Fi h Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church 333 Fording Island Road, Bluffton, SC 29909 Office: 843-815-3100 | Fax: 843-815-3150 Diocese of Charleston | Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone | Bishop of Charleston MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Sunday 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m., 7:15 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:45 p.m. (en Español), & 5:00 p.m. Monday to Monday to Friday Saturday Friday 6:45 a.m. (St. Andrew Chapel) Friday 8:30 a.m. & 12:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (en Español—SGG) 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) RECONCILIATION Monday to Friday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass & Friday 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. (en Español—SGG) before the 12:15 p.m. Mass Sunday 12:15 p.m. (en Español) Saturday 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. At other times by appointment with a Priest. MUSIC Ensembles Preludes: Handbells: Processional Hymn Greeting 11:00 a.m. SGG Chorale/Ringers 11:00 a.m. “Introit & Processional” arr. Allured #472 “The King Of Love My Shepherd Is” Gloria Responsorial Psalm 118 Gospel Acclamation pg. 160 Breaking Bread Book Music during Preparation: #613 “I Have Loved You” Choral: 11:00 a.m. “Alleluia! Sing Alleluia!’ Knowles MUSIC Eucharistic Acclamations Holy Mystery of Faith Amen Handbells 11:00 a.m. “Song of Prayer ” by Edwards Communion Chant #505 “We Have Been Told” & # 502 “We Remember” Choral 11:00 a.m. “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross” G. Martin Easter Dismissal Choral Organ Postlude 11:00 a.m. “Alleluia! Christ Is Risen!” by G. Young “Toccata for the Morning of Easter” G. Martin PASTORAL STAFF The Rev. Msgr. Ronald R. Cellini, V.F.,V.P. Pastor Sat 05/02/15 The Rev. Fr. Luis E. Serrano Parochial Vicar • 815-3100 x222 Sun 05/03/15 Mon 05/04/15 Tue 05/05/15 Deacon John McCabe 705-7919 • [email protected] Wed 05/06/15 Deacon Gregory W. Sams 815-4141 • [email protected] Thu 05/07/15 Fri 05/08/15 Sat 05/09/15 Sun 05/10/15 The Rev. Fr. Renaurd West Parochial Vicar • 815-3100 x232 Deacon Dennis W. Burkett 368-4781 • Deacon John Crapanzano 706-2387 • [email protected] Deacon Jim Graham 705-4487 • [email protected] Deacon Walt Hollis 295-9192 • [email protected] Deacon Mike Smigelski 732-278-9106 • [email protected] SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Tuesday: Thursday: Cinco de Mayo National Day of Prayer PRAYER & DEVOTION ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 24/7 (Chapel at SGG) 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:15 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 5:00 PM 6:45 AM 8:30 AM 12:15 PM 6:45 AM 8:30 AM 12:15 PM 11:00 AM Frank Kohne + Joan Marie Watson + Caroline Gibson + John Charney + Douglas Lammy + People of the Parish Verna Schmale + Bill Hertan + Joan Boylston + Benjamin Barbato + Elaine Kirk + Richard Johnson + Sinead Hodoscheff+ & Michael Walsh+ Marie Bender + Kevin Higgins + Michael Jaillet + Lorenza Meyder + Johnnie Willingham + Sara Knutson Cullen + Maura Burns + James Ware + Paul Cleary + Philip & Jean Schmidt + Pamela Geisler + M. Olive Leibig + Zofia Tomkiewicz + Maurice & Claire Valiquette + & Henri & Therese Monty + Bob Labartino + 12:45 PM 5:00 PM People of the Parish John Wright + 6:45 AM 8:30 AM 12:15 PM 6:45 AM 8:30 AM 12:15 PM 6:45 AM 8:30 AM 12:15 PM 8:30 AM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:15 AM 9:00 AM MIRACULOUS MEDAL DEVOTION Tuesday 9:00 a.m. STATIONS OF THE CROSS FOR VOCATIONS Wednesday 9:00 a.m. PROLIFE ROSARY Thursday 9:00 a.m. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Thursday 7:30 p.m. (Saint Augustine Room) QUEEN OF PEACE PRAYER CENACLE Saturday 9:00 a.m. (Chapel) CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD · · Pre-K-1st Grade 11:00 a.m. NURSERY (1 year—4 year) during 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. & 12:45 p.m. Masses REQUESTED BY Ruth Bachmann & Sandy Tanribilir Dorothy Zidel Peter & Rusty Watson Mom & Dad Mr. & Mrs. C. Kosar Bucky & Barbara Grim Bob & Nancy Horning Darrell & Dorothy Brown Michelle Myhre Janice Bongiorno Howard & Claire Larson The Johnson Family Gerry & Una Walsh Jerry & Barbara Bojczuk Margaret Higgins Paul & Pat Naef Richie & Janet Chiafolo Lecia Willingham Bill & Lynn Knutson Tricia McLaren Sandy Tanribilir Peggy Cleary Bob & Nancy Horning Donald Geisler Jim & Hildegarde Weldin Bill & Suzanne Ninabuck Jean & Huguette Valiquette Friends of Christ Renews His Parish Sam & Anne Wright + = DECEASED ROSARY Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION Monday 9:00 a.m. MASS INTENTIONS William Byrne + 8:30 AM READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:1116; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE PARISHIONERS POR FAVOR RECEN POR ESTOS FELIGRESES Louise Aviano Richard Baldwin Ken Berdine Charles Boyer Miriam Bradican Jackie Bullett Frank Bulson William Burcin Evelyn Burns Donald Campagna Jack Canfield Roger Carey Tony Caruso Dominick Casella Jean Casella Jude Cheesman Bob Choutka Lenny Christ Maggie Creeden Sonny deBethizy Rita DiFranza Valerie DiLieto Joseph DiSanto Thomas Docherty Caitlynn Dodge Margaret Doran Charlie Durkee Lawrence Dziomba Ed Edwards Alaina Evans Francine Faldermeyer Frank Falcione Joan Ferreira Annamae Finley Marge Fitzgerald Marilyn Fullmer Michael Gallagher Sonia Gallagher Adele Given Terry Goethe Magdalene Gonzales Dick & Barbara Guter Marlene Haddad Joseph Hahne Warren Hickey Jim Hines Bob Holbrook Peg Homberger Elizabeth Ireton Michael James, Jr. Rosemary Jorgensen Emma Joyce Joyce P. King Carol Kuster Helen Kyle Delphine LaSpisa Rose Marie Lavery Leon “Buddy” Litz Robert Loehr Cathie Mathiesen Sandi Matthews William McCarthy Billy McHugh Ree Messer Angela Munnelly Bill Naert Ann Nerbun Betty Neuman Nancy O’Brien Roland Petruzzi Lucille Pflug David Pinckney Frank Piscani Angela Proscia Betty Pulaski Mary Renner Pam Roach Joe Ruoto Mary Santarcangelo Fred Schmitz Peggy Schultz Fred Silverman Robert Sisson Kate Smith Mary Anne Swaine Les Thompson Jack Townes Richard Tracey Jeanne Ulrich Frenchie Viens Kathy Vigre Jimmy & Hildegarde Weldin Paige Weniger Mary Willis Joan Witt Rocky Zuendel If you have a registered parishioner to add to our prayer list, please contact the executive assistant in the parish office. Please let us know when it is time to remove a name from the list. Please inscribe the names of non-parishioners (e.g. family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers) in the prayer intention book found in the church vestibule. Please inscribe their name only once as their needs will be remembered at Masses throughout the year. If you are hospitalized or homebound and would like to receive Communion, please call Pat & Gary Boylan at 941-204-7837. You may also contact someone from the Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy who will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy or other prayers with you. Please call Lillian Pente at 843-705-7170. Many enduring images of Church come to us from the New Testament. One is Paul’s image: “The Body of Christ.” Another comes from our gospel today: “The Vine and the Branches.” Both are metaphors of living organisms. For both, Christ is the most important element. Christ is the head of the Body and the symbol of authority and purpose. Christ is the vine that brings life and nutrients to the branches that produce fruit. Anyone who has visited a winery knows the significance of the vine. If it’s cut, the branches wither and the crop fails. Why is it important to have both images? John’s image reminds us that the Church can’t survive if it’s separated from Christ. We can live only if we remain in Christ so that the power of grace can continue to infuse us with everything we need to bear the fruit of love, compassion and mercy. Paul’s metaphor keeps us humble. Regardless of how this Body is structured, Christ is the true head; we are to submit ourselves to obedience to him regardless of how important we are in this world. We also know we belong as a community to Christ and in communion with one another. There are many parts to the Body and many clusters of fruit on the vine. To leave either is to separate ourselves from Christ. That’s why praying together each week is so important. It reminds us who we are and whom we belong to. Let us offer praise for this vine and for this Body into which our baptism has called us. MARY KATHARINE DEELEY [email protected] St. Gregory the Great Adoration Society “Would you not spend one hour with Me?” Eucharistic Adoration is adoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ Our Perpetual Adoration Chapel gives us an opportunity to spend an hour of prayer and give thanks for the many blessings we have received. This hour in peace and meditation with the Blessed Sacrament can also be an opportunity to pray for our friends and family who are sick or just need our prayers. Christ instituted this Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist in order to remain with mankind until the end of time (Jn. 14:18). Our wish is to have someone present for each of the 24 hours throughout the day in silent contemplation and reflection. We can use more adorers for this ministry. Please be generous with your time and sign up for one hour of adoration. If you have any questions or feel you can sign up for just one hour per week please call John Klinger 7577454 or send an email to [email protected]. ADORACIÓN QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA PARA DAR FRUTO “Hijos míos: No amemos solamente de palabra; amemos de verdad y con las obras”. Las palabras de Juan nos llegan hoy cuando el pasaje del Evangelio nos presenta con la gran imagen del viñedo y las ramas. Jesús usa la imagen como un aviso a los que se han empezado a distanciar de la senda del Señor. Esto sucede cuando amamos a Dios y a otros “con palabras o dichos” y no con “la verdad y las obras”. ¿Qué significa para nosotros “permanecer en Cristo”? El Señor nos da un ejemplo con la extensión de la metáfora. Si permanecemos en él, daremos mucho fruto. Como ramas sacamos la fuerza de Cristo que es la viña. Esa fuerza nos facilita dar fruto hacer el trabajo de los verdaderos discípulos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Primera lectura — Bernabé explica a los discípulos en Jerusalén la conversión de Pablo (Hechos 9:26-31). Salmo — Bendito sea el Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 22 [21]). Segunda lectura — Dios nos ordena que creamos en el nombre de Jesucristo y que nos amemos como él nos ama (1 Juan 3:18-24). Evangelio — Los que viven en Jesús y Jesús vive en ellos producen mucho fruto (Juan 15:1-8). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 14:5-18; Sal 115 (114):1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Hch 14:19-28; Sal 145 (144):10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Hch 15:1-6; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Hch 15:7-21; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Hch 15:22-31; Sal 57 (56):8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Hch 16:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Hch 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Sal 98 (97):1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 o 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 o Jn 17:11b-19 QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA 3 DE MAYO DE 2015 No amemos solamente de palabra; amemos de verdad y con las obras. — 1 Juan 3:18 Durante la Última Cena, Jesús dijo a sus apóstoles: “Yo soy la vid, ustedes son los sarmientos” (Juan 15:5). Jesús añade que los sarmientos (ramas) que permanecen en él, dan mucho fruto. Según la agricultura, la vid es una parra, es decir, una planta perenne de ramas frondosas. Una parte importante de la vid son las hojas. Es obvio que una vid tiene hojas, pero Jesús no las menciona, prefiere enfocarse en los sarmientos. Las partes de la vid son las raíces, tronco, sarmientos, hojas, flores y fruto. Según esta división Jesús sería el tronco, pero él dice ser la vid completa. Esta es una imagen de la unidad que Jesús quiere entre sus seguidores. Recordemos que Jesús celebra la Última Cena con sus discípulos. La comunidad de discípulos unidos a Jesús formamos la vid. Los sarmientos o ramas conducen agua y minerales a las hojas, flores y frutos, y son útiles en tanto estén unidos a la vid. Lo mismo vale de los cristianos, discípulos de Jesús. Son ellos y ellas los que hacen presente y le dan vida a Jesús en el mundo de hoy. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Congratulations to our Confirmandi who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, April 25, 2015 by the Most Reverend Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston Jason Daniel Martin Acosta Alyssa Paige Therese Angelino Jenna Renee Francis Brenner Joshua Patrick Patrick Brenner Abigail Grace Maria Calton Daniel John Thomas Conte Ariana Lucy Diaz Rangel Vanessa Gisell Rose Diaz Rangel Joseph Robert Patrick DiCarlo Danika Raine Cecilia Dingus Cynthia Teresa Durán Matthew Roger Matthew Eosso George Lindsay Peter Franklin, Jr. Kamryn Michael Anthony Gleason Robert Connor John Paul Goldman Anna Colleton Cecilia Graves Skylar Brady Theresa Hayes James Fitzgerald Michael Hegan Elena Jazmin Guadalupe Hurtado Balderas Josue Sebastian Hurtado Lopez Nicole Colette Jaramillo Joseph Patrick Sebastian Kelley Connor Michael Stephen Kovacs Jayden Marie Clare Leake Meaghan Barbara Phyllis Lyons Stephen Vincent John Nicholas Mary Grace Blaise Nimmer Brian Asuncion Paul Orduña Lobaton Yesenia Jude Paramo Yaneli Guadalupe Guadalupe Paramo Sosa Joshua Alexander Sebastian Patterson Maile Summer Philomena Paulmeier Lindsay Bernadette Persoon Kylie Marie Bernadette Puplava Katherine Elizabeth Brigid Reilly Megan Marie Adelaide Reilly Trevor Leo Rizzo Vanessa Kateri Rodríguez Paula Celine Rose Salazar Bryan Ahmed Valentine Sanchez Jiménez Danya Narelle Rose Sanchez Jiménez Logan Christopher Eustachius Simonsen Noah Riley Sebastian Simonsen Ava Elizabeth Luke Slusne Kelsey Mara Rose Thomas Itsaris Yajairi Elizabeth Urias Brandon Martin Vega Edwin Joe Martin Vega Maxayane Guadalupe Agnes Vega Luis Antonio Gabriel Villareal Moral Branden Mark Francis White Julia Anne Joan Wilder Liliana Grace Philip Witkowski FAITH FORMATION VIRTUS: WHAT IS IT? Attention Business Owners, Professionals, Self Employed and Families! Protecting God’s Children - As a Diocese, we must ensure that children and youth who worship, study or participate in activities sponsored by our parishes and schools can do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. All church and school volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults must attend a VIRTUS class. Visit for information and times of upcoming classes. Please register online to attend the sessions. Virtus training will be held on: May 18, June 22, Jul 20, Aug. 24, Sep. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16, and Dec. 14. . Classes will be held in the St. Gregory the Great School Building at 6:30 p.m. Contact Mike Vezeau, VIRTUS Training Facilitator at 705-5847 with any questions. Bulletin Advertising Opportunities Available! Gayle Wheeler from Messner Publications will be in our office the week of May 4 working on securing ads for the advertisement section of our bulletin. We need your help! Please consider purchasing an ad. Our generous bulletin advertisers allow for our weekly bulletin to be printed at no cost to us. Your ad and participation makes our bulletin successful! Advertisements can be purchased for a business, a family, a charity, In Memory of a Loved One or to support the church or a community service organization like emergency pregnancy counseling, Big Brothers & Sisters, etc. Bereavement Group Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Join us and connect with a supportive group of people who really know how you feel. Help, comfort and care are here for you at St. Gregory the Great. We meet every Tuesday in the St. Augustine Room in the church from noon to 1:30 p.m. If you wish to join us, please call Margaret deBethizy at 705-5591. You can reach Gayle at 302.745.2547 or [email protected] We need and appreciate your help. FORMACIÓN DE FE INFORMACIÓN GENERAL BAUTIZOS: Los bautismos se llevan acabo un sábado de cada mes .Las pláticas de preparación son obligatorias para padres y padrinos. Los papas deben estar registrados por lo menos tres meses en la parroquia y los padrinos deben estar casados por la Iglesia o solteros con todos los sacramentos. Se necesita un mínimo de 45 días para planear el bautismo después de tomadas las pláticas. Los niños mayores de 5 años necesitan tomar una preparación adicional. Próxima clase el 13 de junio, 2:00—5:00 pm, en el Salón de St. Andrew. Por favor registrarse a la salida de Misa o llamando a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. MATRIMONIOS: La preparación del Sacramento del Matrimonio toma un mínimo de seis meses a partir de la primera cita, planee con anticipación. Para más información llamar a la oficina del ministerio hispano. QUINCEAÑERAS: Esta celebración es ofrecida solo a los miembros registrados y activos de la parroquia que han recibido la primera comunión. Toma un mínimo de seis meses para la preparación. Por favor reserve la Iglesia antes del salón de fiesta. Para mas información llamar a la oficina del ministerio hispano. PRESENTACIONES DE NIÑOS: Las presentaciones de niños deben ser reservadas con 1 SEMANA de anticipación. Por favor reservar la fecha llamando a la oficina de la parroquia, 815-3100, ext. 234. UN MOTIVO PARA PASAR TIEMPO EN ADORACIÓN Nuestra Capilla de Adoración Perpetua nos da la oportunidad de pasar una hora en oración y darle gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que hemos recibido. Esta hora de paz y meditación con el Santísimo Sacramento puede ser una oportunidad para rezar por nuestros amigos y familiares que están enfermos o simplemente por aquellos que necesiten de nuestras oraciones. Nuestro deseo es tener a una persona presente cada hora, de las 24 horas del día, en contemplación silenciosa y reflexión. Necesitamos más adoradores para este ministerio, por favor sean generosos con su tiempo y anótense para pasar una hora con nuestro Señor. Para más información o si solamente se quiere anotar para donar una hora de su tiempo a la semana, favor de llamar a Cesar Gonzalez 843-295-9961 o escribirle a [email protected] SCHOOL NEWS ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CATHOLIC SCHOOL • grades Pre-K—6 Christopher Trott • Principal 815-9988 • [email protected] HONORS AND ACCOLADES HIBERNIAN AWARDS The Ancient Order of Hibernians awarded three more students with the St. Patrick Award which goes to students in grades 3-6 who best exemplify the SGGCS Honor Code. Pictured above are (left to right) Casey Laing, 4th grade; Hibernian Richard Kearns, Katie Lyons, 5th grade, Hibernian Dave Cullen and Alec Yanachik, 3rd grade. While