Anabel Zaratiegui: Head of Spanish : E mail [email protected] Direct line 020 8875 6911 Listos 1 Spanish Year 7 Revision list for June 2015 Examinations: Pupils will need to revise the following points: Módulo 1: Lección 1: Asking a friend’s name. Giving your name. Greeting someone. Asking how someone is. Lección 2: Naming items in your rucksack. Naming classroom items. Saying what you have or don’t have. GRAMMAR Masculine & feminine words. Indefinite articles: un, una, unos, unas Lección 3: Saying how old you are. Asking someone their age. Numbers 11-20 Lección 4: Talking about dates. Saying when your birthday is. Numbers 21-31 GRAMMAR My, your, his, her, its: mi, tu, su. Lección 5: Understanding classroom instructions. Naming things in the classroom. Days of the week. GRAMMAR Definite article: el, la, los, las & plural of nouns. Lección 6: The alphabet in Spanish. Spelling your name. More classroom phrases. Módulo 2: Lección 1: • Countries names. • Saying your nationality. • Saying where are you from. GRAMMAR • Ser: soy,eres,es. Lección 2: • Saying where you live. • Saying what languages you speak. GRAMMAR • Vivir: vivo,vives,vive. • Hablar: hablo, hablas, habla. Lección 3: • Talking about your family. GRAMMAR • Llamarse: me llamo, te llamas, se llama, se llaman. • Mi, tu ,su; mis, tus, sus. Anabel Zaratiegui: Head of Spanish : E mail [email protected] Direct line 020 8875 6911 Lección 4: • Talking about pets. GRAMMAR • Adjective agreement Lección 5: • Describing your eyes & hair. Lección 6: • Describing your size. • Describing your colouring. Módulo 3 Lección 1: • Talking about school subjects. • Expressing likes & dislikes. GRAMMAR • Me gusta/gustan. Lección 2: • Giving opinions about school and school subjects. GRAMMAR • Plural forms: las ciencias, las matemáticas, las lenguas Lección 3: • Understanding and giving the time. • Talking about your school timetable. GRAMMAR • Understanding what a stem-changing verb is Lección 4: • Talking about meal times. • Saying what you eat & drink. GRAMMAR • Expressions of frequency: normalmente, a veces, nunca, etc. Lección 5: • Describing your school. GRAMMAR • Hay/ no hay. Lección 6: • Saying how you get to school. GRAMMAR • Present tense of regular verbs You should also make sure you know how to spell properly and you need to pay attention to the gender of nouns (i.e. feminine and masculine words) USEFUL WEBSITES FOR REVISING: Anabel Zaratiegui: Head of Spanish : E mail [email protected] Direct line 020 8875 6911 ¡Buena suerte!
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