ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY Ministered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Gene Sabio, MSC, Pastor Rev. Art Mateo, MSC, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adri Budhi, MSC, In Residence Rev. Joseph Kim, MSC, In Residence Deacon John De Gano Ministry Center: 7005 Brockton Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Church: 3680 Arlington Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Parish Office: Fax: Rectory: School: Visit us online: 951.781.9855 951.781.3061 951.683.0800 951.684.1091 Confessions Saturday: 4:00-5:00 pm Daily Upon Request Sick Calls (during office hours): 951.781.9855 Sick Calls (after office hours): 951.683.0800 x 25 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm Sunday: 6:30 am 8:30 am 10:15 am 12:00 noon 1:45 pm 5:15 pm (Interpreted for Deaf) (Gospel Choir) (Español) (Life Teen) Daily: 8:00 am (Monday - Saturday) 5:30 pm (Monday - Friday, except from Memorial Day through Labor Day) Holy Days (except Christmas & New Year’s): Vigil at 5:30 pm; 8:00 am, 10:15 am, 7:00 pm 3 de mayo de 2015 Quinto Domingo de Pascua Novena to the Sacred Heart First Friday at 8:30 am Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary First Saturday at 8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday after 8:00 am Mass until 8:00 am on Saturday PARISH VISION STATEMENT One God, One people in Christ, One community of love guided by the Holy Spirit to impact lives. Un Dios, Un pueblo en Cristo, Una comunidad de amor guiada por el Espíritu Santo para impactar vidas. WEEK AT A GLANCE PAGE 2 MASS INTENTIONS - INTENCIÓNES DE MISAS SUNDAY - DOMINGO 05/03 6:30 am Josephine (Jo) Scarano † 8:30 am Intentions of Shawn Rench Family 10:15 am Godofredo & Maura Sarreal † 12:00 noon John Schrup † 1:45 pm Parishioners 5:15 pm Carl VanHouten & Michael Taniguchi † MONDAY - LUNES 05/04 8:00 am Carolina Saladino † 5:30 pm Richard Marcil † TUESDAY - MARTES 05/05 8:00 am Joseph Bradley † 5:30 pm Alejandra Borgonia † WEDNESDAY - MIERCOLES 05/06 8:00 am Intentions of St. Jude’s Wirebenders 5:30 pm Vicente & Elvira Yu † THURSDAY - JUEVES 05/07 8:00 am Leone Rife † 5:30 pm Josephine (Jo) Scarano † FRIDAY - VIERNES 05/08 8:00 am Intentions of Rick Howick 5:30 pm Rafael Ybanez † SATURDAY - SABADO 05/09 8:00 am Intentions of Ashley Bean 10:00 am At AFV— 5:15 pm Aurelio Rosas Lopez † SUNDAY - DOMINGO 05/10 6:30 am John & Grace Schrup † 8:30 am Michael Wilford † 10:15 am Maria Antonia Capraro † 12:00 noon Mother’s Day Novena 1:45 pm Intentions of Connie & Carmen 5:15 pm Parishioners † Symbolizes Soul of Deceased 72.9MHzWidebandAudioInputwith10.0dbis thefrequencyfortheFMRadiolisteningdevice. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts14:5-18;Ps115:1-4,15-16; Jn14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts14:19-28;Ps145:10-13ab,21; Jn14:27-31a Wednesday:Acts15:1-6;Ps122:1-5;Jn15:1-8 Thursday: Acts15:7-21;Ps96:1-3,10;Jn15:9-11 Friday: Acts15:22-31;Ps57:8-10,12;Jn15:12-17 Saturday: Acts16:1-10;Ps100:1b-3,5;Jn15:18-21 Sunday: Acts10:25-36,34-35,44-48;Ps98:1-4; 1Jn4:7-10or1Jn4:11-16;Jn15:9-17 orJn17:11b-19 MAY 3, 2015 L ITURGY C ORNER May3-FIFTHSUNDAYOFEASTER As we celebrate with 62 youth and 10 adults their FirstHolyCommunionthisweek,withmoretofollow intheweekstocome,weholdalloftheminprayeras they come to the table with us and share in the “sourceandsummit”ofourfaith,HolyEucharist. Inourfaith, Easteris notasingledaybut a celebration that lasts 50 days until Pentecost. Please consider bringing fresh lilies or other Easter flowers to the church during the Easter season in remembrance of your lovedonestokeepourchurchlookingbeautiful! PLEASE HELP PROTECT THE JOURNEYSONGS MISSALS Help protect our books by placing the books on their sides in the slots after No you have finished using them. Thank you! Yes Letuslovenotinwordorspeech butindeedandtruth. — 1 John 3:18 TODAY’S READINGS FirstReading—Barnabasreportedtotheapostleshow SaulhadseentheLordontheway(Acts9:26-31). Psalm—Iwillpraiseyou,Lord,intheassemblyofyour people(Psalm22). SecondReading—ThisisGod’scommandment:thatwe maybelieveandlove(1John3:18-24). Gospel—Iamthetruevine;whoeverremainsinmewill bearmuchfruit(John15:1-8). TheEnglishtranslationofthePsalmResponsesfromthe Lectionary for Mass ©1969,1981,1997,InternationalCommissiononEnglishintheLiturgy Corporation.Allrightsreserved. