EXERCISE 42 The Tools of Fiscal policy Changes in lederaltaxes and federal governm6nl spending designed to atlect the levet ol aggregat€ de. in som€ :r^11!""0are called cases aggregar€ suppty) in thB €conomy liscal policy Aggregate demand is the lotal amount ol spenOing on go-oOs and services in rDe economy during a stated period ol trme. Aggre_ 9ale.demand consisls ol consumer spendtng, government spending, and inveslmenl sp€nding. aggregate supply consisls ol the tofal amount ol goods and serv, tc,es available in lhe economy during a stated period ol time r.,".":sion, aggregate domand is usua y ,^^ ,?:':ln Ioo low lo bring about lult employmenl ol resources. t overnmenl can increase aggregate demand by soond.ng more, cutting ta^es, or dorng ooth. These aclions ohen result in budgel deJiclts becaus: -: QO(ernmenl spends mor6 than il collecrs in tar.. __ cJBasinq goJernm€nl sOenOtng w,tfroul rnc,e-. .taves or decreasing t es wrthout decfe"r,ng .-:.. .menl oxpendilures should increase aggregal: ::_ mand. Such an €xpansionary fiscal policy c.6ase employment, inllation, or bolh. lf !he le Jet ot aggregale oemald rs too ernment c€n reduce rts sp6noing, shor: -_ hjer r: increase lir_:. ,. do botn. 1"95" actrons should resuJl rn a tj.:! budgel surplus or a sma,.er Urog"t ouii",r ,na: ,.. rsted belore. Such a contraclionary fiscaj !:: shoulo roy/er lh€ leve ot agg.egate 0".""0. ecolom/ \4 I e/Oer pnce less enp "]j oyn.p. 6, :, . sources, less inllalton. or bolh Part I Directions: Decide whether each or the rorowing fiscar poricies o1 the federar governmenl is ex::contraclionary. Write oxpansiora or contrcctiona0l and exptain the reasons ", ry 1T:l for \, - l The government cuts business and personar income laxes and increases its own spending. 2. The government incr€ases the personal income ta}, sociai s()currty tai(' and corporale incorne Government spending stays the 3. same. Government spending goes up while taxes remain lhe same The government reduces the wages of ils employees while rarsrng taxes on consumers and ness. Other government spending remains th6 same. i,: Ftonn-Mastor Cufticulurn Guida in Ecr)rlomqs.. I€acimg Shateg/€s /o/ H,qi Scro. Ecanomrcs on Economic Educalron. rses1, pp. cou.sas (N€w york: Joinl Co-.---r rsr--tsz. '1 CoPyrighr o 198€ Joinr Couoc,t on fconom,c Educ.rron_ l3 I x'p'oducrio' it prohibir'd eirhour w'(r'n pcrmision f.om Thr Join! councir on Econom,c Educ6tio^ __ @rp Part II lnstructions: Test your underst, ::"* 1,, ,",;;;;,";;;";:"i:,!!l,rEjiJ:,"k11ff,[:li:'fi':[::lj:i,"::." jff: :: tn".p"".. ,. expansionary or contractionary fiscal policy. fiff in O, Objective lot Aggtegate ?.?,:^n wflle "increase" il you wrsh . to .[ write "oecrease,, toffo*., Demand ;,';ffi ::::::f :il::::1"t:H::, Column B: Action on Iaxes ','increase" il you wishto,ncrease taxes. rtute oecrease,, il yOu WiSh lO decrsase laxes. Writ_e Column C: Action on Governmont Spending Wrile "increase" il you wish to i government spendino write "docrease",i;'*ij;';'""rease decrease government spend nq. corumn D: Erect on Budoer Write "toward deficit,'if write "toward surprus" 1 . The narionat 2. tnftatron iou wish.to incroase the deficit (or reduce the surplus). in-"-rl".u t .rrprr.1. " ir you wrsh to roduce trre oeticii lor rnr*ptoyr*Ilf,ffiI-d rs s1r0ng and irr rar, rs *" uzl"l* il;g.ffi,,, 3.^surucys sno* corsume,s th, sa es are weak, ano b"usrness invenrories ll"ol^ril:-l!1u,, are tncreasin0 rap dly. satruno,n",*i [Iplrd-E-i 1-,r::,-...s an0 economrsls be reve a slror0 in,latr;n ttes ahead. 5. lnftation persisls white ,;;pby*;G,y, i t igh 132 R.p,oduction i' prohibi,.o on Economrc Edecs.ea. **.* *nn.. ,.*,"Llr^€Lo-'X: i,,,s,on rrom th. *:nr Joln( louncir Cou.Efl on Eco*_i. _,_.--
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