German American Social Club of Cape Coral Der anzeiger March 2015 Volume 44, ISSUE 3 Board of Directors GEMÜTLICHKEIT GOOD FELLOWSHIP STIMMUNG President: GAIETY GESANG Hubert Prem SONG 1st Vice President: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - Hubert Prem (239) 549-2463 Bob Kraft 2nd Vice President: Bob Hildebrand Dear Members, Treasurer: The month of February was filled with beloved Club events, the Birthday and Anniversary Party, perfectly arranged by Teresa Kohl and the well visited "Gartenfest", an afternoon of fun and good cheer. And then the highlight of our Carneval season, the "Prinzenball" on Valentine's day, Feb.14th, when all our former princesses and princes marched into the von Steuben Hall, led by this year's royal couple, with their court and escorted by the "Elferrat" and "Funkenmariechen". Last, but not least great entertainment with the German Spring Music Show with various German music entertainers on Feb.28th In March, we are looking forward to another Gartenfest, hopefully as sunny as the last one, the Spring Concert of our Edel- Mary Edgar Secretary: Kerry Ann Bauer Past President: Gerhard Veith Director: Teresa Kohl Director: Mary Pakusch Director: Chris Pilsbury Director: Dorothy Tamedl Liebe Mitglieder, Director: Heinz Theruetzbacher Director: Barbara Wilken Inside this issue: Calendar P. 20 Events P. 3 Prinzenball P. 6 Schützen News P. 25 In the Press P. 26 der Monat Februar war gefüllt mit beliebten Club-Veranstaltungen, der Geburtstags- und Hochzeitstag-Party, wie immer perfekt ausgerichtet von unserer unermüdlichen Teresa Kohl und dem gut besuchten Gartenfest, ein Nachmittag voll Freude und guter Laune. Und dann der Höhepunkt unserer Karneval-Saison, der Prinzenball am Valentin`s Tag, als alle unsere früheren Prizessinen und Prinzen in die von Steuben-Halle einmarschierten, angeführt von unserem diesjährigen Prinzenpaar mit ihrem Hofstaat und begleitet vom Elferrat und den Funkenmariechen. Nicht zu vergessen: Gute Unterhaltung bei der Deutschen Frühjahrs Musik-Schau mit verschiedenen Deutschen Unterhaltern am 28. Februar. weiss Chorus and the Hafenkapelle, the German Heritage Day at Casselberry, preceded by the Heimatabend and last but not least the night of the Harbor Lights, on March 28. There should be something for everyone. Enjoy, what the Club is serving you. According to Art. XII "Revisions and Amendments of the Bylaws", you will find in this March-issue and again in the Aprilissue of the Anzeiger the Board-approved amendments, proposed by the Bylaws Committee. Please check carefully, because you have to vote upon them in the April General Meeting. Wishing you a wonderful Springtime. Hubert Prem, President Im März freuen wir uns auf ein neues Gartenfest, das hoffentlich so sonnig wird wie das letzte, auf das Frühjahrskonzert unseres Edelweiß Chores und der Hafenkapelle, auf den Deutschen Heimattag in Casselberry und nicht zuletzt auf die Nacht der "Harbor Lights" am 28. März. Da sollte eigentlich für jeden etwas dabei sein. Genießt was der Club Euch bietet. Gemäß Art.XII "Überarbeitung und Ergänzungen der Satzung" werdet Ihr in dieser März- und nochmal in der AprilAusgabe des Anzeigers die vom "Board" bestätigten, vom "Bylaws-Comitee" vorgeschlagenen Ergänzungen vorfinden..Bitte sorgfältig prüfen, denn Ihr habt bei der April Generalversammlung darüber abzustimmen. Eine schöne Frühjahrszeit wünscht Hubert Prem, Präsident PAGE 2 D E R AN Z E I GE R DER ANZEIGER Founded August 1972 as “NEWSLETTER” by Jack Fitzmaurice and renamed “Der Anzeiger” - June 1977 Published Monthly by: GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB OF CAPE CORAL, INC. P.O. BOX 150819 CAPE CORAL, FL 33915-0819 Phone: (239) 283-1400 ANZEIGER COMMITTEE ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susie Zimmer (239) 282-0685 [email protected] (For email submissions, please put ANZEIGER in the subject line) Jim Walker [email protected] Barbara Wilken (239) 458-8738 [email protected] IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE ANZEIGER, PLEASE CONTACT THE ADVERTISING MANAGER: Barbara Wilken (239) 458-8738 [email protected] VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 New Members Table If you are a new member, concerned because you do not know anyone or uncertain