-5492 [email protected] Gary Orlando 408-761-4453 [email protected] ● Worship Committee Co-Chairs Terri Miller 408-377-5070 [email protected] Mary Linduska 408-271-8890 [email protected] ● Liturgy Planning Committee Joyce Billings 408-979-1115 [email protected] ● Comité Hispano Jorge Jaramillo [email protected] Ernesto Bermudez [email protected] ● Finance Council Chair Robert Dougherty 408-466-0875 [email protected] Wendy Brennan [email protected] ● Parish Council Chair Loretta Wickenden [email protected] MAUREEN O’CONNELL Attorney at Law, Parishioner Living Trusts • Wills • Probate Kelley Solberg, Realtor® 408-297-6004 Dr. Cheryl Vicencio Dentistry for Children & Adults • General & Cosmetic Dentistry (408) 255-2222 New Patients Welcome 753 Saratoga Avenue Most Insurance Plans Accepted 16185 Los Gatos Blvd., Ste. 205 Los Gatos, CA 95032 Cell: 408.464.8629 Knowledge Experience Integrity BRE#01359475 PET WATCHER’S PET SITTING SERVICE Loving Personalized Attention to Your Pet(s) and Their Needs in Your Home! Since 1994 Shawnon, Parishioner • 408-819-3100 Your ad could be in this space! Available for Dine in Delivery or To Go. bucadibeppo.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 MARK A. WATSON, DDS PROTECTING SENIORS Parishioner 356-1166 NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... WHY IS IT DARLING-FISCHER MORTUARY Associated with the Los Gatos Memorial Park Garden Chapel Chapel of the Hills 998-2226 354-7740 379-5010 Los Gatos FD 940 Campbell FD 898 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 WHY IS IT? *First Three Months 513459 St Lucy Church In f ant Care ✪ oo esch l Pr n Mentioad h c r chu ive a to rece L ✪ ✪ (408) 379-3184 www.actiondayprimaryplus.com 1125 W. 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