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch14:5-18;Sal115(114):1-4,15-16; Jn14:21-26 Martes: Hch14:19-28;Sal145(144):10-13ab,21; Jn14:27-31a Mié rcoles:Hch15:1-6;Sal122(121):1-5;Jn15:1-8 Jueves: Hch15:7-21;Sal96(95):1-3,10;Jn15:9-11 Viernes: Hch15:22-31;Sal57(56):8-10,12;Jn15:12-17 Sá bado: Hch16:1-10;Sal100(99):1b-3,5;Jn15:18-21 Domingo: Hch10:25-36,34-35,44-48;Sal98(97):1-4; 1Jn4:7-10o1Jn4:11-16;Jn15:9-17 o Jn 17:11b-19 REFLECTIONS / STEWARDSHIP PAGE 3 MAY 3, 2015 MyBrothersandSistersinChrist, Intoday’sGospel,wehearJesusproclaimthatheisthevineandwearethebranches;ifweremaininhimwewillbearmuchfruit.Sohowdoweremainonthevine?Theanswerisbelieve inthenameofJesusChristandloveoneanother. ThisgospelanditsmessagegotmetothinkingaboutanupcominguniqueeventonSaturday eveningMay23rdinourparishhall.Theeventiscalled“MakingaDifference”andit’ssponsoredbyCatholicCharities.Thereasonthegospelgotmethinkingaboutthiseventisbecause ofwhotheguestspeakeris.Ifthereisanindividualwhoremainsonthevineandlivesalifeof love,itisFr.GregBoyle.Fr.GregorFr.“G”asheisaffectionatelycalledbythosehehashelpedandthoseheworks withisthefounderofHomeboyIndustriesinLosAngelesandistheauthorofoneofthemostmovingandthoughtprovokingbooksIhaveeverread,called“TattoosontheHeart”,abouthisworkwithformergangmembers.Homeboy Industriesservesupto1,000formergangmembersandrecentlyincarceratedeachmonth,seekingjobtraining, placementandcounseling. InChapter25ofMatthew’sGospelbeginningatverse31welearnabouttheJudgmentoftheNationsattheendof timeandhoweachofuswillbejudged.Howdowetreatothers?Howdoweshowourlovefortheleastofourbrothers?IsnotJesustheLordofnewbeginningsandsecondchances,especiallyforthosewhoaretheleastlikely?Arenot theseleastlikelyourresponsibilityasaChristiancommunity?TheUSCCBinapublicationentitled“Communitiesof SaltandLight”tellsus“parishesarecalledtoreachouttothehurting,thepoor,andthevulnerableinourmidstin concreteactsofcharity.”ThebasiccallforallfollowersofChristis“thatallChristiansinwhateverstateorwalkoflife arecalledtothefullnessofChristianlifeandtotheperfectionofcharity,andthisholinessisconducivetoamorehumanwayofliving…”(LumenGentiumno.40) Godcalls.Werespond.TheRisenLordcallseveryonetolaborinhisvineyard.“Compassionisn’tjustaboutfeelingthe painofothers;it’saboutbringingthemintowardyourself.IfwelovewhatGodloves,then,incompassion,margins geterased.”BecompassionateasGodiscompassionate“meansthedismantlingofbarriersthatexclude”Fr.Greg Boyle,TattoosontheHeart:The Power of Boundless Compassion. Thecostoffruitfuldiscipleship:self-sacri icinglove,likeJesus;inwhomweremain. IntheVineyardoftheLord, Faithful 2015 DDF SPECIAL COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND—May 2 & 3, 2015 Pleaseusethebrightyellowenvelopelocatedinthepewsforyourdonation.Thankyouforyoursupport! DonatingtoDDFsupportsyourChurchandMinistries. Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 Summary of Weekly Sunday Offering April 26, 2015 Actual Collection Budgeted Collection April 5th $ 36,351.29 $ 35,000.00 April 12th $ 19,487.01 $ 17,000.00 April 19th $ 16,630.92 $ 17,000.00 April 26th $ Actual Collection Budgeted Collection 15,750.33 2015 Diocesan Development Fund April 26, 2015 DDF Assessment Less: Pledges Made Total Pledges shortfall Less: Pledge payments received Balance payable to the Diocese 17,000.00 $ 772,542.35 Number of donors 767,000.00 Parishioners' participation % Thank you for your support. $5,542.35 $ DDF Assessment $ YTD Collection