where to sit when you come to our club, please join me at the new members table. I wish to also include past new members who may have the same concern. I will assist you in meeting other members and placing you at a table so you can enjoy the club dinners and functions. The ladies at the front desk will be happy to show you where I am located. I look forward to meeting with each one of you and assisting with any questions you may have about our club. —Ingrid Turner In February, we gave special thanks to Hartmut & Karin Krueger New prices effective as of September 2013 as our Volunteers of the Month! (1 year - 11 issues) Business card 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page $100.00 $300.00 $600.00 $900.00 Thank you for your dedication to the Club! GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB POLICY STATEMENT THE GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB IS OPEN TO ALL PERSONS WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE, CREED, CULTURE OR ETHNIC BACKGROUND. ANY DISCRIMINATION, RACIAL COMMENTS, BIGOTED REMARKS BY MEMBERS OR GUEST, THEFT, AND WANTON DESTRUCTION TO CLUB ASSETS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OR TOLERATED! FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS POLICY WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION STATED IN SECTION VIII, F 5* OF THE GASC BY-LAWS. VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 3 D E R AN Z E I GE R PAGE 4 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 SUNSHINE Our good wishes go out to a number of members who are suffering from a variety of illnesses and injuries. June Jordan at Hope Hospice would like cards and visitors. Doris Sewick who was admitted to Cape Coral Hospital with pneumonia. Carol and Peter Cornet both came down with bad colds in early Feb., but are now recovered. Marlene Kraft at home with pneumonia. Karen Schnieder coping with reduced mobility due to an injured knee. Prayers also for Carole Cornet whose brother, Jean, passed away on 2/3/15 from a severe illness. He and his wife live in Phoenix, AZ Thank you to all who let us know about the need for thoughts and prayers for the above members. Linda Wabrek 239-573-1583 or [email protected] Karen Schnieder 239-599-2980 or [email protected] Carole Cornet 239-281-5434 or [email protected] Please pray for their swift recovery. At the February General Meeting, President Hubert Prem had the honor of announcing four distinguished members. Thank you for 25 years of dedication to our club: Antje Trebing, Helga Strauch, Gerd Trebing and Eva Essmann VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D E R AN Z E I GE R Anne Keller As Spring approaches, in this merry month of March, we the chorus members are celebrating our Director. Last month (February 15th, exactly) Anne Keller had her 88th birthday. Can you believe! And now she is commemorating 25 years as Chorus Director! We are so proud! PAGE 5 one in the Spring, and one at Christmas. Upon request, the chorus will sing at funerals, and of course, or other more festive events. Anne does all the preparation. At times additional musical arranging of the old German songs is required. To this day, Anne does it all! She has had many accomplishments, too many to mention here. We are honored to have Anne as the EdelAnne studied music, back home in Yugoslavia. It's in her blood, and in her family. If I weiss Chorus director and wish her all the best. - Barbara Wilken recall accurately, her father also played an instrument. Michael Keller, Anne's late husband was one of the founding members of our band. For many years, Anne led the Accordion Group at our club. While Anne's two daughters are not active in music today, one of her granddaughter's is an accomplished musician. You can hear the pride when Anne speaks of her. Under Anne's direction the chorus has presented songs from the U.S. and of course Germany. There are two formal concerts a year, VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D E R AN Z E I GE R PRInZENBALL FEBRUARY 14, 2015 PAGE 6 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 7 Dorothea Degenhardt e-mail: [email protected] Laßt‘s uns mal ruhig offenbaren: wir sind nicht mehr, was wir mal waren. Es sei ganz ehrlich hier gesagt, der Zahn