representing SGGCS at the Sea Island Regional Science Fair, sixth grade students Abby Puplava and Cadden Mahoney took top honors. Abby placed first overall in the Human Behavior Category and Cadden placed second in Mechanical Physics. JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOL • grades 7-10 Sister Pamela Smith, S.S.C.M, Ph.D. • Principal 645-3838 • HIBERNIAN AWARDS The Ancient Order of Hibernians each year recognizes selected students as exemplars of the school's mission, charity, faith, and community outreach. The 2014-2015 students who were presented with statues of St. John Paul II at the end of the April 23 school Mass were: Adeline Dewig grade 7; Isaiah Chase, grade 8; Morgan Summers, grade 9; Alex Thaller, grade 10. Pictured (left to right) Dave Cullen, Adeline Dewig, Alex Thaller, Morgan Summers, Richard Smith and Richard Kearns, Missing is Isaiah Chase. DAR AWARDS Sixth grade student Gracyn Kenyon and 5th Grade student Sean Engler won the Emily Geiger Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution American History Essay Contest for the 2014-2015 school year. The topic was ‘A Child’s Journey through Ellis Island.’ The students received their awards at a DAR meeting. MATHLETES EXCEL Five eighth grade students recently compete in the 5th Annual Mathletics Competition at Christ Our KingStella Maris School. The students competed on both the individual and team levels against other math scholars from across the state. The team, comprised of Danika Dingus, Ashlyn Durel, Joseph Kelley, Meaghan Lyons and Ava Slusne placed second overall in Level 4 - 7th/8th grade. In the Level 4 individual competition, JPII had two students place in the top five. Meaghan Lyons placed first overall and Joseph Kelley placed fifth. The team was instructed by math teachers Matt Dakolios and Nicole Frost. John Paul II is rapidly gaining a reputation as a superior math school! Who: Rising PreK-Rising 6th graders What: Meet your tour guide, a member of the Swiss Guard and uncover the Vatican treasures. First stop...St. Peter’s Square! When: Monday June 15th-Thursday June 18th from 9am-12pm Friday Mass on June 19th at 8:30 Where: St. Gregory the Great Catholic School Cost to attend is $20 per child with a family cap of $50. To reserve your spot please send a check made out to SGG to Amanda Keefer at 5469 Mistletoe Loop, Bluffton, SC 29910 · · Deadline to register your child is May 31st. Please send checks prior to that date to reserve your spot on the Vatican Express! Admit One to the Vatican Express Allergies:_________________________Parent’s name:_________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ Birtdate:__________________________Phone #:________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________ Shirt Size: ________________________________________________________ Ticket 6.15-18 Name:________________________________________________________________ PARISH LIFE Women of St. Gregory the Great Day of Reflection HE IS BACK! ------ AT LEAST FOR ONE DAY! The WSGG are honored to have Father Paul MacNeil, Administrator of St. Peter’s in Beaufort and former parochial vicar here at SGG, conduct our Day of Reflection. It will be held at St. Andrew’s Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 14. A boxed lunch will be served. To reserve your place please fill out the form below with your choice of menu and mail it along with a check of $15 payable to St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church. Please mail your check and your menu choices to Mary Anne Gnage, 20 Raymond Road, Bluffton, SC 29909. Deadline for reservations is May 8. Any questions please call Mary Anne at 705 2728. Name on Box _____________________________________ Choose one Meat: ___Ham ___Turkey ___Tuna salad Choose one Cheese: __American __Provolone __Swiss STEWARDSHIP LIFE Thank you for these gifts April 18 & April 19 $29,615.43 April 25/ & April 26 May 9/10 Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. Amen. The tournament will be held on Saturday, June 6th at a great course (Bear Creek Golf Club), 9:30 a.m. shotgun start, with morning coffee and afternoon buffet, followed by some terrific prizes and awards. The best of all, you will be supporting our John Paul II Catholic School. Choose one Drink: __Coke __Diet Coke __Sprite __Water May 2/3 Spiritual Adoption Prayer Benefiting John Paul II School Choose: ___Lettuce ___Tomato ___Onion Offertory Collection: Chris's brain waves can now be detected. Do you wonder what Chris is dreaming? Did you know that over the remaining months, Chris' brain will develop more than 100 billion neurons? The brain begins to control movement of muscles and organs. The nose is developing, and the eyes darken as pigment is produced. "Is anything too marvelous for the Lord