Overage 99,500 71,215 28,285 99,500 $ 44,811 54,689 392 13% Race to the Finish Line total collection = $12,151 Please support 2015 DDF. SOCIAL CONCERNS / COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 4 R L /P L M ARE Killingachildinthewombisawillful violationofGod'sclearcommandment. Sinceabortionismorallywrong,we mustneverconsideritasanoption.Godhasnotgivenus a"choice."Hesimplycommands:Thoushaltnotkill." A U.S. CITIZEN? Presented by David and Ana Wall 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm—5 Week Course TheCaliforniaCatholicConferenceistheof icialsiteof CaliforniaBishopsdealingwithcurrentissues,especially RespectLifeissues.Thispassageistakenfromtheirsite: We will meet every Friday in May—5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22 & 5/29 Next Meeting: May 8, 2015 St. Catherine of Alexandria Ministry Center 7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside 951.781.9855 Because we believe we are created in the image of God, we hold life to be sacred from conception to natural death. We believe that we are stewards of this gift of life from a loving God. We support compassionate and comprehensive end-of -life care. We advocate for adequate pain control and availability of hospice care. We oppose assisted suicide or euthanasia as unwise and ϔlawed public policy which ruptures the physician-patient relationship, puts vulnerable patients, particularly the elderly, at risk of abuse, breaks our bonds of care for each other and validates suicide as a response to personal mental health challenges. If you want to become a US Citizen, these classes will help to improve your language skills and to prepare you for the USCIS test and interview. Catholic Charities strives to give aspiring citizens the information, resources, and assistance they need to make their journey successful. DO NOT MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY! ISAAC SOCIETY You’re always welcome to join us in visiting the residents at Chapman. Our next Bingo – Ice Cream Social will be on Sunday, May 17th at 2:00 pm. Bring your whole family; the residents love to see the children. For more information call Diana 784-8014 or Walter 789-0186. YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING Catholic Charities is hosting FREE CITIZENSHIP CLASSES -FromIsItWrongtoMurderachildbyAbortion TheCCCurgesustonotifyourlegislatorstovoteNOon SB128,thePhysician-AssistedSuicidebill.Youcanvisit thewebsitewww.cacatholic.orgtoeasilyandquicklycontactyourlegislators.Pleasetakethefewminutesittakes tosavelives,whichcouldonedaybeyourown. MAY 3, 2015 W M E InthesecondreadingtodayJohnencourages ustoloveoneanotherindeedandtruthnot inspeechonly.Doyoushowyourspousethat youtrulylovethem,notjustsayit?Loveyourspousein deedbygivingthegiftofyourself;makethetimetoattend thenextMarriageEncounterweekend.UpcomingWorldwideMarriageEncounterWeekendsareJune26-27,September25-27andNovember13-15.PleasecontactRobert &DeniseBorruelat(951)520-7478toregisterorformore information. HOLIESTFLOWER MaryisthelilyinGod’sgarden. —St.BridgetofSweden G P A S .C ’ W ThebeautifulpicturestakeninJanuaryofeachMass communityisnowavailableonourSt.Catherine's website.Youcandownloadandprintyourpictures,home pageundertheMediaheadingandclickon"Photosof ourparishcommunity". HELP FOR THE HOMELESS AND HUNGRY A common sight at intersecƟons is a homeless person with a sign asking for help. People may approach us for cash at other places. We can’t help everyone, but we can help those in need of food. A homeless person may receive $200 each month in food stamps even if they do not have an address or any place to stay. The homeless may not be aware that this and other services are available. To help, clip below and give it to those in need. Clipforthehomelesswhoapproachyouforhelp: HelpforhomelessandhungryRiversideCounty residents.Youmayget$200inFoodStampswhen youapply.Call800-464-1123. COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 