Los objetivos más inteligentes para el MUNDO 2016-2030 Los mejores objetivos para el mundo • En este momento, 193 gobiernos están negociando • Objetivos para 2016-2030 • Mucha gente no lo sabe • Apoyo para el desarrollo 2016-30: USD$2.5 trillones Los mejores objetivos para el mundo 2015 - 2030 • Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio • Sencillo & inteligente • Pobreza • Hambre • Educación • Mortalidad infantil • Mortalidad materna • Agua & saneamiento Los mejores objetivos para el mundo 2015 - 2030 • Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible • Discusión pública • 169 objetivos • Número de objetivos • MDGs • 18, con 374 palabras • SDGs • 169, con 4369 palabras Los mejores objetivos para el mundo 2015 - 2030 • Un objetivo de educación • Para el 2030 garantizar que todos los estudiantes adquieran los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para promover el desarrollo sostenible, incluyendo entre otros, y a través de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible y los estilos de vida sostenibles: los derechos humanos, la igualdad de género, la promoción de una cultura de paz y la no violencia, la ciudadanía global, la apreciación de la diversidad cultural y la contribución de la cultura al desarrollo sostenible. Copenhagen Consensus • Análisis de costo - beneficio - Todo en la misma medida (típicamente USD$) - Esto NO quiere decir que el único foco es el dinero - Nuestro análisis valora 3 dimensiones • Económica • Social • Ambiental • Como un menú de un restaurante costoso Temas • • • • • • • • • • • Educación Flujos Financieros Ilícitos Conflicto y Violencia Ciencia y Tecnología Datos para el desarrollo Energía Población y Demografía Comercio Cambio Climático Biodiversidad Igualdad de género • • • • • • • • • • Nutrición Salud: Mortalidad Infantil y Salud de la Mujer Infraestructura Pobreza Polución del aire Salud: Enfermedades Infecciosas Sistemas de salud Gobernanza e Instituciones Agua, sanidad e higiene Seguridad alimentaria Por Representado en Economistas Págs. de investigación 82 & 44 80+ 1,000+ Países Documento Publicados 100+ 1,800+ 107 Objetivos evaluados Expertos sectoriales Artículos en medio ¿Qué es lo que quiere el mundo? http://data.myworld2015.org/ Algunos objetivos pobres Para el 2030 asegurar el acceso a todos los hombres y mujeres a un precio razonable a una educación de calidad a nivel técnico, vocacional y terciario incluyendo la universidad • Se siente bien • Formación profesional con bajo retorno de la inversión • Estudios universitarios en su mayoría subsidiados para los niños de las familiar ricas Algunos objetivos pobres Para el 2030 lograr una tasa de empleo completa y productiva, en condiciones decentes para todos los hombres y mujeres, incluyendo la gente joven y las personas en situación de discapacidad, así como un pago equitativo por el trabajo de igual valor •Es un sentimiento bonito • Alguna tasa de desempleo es necesaria • Ninguna política secreta para aumentar lo que ya se ha hecho • A menudo conduce a normas de protección del trabajo • Ayuda a locales, perjudica a extranjeros • Conduce a mayor desempleo para la juventud • Incrementa la pobreza (ejemplo, India, Besley and Burgess 2014) Beneficio general Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Trade Reduce world trade restrictions (full Doha) Freer Regional Asia Pacific trade $2011 $1299+ Gender Universal access to contraception Ensure women’s rights to own and inherit Increase women’s political representation Increase women’s economic opportunities Enhance female education Vaccinate against cervical cancer Reduce child marriages $120 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $7 $5 $7 $0.85 $17 $5 Conflicts & Violence $3 Likely To Be Low $49 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High Reduce assaults Improve policing Eliminate violence against women and girls Eliminate violence in child discipline More peacekeeping troops $17 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $11 $5 Energy $63 $60 $47 $43 $39 $36 $9 $5 $3 $0.8 $15 $3 Climate Change $10 $9 More energy research Climate change adaptation 2°C target $7 $3 $45+ Likely To Be High Likely To Be High <$1 Low $11 $2 <$1 Air Pollution Better cook stoves to cut indoor air pollution Cut outdoor air pollution $10 $0.3 Water & Sanitation Eliminate open defecation Better access to water for 2.3bn people Provide basic sanitation for 3bn people Food Security and Nutrition $45 $34 $14 Education Triple preschool in Sub-Saharan Africa 100% primary education in SSA $7 Improve exams and teacher accountability $4 Increase secondary school completion $4 More vocational training Uncertain More training of older workers Uncertain $15+ $15 Increase skilled worker migration More R&D spending in developing countries $13 Reduce child malnutrition Research to increase yields Cut food loss with roads and electricity Phase out fossil fuel subsidies Modern cooking fuels to 780m people Modern cooking fuels to everyone Electricity to everyone Double energy efficiency Double renewable energy Science & technology $28 $22 Population & Demography Allow more migration Discourage early retirement Promote urbanization Increase birth rates in rich countries Give public pension for young old ages $24 $10 $10 Infrastructure Health Aspirin heart attack therapy Expanded immunization High blood pressure medication Cut tuberculosis deaths 95% Cut salt intake 30% Halve malaria infections More male circumcision against HIV Increase tobacco prices 125% More health spending for 1bn poorest Doubling HIV medication for sickest Reduce infant mortality Stroke / Heart attack pill More health spending for 2.5bn poorest Halve coral reefs loss Halve forest loss Halve wetland loss Reforest to store CO2 Increase protected areas Mobile broadband developing countries Universal fixed broadband Illicit financial flows Make beneficial ownership info public Exchange tax information automatically Country-reporting for multinationals Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Biodiversity $33 $6 $4 $3 Poverty End extreme poverty by money transfers Social protection system coverage Better disaster resilience for poor Provide employment for all Increase life satisfaction $5 <$1 <$1 <$1 <$1 Governance & Institutions Provide legal identity for all Better institutions Reduce corruption and bribery Data for Development Data collection for all 169 targets >$1 Uncertain Uncertain <$1 Libre comercio • Doha round - Costo $250bn (en su mayoría pago a los agricultores occidentales) - Beneficios $500,000bn • O $11,000bn para el 2030 • $1,000 por persona en el mundo en desarrollo • Sacando a 160 millones de personas de la pobreza - $2,000 retorno por cada dólar Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Trade Reduce world trade restrictions (full Doha) Freer Regional Asia Pacific trade $2011 $1299+ Gender Universal access to contraception Ensure women’s rights to own and inherit Increase women’s political representation Increase women’s economic opportunities Enhance female education Vaccinate against cervical cancer Reduce child marriages $120 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $7 $5 $7 $0.85 $17 $5 Conflicts & Violence $3 Likely To Be Low $49 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High Reduce assaults Improve policing Eliminate violence against women and girls Eliminate violence in child discipline More peacekeeping troops $17 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $11 $5 Energy $63 $60 $47 $43 $39 $36 $9 $5 $3 $0.8 $15 $3 Climate Change $10 $9 More energy research Climate change adaptation 2°C target $7 $3 $45+ Likely To Be High Likely To Be High <$1 Low $11 $2 <$1 Air Pollution Better cook stoves to cut indoor air pollution Cut outdoor air pollution $10 $0.3 Water & Sanitation Eliminate open defecation Better access to water for 2.3bn people Provide basic sanitation for 3bn people Food Security and Nutrition $45 $34 $14 Education Triple preschool in Sub-Saharan Africa 100% primary education in SSA $7 Improve exams and teacher accountability $4 Increase secondary school completion $4 More vocational training Uncertain More training of older workers Uncertain $15+ $15 Increase skilled worker migration More R&D spending in developing countries $13 Reduce child malnutrition Research to increase yields Cut food loss with roads and electricity Phase out fossil fuel subsidies Modern cooking fuels to 780m people Modern cooking fuels to everyone Electricity to everyone Double energy efficiency Double renewable energy Science & technology $28 $22 Population & Demography Allow more