21 世紀COE先端地球惑星科学セミナー - 先端地球科学技術による地球

21 世紀COE先端地球惑星科学セミナー
講演題目:① Cowling Current Instability for Substorm Onset and
Storm-Substorm Relationship
所 属:アラスカ大学フェアバンクス校地球物理学研究所
日 時:セミナー① 2004 年 12 月 9 日(木)13:00-15:00
場 所:東北大学理学部 理学総合棟 303 号室
カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校にて Ph.D 取得
ジョゼフ・カン教授は、物理学の教授でいらっしゃいます。2003 年にアラスカ大学を退官するまで大学院長
The equatorward-most auroral arc brightens when the convection reversal layer approaches the
poleward edge of the diffuse auroral region where the conductance is non-uniform. In general, the upward
field-aligned current increases and the auroral arc brightens where non-uniformity is enhanced in the
electric field and/or the conductance. Cowling current enhances through the feedback instability involving
field-aligned currents, auroral conductance, and enhanced southward electric field in the Cowling channel.
The radial and azimuthal current loops are coupled by the southward electric field to form the substorm
current system. Closure of the enhanced Cowling current in the plasma sheet reduces the cross-tail current
to cause rapid piling up of tail-like field lines and the explosive dipolarization in the near-Earth plasma
sheet at the substorm onset during southward interplanetary magnetic field. The intense dipolarization
electric field is localized. It can energize plasma in the dipolarizing region, but may not always reach the
inner magnetosphere to enhance the ring current. To enhance the ring current, strong convection is
required to reach into the inner magnetosphere. Large southward IMF Bz < -15 nT can drive strong
convection into the inner magnetosphere, Strong convection can also be driven by an X-line produced
tailward of the dipolarizing region of intense substorms with AE > 2000 nT.
主 催 : 東北大学 21世紀COEプログラム
お問い合わせ: 21世紀COE地球科学事務室
熊谷 志津子 まで
〒980-8578 仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉
東北大学大学院理学研究科地学棟 404 号
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