5 MAY 3, 2015 ATTHECROSSROADS May3,2015FifthSundayofEaster LifeandChristianLivingintheothersideofmidnight:thePhilippineexperience. DeathPenalty,anyone?Fortwonightsnow,manyofuschurchpeople,ordinarycitizens,realgoodpoliticiansandpeople ofdifferentnationalities,havegatheredinfrontoftheIndonesianEmbassyhereinMakati,Metro-Manila,ThePhilippines. WearepleadingthegovernmentofIndonesia,throughitsPresidentJokoWidodo,tostaytheexecutionby iringsquadof MaryJaneVeloso. ***** MaryJaneVelosoisa30-yearoldsinglemotherof2children.LikemostFilipinos,sheisavictimofgrindingpovertycaused bythestructuresofgreedandinjusticewhich,inrecentyears,havebeendenouncedbyPopeFranciswhenhesaid:Notothe economyofexclusion,notothenewidolatryofmoney,notoa inancialsystemwhichrulesratherthanserves,nototheinequalitywhichspawnsviolence(cf.PopeFrancis,theJoyoftheGospel,53-60).Shehaslongdesiredtojointheforcesof some3millionFilipinosworkingabroad–wecallthemOverseasFilipinoWorkers–inordertoearnforherfamilyandfor herchildren’sfuture.Fiveyearsago,atrustedfriendandgodsisterofhershelpedhertogoabroadbyobtainingapassport andatouristvisaforhertogotoIndonesiaviaMalaysia.InMalaysia,thisfriendandgodsisterboughtheranewluggageand sentherofftoIndonesiaalone,tellingherthatheremployerwouldbepickingherupattheairport.AttheYogjakartaAirport,of icialsfoundhiddenintheliningsoftheluggagesome2.6kilosofcocaine. ***** Shewasimmediatelyarrestedandputintoprisonforthat.ThePhilippineEmbassyinIndonesiaandthePhilippinegovernmentkepthercasefrompubliceyefor iveyears.ThecaseeruptedinthePhilippinesceneonlytwoweeksagowhenthe deathsentence,executionby iringsquad,waspronouncedbytheIndonesiancourt.Thenewswasbroughttotheattention ofthepeopleinthePhilippinesnotbythePhilippinegovernmentbutbyanon-government/non-pro itorganizationatthe forefront of serving and helping the cause of the Filipino migrant workers all over the world, the Migrante International. MaryJaneepitomizeswhatiswrongwithPhilippinesocietyand theunful illeddreamsofherpeople.Sherepresentsthe poorinourtimeandthepoor’sinnocentheroismtoloveandbegoodshepherdstotheirfamilyandchildren.Sheisthelamb violatedand,probably,willbeslainbyajusticesystemthatmetescapitalpunishmentevenonthoseunjustlyconvicted. ***** TheologicalandmoralissuesareatstakeinthecaseofMaryJane.Truthandjustice,legaljusticeanddueprocessandcapital punishmentarethe inerissuesthatneedtobelookedintoinhercase.Isn’thercaseoneofaninnocentpoorvictimizedby exploitativehumantraf icking?Isn’ttheregovernmentneglectandfailureofjusticeanddueprocesssinceherprimarywitness,theillegalrecruiterthatwasherfriendandgodsister(whomshehasforgiven)isstillfreeandwhosedepositionwas neverconsideredbythecourtandpoliceauthorities?Maydeathpenaltybeimposedonaninnocentvictimconvictedfora crimeofdrugtraf icking(cf.CatechismoftheCatholicChurch,2266).ThesequestionsreallybelongtoAdultFaithFormation.WiththesechallengestoFaithandAdultFaithFormation,Christianliving lourishesinthispartoftheearth. -Fr.Ben JoinKofCforaSpecialBreakfastat St.FrancisdeSalesChurchonMay3 TheKnightsofColumbusinviteyouto their"SpecialBreakfast"thismorning, Sunday,May3,atSFDSChurchdowntown,from 8:00amto11:15a.m.Biscuits&Gravywillbe servedforanominaldonation. ELEVATE—YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY DoyouwanttogrowinyourCatholicfaithwhilehangingoutwithreallycoolpeople?Ifsoandyou'reayoung adult,Elevate,St.Catherine'syoungadultcommunity, meetseverysecondandfourthThursdayattheYouth House(6965NixonDr.)at7:00pmunlessotherwisenoted. Forthelatestupdatesandmoreinformation,pleasefollow usonTwitter@elevatestcats,Instagramatelevatestcats, [email protected] textmessageupdates,text"Followelevatestcats"to40404. LAFLORMÁSSANTA Marı́aesellirioeneljardı́ndeDios.