migration Discourage early retirement Promote urbanization Increase birth rates in rich countries Give public pension for young old ages $24 $10 $10 Infrastructure Health Aspirin heart attack therapy Expanded immunization High blood pressure medication Cut tuberculosis deaths 95% Cut salt intake 30% Halve malaria infections More male circumcision against HIV Increase tobacco prices 125% More health spending for 1bn poorest Doubling HIV medication for sickest Reduce infant mortality Stroke / Heart attack pill More health spending for 2.5bn poorest Halve coral reefs loss Halve forest loss Halve wetland loss Reforest to store CO2 Increase protected areas Mobile broadband developing countries Universal fixed broadband Illicit financial flows Make beneficial ownership info public Exchange tax information automatically Country-reporting for multinationals Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Biodiversity $33 $6 $4 $3 Poverty End extreme poverty by money transfers Social protection system coverage Better disaster resilience for poor Provide employment for all Increase life satisfaction $5 <$1 <$1 <$1 <$1 Governance & Institutions Provide legal identity for all Better institutions Reduce corruption and bribery Data for Development Data collection for all 169 targets >$1 Uncertain Uncertain <$1 Planificación familiar • Población - 2.4bn más para el 2050, la mayoría del mundo joven - Uso de anticonceptivos en 215m mujeres • Costo $3.6bn/año • Beneficios: 640,000 menos muertes en neonatos 150,000 menos muertes de madres 600,000 menos niños que pierden a su madre $145bn/año Dividendo demográfico $288bn/año • $120 retorno por cada dólar Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Trade Reduce world trade restrictions (full Doha) Freer Regional Asia Pacific trade $2011 $1299+ Gender Universal access to contraception Ensure women’s rights to own and inherit Increase women’s political representation Increase women’s economic opportunities Enhance female education Vaccinate against cervical cancer Reduce child marriages $120 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $7 $5 $7 $0.85 $17 $5 Conflicts & Violence $3 Likely To Be Low $49 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High Reduce assaults Improve policing Eliminate violence against women and girls Eliminate violence in child discipline More peacekeeping troops $17 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $11 $5 Energy $63 $60 $47 $43 $39 $36 $9 $5 $3 $0.8 $15 $3 Climate Change $10 $9 More energy research Climate change adaptation 2°C target $7 $3 $45+ Likely To Be High Likely To Be High <$1 Low $11 $2 <$1 Air Pollution Better cook stoves to cut indoor air pollution Cut outdoor air pollution $10 $0.3 Water & Sanitation Eliminate open defecation Better access to water for 2.3bn people Provide basic sanitation for 3bn people Food Security and Nutrition $45 $34 $14 Education Triple preschool in Sub-Saharan Africa 100% primary education in SSA $7 Improve exams and teacher accountability $4 Increase secondary school completion $4 More vocational training Uncertain More training of older workers Uncertain $15+ $15 Increase skilled worker migration More R&D spending in developing countries $13 Reduce child malnutrition Research to increase yields Cut food loss with roads and electricity Phase out fossil fuel subsidies Modern cooking fuels to 780m people Modern cooking fuels to everyone Electricity to everyone Double energy efficiency Double renewable energy Science & technology $28 $22 Population & Demography Allow more migration Discourage early retirement Promote urbanization Increase birth rates in rich countries Give public pension for young old ages $24 $10 $10 Infrastructure Health Aspirin heart attack therapy Expanded immunization High blood pressure medication Cut tuberculosis deaths 95% Cut salt intake 30% Halve malaria infections More male circumcision against HIV Increase tobacco prices 125% More health spending for 1bn poorest Doubling HIV medication for sickest Reduce infant mortality Stroke / Heart attack pill More health spending for 2.5bn poorest Halve coral reefs loss Halve forest loss Halve wetland loss Reforest to store CO2 Increase protected areas Mobile broadband developing countries Universal fixed broadband Illicit financial flows Make