A Stewardship Parish Our Mission: To Evangelize God's People, beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1813 Oakdale Road • Modesto, CA 95355 Office (209) 551-4973 • Fax: (209)551-3213 • www.stjmod.com • facebook.com/stjmod April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter Holy Eucharist Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sundays: 7:30am, 9am (Traditional Latin), 10:30am 12:00 pm 1:30pm (Español) 5:30pm 7:30pm Daily Mass: 8:00am & 5:45pm; Saturdays 8:00am Traditional Latin Mass, Fridays at Noon Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Chapel access code available in office Children’s Services: Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Sunday Mass 10:30am, 1:30 pm Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday thru Thursday 5-5:30pm Fridays 6:30-7:30pm Saturdays 8:30-9:30am & 4-5pm Homebound please call 551-4973 for a priest to visit you by appointment. Clergy: Fr. Mark Wagner, Pastor Fr. Francis Joseph, OCD, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Hamilton Suarez, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Mr. Ken Ochinero, Deacon Rev. Mr. Ernest Ciccarelli, Deacon RCIA Inquiries: Please contact John & Nichole Sablan: 209-581-8477 From the Pastor’s Laptop Killed by the hands of lawless men Father Mark Wagner “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have power to lay it down, and power to take it up again” (John 10:18). With these words Jesus reveals Himself as the divine master with power over life and death. His executioners “would have no power over him” if He did not allow it (John 19:11). Jesus was the Good Shepherd who freely laid down His life for His sheep. But of course we know that Jesus did not commit suicide. He was killed by “the hands of lawless men.” (Acts 2:23). He put Himself into the hands of sinful humanity and we killed Him. “Like a gentle lamb he was led to the slaughter and opened not his mouth” (Isaiah 53:7). There are many forms of devotion to Jesus. We honor Him as the “Lamb of God,” as “Good Shepherd,” the “Sacred Heart,” and the “Divine Mercy.” One of the most ancient devotions was to Christ the divine physician. Jesus was described by St. Augustine and many early Christians as “Christus Medicus,” the doctor who has power to heal both body and soul. When I visit the hospital it often happens that the patients (or the Catholic nurses) mistakenly call me “doctor” instead of “father.” This is flattering because it shows that they respect the authority of both doctors and of priests. But it also shows that subconsciously they think of the priest as a spiritual healer like Jesus the Divine Physician. I am very sad that in California the reputation of doctors may soon be tarnished by the legalization of Physician -Assisted Suicide (Senate Bill 128). People will think of doctors as having medicine in one hand and poison in the other hand. They will no longer be thought of first of all as men who “do no harm” (Hippocratic Oath). Perhaps that is why SB 128 is opposed by most physicians and by organizations such as the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization, the American College of Physicians, the National Hospice and the American Cancer Society. Most doctors still want to uphold the original Hippocratic Oath, written in the 4th Century BC: “I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage. Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child.” We must uphold laws that reassure the terminally ill that they are loved and that they are not a burden and that we want them with us. We do not have power over life and death. Only God has that power. Please learn how to voice your opposition to SB128 by visiting the bishop’s website (www.cacatholic.org) and clicking on “Catholic Legislative Network.” Welcome to St. Joseph’s Questions? To make an appointment with a priest or deacon or to register at St. Joseph’s, please stop in or call our parish office at 551-4973. . We’re glad you’re here! Mass Intentions Sunday, April 26 (Fourth Sunday of Easter) Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:30am-6:30pm except Wednesday: 1-6:30pm Weekend Maintenance (209) 602-6062 How can we help? 209 551-4973 Guillermo Radilla 1:30p Fr. Tony Chacko Gabriel Gutierrez 9:00a All St. Joseph’s Parishioners 5:30p Polly Robles 10:30a Joseph R. Cusenza Maria Gagliano 7:30p Emil Carney Lee Wankin Sp. Int. Frank & Grace Truncale 12:00p Doris Yago Ext. Espanola Altar Servers Buildings and Grounds Children / Teen Catechesis Choirs and Cantors Events and Activities Financial Services Giving to St. Joseph’s Parish Lending Library Parish Ministries Parish Registration Rosario Svetlana Tammy Maria Svetlana Tammy Barbara Tammy Bertha Patty 110 200 207 218 200 207 108 207 208 202 102 Religious/Adult Ed John 203 Room Reservations Rosario 110 Volunteering Bertha 202 Website Ramon 213 Youth Ministry Nathan 206 Pastoral Council: Finance Council: Building: Development: Stewardship: Jack Bulmer 7:30a Gary Nelson Phyllis Walden Rick Dinubilo Daniel Del Real Rose LaMont Readings 4-27–5-3 Monday, April 27 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a Wed.: Acts 12:24-13:5a; Jn 12:44-50 Thurs.: Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13:16-20 Fri.: Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6 or Gn 1:26—2:3 or 12pm Latin Mass: Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Mt 13:54-58 Carmen Espinoza Sanchez 5:45p Alfonso Alfonso & Francisca Perez Tuesday, April 28 Emil Carney Amelia Sagrado 5:45p Jim Trevillyan Mary & Carl Mazza Wednesday, April 29 Joe Mendes Sunny & Dudley Bower Bienvenida DeLeon 5:45p Charles Sivley Sp. Int. Ernesto & Maria Palmerin Thursday, April 30 Dwaine Stephan Joe Mendes 5:45p Fernanda Machado Lisa Arellano Friday, May 1 8:00a Sylvester DeLeon 12:00p Dan Martin 5:45p Sp. Int. Fr. Hamilton Suarez Saturday, May 2 8:00a Mon.: Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:1-10 Tues.: Acts 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30 Brad Wolf Geneva Avila Sunday, May 3 (Fifth Sunday of Easter) 7:30a David Almazan 9:00a Albert Mendonca 10:30a Sp. Int. Anthony Molloy 12:00a Elizabeth Machado Jim Trevillyan Luis Reis Joseph Alegria Altar Flower Donation Sat.: Acts 13:44-52; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; 1 Jn 3:18-24 Jn 15:1-8 Joseph’s Memorial 8:30p St. Mass Remember a special day or person Call Rosario at 551-4973, ext. 110 Gregorio Gallo 1:30p Maria Gonzalez Gallo Fr. Tony Chacko 3:30p Indian Mass St. Joseph’s 5:30p All Parishioners 7:30p Amparo Sandoval RCIA Inquiry classes are for people who want to learn more about Catholicism, but aren’t necessarily sure they want to become Catholic. The RCIA process is also for Catholics who have not yet completed their sacraments of Confirmation or Holy Communion. To start the process call John and Nichole Sablan 581-8477 to make an appointment. News Respect Life “All too often, as we know from experience, people do not choose life, they do not accept the ‘Gospel of Life’ but let themselves be led by ideologies and ways of thinking that block life, that do not respect life, because they are dictated by selfishness, self-interest, profit, power and pleasure, and not by love, by concern for the good of others. …As a result, the living God is replaced by fleeting human idols which offer the intoxication of a flash of freedom, but in the end bring new forms of slavery and death.” — from Pope Francis’ homily at Mass for ‘Evangelium Vitae Day’ June 16, 2013 Page 3 – April 26, 2015 Parish Events and Activities Upcoming Liturgical celebrations: Confirmation May 8 & May 18 1st Holy Communion May 16 & May 23 Corpus Christi Procession June 7 @ 3:00pm What’s new to “Check Out” at