Tacoma Buddhist Temple タコマ仏教会 1717 S. Fawcett Ave., Tacoma, WA 98402-1706 TEL:(253)627-1417 FAX:(253)627-9374 HOMEPAGE: http://www.tacomabt.org/ MAIL: [email protected] MYOKYO 明鏡 July, 2011 ________________________________________________________ Thought on OBON Rev. Kojo Kakihara When we say “Obon” generally, the first thing that many of us would think of “Carnival,” “Teriyaki Chicken,” “Shaved Ice” and so on. But, it is very important for us t remember and to remind our family as well as ourselves that Obon is originally started in the spirit of profound religious feeling of love, respect, and gratitude toward the Buddha and our departed loved ones who have either directly or indirectly given their guidance on our growth as individuals both physically and spiritually. Therefore, whatever we do at Obon time, whether you are helping in the Chicken Teriyaki booth or dancing Bon Odori, our action is supposed to be the expression of our love, gratitude and respect to those who have given us our life and returned to the Realm of Nirvana before us. Even though we offer candles, flowers, Obuppan(rice), and incense at Temple or at our family Obutsudan in memory and honor of our departed loved ones, we often find ourselves not being able to truly feel the tremendous guidance, sacrifices, and wisdom that are extended to us by them. We often do not truly realize that the root of the lives which we are enjoying now, is our departed loved ones. I came to the United States in 2007. Since then I lost three grandparents. My grand-ma in my father’s side was the one who was being worried about me most. When I came back to my home, she always asked me “Do you eat all right?”, “Do you live OK?”, “You can come back whenever you want to come back.”…Although she passed away last year, I still hear such her warm voices with her face. There is such a phrase; Although I often forget the Buddha, the Buddha never forgets me Even if I often forget about my grand-ma, she is embracing me as a Buddha all the time. Observing Obon to us is a precious opportunity to be once again reminded of the wonderful grace, embracement, and guidance which are constantly being extended to us by our deceased 1 loved ones regardless of whether we realize it or not. On reaffirming such an important aspect of Obon, I think we can endeavor to rededicate ourselves to live our life to its fullest in the Light and Wisdom of the Nembutsu and realize our gratitude to our departed loved ones throughout Obon time and in our daily life. And, when we realize and show the important significance of Obon through our action to your family or children that your dedication and hard work at Obon and at other Temple activities, is only possible because of your grateful realization of countless graces given by the sacrifices and guidance of our departed members of the family, relatives, and friends in Dharma. Then, our family and children will be able to carry on our Obon in the same feeling and spirit as we have received from our loved parents in the Great Compassion and Wisdom of Amida Buddha. Namoamidabutsu Announcement: The next Study Class will be about “Sakyamuni Buddha” on October 5th at 7:00 PM. じんせい かきはらこうじょう 「おかげさま」の人生 「おかげさま」の人生 わたし ぶっきょうかい つと 柿原興乘 いちねん ま いちねん 私 がここタコマ仏教会でお勤めさせていただいてもうすぐ一年になります。あっという間の一年でし なんねん き おお みな えん なか たが、もうすでに何年もいるような気もします。きっとそれくらい多くのことを、皆さまとのご縁の中 かげ じゅうじつ まいにち す でいただいたからでしょう。お蔭さまで、充 実 した毎日を過ごさせていただいています。 わたし じんせい ざんねん たの とき つら けいけん しかし、 私 たちの人生、残念ながら楽しいことばかりではありません。時には、辛い経験をすることも わたし と べ い い ら い ふ た り どうねん ゆうじん な ひ と り ちゅうおうぶっきょうがくいん とも あります。 私 が渡米して以来、二人の同年の友人が亡くなりました。一人は中央仏教学院で共にお ねんぶつ おし まな ほうゆう ひ と り ちゅうがくじだい どうきゅうせい そつぎょうご じ も と き せ い 念仏のみ教えを学んだ法友。そして、もう一人は中学時代の同級生 で、卒業後も地元に帰省するたびに、 いっしょ さけ の あそ ゆうじん 一緒にお酒を飲み、遊んできた友人です。 彼は高校を卒 業 してから、地元で造船塗装の仕事をしていましたが、2008年11月末に、現場での かれ こうこう そつぎょう じ も と ぞうせんとそう し ご と ねん がつまつ げ ん ば 爆発事故に巻き込まれました。