beneficial ownership info public Exchange tax information automatically Country-reporting for multinationals Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Biodiversity $33 $6 $4 $3 Poverty End extreme poverty by money transfers Social protection system coverage Better disaster resilience for poor Provide employment for all Increase life satisfaction $5 <$1 <$1 <$1 <$1 Governance & Institutions Provide legal identity for all Better institutions Reduce corruption and bribery Data for Development Data collection for all 169 targets >$1 Uncertain Uncertain <$1 Migración • Mundo desarrollado haciéndose viejo • Mundo en desarrollo puede llegar a ser mucho más productivo - “Reducir las barreras de la migración” - Hace tanto al mundo en desarrollo como al desarrollado más ricos - Las estimaciones muestran BCRs desde 45-336 - No incluye costos políticos Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Trade Open world markets for food and textiles Freer Regional Asia Pacific trade $2011 $1299+ Gender Universal access to contraception Ensure women’s rights to own and inherit Increase women’s political representation Increase women’s economic opportunities Enhance female education Vaccinate against cervical cancer Reduce child marriages $120 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $7 $5 $7 $0.85 $17 $5 Conflicts & Violence $3 Likely To Be Low $49 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High Reduce assaults Improve policing Eliminate violence against women and girls Eliminate violence in child discipline More peace keeping troop $17 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $11 $5 Energy $63 $60 $47 $43 $39 $36 $9 $5 $3 $0.8 $15 $3 Climate Change $10 $9 More energy research Climate change adaptation 2°C target $7 $3 $45+ Likely To Be High Likely To Be High <$1 Low $11 $2 <$1 Air Pollution Better cook stoves to cut indoor air pollution Cut outdoor air pollution $10 $0.3 Water & Sanitation Eliminate open defecation Better access to water for 2.3 Bn. people Provide basic sanitation for 3 Bn. people Food Security and Nutrition $45 $34 $14 Education Triple preschool in Sub-Saharan Africa 100% primary education in SSA $7 Improve exams and teacher accountability $4 Increase secondary school completion $4 More vocational training Uncertain More training of older workers Uncertain $15+ $15 Increase skilled worker migration More R&D spending in developing countries $13 Reduce child malnutrition Research to increase yields Cut food loss with roads and electricity Phase out fossil fuel subsidies Modern cooking fuels to 780M people Modern cooking fuels to everyone Electricity to everyone Double energy efficiency Double renewable energy Science & technology $28 $22 Population & Demography Allow more migration Discourage early retirement Promote urbanization Increase birth rates in rich countries Give public pension for young old ages $24 $10 $10 Infrastructure Health Aspirin heart attack therapy Expanded immunization High blood pressure medication Cut tuberculosis deaths 95% Cut salt intake 30% Halve malaria infections More male circumcision against HIV Increase tobacco tax 125% More health spending for the 1 Bn. Poorest Doubling HIV medication Reduce infant mortality Stroke / Heart attack pill Mortality in lower-middle-income countries Prevent loss of coral reefs Reduce forest loss Reduce wetland loss Increase conservation and restoration Increase protected areas Mobile broadband developing countries Universal fixed broadband Illicit financial flows Make beneficial ownership info public Exchange tax information automatically Country-reporting for multinationals Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Biodiversity $33 $6 $4 $3 Poverty End extreme poverty by money transfers Social protection system coverage Better disaster resilience for poor Provide employment for all Increase life satisfaction $5 <$1 <$1 <$1 <$1 Governance & Institutions Provide legal identity for all Better institutions Reduce corruption and bribery Data for Development Data collection for all 169 targets >$1 Uncertain Uncertain <$1 Nutrición • 0-2 años • Guatemala • Costo promedio - $97 por niño • Beneficio promedio - $4,365 • BCR: 45 Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Trade Reduce world trade restrictions (full Doha) Freer Regional