2014年 12月号 - NPO法人 ノアインターナショナルスクール

Noah International School
noahis.org | [email protected]
2014. 12. 9.
2-11-7 Hirosedai Kawai-Cho Kitakatsuragi-Gun Nara-Ken 636-0073 (Tel) 0745-43-5306
N.I.S.の歩み NIS学校を成⽴立立してから3年年経ちま
も加わる予定です。 International Student Convention
To give Christian young people opportunities to develop leadership skills, each year Accelerated Christian Education® sponsors an International Student Convention ("ISC") on a major NPOの設⽴立立が予定より少し遅れて
して成⻑⾧長して⾏行行こうと思います。 今年年もご協⼒力力くださり、ありがと
いします。 U.S. university campus. Approximately 4,000 young people worldwide qualify in regional conventions for competition in approximately 150 events in the categories of music, oratory, art, athletics, academics, and numerous aspects of service. This N.I.S.の活動
premier event is the highlight of the school year for hundreds of *10⽉月24⽇日 -‐‑‒ Field Tripとして奈奈良良
NHK放送局に⾏行行きました。 Education program. ISC 2015 will be held during 23-‐‑‒28 May *10⽉月31⽇日 -‐‑‒ 牧師の按⼿手を受けに
韓国へ⾏行行ってきました。 schools and homeschools using the Accelerated Christian 2015 at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. We will have four students and two teachers to attend ISC 2015, participating in the events of music, art, athletics and academics. To raise funds for the expenditure caused by *11⽉月04⽇日 -‐‑‒ A.C.E.ジャパン・
N.I.S.がQuality Schoolになるため
の指導をしてくださいました。 attending ISC, we have set up a donation box for whoever is *11⽉月21⽇日 -‐‑‒ Honoral Tripで箕⾯面
公園へ⾏行行ってきました。 In the Fall Field Trip of this Quarter, eight students and three
willing to support us. Your prayer and financial support will be a great blessing to us.(By Eva Wen) Exploration In NARA NHK
teachers of our school went to NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai), a
broadcasting station, which
is located in the Nara City.
The students and the
teachers stayed in the NHK
broadcasting station for one
hour. The guide showed
them around the station.
First, they went to the studio
for daily news. It was a big
room with many wires for
A.C.E.(Accelerated Christian Education)
Noah International School
noahis.org | [email protected]
2014. 12. 9.
cameras, microphones, illumination and computers.
The guide explained how to report news very accurately in time.
The guide also introduced how the announcers read the news
texts. The students got the chance to try and experience how
announcers do their job. The students also experienced the
cameras for videoing news. And then, they were led to a
meeting hall, where a video about the preparation for news and
drama in television was shown. There are many producers and
managers working together. They work hard together so as to
School Calendar(4学期) 11/05 Level Confirmation produce the news accurately in time. Both the students and the
teachers were very thankful to the staff of NHK who guided
them along. Thank God for such a wonderful activity. And also
thank God that the students can learn more about the operation
11/03 National Holiday of NHK and the television news.(By Nara Lim)
& NIS`̀s Birthday Honor Roll Trip (Minoo Park)
11/21 H.R.Trip On November 21 our school had a Honor Roll Trip to MiNoo
11/24 National holiday Park for the students who
12/12 Pareants/Teacher Meeting got Honor Roll A or B in the last
12/29-‐‑‒31. 1/1-‐‑‒2 New Year`̀s Vacation quarter.
MiNoo Park is located in
Osaka. It took us one hour to get
there by car from school. Four
N.I.S.⽀支援者募集中! students (Sky Lim, Nara Lim,
では⽀支援者を募っています。 Principal (Mrs. Beulah), Pastor Lim, Pastor James and his wife
A. 毎⽇日祈り続けてくださる⽅方 the top. There were many foreign people who came to see the
Hara Lim and Now Lim), our
Grace (who came from China) went together.
MiNoo Park was in a mountain so we walked long time to reach
B. 経済的に⽀支援してくださる⽅方 red and yellow leaves. At MiNoo Park we ate
C. スタッフとして実際の教室での指
導を⼿手伝ってくださる⽅方 chestnuts, rice cake, fried leaves and ice
を募っています。 of mountain there is a large and torrential
約束献⾦金金として毎⽉月、1⼝口(3000円) (何⼝口でもかまいません)を⽀支援してい
ただけないでしょうか。 God let us have good weather and wind.
cream. The famous scene in MiNoo Park is
maple trees. They are so beautiful. At the top
waterfall. It was a nice day to walk and play.
(By Hara Lim)
近畿⼤大阪銀⾏行行 天下茶茶屋⽀支店 普通 0012895 イムドンハン <11,12⽉月募⾦金金額と定期⽀支援者現状> 募⾦金金額:30,000円/510,000₩(ウォン) 定期⽀支援者 名(2014年年12⽉月末現在) ⽀支援団体: いかるが聖書教会、株式会社ハギオス And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.(Romans 12:2)
A.C.E.(Accelerated Christian Education)