その前月の 10月、 私 はお休みをもらい日本にいました。他の友人たち ば く は つ じ こ さけ ま こ ぜんげつ の かえ がつ わたし やす じ も と に ほ ん つぎ き こ く ほか さい ゆうじん あつ とお酒を飲みながら、「いつ帰っても地元はええなあ。また次の帰国の際にはみんなで集まろうや。 で き あ め り か あそ き はな 出来たらみんなでアメリカに遊びに来たらええのに」と話したばかりでした。 じ こ ふ つ か ご ゆうじん い た い み い ぜんしん ほうたい ま か ぞ く ほんにん かお み 事故の二日後、友人たちが遺体を見に行きましたが、全身に包帯が巻かれ、家族でさえ、本人の顔を見 で き はなし き なみだ と ちか なに で き ることが出来なかった、という 話 を聞いて、 涙 が止まりませんでした。近くにいても何か出来たわけ とき しょうじき かいがい き はじ こうかい ではありませんが、それでもその時は、正 直 、海外に来たことを初めて後悔しました。 そ う ぎ あと ゆうじん たくさん ひと さんれつ そうしき はじ き なみだ なが 葬儀の後、ある友人から「あんなに沢山の人が参列したお葬式は初めてだった」と聞いて、また 涙 が流 れました。 ゆうじん おれ し ぜったい そうしき こうじょう あ はな その友人は「もし俺が死んだら、絶対に葬式は興 乗 にしてもらうけえ、たのむで」と、会うたびに話し ねが かな ていました。しかし、その願いを叶えることはできませんでした。 2 にんげん よ え ん つ とき にくたい ほろ ろうしょうふじょう おとず わ いま 人間はいつか、この世の縁尽きた時、肉体は滅びる。これは老少不定、いつ 訪 れるか分からない。今あ じ ぶ ん けっ あ まえ ぶっきょう まな おお ほ う わ えん るこのいのちは自分のものでもなく、決して当たり前でもない。仏 教 を学び、多くのご法話のご縁をい にちじょうせいかつ あ ・・・ き ょ う めんどう あ し た ただいていながらも、日常生活では、「まあ、どうぜまた会えるし … 」、「今日は面倒だから、明日に ・・・ しよう … 」ばかり。 たいせつ ゆうじん な ふか かな ほとけ おし じ ぶ ん じ し ん もんだい なに う 大切な友人を亡くした深い悲しみとともに、 仏 のみ教えを自分自身のいのちの問題として、何も受け止 で き じ ぶ ん あさ おも し は なさ おも めることの出来ていない自分の浅はかさを思い知らされ、恥ずかしく、情けなく思いました。 おも い おも かか しかし、こんな思いをしながらでも、生きていかなければいけません。いえ、こんな思いを抱えながら い おも かか じ ぶ ん ねんぶつ みち おも 生きていく。こんな思いを抱える自分だからこそ。お念仏の道とはそういうもののように思います。お ねんぶつ すべ かなら おさ と ほとけ う わたし ねが よ ごえ 念仏は「全てのものを 必 ず摂め取り、 仏 として生まれさせる」という 私 への願い、呼び声です。 かな くる なか すべ ほとけ つつ いま じ ぶ ん い どんな悲しみ、苦しみの中にあっても、それは全て、 仏 さまに包まれた今の自分です。それを生きる ちから か い よろこ で あ ほんとう じ ぶ ん き ほんとう き 力 に変え、その中で生きる 喜 びの出会う。本当の自分に気づかせてくれる。本当のいのちに気づかせ てくれる。 かぞ き なか ふ し ぎ い いま 数え切れない「おかげさま」の中でいただいている、不思議としか言えない、今のこのいのちを せいいっぱいい ぬ たが かがや あ い な ゆうじん ほとけ 精一杯生き抜く。お互いのいのちを 輝 かし合いながら、生きていく。それは亡くなった友人、 仏 さま ねが ほとけ みちび い い かた の願いであり、 仏 さまに 導 かれて、「おかげさまで、ありがとう」と言える生き方です。 な ゆうじん よ が き わたし か たの いま 亡くなった友人にみんなで寄せ書きをすると聞き、 私 はこう書いてくれるように頼みました。「今まで まえ ほんまにありがとう。そして、これからもずっとずっと、お前のおかげでありがとう」 がっしょう 合掌 お知らせ:毎月最後の日曜日 お知らせ:毎月最後の日曜日(変更することもあります) 毎月最後の日曜日(変更することもあります)は、 (変更することもあります)は、通常 は、通常の 通常の日曜礼拝の後に 日本語の法話をいたします。 7 月はお休みです。 月はお休みです。9 月は 18 日です。皆さんどうぞお聴聞ください。 2011 OBON Schedule July 12, 13, 14 7:30pm –9:00pm Bon Odori Practice Sunday, July 24 – Obon Cemetery Services 1:30pm Old Tacoma Cemetery 2:00pm Mt. View Cemetery 2:45pm New Tacoma Cemetery 4:00pm Sumner Cemetery Tuesday, July 26 – Eatonville Cemetery at 1:00pm Saturday, July 30 – Sunday, July 31 – 3:00pm Ura-bon-e/Hatsubon Service 5:00pm Bon Dance No Service 2011 Obon Schedule, Information and Request for Help 3 We look forward to seeing everyone participate in our obon service and odori festival. We are still looking for help in food preparation, construction and clean-up, so please contact Crystal Inge if you are availalable for any of the times listed below. (CELL; 206-786-2707 or mail to [email protected]/) Also, please contact Wendy Hamai to sign-up for a memorial candle to honor those who have passed before us. $5.00 per candle and proceeds go to the temple. (253-566-9503 or mail to [email protected]/) Obon Schedule, Saturday, July 30th 8:00 9:00 3:00 5:00 9:00 9:00 am – Food Preparation am – Construction set up pm – Obon Service pm – Bon Odori Dancing and Takio pm – Memorial Candle lighting service pm – Construction take-down All Call for Fresh Berries! If you have some strawberries, rhubarb, blueberries, or other berries that we could use for pies for Obon, July 30, or for our Pie Booth for Bazaar November 6, would you let me or Vicki Yoshioka know. Frozen berries are great too. If you would like to leave them at church and let us know they are there, it would truly save a huge expense for the berry pies we will be making for these two events. Thank you in advance. June Akita Membership Committee Annual elections for one-third of the twenty-one member Board of Directors of the Tacoma Buddhist Temple will be held by ballot in early October. There are seven open positions to serve 2011-2014 (Dec 2011 – Nov 2014). Please submit nominations (either of self or of others) to Frank Mizukami or Peter Lee by July 31. If you have questions about the Board please ask David Yotsuuye and/or refer to the blue binder called Information Records located in the Temple office. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (David Yotsuuye) Congratulations to the Dharma School students that received Excellent Attendance Awards at our annual picnic. Thank you to the Dharma School teachers that provide excellent programs 4 for our youth. Also, a big thank you to Donna Sasaki for setting up the picnic and to all those that helped. We were very fortunate to have a nice day. I hope that you have had a chance to donate to the BCA Debt Relief. If you have, thank you, if you have not, please consider donating. As noted earlier, I believe that retiring the Jodo Shinshu Center debt will benefit us all in the long term. The Board of Director’s election will be coming this Fall, so, we need to get a slate of candidates to serve from 2012 – 2014. If you are interested in serving, please contact Frank Mizukami or Dr. Peter Lee. Crystal and John Inge are this years Obon chairs. They have new food items planned and we will have a Beer Garden. I hope to see you at Obon service and dance on July 30. Also, congratulations to Rev. Kakihara. He announced at the picnic that he will be getting married this August. Gassho, Buddhist Women’s Association News (Kiku Morita) Thank you so very much to the BWA members, rice cookers, and everyone else (including the "buyers") who made our Yakisoba Sale a huge success! It was our "first-time try" for this event so we were a "little worried" about the outcome but it turned out well, with everyone's help, participation, and encouragement. Our next "lunch sales event" is scheduled to be held on Sunday, October 2nd, with Yasuko Morita as "chief cook", featuring her Spaghetti, as the main dish. We ask for all the members to help again, as well as asking for the temple members and friends to kindly support us. Thank you. The Temple picnic held at Edgemont Park on June 12th, was enjoyed by all, especially since the weather was so nice, sunny and warm, delicious food and good company. Games were held for the youngsters and BINGO for the adults. Obon festivities for Tacoma, on Saturday, July 30th, are currently in process. Members, please help with cooking, serving, and anything else that needs to be done....as requested. Also, please remember that the Ura-bon-e/Hatsubon Service will start at 3 p.m. and Obon Dance from 5 p.m.. In Gassho, Just what does the BEC do, anyway? (Nancy Butterfield) 5 The Buddhist Education Committee, or BEC, now one of Tacoma Buddhist Temple’s official committees, has its origins in a study group that was begun in the late 1980s, according to BEC Chairman Ted Tamaki. The founding members of that study group include then-resident minister Rev. Kosho Yukawa, Hisato Miki, Toyoko Nakagawara and Jim Bango, and late Temple members Dr. Bill Sugiyama and Stuart Bush, among others. Over the years, and in response to the need for a group to advise and coordinate some of the work of the minister, the study group evolved into today’s Buddhist Education Committee. The purpose of the committee, Mr. Tamaki said, “is to provide support for the Buddhist education program that our resident minister wishes to develop for our Sangha." One of the major functions of the committee is to schedule and coordinate the visits of guest speakers whom the minister invites for special services and annual lectures. Traditionally, guest speakers are invited for the weekend Temple Retreat in October and the Eshin-ni ko/Kakushin-ni ko Service that Sunday; the Rev. Pratt Lecture Series on a Saturday in November and the Eitaikyo Service that Sunday; and the Hoonko Service in January. On occasion, guest speakers have been invited for Obon/Hatsubon and Hanamatsuri Services also. The BEC