to do?" Genesis 18:14 Golf Tournament June 06, 2015 Bear Creek Golf Club 237 Whooping Crane Way Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 Choose one Bread: ___White ___Wheat ___Rye Offertory Collection: In the Beginning ... $24,961.32 Second Collections Forward in Faith & Capital Needs Second Collection Catholic Charities Please place in Offertory Collection If you do not receive envelopes and wish to give to these collections, please place your donation in an envelope with your name, amount and the collection name on the outside of the envelope. FEE: $125.00 EACH OR $450.00 PER FOURSOME DONATIONS ( IN ANY AMOUNT) WILL BE ACCEPTED AND APPRECIATED M AKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: K OF C COUNCIL #12263 GOLF HOLE SPONSORSHIPS @ $150.00 (INCLUDES CUSTOMIZED SIGN) GOLF HOLE SPONSORSHIPS@ $175.00 (INCLUDES CUSTOMIZED GOLF FLAG AND SIGN) For Registration Form or additional information, contact: Dan Eliades 468 Freshwater Lane, Bluffton, SC 29909 Tel: 843 705 2738 (Home) / 732 991 2728 (Cell) -email: [email protected] OR Bob Valentino 359 Knollwood Court, Bluffton, SC 29909 Tel: 908-432-1358 -- email: [email protected] PARISH LIFE Our Annual Living Rosary to Honor Our Blessed Mother will be held on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Church Parishioners are invited to join the Knights of Columbus honoring Mary, Queen of the Knights by participating in the Living Rosary and Crowning of Our Blessed Mother. Ancient Order of Hibernians Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians will be held this coming Tuesday, May 5 at St. Andrew Hall on Pinckney Colony Road in Bluffton. There will be a social that will begin at 6:30 p.m. The business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend. For additional information contact Frank McPartland [email protected] or Richard Kearns at [email protected]. Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Picnic This Thursday, May 7 will be the LAOH annual picnic held at Dolphin Head Park, Hilton Head Plantation. Reservations are required. For additional information, please call Liz Ryan 7570919. This will replace the May business meeting. The next business meeting and social will be Wednesday, June 3 at St. Andrew Hall, Bluffton. John Paul II Catholic School Spring Art Show & Silent Art Auction Event: John Paul II Catholic School Spring Art Show & Silent Art Auction When: May 17, 2015 Where: John Paul II Catholic School 4211 N. Okatie Highway, Ridgeland SC Time: 1:00 p.m.- 4:00p.m. Light refreshments will be served Join the students at John Paul II Catholic School for our first-ever Spring Art Show & Silent Art Auction. The halls of JPII will display student work from May 11-15 with an open house following on Sunday, May 17 from 1-4pm. The high school student artists will be participating in a Silent Art Auction of their 2D and 3D works with the auction ending at 3pm on Sunday, during the open house event. Proceeds go to the student artists, although they have generously pledged to donate 20% of their earnings back to the John Paul II Catholic School Art Program! For more information visit or call the school at 843-645-3838 Friends of the Missions Tanzanian Medical- Dental & Water Mission October 18-31, 2015 “BRING YOUR LOVE WITH YOU” Friends of the Missions, is an all-volunteer, independent, layCatholic missionary organiza on with individuals normally paying their own expenses, and working in support of Catholic Dioceses. We seek areas of great, but mostly unserviced needs. Since 2006, 30+ missions have helped 50,000. Bishop Severine Niwemugizi, of the Diocese of Rulenge-Ngara, has asked us to return. COME JOIN US! “Take your love with you” & visit mostly forgo en villages. See Lake Victoria, orange sunsets. Live the pages of Na onal Geographic! Enjoy a short Safari and see Cop c Addis Ababa. We are especially seeking doctors, den sts, pharmacists and nurses. Un-trained support people are the backbone of our mission. We have a priest & daily Mass. No religious test to be served or on the team. Simply an open heart. Total common cost approximately $3,200 (includes airfares, Visas, room & board, Safari, hotels, transporta on, tour(s), medivac & other insurance.) At our mee ng Msgr. Cellini said he’d like to join us, if he can workout his schedule. If you have any questions or would like more information , please contact Jake Schroeder at [email protected] or 838-7060. VIDA PARROQUIAL VIRGEN PEREGRINA La imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ha iniciado una peregrinación por los hogares de la comunidad parroquial de Saint Gregory the Great. En este peregrinar se promueve el fortalecimiento de la oración en familia y además se motiva a que juntos en familia oremos por las vocaciones en el mundo. En la semana comprendida entre el 26 de Abril al 3 de Mayo, la imagen de Nuestra Señora estuvo con la Familia Luque. Si usted desea que la imagen de Nuestra Señora les acompañe por una semana, por favor llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. 