der Zeit, er hat genagt. Man merkt‘s beim Gehen und beim Sitzen, strengt man sich an, kommt man ins Schwitzen. Beim Laufen wird die Luft schon knapp, bergauf geht‘s schlechter als bergab. Man merkt‘s, wenn wir die Treppensteigen, wir mögen es nur keinem zeigen. Doch oben wird uns voll bewusst, schwach sind wir etwas auf der Brust. Drum sind wir uns auch längst im Klaren: Wir sind nicht mehr, was wir mal waren! Die schönsten Jahre sind vorbei, wir brauchen uns’re Arzenei, der eine hat so’n Herzenklopfen, benötigt täglich seine Tropfen, der and‘re darf um Gotteswillen niemals vergessen seine Pillen, dem einen es im Magen drückt, den and‘ren hier und dort es zwickt. Wir können uns davor nur retten, verschreibt der Arzt genug Tabletten. Am eignen Leib muss man erfahren: Wir sind nicht mehr, was wir mal waren! Es ist nicht mehr, wie einst im Mai, die Männer geh’n an uns vorbei, es will uns niemand mehr vernaschen, man klaut uns höchstens nur die Taschen. Jetzt heißt es, nur für‘s Alter sparen: Wir sind nicht mehr, was wir mal waren! Auch Nüsseknacken geht nicht mehr, Ich könn’t noch viele Dinge nennen, das fällt den dritten Zähnen schwer, die wir nicht mehr wie früher können. und Lesen ohne seine Brillen Doch wiederum wird uns auch klar, geht auch nicht mehr, beim besten Willen. dass früher gar nichts besser war. Und wenn man in den Spiegel schaut, Für vieles, was wir heut’ erleben, dann steift man fest, braucht man ein bestimmtes Alter eben. man ist ergraut. Wer’s Herz hat auf dem rechten Fleck, Wo früher Locken waren und Wellen, da sich nicht erregt bei jedem Dreck, zeigen sich wer‘s Leben nimmt, so wie es ist, lichte Stellen. Das Auge hat an Glanz und nicht gleich heult bei jedem Mist, verloren, wer dankbar ist, dass er gesund, man hat viele Fältchen, große Poren. sich dessen freut zu jeder Stund, Man möchte aus der Haut oft fahren: wer Spaß hat auch an kleinen Dingen, Wir sind nicht mehr, was wir mal waren! wer sich nicht muss zum Lachen zwingen, Dann hat man auch noch außerdem dem macht‘s nichts aus, zu offenbaren: mit der Figur so sein Problem. Wir sind nicht mehr, was wir mal waren Das liegt am Essen und am Trinken, weil zu viel Gaumenfreuden winken. Hat sich erst festgesetzt, der Speck, was man auch tut, der geht nicht weg. FOR SALE BY OWNER: $467,000 1512 SW 48TH TERRACE, CAPE CORAL, FL. 33914 Unit 64: Southern Exposure Granite Counters 2269 Sq. ft. (Total 3055) Appliances Stainless Steel 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 18” Tile Throughout Vaulted Ceilings Large Dock/10,000 lb. Lift Great Room Formal Living Rm and Dining Rm Cabinets in Garage Hurricane Shutters Sailboat Access, No Bridges Heated Pool/Spa No locks, Minutes to Open Water All Assessments Paid Reinforced Garage Door Constructed in 1997 Walking distance to shopping and Cape Harbour! Call 239-541-9802 for Showing! PAGE 8 D E R AN Z E I GE R VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 New Members Here’s one for the record’s book—At the February General Meeting, we greeted just a share of the 54 new members that signed up to join our club! Thank you for joining. GASC welcomes you! Paul Klann Elizabeth Barnett Michael Bill Olga Bill Melvin H. Briggs Ashley Brookman Cheryl Combs Thomas Combs William H Curtis Lutz Dreyer Nancy Ehlers Jean Ehlers Michael A. Erlich Antoniette Erlich Stretton Leigh Gramlich Francis J. Gressley Sandra Gressley Evelyn Grunau Guenther Grunau Brian Hall Judith Harvey Joe Holley Laura Holley Kevin P. Hooper Samuel E. Huber Edgar Hueck Sven Heiko Jutz Jodi Ann Kurz Erick G. Kurz Daniel Lukas Diana Lukas Dale E. Mausteller Andrew Miller Melanie Pech Wolf Ruediger Pech Jordan Pekas Jeff Radke Harry Reifschneider Ellen Schultz Juergen Schultz Ken Schuman Marilyn Schuman Klara Schweyher Gerhard Schweyher Keith H. Tomey Robin Upperman Raymond L Urfer Jim Waymire Nicole Waymire Kenneth N. Weaver Bruce Welch Terri Welch VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D E R AN Z E I GE R BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Steve Eichner (239) 997-9470 Our resident painter, Don Schuenzel, once again put his talents to work and painted a scene on the door of the new steel building. Good use is being made of the new steel building. It is filling up fast. Many of the items were