July-Aug 2014 - Rinzai Zen Mission

Rinzai Zen Mission Newsletter
PO Box 791586, Paia, Maui, HI 96779 t [email protected]
Next to Baldwin Beach Park t (808) 579-9921
July-August 2014
It's summertime. Obon time again! The Rinzai Zen Mission is pleased to invite you,
your family, and friends to our Obon service and
dance. Come and experience the traditional dance
styles of Okinawa, the only one of its kind on
Maui. The schedule is as follows.
August 16 (Saturday)
6:00 p.m. - Service
7:00 p.m.- Bon Dance
Bon Dance practice Our Bon Dance practice will be only four
Tuesdays: July 15, 22, 29, and August 5, starting at
7:00 p.m.
Please come to Paia and enjoy
practicing Okinawan dance.
Bring your friends too for some
fun times!
Tanagyo - Obon home service Rev. Yamaguchi is ready to take phone calls from
you who wish to have Obon service at home.
Please make an appointment by calling 268-2209.
Bazaar We would appreciate donations for the bazaar. Fruits
(bananas, oranges, mangoes, pineapples, lemons, etc.),
vegetables, plants, and cut flowers are welcome.
!Baked goods (bread, mini cake loaves, cookies, bars,
Recalling our history, we did have our Obon
service under a blue tarp and danced on grassless
ground on Labor Day weekend of 1987, the year
our entire temple was lost due to a suspicious fire.
The parking was only within our sanctuary
grounds and a temporary restroom was built with
fire-damaged materials. We built a stage, strung
chochin (lantern) wire, made benches, and so on.
We had just enough Issei and Nissei who wanted
to keep our culture alive for future generations.
Please let us keep their wish alive and help us with
anything you are able to do, and
keep us going for many more years
to come.
party mixes, etc.) are also good sellers. Mochi other
than nantu would be good too. Health Department rules
don’t allow for baked goods with cream, nor rice
dishes, unless they’re made in the RZM kitchen on the
date of sale. All baked goods must be labeled with
ingredients. Please list ingredients in the order of
quantity, listing the major ingredients first. If you wish
the labels be done for you, please bring a copy of the
entire recipe.
!Bazaar items may be brought to RZM on Saturday, the
morning of the Obon. If you wish to have your donated
item sold at a certain price, please make a note of it or
let us know.
Schedule July 13(Sun)
Aug. 5(Tue)
いてまいりました。 昔は7月か
です。 なんとかがんばって今年も盆踊りの輪
Cleaning Day
7:00pm Bon Dance Practice begins
10:00am Service
7:00pm Last Bon dance practice
Cleaning Day
Set up tents and Dressing rooms
8:00am Making Nantu
16(Sat) 8:00am Bring in bazaar items
6:00pm Obon Service
7:00pm Bon Dance
17(Sun) Clean up
Manpower will be needed on Friday, August 15,
8:00 a.m. to set up the large tent
and to get the dressing room ready.
And the tent must be taken down
on Sunday, August 17. Please
kokua. Thank you.