—SantaBrı́gidadeSuecia HEALTH MINISTRY NEWS ThehealthmobileclinicwillbeatSt. Catherine’sschoolfrom8:30amto 2:00pmforadultclientsonSaturday, May16.FreeAdultMedicalcareisoffered,labsand medsareaslowcostaspossible.Patientssigninona first-come,first-servedbasis.Forinfoortovolunteer LestonnacFreeClinicisinneedofDentalVolunteers(Dentists,HygienistsandAssistants)forthe newMobileDentalClinicthatiscomingtotheInland EmpireRiversidearea.Ifyouareinterestedinvolunteeringorwouldlikeadditionalinformation,please calltheOrangeofficeat714-633-4600orvisittheir EDUCATION / FORMATION PAGE 6 MAY 3, 2015 News from Our Parish School . . . Excellence in Education, Body, Mind & Spirit The Most Awesome Scientists in Riverside Last year, our awesome science program fielded our six regular slots and two extras to the regional science fair (RIMS, which incorporates four counties, public and private), and all eight medaled either first, second or third. One, Nathan Mermilliod, went on to state, and then competed nationally. Two weeks ago that science fair was held for this school year, and all six of our students medaled again – and two, Ashton Authement (grade eight), and for the second year, Nathan Mermilliod (grade seven) each won first place in their categories, and will compete at the state championship. Even more awesome, both Ashton and Nathan scored so high that they have automatically qualified for the national competition! Our children are awesome, and they engage so well in our lab science program. They started in kindergarten with buddy labs (paired with their seventh and eighth grade buddies) doing fun Dr. Seuss style experiments. They engaged sixth, seventh and eighth grade totally immersed in labs and lab write-ups. And they are now ready to take Notre Dame by storm (which our graduates regularly do, being extremely well prepared). Tie that with a math program that is recognized as the high school equivalent to algebra I by the diocesan schools, and surround that with music, computers, sports, and Spanish, and I can say we have the best program in Riverside. We just saw that in action at the RIMS Science Fair where for a second year in a row all contestants medaled. If you would like more information on our program, please call the office and I would be happy to talk with you and show you our campus. There is a lot for our parishioners to be proud of, and I hope to share that with you. Yours in Christ, Rick Howick School Principal Y You may contact our school about anything of interest at (951) 684-1091 C L Becauseofourvowsof chastitypoverty,andobedience,consecratedreligioushavethefreedomtowork withothersincaringforthoseonthemarginsofsociety,speakingontheirbehalf,yetatthesametime,empoweringthemtorecognizeandutilizetheirGodgivengiftsandtalents. L G ’ W —Jesustellsus:“Ifyouremaininme andmywordsremaininyou,askforwhateveryouwant anditwillbedoneforyou”(John15:7).Whichwordsofhis arecallingyoutolife?Askhimtohelpyoutotrustinthe FatherandsurrendertowhattheFatherwillsforyou. Copyright©2014,WorldLibraryPublications.Allrightsreserved. CATHOLIC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Men,areyoulookingforfaith,hopeand prayerinyourlife?ComejoinCatholic Men’sFellowshiponthe2ndTuesdayofthemonth,7:00 pm-8:30pmor4thSaturdayofthemonth,9:00am- 10:30amattheMinistryCenterRoom1.Allmenwelcome.CallRobertat951-784-7642orAlat951-212-1971 forinformation.NextMeeting:May12at7:00pm —Sr.SisterRosemaryFinnegan,O.P.,2014DioceseofOrlandointerview Celebrating50YearsofPriesthood Fr.RobertFisher,SVDishavinghisJubileeMass onSunday,May17at11:00amatSt.Matthews, Corona.Receptiontofollow.Allareinvited. CATHOLIC 301 presents BIBLE STUDY WITH DR. BOB FERRETT P RESENTATIONS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT GOSPELS CATHOLICISM with Fr. Robert Barron Attendeveryweek(exceptholidays)untilJuneon Wednesdaysat9:30amorSundaysat7:00pm. InterestingandbeautifullypresentedDVDmaterial, aworkbookwithwrittencommentsandquestions,plusgroupdiscussion.AllCatholicsandnon -Catholicsover18welcome.Perfectattendance notrequired.Nopre-registration. ForinformationcallBeverlyat951-689-1710. JOHN