our parish Library? Monday, April 27, 2015 10:30 A ESL - Tutoring JP4 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Hall Tuesday, April 28, 2015 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training Hall 10:30 A Light Weigh JP8 10:30 A ESL Tutoring JP4 12:00 P Intermediate English Class JP4 6:00 PM Intermediate English Class JP2 6:00 PM Beginning English Class JP4 6:30 PM Legion of Mary JP4 6:45 PM Rosary Makers JP5 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group (Spanish) JP7 Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Our faithful parish librarians invite you to “check out” two of the latest items: 12:00 P The Giver DVD In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world. Starring: Taylor Swift, Jeff Bridges, Brenton Thwaites, Meryl Streep, and Katie Holmes. The Beautiful Story of the Bible by Maïte Roche Here are all the most important stories of the Bible, Old and New Testaments, with very expressive and gorgeous pictures, sure to delight young children. The Old Testament stories include creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, David & Goliath, Moses and more. The New Testament stories include the life and miracles of Jesus, the lives of the Apostles, and the early Church, all presented in a wonderful way that shows God’s great love for mankind. Recommended for ages 5+. Intermediate English Class 2:00 PM Widow & Widower Bible Study 5:30 PM Courage To Be Me JP5 5:45 PM Principles Study Group JP5 5:45 PM Path to Serenity JP10 6:30 PM Health Ministry JP4 6:30 PM CLOW Meeting JP6 Like us on Facebook and stay connected with your parish family www.facebook.com/stjmod Please remember St. Joseph’s Church when planning your estate. Call 551-4973, ext. 207 for more information. JP8 Thursday, April 30, 2015 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training Hall 12:00 P JP5 Lunch Bible Study Friday, May 1, 2015 6:00 PM Al-Anon Spanish JP10 6:30 PM Children's Adoration Chur 6:30 PM WYD Leadership planning JP4 Saturday, May 2, 2015 8:00 AM Blessings Breakfast Save Trees! Call the parish office to find out about online offertory gifts. JP4 Hall 8:30 AM Militia Immaculata JP7 Spanish 8:45 AM M. I. Prayer Village (Adult) JP5 9:00 AM Language of the Heart (Women) 5:30 PM First Annual International Dinner JP4 Hall Sunday, May 3, 2015 10:30 A 10:00 A Children's Liturgy JP6 of the Word Militia Immaculata-Family Hall 3:00 PM Indian Mass Chur Parish Events and Activities MAY CROWNING OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER Saturday, May 2, at the 5:30pm Mass All children are invited to participate in the crowning of Our Lady. There will be a practice at 4:00pm on the plaza. The girl to crown Our Lady will be chosen from the 10-12 year-olds; a male ring-bearer, and 4 female ring-bearers will be chosen by lottery, all from those who attend practice. The children are asked to wear their "Sunday best." Children of all ages may walk in procession with their parents and lay flowers at the feet of Our Lady. In San Francisco: Raymond Arroyo, internationally known, award-winning journalist, producer, and New York Times Best-selling author. As News Director and lead anchor for EWTN, he is seen in more than 200 million homes on six continents each week on “The World Over” which he hosts live each week from Washington, DC. Sunday, May 3 @ 7pm Star of the Sea Church—4420 Geary Blvd., San Francisco Free. Donations accepted. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37) Consider spending an hour a week with our Lord. To sign up please contact David and Monica at 527-4920. You will receive many blessings from Our Lord! In the Diocese... MARRIED COUPLES: Marriage Encounter is a positive, simple, common-sense, private experience between you and your spouse, that revitalizes marriage by helping you to see again those loving qualities in each other that you may be taking for granted. The next Marriage Encounter Weekends are June 12-14 in Turlock and Oct. 2-4 in Modesto. For more information visit our website at: stocktonwwme.org or contact John and Angelica Angarita at [email protected] or 209-691-0603 APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH - PREVENTING CHILD ABUSE IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY It is every adult’s moral responsibility to protect possible victims by reporting the suspected abuse or neglect to the responsible authorities. For information on how to report suspected abuse, contact your local parish safe environment coordinator or Linda Dillen, Benefits Manager & Diocesan Safe Environment Training Coordinator, Diocese of Stockton, (209 466-0636. Page 5 - April 26, 2015 Youth Ministry THE POPE'S PRAYER INTENTIONS Contact Us! Nathan Steingrebe (209)247-7863 [email protected] April’s Intentions Universal Intention—Creation. That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization Intention— Persecuted Christians. That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Samantha Jordan (209)551-4973 ext.223 [email protected] Sign Up Quick!!! Join thousands of young Catholics at this year’s 2015 Steubenville San Diego Youth Conference!!! Have your heart set ablaze with the love of the Lord on July 24-26. Special events and guest speakers include: Ike Ndolo Band, Fr. Mike Schmitz and Tammy Evevard. Permission forms can be found in the front office. Parish School of Religion : Updates and Announcements Escuela Parroquial de Religión: Anuncios CONFESSIONS FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION STUDENTS AllchildrenwhowillbereceivingtheirFirstHolyComunionwillhavetheopportunitytogoto Confessionduringoneofthefollowingscheduledtimes: Saturday, May 2, 10am-12— ChildrenwhoattendclassMonday,Tuesday(3:30),&Thursday Saturday, May 2, 2pm-4pm—ChildrenwhoattendclassTuesday:5:15 CONFESIONES PARA LOS NIÑOS DE PRIMERA COMUNION Losniñ osqueesté nhaciendolaPrimeraComunió ntendrá nlaoportunidaddeiraconfesió n duranteunodelossiguienteshorarios: Sábado, 2 de mayo, 10am-12—Paralosniñ osqueasistenaclaseloslunes,martes3:30y jueves Sábado, 2 de mayo, 2pm-4pm—Paralosniñ osqueasistenaclaselosmartes5:15 Center for Lay Apostolates Profiles in Stewardship By: Rosario Hernandez FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: Please thank our Militia Immaculata for their service and for hosting today’s Plaza Hospitality. Parish Stewardship — a way of life The Development Committee Estela Claros is composed of St. Joseph’s Parishioners who have a real interest in the resource development for the future of our parish. Typical backgrounds or interests include: Marketing, Digital Design/Social Media, Real Estate, Finance, Education, Management, Public Relations, Law, Insurance and other related interests. The Committee meets once per month, ten months of the year and terms are for three years. The Development Committee is one of the five leadership committees of the parish and its chair (or representative) also attends the pastoral council meeting. If you have….. an enthusiasm about the future direction of the parish, a willingness to listen, to speak honestly and to work toward consensus, the ability to inspire and empower others to delegate …. We'd love to hear from you! What’s the next step if I am interested? Please send a letter of interest to Lauren Willoughby, Development Committee Secretary c/o [email protected] or to the Parish Office. Deadline is May 8, 2015. Thank you! New to the Parish? Wondering where to start?? Estela Claros has been a St. Joseph’s parishioner for 15 years and a Minister of Holy Communion for the 1:30 Mass for the same amount of time. She is also a member of our Spanish Charismatic Prayer group. Estela remembers that as she was growing up, she saw in her mother a good example