Asia Pacific trade $2011 $1299+ Gender Universal access to contraception Ensure women’s rights to own and inherit Increase women’s political representation Increase women’s economic opportunities Enhance female education Vaccinate against cervical cancer Reduce child marriages $120 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $7 $5 $7 $0.85 $17 $5 Conflicts & Violence $3 Likely To Be Low $49 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High Reduce assaults Improve policing Eliminate violence against women and girls Eliminate violence in child discipline More peacekeeping troops $17 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $11 $5 Energy $63 $60 $47 $43 $39 $36 $9 $5 $3 $0.8 $15 $3 Climate Change $10 $9 More energy research Climate change adaptation 2°C target $7 $3 $45+ Likely To Be High Likely To Be High <$1 Low $11 $2 <$1 Air Pollution Better cook stoves to cut indoor air pollution Cut outdoor air pollution $10 $0.3 Water & Sanitation Eliminate open defecation Better access to water for 2.3bn people Provide basic sanitation for 3bn people Food Security and Nutrition $45 $34 $14 Education Triple preschool in Sub-Saharan Africa 100% primary education in SSA $7 Improve exams and teacher accountability $4 Increase secondary school completion $4 More vocational training Uncertain More training of older workers Uncertain $15+ $15 Increase skilled worker migration More R&D spending in developing countries $13 Reduce child malnutrition Research to increase yields Cut food loss with roads and electricity Phase out fossil fuel subsidies Modern cooking fuels to 780m people Modern cooking fuels to everyone Electricity to everyone Double energy efficiency Double renewable energy Science & technology $28 $22 Population & Demography Allow more migration Discourage early retirement Promote urbanization Increase birth rates in rich countries Give public pension for young old ages $24 $10 $10 Infrastructure Health Aspirin heart attack therapy Expanded immunization High blood pressure medication Cut tuberculosis deaths 95% Cut salt intake 30% Halve malaria infections More male circumcision against HIV Increase tobacco prices 125% More health spending for 1bn poorest Doubling HIV medication for sickest Reduce infant mortality Stroke / Heart attack pill More health spending for 2.5bn poorest Halve coral reefs loss Halve forest loss Halve wetland loss Reforest to store CO2 Increase protected areas Mobile broadband developing countries Universal fixed broadband Illicit financial flows Make beneficial ownership info public Exchange tax information automatically Country-reporting for multinationals Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Biodiversity $33 $6 $4 $3 Poverty End extreme poverty by money transfers Social protection system coverage Better disaster resilience for poor Provide employment for all Increase life satisfaction $5 <$1 <$1 <$1 <$1 Governance & Institutions Provide legal identity for all Better institutions Reduce corruption and bribery Data for Development Data collection for all 169 targets >$1 Uncertain Uncertain <$1 ¿Qué es lo que quiere el mundo? http://data.myworld2015.org/ Clima y energía • Polución en interiores - 30% cocinas más limpias - $11bn costo, $161bn beneficio, BCR: $15 • Eliminar el uso de subsidios de los combustibles fósiles : $15+ • Energía I&D: $16 Clima y energía • Acceso universal a la energía - Mucho más costoso - $135bn/año - Beneficia $916bn • BCR: 7 • Doble eficiencia energética - Costo $213, beneficio $576, BCR: 3 Clima y energía • Energía doblemente renovable - Costo $514bn - Beneficio $415bn - BCR $0.80 de retorno sobre el dólar • 2°C objetivo - Cuesta aproximadamente $100,000bn - 3°C cuesta aproximadamente $40,000bn • 2°C solo evita aproximadamente $100bn/al año adicional hacia finales de siglo Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Trade Reduce world trade restrictions (full Doha) Freer Regional Asia Pacific trade $2011 $1299+ Gender Universal access to contraception Ensure women’s rights to own and inherit Increase women’s political representation Increase women’s economic opportunities Enhance female education Vaccinate against cervical cancer Reduce child marriages $120 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $7 $5 $7 $0.85 $17 $5 Conflicts & Violence $3 