Thursdays,May7toJune30(8sessions) Choose:2:00–3:30pmor7:00–8:30pm IntheSpiritualityRoomattheMinistryCenter. BringyourBibleandjoinus! (Before each session, you are encouraged to read the chapters that will be studied) May7: Beginning/JohntheBaptist/Cana John1:1-2:12 CallDr.Ferrettifyouhavequestionsat951-697-7733. FORMATION / PARISH LIFE PAGE 7 PleasenoteChildren’sHomily, Pre-School&Nurserywillbe closedSunday,May10th. HappyMother’sDay toallmoms,new mommies&moms-to-be!! FAITH FORMATION IS SEEKING NEW CATECHISTS (TEACHERS)... Doyouhavejusttwohourstogiveon Wednesdaysforourparishchildren?The FaithFormationStaffandParishneedYOU tohelpthesechildrenprepareforreceiving theirSacraments,learnaboutourRomanCatholicTraditions,liveouttheGospelandjourneyinourfaithtogether. Therewardsaremany.PleasepraytoseeifourLordiscallingyoutothisMinistry.Ifinterestedorforquestions, pleasecallOlivia,781-9855x25. **Pleasenoteanyadult(ages18+)workingwithchildrenona regularbasisasavolunteerwillneedtofollowcertainguidelines andtrainingbeforebeingallowedtohelp.Pleasedon'tletthis turnyouaway.It'sforthesafetyofallinvolved. Q –Acelebrationofa youngladyorman’s ifteenthBirthday withamassandblessing.WeatSt. CatherinecelebrateQuinceañ erasfour (4)timesayearingroupcelebrations. Thenextorientation&informational meetingwillbeTuesday,May19that 7:00pmattheYouthHouse,6956NixonSt.Riverside92506.Requirements,paperwork,anddatesof celebrationswillbehandedoutatthemeeting. OUR LADY OF FATIMA PRAYER GROUP TheWorldApostolateofFatima,OurLady'sBlue Army,istheof icialvoiceoftheCatholicChurch ontheapparitions,history,andspiritualityof Fatima.JoinusMondays,6:15-7:15pm,inthe familychapeltotheleftofthealtar,tolearnhow youcanchangetheworldandbringOurLady'speaceplan tolife. RCIA INQUIRY ThinkingaboutbecomingCatholic? BaptizedCatholicbutneverreceivedany othersacraments?CometoAdultInquirytoexplore andgetyourquestionsanswered. 2nd&4thTuesdaysofeachmonthat7:00pmor 2nd&4thSaturdaysofeachmonthat9:00aminthe MinistryCenter.Questions?CallMaryorMartyat 781-9855ext.29. NextMeetings:May9&May12 MAY 3, 2015 Lance Wiseman Archie LaSalle 781.9855 ext. 14 684.1065 All HighHigh-SchoolSchool- Age Youth LIFE NIGHT, Sundays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. after LIFE TEEN Mass LIFETEEN(highschoolageteen) Tonight, 5/3—Thedayyouandyourfriendshavebeenwaitingfor eversinceyourfirstdayofclassisfinallyhere!Timetograduate! Butwait,theendofConfirmationclassandreceivingthesacrament isn’tagraduationoffaith,itisjustthebeginning!Joinusonthislife longjourneyoffaithatLifeTeentonightat7:00pmattheParish Hall. NextSunday,5/10—LifeNightattheParishHallfrom7:00pm to8:30pm.Lookforwardtoseeingyou! RemembereverySundayisLIFENIGHTfrom7:00pmto8:30pmat theParishHallortheYouthHouse,6956NixonSt.AllHighSchool AgeYoutharewelcometocomeoverassoonastheLIFETEEN Massends. YOUTHSERVICEHOURS–Wearelookingfor1stor2ndyearconfirmationcandidatestohelpwiththe3rdyearconfirmationdinner on May 7th. If you are interested in helping, please contact Lance Wisemanat781-9855ext.14. YOUTHFUNDRAISER—SAVETHEDATE!Wewillbeholdingour Chicken & Tri Tip Dinner and Dessert Auction on July 11, 2015. Pleasecheckbackformoreinformationintheweekstocome. MIDDLESCHOOL THEEDGE–aMinistryforyouthinmiddleschool-Opento6thto8th gradersinprivateorpublicschools.Enjoyyoursummerbreak!The EdgewillstartagaininOctober. CONFIRMATIONNEWS 1stYearofCon irmation—Thenextmodulesforthisyearwillbe Sunday,May17th,from3:00pmto5:00pmorMonday,May18th, from6:30pmto8:30pmintheParishHall. 2ndYearofCon irmation—REMINDER: Upcoming Candidate & Sponsor gathering will be May 16th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the parish hall. All irstyearmake-upwork,massandservicere lection sheetsarepastdue!PleaseturninpaperworktoLanceasap. 