of discipleship. She says: “In our little town in Mexico, my mother was a catechist. She used to teach the children and prepared them for First Holy Communion. At home too, she would gather us all every day to pray the rosary. I learned to pray the rosary from her and up to the present day it is one of my favorite prayers. It keeps the family united.” Estela feels grateful towards God for her life and all the members of her family. She also feels grateful because when her family came to the United States, many doors where opened for them. She now gives back to God by helping ot her needy famili es financially, when she is able to, and spiritually so they can get to know God and be able to live a better life. She also invites people to pray in front of Jesus in the Adoration chapel. Estela says, “The Eucharist is God’s greatest gift to us. At the beginning I used to feel unworthy to serve as a Minister of Holy Communion, but at the same time the Eucharist was like a magnet that kept pulling on me until I fell in love with it. Visit Him in Adoration, He will give you the strength and desire to serve”. Call the Center for Lay Apostolates 551-4973, ext. 202 Page 7– April 26, 2015 INTENCIONES DE ORACIÓN DEL SANTO PADRE Intenciones del abril Universal Intencion—La creación. Para que las personas aprendan a respetar la creación y a cuidarla como don de Dios. Por la Evangelización - Cristianos perseguidos. Para que los cristianos perseguidos sientan la presencia reconfortante del Señor Resucitado y la solidaridad de toda la Iglesia. Boletín Parroquial en Español! DEL LAPTOP DEL PÁRROCO, Padre Mark Matado por las manos de infieles Padre Mark Wagner “Nadie me la quita, sino que la doy por mí mismo. Tengo el poder de darla y de recobrarla.” (Juan 10:18) Con estas palabras, Jesús se revela como el maestro divino con poder sobre la vida y la muerte. Sus verdugos “no tendrán ningún autoridad sobre Él” si Él no lo permitiera (Juan 19:11). Jesús fue el Buen Pastor que libremente dio su vida por sus ovejas. Pero, claro, sabemos que Jesús no cometió suicidio. Fue matado por “las manos de infieles.” (Hechos 2:23). Él se puso en las manos de la humanidad picador y lo matamos. “Como un cordero muda ante el que le esquila, él no abría su boca.” (Isaías 53:7). Hay muchas formas de devoción a Jesús. Le honramos como el “Cordero de Dios,” como “Buen Pastor,” el “Sagrado Corazón” y la “Divina Misericordia.” Una de las devociones más ancianas fue a Cristo como el médico divino. Jesús fue descrito por San Agustín y muchos cristianos tempranos como “Christus Medicus”, el doctor que tiene el poder de sanar el cuerpo y el alma. Cuando yo visito el hospital, suele pasar que los pacientes (o los enfermeros católicos) me llaman equivocadamente “doctor” en vez de “Padre.” Eso es elogioso porque demuestra el respeto que tienen para la autoridad de los doctores y los sacerdotes. Pero demuestra también que inconscientemente piensan en el sacerdote como un sanador spiritual como Jesús, el médico divino. Estoy muy triste que en California la reputación de los doctores puede estar muy pronto manchado con la legalización de suicidio asistido por médicos (la Propuesta de Ley del Senado Estatal 128). Todos pensarán que los doctores tienen la medicina en una mano y el veneno en la otra. Ya no se pensará en ellos como hombres que “no hacen ningún daño” (el juramento hipocrático). Tal vez por eso la mayoría de los médicos y otras organizaciones como la Asociación Médica Americana, la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el Colegio Americano de Médicos, Hospicio Nacional, y la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer están todos opuestos al SB 128. Muchos doctores todavía querrán mantener el Juramento Hipocrático original escrito en cuatro siglos antes de Cristo: “Apartaré de ellos todo daño e injusticia. Jamás daré a nadie