previously stored outdoors or in storage further away. PAGE 9 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 10 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 . I would like to thank the volunteers who worked so generously on our float for the Edison Festival of Lights parade this year. From Bob Heinrich who was always available, Stefan Geisel who did the plaster work and climbed atop to make sure all of our lights worked and Maggie Ebly who cut out the architectural detail. Joyce Amann figured out how to make the Quadregia look like old copper. Doug Witt assisted with the design and provided a system of lights that wouldn't over-tax the generator and drove the tow vehicle. Geri Witt oversaw the light installation and fed us on parade day. Dean Schaftlein did most of the frame construction work. Gunter Wortkotter was in charge of the paintwork. Finally, I would like to thank Petra (Miss Oktoberfest), Mary Pakusch, Ron and Ingrid Turner, Chris Pilsbury, Dean Schaftlein, Joyce Amann, Doug and Geri Witt, Stefan Geisel and Jerry Menear for walking in the parade with our float. Chris Kaelin Dance Group Landlers * Dreisteirer * Zwiefacher * Plattles Our dance group is slowly getting off the ground. We met for the first time on Sunday, February 15. Our second meeting is Sunday, March 1 at 7pm in the von Steuben hall. It is not to late to join us. We are concentrating on Landlers, which are not physically demanding. We will also do some simple plattles. Come out Sunday, March 1 at 7 to join in the fun Jim Walker [email protected] (239)433-3615 PAGE 11 D ER A NZE I GER VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D E R AN Z E I GE R PAGE 12 DANCE TICKET SCHEDULE Betty Johnson (239) 283-2264 PLEASE NOTE: When purchasing tickets for the dances, the person in whose name the table reservations are held, should purchase the tickets. Tickets are on sale every Friday night in the Von Steuben Hall from 5:00 –9:00 PM and on dance nights. PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE 2-28-215 3-21-15 3-22-15 German Music Spring Show Music: Edith Prock, Rudi Ecker & others Dress: Trachten or casual Price: $11.00 for members, $15 for guests HEIMATABEND (Casselberry) Music: Witiker’s Heimatmusikanten Dress: Trachten, Semi-formal Price: $39.00—includes buffet dinner & two drink tickets 23rd HERITAGE DAY (Casselberry) Music: Europa Band Dress: Trachten, Semi-formal Price: 27.50 —includes buffet dinner / cash bar 1-30-15 2-13-15 2-6--15 3-6--15 2-6-15 3-6--15 GASC Fußball News CHAMPIONSHIP SOCCER GAME MARCH 22ND 10 AM Having advanced to the Finals in the German International Soccer League, GASC— Fussballers will represent North Amerika against the European Finalists “Liga Altgregorstadt”. WE NEED REFEREES (volunteers)!!! The game will be held in Cape Coral at one of the city parks. To be announced. Celebration at noon! Gilbert Fezer—Fussball Committee Chair ([email protected] ; 239-458-3011) VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 PAGE 13 D E R AN Z E I GE R BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Teresa Kohl ( 239) 540-0411 The G.A.S.C. honors members’ birthdays and anniversaries at a monthly party. If you wish to participate in this celebration, please notify Teresa Kohl to make your reservation. The next B&A event will be held on March 1 at 3 pm. We celebrated the following at our February 1st B&A. Anniversaries Ingrid & Gerhard Mager Birthdays 58 years Carol Kenna Maria Krick Klara Schweyher Anne Keller Teresa Kohl Rebecca Mendenhall February 6 February 14 February 22 February 15 February 24 February 4 PAGE 14 D ER A NZE I GER VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 15 PAGE 16 D ER A NZE I GER VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 V OLU ME 1 , ISSUE 1 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 17 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 D E R AN Z E I GE R PAGE 18 PAGE 19 D ER A NZE I GER VOLUME 44, ISSUE 3 Hafenkapelle [email protected] Hafenkapelle played for a great Gartenfest on February 8. We had beautiful weather, lots of people, and lots of dancers. It was a wonderful day. As usual our most popular dance music were the latin and big band numbers. We will be back here at the club on March 20 for the Spring Concert