3rdYearofConfirmation—LastSunday,April26,wasfinalinterviewsforConfirmation.IfyouhavemissedyourinterviewcontactLancerightaway.ALLyears’workisoverdueandmaycause adelayinreceivingyourSacramentofConfirmation. ATTENTION...ATTENTION..ATTENTION 3rdYearCandidates:Thereareonly2Life NightsleftbeforeConfirmation. Our Conϔirmation process is a three year program, starting in 9th grade, Conϔirming in 11th grade; this includes public or any private schools. Please contact Lance Wiseman with any questions. LA BUENA PRENSA El Oración de Apertura para la Temporada Pascual: Encienda la Vela, guarde silencio por un momento y después digan juntos: Aleluya, Aleluya, Aleluya ¡Padre Celestial, Resucitaste a Tú Hijo Jesús de la muerte, y toda la creación celebra! Por medio de Él somos renovados y ahora caminamos como Portadores de Luz y Testigos de Tú Gracia. Que esta oración, compartiendo la fe y servicio, proclame a todos Tú amor infinito. Te pedimos esto a través de Cristo Nuestro Señor. AMÉN Temporadas de Fe: Oficina Evangelización y Formación de Fe para Adultos , Diócesis de San Bernardino Al Partir el Pan: Unidos a la Vid En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos revela que él es la verdadera Vid, la fuente de vida divina y de sabiduría para las naciones de modo que en Él se cumple aquello que Dios quería para Israel (Si 24,17-24). En el bautismo, cada uno de nosotros fue unido a Él por el Espíritu Santo. Como la rama de un árbol se desarrolla unida al tronco, nuestras almas reciben vida de Él, nutridas por su Palabra y Eucaristía. San Pablo, en la primera lectura de hoy, quiere unirse a la expresión visible de la Vid verdadera que es Cristo: la Iglesia. Pero encuentra resistencia y sospecha entre la comunidad cristiana, pues anteriormente había encabezado a sus perseguidores. Sin embargo, poco después fue conocido por sus frutos (Cfr. Mt 7,16-20) y por el poderoso testimonio de la obra que el Señor hizo por medio de él. Nosotros también, como discípulos suyos, estamos llamados a producir buenos frutos para que glorifiquemos a Dios con nuestras vidas. Sin embargo Jesús nos advierte que, si queremos dar fruto, hemos de esperar que Dios nos “pode”, como el jardinero hace con los árboles y arbustos para que crezcan más y den más fruto. Él nos enseña hoy cómo ver nuestros sufrimientos y pruebas: con los ojos de fe. Por tanto, necesitamos ver nuestras luchas como esa “poda” que nos hace crecer en santidad y dar frutos de justicia (Cfr. Hb 12, 4-11). Debemos mantenernos siempre enraizados en Él, como dice la epístola hoy. Permaneceremos en Él si obedecemos su mandamiento de amor; si meditamos sus palabras, dejándolas habitar en nosotros con toda su riqueza (Col 3,16); si buscamos hacer siempre lo que le agrade a Él. Para ello debemos ser humildes, recordando que si estamos separados de Él no podemos hacer nada (Cfr. Jn 15,5). Como nos dice el salmo de este domingo, debemos cumplir nuestras promesas, volviéndonos al Señor en adoración y proclamando sus alabanzas hasta que todas las familias de la tierra conozcan su justicia. St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology: Scott Hahn, Ph.D. y Mons. José Gómez, Arzobispo de Los Ángeles Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial: En la segunda lectura de hoy Juan nos invita a amarnos unos a otros en obra y en verdad no sólo de palabras. ¿Le demuestras a tu pareja que realmente le amas y no sólo decirlo? Ama a tu pareja, al darle el don de ti mismo/a; al hacer el tiempo para asistir al próximo fin de semana de Encuentro Matrimonial. Regístrese hoy para asistir a uno de los próximos fines de semana de Encuentro Matrimonial: 26-27 de junio, septiembre 25-27 y 13-15 de noviembre. Para inscribirse o para obtener más información, por favor, póngase en contacto con Robert o Denise Borruel al 951-520-7478 Lista y teléfonos de Grupos Parroquiales en Español Grupo de Oración Carismático, Amanda Robles 951-227-5890 Grupo Guadalupano, Esther Ruvalcaba 951-452-6180 Estudio Bíblico (En Español), Marco Martínez 951-655-0144 Grupo de