medicamento mortal, por mucho que me soliciten, ni tomaré iniciativa alguna de este tipo. Tampoco administraré abortivo a mujer alguna.” Debemos de mantener las leyes que reconfortan a los desahuciados que son amados y que no son ninguna carga pesada, y que los queremos con nosotros. No tenemos el poder sobre la vida y la muerte. Sólo Dios tiene ese poder. Por favor, aprenda cómo expresar su oposición a SB128 al visitar el sitio del Internet de los obispos de California (www.cacatholic.org/perspectivas ) Esta Semana Martes, Abril 28, 2015 Ingles Intermedio y Ciudadanía Ingles Intermedio y 6:00 PM Ciudadanía 6:00 PM Ingles para Principiantes 12:00 P 6:45PM Haciendo Rosarios Grupo de Oración 7:00 PM Carismática JP4 JP2 JP4 JP5 JP7 Miércoles, Abril 29, 2015 12:00 P Ingles Intermedio JP4 7:00PM Ministros de Hospitalidad JP5 Jueves, Abril 30, 2015 7:00PM Ministros de Música (Coro) JP5 Viernes Mayo 1, 2015 6:00 PM Al-Anon en Español JP10 6:30 PM Adoración y Confesiones Iglesia Sábado Mayo 2, 2015 8:00AM Desayuno “Bendiciones” Salón Gratis 8:30AM Milicia Inmaculada JP7 Español 5:30PM Primera Cena Internacional Salón Leer, Meditar, Orar y Vivir CORRESPONSABILIDAD (STEWARDSHIP) Por: Rosario Hernandez Jesus el Buen Pastor Padre Hamilton Suarez El Buen pastor ha sido una imagen muy querida por los cristianos desde los primeros tiempos. Lo encontramos dibujado en las catacumbas de Domitila ya en el siglo I, y desde entonces ha sido un motivo recurrente del arte Cristiano. El tiempo pascual que estamos viviendo nos ayuda a comprender mejor su significado. Debemos centrar nuestra atención en la manera como el discurso del Buen Pastor, califica a Jesús, como el pastor ideal, modelo de los pastores, es decir de los guías espirituales y políticos del rebaño de Israel, en este caso contraponiéndose a la figura del líder de la comunidad que es asalariado. El diferente modo de proceder de cada uno permite distinguir entre el verdadero pastor y el asalariado. El primero no huye cuando llega el peligro, no abandona el rebaño, mientras que el segundo, actúa por su interés personal, solo tiene en cuenta salvar su propia vida y sus intereses. Jesús es el Buen Pastor que acompaña ahora a su Iglesia. Una de las cosas que más llama la atención de las Palabras de Jesús es que su rebaño no es como los demás. Si todo rebaño existe para el sustento del pastor, aquí es el pastor el que garantiza el bien de las ovejas. El buen pastor que es Jesús llega incluso a ofrecer su vida no solo a través del trabajo diario, sino a través de la muerte aceptada por sus ovejas. El da la vida por las ovejas. Ofrece su vida para librarlas de los lobos y de todo peligro. Esta es otra característica del verdadero Pastor. TODOS SOMOS LLAMADOS A RECIBIR LA VIDA QUE EL BUEN PASTOR OFRECE POR NOSOTROS, si queremos dejarnos conducir por El a una relación de conocimiento-comunión de amor, podremos descubrir ya desde ahora, la maravilla de ser hijos del Padre y nos encontraremos semejantes a Él en la eternidad. Esta Palabra escuchada este domingo es un fuerte llamado a no endurecer nuestro corazón, descartando la piedra angular: Cristo, es la única salvación verdadera del hombre, pongamos nuestros pasos en sus huellas seguras. Jesús huésped divino y mendigo del amor a la puerta del corazón humano, haz que nada nos resulte más dulce, nada más deseable, que caminar contigo y morar en Ti. Diocese ABRIL ES EL MES DE LA PREVENCIÓN CONTRA EL ABUSO INFANTIL- EL PREVENIR EL ABUSO INFANTIL ES NUESTRA RESPONSABILIDAD. La responsabilidad moral de cada adulto es llamar a las autoridades para proteger a las víctimas si se sospecha de algún abuso o negligencia hacia los menores. El abuso sexual es un problema social y solo será identificado si se hace un esfuerzo por ayudar a prevenirlo. Para obtener información de como reportar un abuso llame a la coordinación del ambiente en