with the Edelweiss Chorus. During our part of the concert we will have an Easter Parade. We encourage all the ladies and gents to dress in their finest Easter duds and join in the parade. We haven’t had an Easter Parade for several years, but the band used to host it every year. So put on your Easter Bonnet and join the Easter Parade on Friday night, March 20. GASC Web Page / Jim Walker, Webmaster [email protected] The chairperson of several club committees has changed Checkout the COMMITTEES web page to see who the new chairpersons are. For many of the committees you can click on the chairperson’s name to read about the committee’s function, and to learn how to join. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen. Deutschsprachiger Gottesdienst jeden 4ten Sonntag im Monat um 15.00 Uhr. Danach gemütliches Besisammensein mit Kaffee und Kuchen. Rev. Dr. Kurt June (239) 4433-5944 Cape Coral und Rev. Michael De Long (239) 594-7230 (Cell) in Naples Are you on Facebook? We are! Join our Group at gasc.capecoral/ And checkout Messiah Lutheran Church 2691 N.E. Pine Island Road Cape Coral, Florida March 2015 SUN 1 MON 2 TUE 3 WED 4 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7.15 Birthdays & Anni- Edelweiss Chorus versaries 3 pm 7 pm Music: Peter & Edith 19 20 Spring Concert Farmers Market Music: Hafenkapelle/Chorus Dinner: 5.30-7.00 Paprikaschnitzel 25 26 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7.15 Farmers Market 27 Casual Night Music: Sepp & Heinz Dinner: 5.30-7.30 Salisburg Steak 1 2 3 Meeting Night 4 10 11 Board Meeting 7:00 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5,30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7.15 15 BEAUTIFICATION PICNIC 16 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 17 18 Kulturgesellschaft 7 pm Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7.15 22 GUN SHOW 23 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 24 30 31 5 6 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 7 Music: Sepp & Heinz Dinner: 5.30-7.00 Schweinerippchen Pork Ribs Music: Manni Daum Dinner: 5.30-7.30 Wiener Rostbraten Vienna Roast 11 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 7 Farmers Market 10 29 Farmers Market Bar 7 pm 6 General Meeting & Dance SAT 13 9 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 3 PM German Church Service Messiah Lutheran 5 FRI 12 8 GARTENFEST NOON TO 5 pm Board Meeting 7:00 THU Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7.15 8 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm Farmers Market SCHUETZENFEST 14 21 GUN SHOW 28 HARBOR LIGHTS Music: Manni Daum BandDress: Nautical or Smart Dinner: 5.00—7.30 Rouladen Bar 7 pm 9 PAGE 22 D E R A NZ E I G E R VOL U M E 4 4 , I S S U E 3 Dear GASC family, As I sit here with tears streaming down my face, as I was finally able to read the multitude of sympathy cards that we received for the passing of my dear mommy on Jan 17th. I can't express enough how overwhelmed I am at the outpouring of love and sympathy from all of you! And many thanks as well to all who were able to attend mommy's celebration of life at Christ Lutheran Church, the place was full! We were able to listen to my brother-in-law Steve, my son Ian and my wonderful husband Gerhard get up and talk fondly about my mommy. She truly was a very special person and I will miss her very much. I have to give a special thanks to my "family", the GALS. They have supported us over the last 2 years of taking care of mommy at home, whenever I needed a comforting word, I knew where to go!! And of course, they gladly supplied the luncheon with their usual plentitude of sweets and goodies. Thank you, my friends! As Gerhard and I now get back to our life as a couple, just know that your love and comfort will never be forgotten and we'll keep you all in our prayers and bless you. Peace be with you. Diana and Gerhard We feel greatly honored to have been selected as honored workers of the month February 2015 by our respectable board of directors. The plaque will remind us to continue to volunteer to this great GASC and its Members. Sincerely, Karin & Hartmut Krueger We want to thank the Karneval Court and all the people who attended this year’s Masken Ball and Prinzenball for your support. The costumes for Masken ball