′■ ヽ、 Rctthに ■ぎ豪派コ ││ Head Orice Ⅲ N● 稀 湖 Shiromani Akail Dal 葛 .SAD/2012/505 Date : ‐ 0 The secretary, Electi。 ュ cOmEnissiOl1 0f lndia 爵 蹴 器 rll詭 ∬hOL Roat 訛 1監:器 』 薔:rざ 撚 、 機肥』 蝋出 :こ ∝° n lttT」謬・ Sir, お h」 畔 留ぶ蜜i脳:響 lSO響 『 :1,質 £ 柵 li:歯 li増 Kndly ackno」 edge thc reccipt Ofthc samc Thanhng You mani ALali Dal tr」 ― ・ 嚇 お 6,議 Add“ ss:_Building NO_6,S“ 10● 28■ ,蒲 ■ _,ま た口 101722639256,2639260,32401o3,3240114 「 28B,Madh,a Marg,Chandigarh o172_2639256,2639260,32401o3,3240114 E_m,il 、ぉ:… … 。 ¨ :^,_,IⅢ ´ 、 E man:shiЮ naniakandalこ gnan c。 _● 」 ´τ r , υ General Election(s) to tlrc : Name ofpolitical party .€IIIBAMAIS3I(AupA! PUI{IAB ASSEMBELY ELECTION, 2m2. Part - , ""i:Hc.fffi:l"r#f;nds I in whatever nanner herd 2 Total receipts ftoat a.ll oources ,rt" a"* "r'""-pr"ui" as on 24.12.2m1 the date | 12'2m1) date of announcement ";-t*" froft '-E (2 of NII, to (g,.03.20r2) Amount Eceived by Cheque / DD : Donations, etc. received in Cash : Loan & Advances : NIL ML NIL 3 Total Expenditue coErpletion of froft (2{.122011) dLate of announcement to (09.03.2012) the date elections. fl "T^"::: refiaining unpaid 5 Clooirg bdance of party fund as on 09,03.2m2 (date of .ompletion of elections) Continue .,. page - ty'O 吼吼吼 4 (a) Expenses incured in cash rhroush 1""""* but chequv DD/ Bank charses (c., Expenaeo Authorise4 of g" 1 prinred hatedals,like mnnilbsr,o, pamphleb, post€r, handbils, 2 Elecrronic m€di6 (inclutu,,g r,u"g r,"" 3 Making and distribution of video fitrns_ 4 Making and distribution of audio etc. NIL NrL "r* .e;;;;;;;:.,"""rs) NIL NIL cass€nes. 5 Advsfisehents in newspaper, matazines, souvmi$ etc. ''. 6 Cut_oub, hoardlints, banners, flags, arches, gates, erc. 7 Throuth 6ny other ilj means. NIL TorAlfif- B ErPente on tsav€l of lead€E of the Dartv.ov.,a7i ltw rE,-r---!" " ^tl."n.p*".,t"ti.n.iu";;;il;;1,fi?..:]1':dby'"ExPlanatiom1&2'undersectionzz(r)oi lProPagatinsFogramme Travel of the Partv ErPenset: 1 On cars, other foUI wheelers, Ouee wheelers anal ha,o rrheelers 2 Trains NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Airoaft / helicoprers/ ships, etc. .furiErat { transport 3 Orher Expetu€s: 1 Expenses on boarding and Iodging NIL NIL 2 Other Misc. expenses c NII rravel Expeo"e, of Leade* and worke* other th.n those covered under item ,8, above Tr.vel Expcis€s : 1 On cars, other four wheelerc, 3 AircraJr / thee whe€lers and two wheele$ heticoprels/ stups, etc. 4 Anhral hanspoft 5 Exp€nses on accommodations, Other Erp€lses :潮 ebc. NII : d… 躙 gdPⅢ た 呻 ,Om∝ cead Omce EDens→ 凛 O LocessiOns 4器 P(xp-6曝 GRAND TOTAL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL ML NIL Se堅 瑚 cank Gな ぃ &s_el ExP) 離 NIL NIL ― Dal Continue ... page - Z/10 ζヽ9 り 篭 競憲鍛 守 器 識切 彙興 興 General EIn颯 b“ Nalne d POndu pど り :sHIROMANIAKALI DA[ 1 0Pentt balance