843-815-3100 Ext.234. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Quinto Domingo de Pascua Martes: Cinco de Mayo Jueves: Día Nacional de Oración CONSULADO SOBRE RUEDAS REQUIERE TRAMITAR UN PASAPORTE O MATRÍCULA CONSULAR Para conocer los requisitos puede consultarlos en la página de internet del Consulado Consulado General de México en Raleigh o descargando en su celular la app “MiConsulmex” EN EL PRINCIPIO ... Las ondas cerebrales de Chris ahora pueden ser detectadas. ¿Se preguntaran qué está soñando Chris? ¿Sabías que en los meses restantes, el cerebro de Chris desarrollará más de 100 mil millones de neuronas? El cerebro comienza a controlar el movimiento de los músculos y órganos. La nariz está desarrollando, y los ojos se oscurecen a medida que se produce el pigmento. "¿Hay algo demasiado maravilloso para que el Señor haga?" Génesis 18:14 Oración Adopción Espiritual Jesús, María y José, los quiero mucho. Les ruego que perdonen la vida del feto que he adoptado espiritualmente que está en peligro de aborto. Amén. PLATICAS PRE- MATRIMONIALES Nuestras platicas prematrimoniales serán el próximo 9 de Mayo de 8:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en el salón de St. Andrew es requisito para todas las parejas que gusten casarse. St. Anthony Catholic Church 10128 S Jacob Smart Blvd Ridgeland, SC 29936 Horarios Jueves 7 de Mayo: De 8:30 a.m. a 3:30 Viernes 8 de Mayo: De 8:30am a 3:30pm Sábado 9 de Mayo: De 8:30am a 3:30pm Domingo 10 de Mayo: De 8:30am a 10:30am St. Anthony Catholic Church 1 Charles St. Hardeeville, SC 29927 Horarios Jueves 14 de Mayo: De 8:30am a 3:30pm Viernes 15 de Mayo: De 8:30am a 3:30pm Sábado 16 de Mayo: De 8:30am a 3:30pm Domingo 17 de Mayo: De 8:30am a 10:30am CHRISTIAN OUTREACH ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY We invite you to help the poor and the needy of Greater Bluffton. We are The St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Gregory the Great. We are all volunteers. We respond to calls from our help line by visiting callers in their homes, apartments and trailers. They need food, rent, water and electricity. We see their needs up close, hear their stories, verify the facts and make sure your money does as much good as possible. Come join us, as a contributor or as a member. To contribute, please use the envelopes at either side of the church doors or write to us at 333 Fording Island Rd., Bluffton, SC 29909. The May meeting will be held the second Saturday, May 9th at 9:30 a.m. in St. Andrew Hall. Deacon Thomas J Berney Conference Phone: 866-324-6135 Welcome! To these new members of our Parish Family who recently registered Hannah Blashock Jim & Vicki Coyne Donna Kearns Joseph & Pamela Krygiel Dan & Marcia Picciano, Jr. Albert Rattacasa & Nicole Sferlazzo Teodor, Zofia & Joanna Ryba Tom & Rachel Weis CARIDAD CRISTIANA SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAUL Los invitamos a que brinden ayuda a las personas que pueden estar pasando por un mal momento económico en Bluffton. Somos la sociedad de San Vicente de Paul de St. Gregory the Great. Proveemos ayuda económica y de despensa a los que lo necesiten. Únanse a nosotros cómo voluntario o cómo contribuyente. VISITAS DE HOSPITAL Debido a las leyes federales de privacidad, usted o sus seres queridos deben informar a la parroquia que usted ha sido admitido al hospital y le gustaría recibir los sacramentos. Si cuando salga del hospital y vuelva a su casa desea recibir la comunión, favor de contáctese con la oficina del Ministerio Hispano 843-815-3100 ext. 234 ¿ SE VA A MUDAR? Para contribuir, favor de utilizar los sobres que se encuentran en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia o escríbanos a 333 Fording Island Rd. Bluffton, SC 29909. notificar Si se va a mudar o va a dejar de asistir a esta parroquia, favor de a la asistente ejecutiva, ([email protected] o ext. 228 para que se Si usted necesita ayuda financiera se puede comunicar pueda actualizar la base de datos. a nuestra línea telefónica al 866-324-6135 ¡GRACIAS! PROPORCIONANDO UN AMBIENTE SEGURO La Oficina Diocesana de Servicios de Protección al Niño existe para ayudar en todos los temas relacionados al establecimiento de un ambiente seguro en cada parroquia. Por favor contáctese con ellos si usted tiene cualquier pregunta o inquietud. La Oficina Diocesana de Servicios de Protección al Niño: Bonnie Sigers, (843) 853-2130, ext. 209. Ministerio Diocesano de Ayuda a la Víctima: Louisa Storen, (800) 921-8122. SGG STAFF PERSONAL DE SGG Deacon