su parroquia. COMO REPORTAR UNA QUEJA O ALEGACIÓN DE ABUSO SEXUAL EN LA DIÓCESIS DE STOCKTON La Diócesis de Stockton toma todas las quejas de abuso sexual seriamente y trata dichas alegaciones con confiabilidad y prontitud de una manera compasiva y considerada hacia todos los que están involucrados. Estela Claros Estela Claros ha sido Ministro de la Santa Comunión por 15 años en St. Joseph’s. También es miembro del grupo de Oración Carismática. Estela recuerda que cuando estaba pequeña, vio en su mamá un buen ejemplo del discipulado. Estela dice, “En mi pueblito de México, mi mamá era catequista. Ella le enseñaba a los niños y los preparaba para recibir su Primera Comunión. En mi casa también, todos los días nos juntaba a todos para rezar el rosario. De ella aprendí yo a rezar el rosario y hasta el presente, es una de mis oraciones favoritas. Ayuda a mantener a la familia unida.” Estela se siente agradecida hacia Dios por su vida y todos los miembros de su familia. También se siente agradecida porque cuando su familia llegó a los E.U. se les abrieron muchas puertas. Ella ahora en agradecimiento a Dios, ayuda a familias necesitadas, monetariamente cuando puede y espiritualmente para que puedan vivir una vida mejor. También los invita a rezar frente al Santísimo en la Capilla de Adoración. Estala dice, “La Eucaristía es el más grande regalo de Dios para nosotros. En el principio me sentía indigna de servir como ministro de la Comunión, pero al mismo tiempo la Eucaristía era como un imán que me jalaba hasta que me enamoré de ella. Visiten a Jesús en la capilla de Adoración, él les dará la fuerza y el deseo de servir”. Para hacer una queja de abuso sexual contra cualquier persona que actué en nombre de la Iglesia Católica, lo puede hacer mediante una carta o hablando por teléfono. Sin importar si el abuso es reciente o haya ocurrido hace años, contacte al Coordinador de Asistencia para Victimas al (209) 466-0636, extensión 604, o escriba a: 212 N San Joaquin Street, Stockton, CA 95202, escriba “Confidencial” y diríjala al Coordinador. Página 9 - Abril 26 del 2015 “The Quick & Easy Way To Get The Cash You Need From The Credit Union You Trust” 209-948-6024 • www.fccuburt.org Federally insured by NCUA 18 S. CENTER ST., STOCKTON • 435 W. BENJAMIN HOLT DR., STOCKTON • 4603 N. PERSHING AVE., STOCKTON • 206 E. YOSEMITE AVE., MANTECA • 200 S. SCHOOL ST., LODI Commercial and Residential Store Front Glass Door • Hollow Metal • Garage • Roll Up • Installation & Repairs 525-8589 Jose Robles Manager/Parishioner Lic. #819185 CA FD Lic. #1392 Tuxedo Rentals - Men’s Wear Parishioner 2625 Coffee Rd. Western Plaza www.lakewoodhughson.com 521-6181 SEAN F. 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D PUSH 1207 13th St., Suite 1 Modesto, CA 95354 Ph (209) 492-9335 Fax (209) 492-9356 TALK ........... 24/7 HELP O’Brien’s Market ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 10% discount-Sundays only Must present coupon Not valid with any other discount coupon ...the best place for fresh! a great place for savings! ➢ No Long-Term Contracts SPORTSMEN OF STANISLAUS “The Premier Athletic & Social Club” ➢ Price Guarantee 839 West Roseburg 524-9234 6331 Oakdale Road 869-9050 4120 Dale Road 545-8100 Reasonable Rates • Event Planning Indoor & Outdoor Facilities for 20-600 people • Extensive Menus ➢ American Made Established in 1957 Beautiful Location Overlooking Dryden Golf Course Call Shanale Phipps at 209-578-5801 or [email protected] TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brakes, Lube, Tires A/C, Custom Exhaust Shocks/Struts, Alignment, Batteries, Lifetime Warranty Midas CC: 180 days interest FREE {oac} Gary Moya......Owner/Parishioner 3833 McHenry Ave. Our technicians are ASE Certified 523-4706 523093 St Joseph Church (B) www.jspaluch.com 523-4578 dehartinc.