Of Paゥ PART I funds h whaleverlnanner held as tln 24122111l the date Of allnOuncemenl(at State level)OF elect10ns HDFC A/o ol∞ 61931XX12132 COrPOrat10n Bank A/c‐ 031901601000ま AmOunt(R3) B 難髄推淵鰊 461157922 4541250 1572500 179801460 ■ 2729293 22298∞ 1 Casll ln lland 町 ab&Sm Bank A/● 物 tess: Openiry Cheque issued but not presenred TOTAL : Onl(2 12201o dde d鳳 ・ 憎 ]1繁 :1で ance: 11095410a1 360181300 7493D9712 338400oo oo 17“ 237251111 2000ooOo oo LOan&Advances: 3 フ508ス 87 To-tAL:_22@fr fro, {24122or, d:r, ^. .--^..--^_ . . .^^ -- otcomPletioIofeIetion,.,u.1)dabora0buncementto(o9.03,012)theda; Totil Expenditue (ar state rever) Expens€s incuEed in cash Expens€s incu[ed rhrough Cheque/ DD/ Ban_k 171o8,00 Charges 22160585357 TOlal A Expens€s Authodsed, bur remaining unpaid 221776唆 57 138172490o 4甜 s島 嘔 d lat State levell as on o9Ю ゥ:1:雷 i発 詔 塁 HDFC A/● o13248641XXXx115 Bl 320112(date oF cOmplet10n or』 23559419157 :露 :営 2る 99o874 63558Z32 245459250 1557500 164281548 21勿 71 376790 oo 踏慧fl器 よ Aた ‐ 7934 I€ss : Cheque issued not yet presentied for paymen t TOTAL Net Closing aahnce : Continue .,. pag€ - ylo 14976110o 60032693 2088300 367387 6524500 10074785 55 39√ シ Part_II A Publlcity 1 printed Inatedals,like manifesuo, pamphlets, posters, handbils. et ;ililHTHtixt:fliH#:,;;.I*;f;;*."L,"""*, #;Y:tr 4 Makint and distsibution of audio S Advertisements in nelvspapers, :/ Sut-oub, hoardlin$, I hrouth any other rnagazines, souvenirc bamers, Aags, arches, Ereans 3726435.00 cajsenes. 0.00 eh. ,ym# gates,; 0.00 bv.'Exp,arario* r & 2,,..* *."* l'JiltT"'1t",8fl.:::d r ProPagating Progaruie of the 't"H;ff:,Tflfi &pe*es Travel Party : ;:;11@ 1 On cars, other four whe€lers, three wheeleE and two wheelers 000 000 2 Tnins 3 Aircra.ft / 4 Anhrat ha$port heticoprels/ shps, etc. 1419972600 000 1419372600 Other E{,erlles : 1 Expenses on boarding dnd lodginS z Uther Misc, expens€s 000 000 C Travel Expens$ of L€rdeE and worter6 c)ther than those cover€d under if€m'B'above Travel I On cars, other four wheelers, tlEee wheelers and two wheeleE 2 Trains 3 Aileaft I 0 oo Expenses: / 10872300 000 000 000 000 helicopter6/ ships, etc. Animaj karuport 5 Expenses on accommodatiois, etc, 1087230o Other Expeaeee : I Maintenance and ,runnino .of party / , *i,i. ii*i;"" -*8 campaiF office (Head office Expenses) 3 processions 4 Other Mi6c. expens€s (ptea5 e TOTAL pRANEIToTAL Contirue... paff - {l0 1509o4300 9400 00o 619瑯 57 221432257 的 spe.ig (Bad< Charges & Survey Exp.) シ ´ STATEMENr OF ELECHoN EXPENDrrURE Ceneral Elect10nls)tO ule Nalne orpOIIucal parリ `79_´ :PUNAB ASSEMBELY ELE、 1loЦ 2012 :SHIROMANIAKALI DAL whatever nallle call … part 1 _ I balance-o! pady fun& in whateve,nanner held as on 24.12.2011 the date :-l:niig announcement of of election. 