Evangelización Ascecis, Alberto Macías 951-850-9606 Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe, María Lozano 951-314-7010 La Buena Prensa, Marco Martínez 951-655-0144 Temporadas de Fe Escrito por: Erbey Castillo, Santa Isabel de Hungría, Desert Hot Springs Hechos 9:26-31 / Salmo 22, 26-28, 30-32 / 1 Juan 3:18-24 / Juan 15:1-8 La conversión de Pablo, ha sido para mí, la historia más grande, para conversarnos del amor y el poder de cristo en nuestra vida. Siempre he sido creyente en Dios, pero a mi manera, no como Dios quería, donde quiera que estaba, siempre había algo, o alguien, que me hablara de Dios, y yo nunca lo escuchaba, pero un día tuve una experiencia, quizás no como la de pablo, después de mostrarse Dios en mi vida, y yo sentir la necesidad de su presencia, de su amor, de sentir ese gozo de saber que Él está ahí conmigo, me di cuenta de todo el tiempo que yo había perdido, al estar alejado de su lado, de su amor, ahora me doy cuenta, desde cuándo, el señor me ha estado buscando, y desde cuando yo lo había estado negando. Ahora quiero alabarlo, quiero decirte señor cuanto me haces falta. Dios me dio la valentía que necesitaba para luchar, para hablar de Él, con amor y gozo, decir que Dios es grande y maravilloso. Quizás la gente que te conoció antes no te crea que has cambiado, sigue adelante, muéstrale a esa gente que Dios es grande, poderoso, que él fue el que te cambio. Cuando nuestra conversión es verdadera, las palabras quedan a un lado, porque como Pablo, después de su conversión, todo lo que hizo fue predicar el evangelio, el amor de Dios, y nunca pensaba por El mismo, si lo que hacía estaba bien o mal, si no que seguía las palabras de nuestro señor Jesús, y sus mandatos, el amor a Dios nos hace luchar, cuando 3 de mayo del 2015 Quinto domingo de Pascua llegamos a sentir a Dios en nuestra vida, ya no podemos ser igual que antes, tenemos que seguir aferrados a Él, sentimos la necesidad de su presencia, sin el somos ramas secas, sin vida, Dios nos quiere tanto que quiere que nos salvemos, que tengamos vida, seamos discípulos de Dios, y su amor y bondad siempre estará con nosotros. Este tiempo de pascua mostrémosle al Señor Jesús, que el sacrificio que hizo por nosotros no fue en vano, con nuestros hechos, y amor a los demás, y que El señor siga iluminando nuestro camino. Preguntas para Compartir: 1. Para Hechos: ¿De qué forma habla sobre Dios a las personas de su alrededor? ¿Qué le dice? 2. Para 1 de Juan: ¿Qué cosa le perturba o reta su conciencia? ¿Cómo encuentras la paz en esos momentos? 3. Para Juan: ¿Que frutos de bondad han crecido en su vida desde el domingo de Pascua? ¿Qué hará para que siga creciendo? 4. Para Reflexión: Comparta algunas de las formas en que se mantiene cerca de la “vid verdadera”. Temporadas de Fe: Oficina Evangelización y Formación de Fe para Adultos, Diócesis de San Bernardino Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (CCC, 736) Gracias a este poder del Espíritu Santo los hijos de Dios pueden dar fruto. El que nos ha injertado en la Vid verdadera hará que demos "el fruto del Espíritu, que es caridad, alegría, paz, paciencia, afabilidad, bondad, fidelidad, mansedumbre, templanza"(Ga 5, 22-23). "El Espíritu es nuestra Vida": cuanto más renunciamos a nosotros mismos (cf. Mt 16, 24-26), más "obramos también según el Espíritu" (Ga 5, 25): «Por el Espíritu Santo se nos concede de nuevo la entrada en el paraíso, la posesión del reino de los cielos, la recuperación de la adopción de hijos: se nos da la confianza de invocar a Dios como Padre, la participación de la gracia de Cristo, el podernos llamar hijos de la luz, el compartir la gloria eterna (San Basilio Magno, Liber de Spiritu Sancto, 15, 36: PG 32, 132). LA VISIÓN DE LA PARROQUIA Un Dios, Un pueblo en Cristo, Una comunidad de amor guiada por el Espíritu Santo para impactar vidas
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