Likely To Be Low $49 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High Reduce assaults Improve policing Eliminate violence against women and girls Eliminate violence in child discipline More peacekeeping troops $17 Likely To Be High Likely To Be High $11 $5 Energy $63 $60 $47 $43 $39 $36 $9 $5 $3 $0.8 $15 $3 Climate Change $10 $9 More energy research Climate change adaptation 2°C target $7 $3 $45+ Likely To Be High Likely To Be High <$1 Low $11 $2 <$1 Air Pollution Better cook stoves to cut indoor air pollution Cut outdoor air pollution $10 $0.3 Water & Sanitation Eliminate open defecation Better access to water for 2.3bn people Provide basic sanitation for 3bn people Food Security and Nutrition $45 $34 $14 Education Triple preschool in Sub-Saharan Africa 100% primary education in SSA $7 Improve exams and teacher accountability $4 Increase secondary school completion $4 More vocational training Uncertain More training of older workers Uncertain $15+ $15 Increase skilled worker migration More R&D spending in developing countries $13 Reduce child malnutrition Research to increase yields Cut food loss with roads and electricity Phase out fossil fuel subsidies Modern cooking fuels to 780m people Modern cooking fuels to everyone Electricity to everyone Double energy efficiency Double renewable energy Science & technology $28 $22 Population & Demography Allow more migration Discourage early retirement Promote urbanization Increase birth rates in rich countries Give public pension for young old ages $24 $10 $10 Infrastructure Health Aspirin heart attack therapy Expanded immunization High blood pressure medication Cut tuberculosis deaths 95% Cut salt intake 30% Halve malaria infections More male circumcision against HIV Increase tobacco prices 125% More health spending for 1bn poorest Doubling HIV medication for sickest Reduce infant mortality Stroke / Heart attack pill More health spending for 2.5bn poorest Halve coral reefs loss Halve forest loss Halve wetland loss Reforest to store CO2 Increase protected areas Mobile broadband developing countries Universal fixed broadband Illicit financial flows Make beneficial ownership info public Exchange tax information automatically Country-reporting for multinationals Social, economic and environmental benefit per $ spent Biodiversity $33 $6 $4 $3 Poverty End extreme poverty by money transfers Social protection system coverage Better disaster resilience for poor Provide employment for all Increase life satisfaction $5 <$1 <$1 <$1 <$1 Governance & Institutions Provide legal identity for all Better institutions Reduce corruption and bribery Data for Development Data collection for all 169 targets >$1 Uncertain Uncertain <$1 Próximos pasos • Toda la información disponible en 24 países - Artículos publicados en +50 países Africa Oriental (Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda) 19 prioridades de los Premios Nobel Gente Planeta Disminuir la desnutrición crónica infantil en un 40% Reducir a la mitad la infección de malaria Reducir las muertes por tuberculosis en un 90% Evitar 1,1 millones de casos de VIH con la circuncisión Reducir la muerte prematura por enfermedades crónicas en un tercio Reducir la mortalidad neonatal en un 70% Aumentar la inmunización, reducir la mortalidad infantil en un 25% Hacer la planificación familiar accesible para todos Eliminar la violencia contra mujeres y niñas Eliminar los subsidios a los combustibles fósiles Reducir a la mitad la pérdida de los arrecifes de coral Generar impuesto al daño por contaminación de energía Reducir la polución en interiores en un 20% Prosperidad Reducir las restricciones comerciales (full Doha) Igualdad de género en propiedad, negocios y política Impulsar EL aumento del rendimiento agrícola en un 40% Incrementar la educación de niñas dos años Lograr la educación primaria universal en África subsahariana Triplicar la educación preescolar en el África subsahariana Próximos pasos • Información publicada en 24 países - Artículos publicados en 50+ países • Premios Nobel Próximos pasos • Toda la información al aire en 24 países - Artículos publicados en + 50 países • Premios Nobel • Foros de la Juventud • Sesiones informativas para Gobiernos • Sesiones informativas para periodistas Gracias
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