2 Total receipts ftom all sources ftom a24l'12'2011) date of adoun'e'rent to (09.03.2012) the date of coErplefion of elections. Amount received by Cheque / DD : Donations, ehc. received in Cash : Ioan & Advances : 3鶏 NIL NIL NIL NIL TOTAL NIL ψ 2m。 ぬ に ぼ noun“ me■ ● 細 0∞ ぬ edⅢ 認諄x_僻 η " al■ 4 (a) Expetues incurred in ca6h throush chequv DDl Bank Charges Expenses Authorised, but lc., ,Y:^:^: remaining unpaid fl NIL NIL NIL :ly": 5 Closing balance of parb/ fund as on (D.03.2m2 (date of completion of electionB| ForShO Continue ... pate -S O ψ 二5 Part‐ lI ^PuЫ .. Ettendiure incurredノ authOrised研 8喘 c:■ evel on general partv prOpttanda 1 kinred aEteriats, Iike manifesio, pamphters, posters, handbils, 2 Electronic media (in lual,,g etc. *;;;;;:.,,*"ts) 3 Ma_king and disr.ib,rrion of video 6lms_ "r.o,t 4 IGling and distribution of audio cass€tres. 5 Advertbeh€nb in newspapers, rBgazines, souvenir €tc. 6 Cut_outs, hoardlings, banners, flags, arches, gares, erc. 7 rhroush NIL r,i,i"s.u,n" any ouer NIL NIL NIL neans. &2 l;"?frffi.Tfl'J:ifl511;""1$,",6y,jir::dbv.'Exp,anarionsl r Expense.: TraYel NrL illi ""."."*",,;:;^jTii- ProPagating Programme of the Party 1 On cars, other four wheelers, three wheelers and two wheelers 2 Trains 3 AircraJt / NIL NIL NIL NIL helicopreB/ shjps, ek. 4 Aninal tsarEport NII Othe. Exp€ns€s : 1 Expenses on boardhg and lodSing 2 Orher Misc. expenses C Travel NIL NIL Expenses of LeaderE and workere o Travel Expens$ 1 On cars, oth€r 2 Trairu 3 Aircraft / : 'tter than thos€ covered under item 'B' abov€ fow wheelerc, thrc€ wheelerc and trro wheelers NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL helicopbeE/ ships, erc. 4 Animal tsansport 5 Expens€s on accommodations, etc. 18び ど :週 4粗熙 pど ,/C‐ Palgn¨ ∝ い m omceEⅢ Gaぃ &T∞ Pald) Pep_e30ett sP鉤 ぃょ pRAND TorAL NII NII … ) NIL NIL NIL NIL NII NIL Page_“ 0 S€cI€tary らЧ 4 V Part‐ n D Ex,enditt On lndi宙 dua Candida● s A Publtiけ I prinhd EEterials, tike manifes[o, pamph]ers, posrers, handbils_ et. 2 Erectsonicmedia(incrud,"ghrd-#";;;;;"J..Ir?"T.:r",_",", 3 Makh8 and distriburion of video fiIms. 4 Makin8 and diskibution of audio 5 Advertisements in newspapers, ilii NIL NIL cassettes. hagarnes, souvenirs ebc. b**.", nug", u,"t o, gut"., "l.. means. 6 C.,t_outs, hoardlings, 7 nEo,,gh a.ny other ,?"?"ffi:"T"1"J:i"ii?1T.1},";#.:::ytv'Exp,anarion' 1 & 2,,".* **." '' ProPagatint Programme of the Paty Travel Expeo"es: I On cars, other four wheeteE, ttu€e wheete$ and two wheelers Trains 3 AiEaft heticopbeE/ / ships, erc. 4 Anfuul Eansport I Ej,penses on boarding and todging z other Mis.. erpenses / heticopre$/ stups, etc. 4 Anima.l tsanspofl 5 Expenses on acconmodations, Orher ExFrues €tc, : 1 Maintenance and runnins ofPartv z pubtic MeetinSs 3 hocessions 4 Other Misc. expenses (pleasl I TOTAL 蜘 