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 RR-1 Security Services PPO#17206 “The Family Business That Treats You Like Family” Weddings • Baptisms Special Events • Supermarkets David & Jim Halvorson Owner Rudy R. Garibay 209-622-9850 4742 McHenry Ave. (209) 575-1606 WWW.RR-1SECURITYSERVICES.COM Printing, Inc. Service And Quality You Expect 1316 Coffee Rd. Bldg. C Modesto, CA 95355 ph 209.521.6822 fx 209.521.0466 www.pobletedental.com John L. Gorman III Attorney At Law 1200 G Street, Ste. B Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 548-4000 571 Tully Rd. 577-3858 Se Habla Español Theresa Martinho Parishioner Eu Falo Portugues Estate Planning Living Trusts Personal Injury Civil Litigation Real Estate and Business Matters Voted Modesto’s Favorite Lawyer YOU DESE RVE A G REAT SM I LE! 209.530.2632 3525 Coffee Road, Modesto [email protected] EFRAIM S. FLORENDO DDS, FICOI, FAAIP 3219 McHenry Ave. Suite E Modesto, CA 95350 accepting new patients www.florendodds.com call us 209-322-3429 Parishioner Walk-In Welcome Salon De Manila By: Melanie 121 E. Orangeburg Ave., Suite 4 Modesto, CA 510.449.1316 Andy Su Cristal Silveira Attorney At Law Legal Assistant Hablo Español Ling & Su, LLP Immigration Attorneys Fine Italian Cuisine 619 14th Street Modesto, CA 95354 1000 Kansas Ave. 209-622-0938 By Appointment Only 209-622-1216 Gifts of Faith Parishioner Bel Piatto Cucina Italiana La Panaderia Gifts for all the Sacraments. Rico Pan Mexicano Pasteles Para Toda Ocasion $1.00 OFF Dz. Pastries (Sunday Only) Bibles, Books, Clothing, Children’s Corner, Home Décor 1700 McHenry Ave., Ste. 80 (In McHenry Village) 209-408-0728 www.vladmission.org 1001 Kansas Ave. Ste. A Mary Mother of God Mission Society 209-577-2990 501(c)(3) non-profit benefitting the Catholic mission in Russia MALISSA SOUZA CalBRE Agent Lic. No. 00693799 209.531.8126 [email protected] Michael Hicks, CPA 209-668-4857 [email protected] • www.sbm-cpa.com Accounting and Tax Preparation, Business and Estate Planning LISA STEVES CalBRE Agent Lic. No. 01269308 209.404.5472 [email protected] RENAE M. DIAS, Agent 801 Oakdale Rd. Modesto 2601 Oakdale Rd. Modesto 6411 Oakdale Rd. Riverbank CA Insurance Lic. #0B00575 • Health Plans and Insurance • Employee Benefit Plans • Personal Health Coverage Planning 521-4440 [email protected] • www.hiblinsurance.com 1620 N. Carpenter Rd., Ste. D46A, Modesto, CA 95351 BRAD E. PEZOLDT D.D.S., M.S.D. Orthodontist Board Certified Orthodontic Specialist 524-8381 / Parishioner SALAS BROTHERS FUNERAL CHAPEL PROPER CARE PEST CONTROL Professional Service & Great Prices 209-341-1610 Forethought • Preplanning Se Habla Español 10% OFF with Ad www.propercarepc.com Like us on Facebook & Twitter 419 Scenic Drive • Modesto • 523-5646 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PEST CONTROL 209-312-9980 TERMITE INSPECTIONS & REPAIR Locations: Locations: Sisk Road McHenry Ave. Vintage Faire Mall Oakdale Rd. MODESTO GROCERY & DELI 523093 St Joseph Church (A) Asian Produce, Fish & Lechon 1800 Prescott Rd., Modesto Open 7 days 9 AM - 6 PM 10% Discount on Sundays Only 524-7186 Not Valid with any other Discount Coupon www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 May 2015 “Responding to God’s Blessings” Month of Celebration During May we will reflect on the many ways God has blessed us, our families and how we individually and as a parish have blessed others. Saturday, May 2 (8am-11 am) Rated Rated PG PG Pancakes, Eggs, Sausages — the works! (Prepared by our Knights of Columbus & Ministry Leaders) Our Parish Leadership Committee members will welcome you and be your hosts! Highlights will include ministry statistics and a display of our PSR student art and poetry. Enjoy a cup of coffee and a relaxing breakfast with other parishioners! Entertainment will be provided by our Children’s Cherubim Choir. FREE PARISH BREAKFAST
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