Denny Burkett, Marriage & Annulment Coordinator 843-368-4781 • [email protected] Marsha Williams, Executive Assistant 815-3100 x 224 • [email protected] Deacon Walt Hollis , Youth Ministry Coordinator 815-3100 x 223 • [email protected] Sister Margarita, Hispanic Ministry 815-3100 x 222 • [email protected] Deacon Greg W. Sams, Renewal Ministries 815-4141 • [email protected] Bertha Montero, Hispanic Ministry Assistant 815-3100 x 234 • [email protected] Suzette Greiner, Parish Manager 815-3100 x 229 • [email protected] Bryan Goll, Facilities Maintenance 815-3100 x 231 • [email protected] Barbara Hollis, Director of Religious Education 815-3100 x 250 • [email protected] Elizabeth Baginski, Accounting/HR Administrator 815-3100 x 225 • [email protected] Tom Tiehel, Director of Music /Organist 815-3110 x235 • [email protected] Alice Lee, Receptionist 815-3100 x 228 • [email protected] Christopher Gustafson, Pastoral Associate 815-3100 x 227 • [email protected] MINISTRY CONTACTS ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY Bill Dreyer 705-3388 [email protected] ADORATION COORDINATOR John Klinger [email protected] ADORACION AL SANTISIMO Cesar Gonzalez 295-9961 ADULT BIBLE STUDY Barbara Hollis 815-3100 x250 ALTAR SERVERS Deacon Mike Smigelski [email protected] ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS Richard Kearns— [email protected] BEREAVEMENT GROUP Margaret deBethizy 705-5591 CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB Sister Pamela Smith, SSCM 843-819-7991 CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Priscilla Raffaele 705-2425 CHILDREN’S LITURGY Prep Office-815-3100 x245 CURSILLO Mary & Wayne Beavers 705-6531 EMMAUS Nora Araujo 816-4006 Joel Salas 298-2341 ESTUDIO BIBLICO Sister Margarita 815-3100, x222 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Thursday 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Friday 9:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. CONTACTOS DE MINISTERIO EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF THE DIVINE MERCY Bea Corcoran 705-5732 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Pat & Gary Boylan 941-204-7837 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Ross Kuykendall 757-4005 FAMILY PROMISE Jack Rabbitt 705-4982 FINANCE COMMITTEE Dave McClintock 705-2704 FLOWER GUILD Laurie Niederer 671-4406 GREETERS Karen Warner 843-384-1176 JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOL Sister Pamela Smith, SSCM 843-645-3838 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Grand Knight Ed Kamenski 705-9922 Mychal Judge Assembly 3198 LADIES ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS Liz Ryan 757-0919 LECTORS Gerry Kelly 757-7772 LIGHTHOUSE CD’S Ray & Toni Dowling 757-4147 Horario de Oficina del Ministerio Hispano Lunesa Viernes: 8:30 am a 4:30 pm Se puede contactar a la oficina parroquial al 815-3100 ext 234 si necesita ayuda fuera de horario. LITURGIA Cesar Gonzales 295-9961 MINISTERIO SOCIAL Ana Orta 684-0790 MINISTERIO FAMILIAR Maria Elena Bolivar 843-338-4441 MEN’S PRAYER GROUP Patrick Baker 705-3890 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Pat Strimpfel 757-6323 PASTORAL JUVENIL 815-3100 x223 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PRAYER CENACLE Pauline Gareau 836-2268 OUR LADY’S ROSARY MAKERS Aimee Alcantara 208-6680 POST-FUNERAL HOSPITALITY Ann Neaton 705-5188 PRAYER & WORSHIP Tom Tiehel 815-3100 x235 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Jane Putrino 815-7547 RACHEL’S VINEYARD Post Abortion Retreat R.C.I.A. Deacon Mike Smigelski 732-278-9106 R.I.C.A Sister Margarita 815-3100 x222 RESPECT LIFE Lindsay Trapp 318-200-9165 RESURRECTION GARDEN Lynn Conley 290-5267 SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR FOR PARISH Barbara Hollis, 815-3100 x250 SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR FOR SCHOOL Maggie Cyr, 815-9988 SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER Judy Haupt, 208-9045 SGG CATHOLIC SCHOOL Christopher Trott, 815-9988 STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Joe Lombardo 757-5517 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Assistance 1-866-324-6135 UPLIFT [email protected] Sarah Litchfield Elizabeth Adebahr USHERS Bob Kruppa 705-3737 VIRTUS SPANISH Bertha Montero 815-3100 x234 VIRTUS ENGLISH Mike Vezeau 705-5847 VOCATIONS COMMITTEE Barbara Guter 705-9517 WEDDING COORDINATORS Jackie Tygielski 705-4751 WOMEN OF SGG Rosemarie Kovarcik 815-3445 Margaret DeMeo 705-1051 Arnetta Duncan 290-0747 Away for the weekend? Forgot to pick up a bulletin? Read the weekly bulletin at Diocesan Website: ¿No estuvo este fin de semana ? ¿ Se le olvido recoger el boletin? Lea el boletín semanal en: Pagina diocesana: Página del Vaticano:
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