D ToTAL Continlle NIL NIL NIL NIL NII : 1 On cars, other four wheele.s, tlEee wheeleB and two rrheelers 3 Aircraft ;:;i: NIL NIL .nd work€rs other than thos€ covc'e'l under ihem 'B' above Travel Expen.es NtL MI Other Expenses : C. Travel Exp€nses of L€ad€$ iljj / campaiSn of6ce (Head office Expenses) EF.iIy) (BanI Charges & TDS paid) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NII ムザ ν ANNEXURE - I ABSTRACT A Total Expenditure incurred at National Cenkal / headquarters B Total Expenditue incurred at State(s) Level C Total Expenditue incurred at Diskict(s) D Totd Eipenditue incurred 000 2婚 59419157 Level on individual cardidates 000 000 GRAND ToTAL 2■も9419157 E Mechanism bv whth ex● endi“ Цt was hdurred bv the partv l:寺 』 麗T」 i雲 :1li静 nCtlonaries whO were auuЮ │∫ 1:rSSesorparサ la)NatOllal Level: “ rlsed lo lllcur 0)Stale Level‐ Dr Dalleei shgh cheema7 secrett shtOInanI Akali DaI ddre“ :Bulld“ fCI D七 日 o Lv∫ No:Applicable _6 se¨ ■28L chnagarh 16111127 “ NOt ApPIicable ld)Consdtuenty Level Not ApPIicable 2 Doesthe parり 」 Ve a lulnP suln alnOunt tO ib candidates FOr dle elec● 3蹴 Ons? a“ 饉 恥 ょ:器出F"い h“nta騰“way and睫 “ "th Bettnd ttngeet G¨ mι [棚 肥激薔甜訛 111%′ No rdぉ 4蹴 糧認 器苫鑑 贈 蹴 ::5mPalgll? Continue ... paae - q O Yes 3297402∞ ヽ ン ANNE― Nameと Ir{. ofToEt … Fr● E n m Floln tt ln●●に。 憫憮 拙 雉 ν1/力 12 4/2/劉 2 Aml“r 力 kⅥ i総 “ “ Ⅲ PhIII‐ hi _ _ _ 10/2/m12 24/″ 2 12 ∝ Nanded 2 205 Ddh 2:06 叫 餞 叡 毅 扮 蟄 詢創 27D"11 蹴 2,D‐ 11 .市 出鵞 016 0120 0:46 100 0【 65 110 015 1,00 3■ D時 11 0125 0「 1」 an‐ 12 ●」an 12 Aml“ r Am■ ハm出 コ r Amllsar 棚 席 耐 Beas 0J百 ● 12 ‐ r 0105 m 「 搬・ Кヵ chittni 9」 an‐ 12 10‐ Ua‐ 055 045 1,20 01oo 105 14 Ja卜 12 1140 Kalch ra面 K8ibi口 面 陥 ben″ala tuい ●na Dhu● Amattarh kO`ョ Kalchi● n Kaben″ 。● tudhiana Dh● 隧 唸 arh ∼ 口 M kO」 a Sama a 胞 hm “ o 1:00 0:55 01o 106 12 22」 a● 12 page- 005 13」 an‐ 12 ,7 Jan‐ 12 21 Jan 12 Coatinue.., 20 050 015 015 050 0,00 015 0:5o 025 015 0う o O,20 020 0120 0:35 0:15 V 0,50 045 010 01o 0130 015 l oo O,05 0,05 0i35 0,45 015 036 112o 025 025 20■ an 12 013o O:25 005 只 ψl 0,20 0,15 0,20 こ 葛Lha 1 Ka,mittn 1:05 Pa anl 6/3/ヵ 12 G Ndda Kalchim■ Fa2 ka 」abい 嘲 7/3/212 2 夕 ICh ` 路 lnim‖ , Fa419 」aa嗜 bed 夕 Ibi口 " 2:50 145456.00 rB雨 … 継鴫 _● 157oo4 0o IL ● /12/2112 26/172112 26/12/2112 る/1/力 12 2● /12/2112 3/O1/● 12 3/1/a12 02わ 12 ●/Q/m12 5272012 ● 5/2/狗 2 万/2/'12 622012 25/ψ 2112 2//2/2012 2/02/2m2 23/2/枷 2 23/2/鋤 2 29/2/独 2 23/o2/獅 2 a22012 Pac*rge ″/02/al12 23/● ′ 2112 3つ あ 12 "/02/m12 3/3/b12 2012 3o/2012 4a12o12 "ν 57o72o12 輸 り 12 l oo 40017o oo l:Oo l oo 287033 oo 215 215 035o230o 0:50 0(55 2338oo ol 1 lo 29/o2/"12 20 Bo12 Panhag *Ch.nd€6.h l,05 202047 oo 0i55 0:50 227771∞ 1:OO l15 11oo l,ィ 価 ¬ 拙汁 4112_2011 167slo.oo 1loo 25/02/,12 27/2/初 2 De€l o 000877 oo
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