were outstanding. You really got in to the spirit of “Be a Star”. A big thank you to all who participated. We had TV stars, sports stars, movie stars, cartoon stars, and of course the court came as rock stars. Alex Meixnar’s band was awsome as usual. A delightful Valentine’s celebration of peace and love commemorated this year’s Prinzenball. Europa Band was perfect for the occasion, as always. Thanks to all the former Princes and Princesses for participating in this event. The Prinzenball is probably the most beautiful of all the balls the club has each year. Prince James and Princess Ann Elizabeth VOL U M E 4 4 , I S S U E 3 D E R A NZ E I G E R PAGE 23 VOLUNTEERS wanted and needed for our GASC Security Team. Positions available for March & October 2015. Please call: Frank Regalado: 239-656-2644 HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER 3/2 in SW CAPE Only $169,900.00 4428 SW 13th Ave, Cape Coral FL 33914 Near Chiquita and Cape Coral Parkway Tile, Corian, New cabinets, Maytag Appliances, Attached garage, Irrigation, MUST SEE! VERDELLE JAHN 239-481-7478 PAGE 24 D E R A NZ E I G E R VOL U M E 4 4 , I S S U E 3 VOL U M E 4 4 , I S S U E 3 D E R A NZ E I G E R PAGE 25 Schützen News What Still Matters Most by Kristin Isley I reread the article that appeared here after last year's Schützenfest with the American-German Club of the Palm Beaches (Lantana). I wanted to remember how we relayed the results of the contest to our own GASC. This is important, because as it turns out, the message is the same. whether they were shooting or And that message is that our team enjoyed the wonderful hospitality offered by the Lantana club, including breakfast and mid-day dinner, plus music and dancing. supporting. The Gemütlichkeit was abundant throughout the day, be it on "Der Bus" or We provided 13 shooters this year to match their 13, and when the shooting was over we learned that we are loaning the trophy to the other club again, but this time they they won by only 12 points - less at the Lantana location. Our Schützen club is strong, and we have great spirit; we're already talking about next year's Schützenfest, which will be held at our GASC. Does winning matter? Of course it than last year's 18 points and does, but what matters most are the people who come tofar less than the 2013 differgether throughout the year to ence of 54 points. enjoy a sport that evolved from And what still matters most is our common culture. Enjoy that, despite our disappointsome photos of this wonderful ment in not winning the cup, day! all members of the GASC who took the trip did their best, PAGE 26 D ER A NZE I GER V OLU ME 4 4, ISSU E 3 Gartenfest puts the 'oom-pah' into spring Article in the NewsPress onFebruary 5th, 2015 If you missed the celebrated Oktoberfest at the German-American Social Club of Cape Coral, or if you just wish you could enjoy beer, bratwurst and "oompah" music in the biergarten more than one month a year, you're in luck. On Sunday, Feb. 8 and again on Sunday, March 8, the club celebrates the coming of spring by throwing traditional Gartenfests. "Germans are a festive people, and they love to party," said Tom Isham, the Gartenfest chairman for the club. "Gartenfest is at the coming of spring and the beginning of the planting season." The spring-themed fling is shorter than Oktoberfest, taking place in a single afternoon with a shorter food menu and a single band, but club members say it offers the same atmosphere of "gemuetlichkeit" that the bigger festival possesses. You feel the gemuetlichkeit," said Susie Zimmer, the club's advertising chair. "It's the good feeling — the fellowship — and more than that, it's coziness. It's coming together with people and communing and having a great time." The Gartenfest menu will feature bratwurst, schnitzel-on-a-stick, potato pancakes, chicken and pretzels. The authentic bratwursts are made by Geiers Sausage Kitchen in Sarasota and served on special hearty, crusty rolls baked by BAM German Bakery And More of Cape Coral with a choice of condiments such as grainy mustard and sauerkraut. The potato pancakes start as whole potatoes that are peeled and shredded in one of the club's shiny kitchens housed in the small, alpine-decorated buildings that dot the garden. Cooked to a