usually plans a reception dinner for visiting guest speakers, open to all Temple members to attend, and when possible, works in an additional lecture or discussion session. An annual series of Buddhism study classes is also planned and coordinated with the resident minister. While the minister chooses the topic for the classes, BEC members may make suggestions for both the subject and the scheduling, and help with preparation and distribution of any materials for the classes. The BEC sometimes orders books for the Temple library when there is a special interest in a title or author, and keeps Temple members informed of classes, seminars and workshops offered through the Jodo Shinshu C enter. When circumstances demand it, the BEC also has taken on additional responsibilities. For example, during the nearly year and a half that the Tacoma Buddhist Temple was most recently without a resident minister, the BEC recruited and scheduled speakers for Sunday Services from within the Sangha, and filled some of the openings themselves. Current members of the Buddhist Education Committee, in addition to Rev. Kojo Kakihara and Chairman Ted Tamaki, are: Jim Akagi, Nancy Butterfield, John Inge, Frank Kawasaki, Rose Kishi, Fred Pelger, Donna Sasaki, and Patti Wong. The committee meets at 7 p.m. the second Thursday of each month except July. Temple members are welcome to sit in any time. Gassho, Dharma School News 6 Excellent Attendance awards were given to the following Dharma School students: 1 year: Nao Wainer, Declan Morita, Jeremy Morita 2 year: Mia Alexander, Jet Yotsuuye 3 year: Madeline Cline 4 year: Georgie Alexander 8 year: Emma Inge, Kate Inge, Sean Tanino 12 year: Kenzo Yoshitomi, Joanna Yoshitomi 15 year: Stephanni Wong Congratulations, students! Our annual temple picnic on June 12th was a great success, partly because of the nice weather we had! Rev. Kakihara led the outdoor service, his first time at Edgemont Park. Fun activities, delicious food, and BINGO followed, along with several kids and adults who played an exciting game of softball! Many, many thanks to those who helped before, during and after the picnic. Special thanks to: Gathering kitchen supplies prior to the picnic – Kiku Morita, Yasuko Morita The Morning crew who helped load tables, chairs and supplies – Frank Kawasaki, Del Sasaki, Tom Hubbell, Fred Pelger, Les Hitsman, Peter Lee, Henry Stoll, David Campbell Donation of all the hot dogs and cooking them too! – Fred Pelger, Les Hitsman Games – June Akita (thanks Jerry for helping!) Adult Prizes – Kazuko Inoue The Afternoon crew who helped unload tables, chairs, and supplies back to the temple – Rev. Kakihara, Del Sasaki, Peter Lee, Tom Hubbell, Wendy Hamai, David and Ayako Campbell, Emily Jackson This is always a wonderful event and a nice way to end the Dharma School year. Have a great summer and see you in the fall! Gassho, Donna Sasaki From the Facilities Committee 7 The month of June has been quiet for us, though Fudge Fujita working together with temple members, was able to get the tewple grounds annual clean-up accomplished...the upcoming Obon will have the Fire truck there like last year and we have requested the empty lot across from the front of the temple, the grass cut down;.. to the UWT landscape crew.......with a lot of activity ongoing, please make doubly sure that all of the doors and gates get locked and secured, when leaving...even check the doors that you did not open...just to make sure.....thanking you in advance, for myself and the temple. to Jim and Henry, thanks for the hondo and naijin cleanup, eevery week and to Kurt and dad Tom for the lanscaping and lawn upkeep on a regular basis, and to all of you for being deligent in keeping a watchful eye on things that need to be done at the temple for us.... Gary, Jim, Fudge, Tad, David and Frank.... in gassho and in gratitude, your Facilities Committee. YBA REPORTS Congratulations to all Dharma school classes! This year has been wonderful, thanks for all of your participation and hard work. The picnic was a blast, good luck to our high school graduates may the nembutsu with you in whatever you wish to do. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Tacoma Obon Festival in July. Have a wonderful summer. Respectfully submitted, Joanna Yoshitomi YBA Secretary GREETERS SCHEDULE July 3 10 17 24 September 11 18 25 Bob Nakayama & Elsie Taniguchi Wendy Hamai & Bob Yoshioka Les Hitsman & June Akita Jeff Hiroo & Fred Pelger Rose Kishi & Ken Tanino George Murakami & Rick Tanabe Delbert Sasaki & Gail Ichinaga WELCOME! 2011 Yearly Memorial Services 8 Memorial Service Years 1st Year 3rd Year 7th Year 13th Year August: 3rd Year 7th Year 17th Year 25th Year 50th Year September: 3rd Year 7th Year 13th Year 17th Year October: 7th Year 33rd Year Obon '2011 for 2011 2010 2009 2005 1999 17th 25th 33rd 50th Thirkill, Shikino Betty Osaka, Dick Tadashi Dogen, Yoshio Yasuda, Kimiyo Yotsuuye, Sadao Dogen, Shizu Year Year Year Year 1995 1987 1979 1962 Shakuni Yuu-Shin Shaku Chu-Shin Shaku Ko-Gen Shakuni Shin-Sho Shaku Tai-Jun Shakuni Tei-Ryo August 16, 2009 August 21, 2005 August 4, 1995 August 8, 1987 August 5, 1962 August 10, 1962 Sugiyama, Bill Masatoshi Shaku Ri-Taku Tanabe, Violet Hiroko Shakuni Myo-Jun Bush, Dolores Marcella Shakuni Myo-Kyo Williams, Kesae Shakuni Myo-Toku September 3, 2009 September 17, 2005 September 16, 1999 September 15, 1995 Osaka, Michiko Akahoshi, Kusuo Shimizu, Kiyoshi October 29, 2005 October 15, 1979 October 18, 1979 Shakuni Mi-Chi Shaku Jit-toku Shaku Sei-Gan Memorial candles will light up our garden again Obon is a time to remember our family and friends who have passed on. We remember them with gratitude and joy for what they have done for us. The spirit of Obon is captured in the saying, “okagesama de genki desu” thanks to you, I am fine. It is an expression of the interconnectedness in our lives, which crosses the generations and time. The memorial candle observance for the past 3 years has been a wonderful way to culminate Bon Odori at the end of the festivities. It is a moment of mindful remembrance of our loved ones while we chant Sambujo and our garden is aglow at dusk with so many candles. We will be lighting up our Japanese garden again at this year's Bon Odori on Saturday.July 30. Memorial candles are $5.00 each. We will be taking orders during Bon Odori, but we encourage you to pre-order candles. Contact Wendy Hamai or Henry Stoll at Sunday services, or complete the form below and mail it with payment. We will again include Buddhist names on the candle labels. A Buddhist name is not necessary to place a candle order. If this was done in previous years, it will automatically be included. 9 If not, include the Buddhist name on the order form. We have records that can be checked for the Buddhist name if the funeral/memorial service was held at the Tacoma Buddhist Temple. However, if the service was held elsewhere, you will need to provide the Buddhist name. You will need the name in kanji so that the correct kanji is used. We will not be able to include the Buddhist name if it is ordered during Bon Odori. We will light up our garden again in memory of our loved ones. Deadline: July 20 Check made out to: Tacoma Buddhist Temple Mail to: Wendy Hamai 609 Vista Drive, Tacoma, WA 98465 (questions?-Call Wendy at 253 566-9503 or e-mail @ [email protected]) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Memorial Candle Order Form Ordered by________________________________________________Phone #_____________________ Names for candles: (1 name per candle, please. Write Buddhist name at end of line. Please print clearly. 10 11 Temple Dharma School Picnic Open House 12
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