crispy golden brown, the pancakes are served with applesauce and sour cream. The club will go through about 450 pounds of potatoes during a one-day Gartenfest in comparison to the 4,000 pounds of potatoes it takes to make pancakes for the six days of Oktoberfest. Two of the club's three outdoor bars will be open for Gartenfest. The beer offerings at the festival will include Gordon Biersch, Beck's and the difficult-to-find Krombacher. "We're the only place in Lee County you can get Krombacher pilsner on tap," Isham said. "Our bar committee chairman, he's German, and when he was in Germany he went to the Krombacher brewery and talked to them about exporting it to us. We got it set up to go through Budweiser." Music for the February festival will be provided by Hafenkapelle, the club's band that performs costumed in the traditional lederhosen. The 20-piece Bavarianstyle band features three alphorns, the wooden horns that are 10 feet or more in length. The group will perform at the club's outdoor bandstand in the dance pavilion. Music for the March festival will be provided by the singing duo Peter and Edith. The people who want to dance will be sitting right up here," said Jim Walker, the kapellmeister (musical director), gesturing toward the picnic tables next to the pavilion. "But the people who want to listen, they will sit back here and eat a brat and a pancake and sit here all afternoon." While they are quite the parties, the club's festivals serve a serious purpose. The German-American Social Club donates any funds raised that are beyond those necessary for its own operation and maintenance to local charities. With the exception of the few paid employees necessary to keep daily operations such as the club hall kitchen running, all labor is provided by volunteers. Last year the club donated over $24,000 to nine charities, including Hope Hospice, Cape Coral Caring Center, Pine Island Food Pantry, Cape Coral Historical Society and Museum, Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary and the Southwest Florida Public Service Academy. "Everything we do here — the Oktoberfest, the Gartenfest and all of the activities — are run by volunteers on their own free time," Zimmer said. "They're here to support the club, of course, but in the end to support the community because the German-American Social Club has been a huge part of the community at the Cape for the last 50 years." As a part of the community, the club is very welcoming to newcomers. Far from being a private or exclusive club, members of the public may visit for the Friday night dinners with live music and dancing, and the public may also purchase tickets to attend special events such as the upcoming Valentine's Ball. Nonmembers sign in and pay a $4 entry fee to become temporary members for the evening whenever they visit the club for the dinners or dances. "Season people who are here for two months might come every week but not join," Walker said. The temporary memberships also allow people who might be interested in becoming permanent members to learn more about the club. New members don't have to speak German or even be of German ancestry to join. But first, check out the Gartenfest and attend the after party that will take place in the club hall after the festival finishes in the garden at 5 p.m.. "Why wouldn't you come?" Zimmer said. "It's so much fun. We have the sunshine and we have the nice garden and we have good music and good food. It's a unique experience." V OLU ME 4 4, ISSU E 3 PAGE 27 DER ANZEIGER WHAT’S COMING UP ? DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN! Spring German Music Show Saturday, February 28th Featuring several German entertainers Spring Concert featuring Hafenkapelle / Edelweiss Chorus March 20th Harbor Lights featuring Manni Daum Band March 28th GARTENFEST SUNDAY, MARCH 8th GE RMA N AM ERI CA N SO CIAL CLUB OF C APE COR AL 2101 Pine Primary Business Island Rd., Address Your Address Cape Coral, FLLine 33991 2 Your Address Line 3 Your Address Mailing address:Line 4 P.O. Box 150819 Cape Coral, FL 33915 - 0819 Phone:(239) Phone: 555-555-5555 283-1400 Fax: 555-555-5555 (239) 283-5511 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] G.A.S.C. Member TO:
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