1/4 HWWI-Index der Weltmarktpreise für Rohstoffe a (US-$-Basis) HWWI Commodity Price Index a (US$ basis) 2010=100 2014 12/14 Gesamtindex / Total index 114.0 (-7.0) 93.4 (-4.3) 78.9 65.5 72.4 69.6 74.2 78.6 77.2 (-36.1) (-45.5) (-40.9) (-43.0) (-39.7) (-36.4) (-38.6) 86.5 82.7 80.5 78.0 77.3 78.6 77.3 (-9.8) (-12.7) (-15.8) (-19.0) (-21.6) (-19.1) (-18.8) Nahrungs- und Genussmittel / Food total 105.7 (-3.0) 98.4 (-3.2) Industrierohstoffe / Industrial raw materials 89.1 (-4.8) 82.3 78.4 76.1 74.0 73.6 75.7 73.4 (-12.3) (-15.7) (-16.4) (-17.0) (-19.4) (-15.6) (-17.5) Agrarische Rohstoffe / Agricultural raw materials 93.1 (-0.8) 86.3 83.6 81.1 78.6 77.3 79.0 79.3 (-11.6) (-13.3) (-15.2) (-18.6) (-19.5) (-16.9) (-16.3) NE-Metalle / Non-ferrous metals 88.2 (0.1) Gesamtindex, ohne Energie / Total, excl. energy Eisenerz, Stahlschrott / Iron ore, steel scrap a 86.6 (2.0) 01/15 94.8 (-4.9) 80.6 (-5.4) 02/15 03/15 04/15 05/15 06/15 92.7 89.0 87.8 86.7 88.3 (-14.3) (-23.2) (-26.3) (-26.7) (-21.8) 80.1 (-4.7) 79.3 (-4.4) 80.6 (-6.5) 82.0 (-5.8) 76.4 (-13.3) 85.9 (-19.6) 66.0 65.9 59.7 54.7 51.0 55.9 57.8 (-40.5) (-38.7) (-41.7) (-42.4) (-47.6) (-37.4) (-30.3) Energierohstoffe / Energy raw materials 119.4 (-7.5) 76.9 60.9 70.3 67.3 73.4 78.6 77.2 (-41.2) (-52.0) (-45.8) (-47.7) (-43.3) (-39.8) (-42.4) Rohöl / Crude oil 122.2 (-7.2) 77.6 60.8 70.3 67.5 74.2 79.5 78.1 (-41.8) (-53.0) (-47.0) (-48.9) (-44.1) (-40.6) (-43.2) Rohöl / Crude oil (US$/barrel) b 96.6 61.3 48.0 55.6 53.3 58.6 62.8 61.7 Periodendurchschnitte aus Tageswerten; in Klammern: Änderung gegenüber Vorjahr in Prozent / period averages of daily figures; in brackets: percentage year-on-year change. - b Durchschnitt/average Dubai, Brent, WTI. Die Tabelle wird monatlich aktualisiert / the table is updated monthly. © HWWI Update: 14.07.2015 2/4 HWWI-Index der Weltmarktpreise für Rohstoffe a (Euro-Basis) HWWI Commodity Price Index a (euro basis) 2010=100 2014 12/14 Gesamtindex / Total index 113.3 (-7.4) 93.1 (-4.4) 84.6 74.7 84.6 85.0 91.2 93.5 91.2 (-29.1) (-36.2) (-28.9) (-27.3) (-22.7) (-21.7) (-25.6) 92.8 94.3 93.9 95.3 95.0 93.5 91.3 (0.1) (2.3) (1.4) (3.4) (0.5) (-0.3) (-1.6) Nahrungs- und Genussmittel / Food total 105.3 (-3.2) 105.7 (7.4) 108.2 (11.3) 108.2 (3.1) 108.9 (-2.1) 107.9 (-5.5) 103.1 (-9.7) 104.3 (-5.2) Industrierohstoffe / Industrial raw materials 88.8 (-4.9) 88.2 (-2.7) 89.4 (-1.2) 88.9 (0.7) 90.5 (5.9) 90.4 (3.4) 90.0 (4.1) 86.7 (0.0) Agrarische Rohstoffe / Agricultural raw materials 92.7 (-0.9) 92.5 (-1.9) 95.3 (1.5) 94.6 (2.1) 96.0 (3.8) 94.9 (3.1) 93.8 (2.4) 93.7 (1.4) NE-Metalle / Non-ferrous metals 88.2 (0.2) 93.1 (13.2) 92.0 (10.8) 93.6 (14.7) 97.1 (22.0) 99.2 (19.9) 97.6 (16.1) 90.4 (5.1) Gesamtindex, ohne Energie / Total, excl. energy Eisenerz, Stahlschrott / Iron ore, steel scrap a 01/15 02/15 03/15 04/15 05/15 06/15 84.9 (-19.9) 70.5 74.8 69.4 66.6 62.5 66.2 68.0 (-34.0) (-28.2) (-29.8) (-26.5) (-32.9) (-22.7) (-15.5) Energierohstoffe / Energy raw materials 118.6 (-8.0) 82.5 69.5 82.1 82.3 90.2 93.5 91.2 (-34.8) (-43.8) (-34.8) (-33.3) (-27.3) (-25.8) (-30.1) Rohöl / Crude oil 121.4 (-7.7) 83.2 69.3 82.1 82.5 91.2 94.5 92.3 (-35.5) (-45.0) (-36.2) (-34.8) (-28.3) (-26.8) (-31.1) Rohöl / Crude oil (€/barrel) b 72.4 49.6 41.3 49.0 49.2 54.4 56.4 55.1 Periodendurchschnitte aus Tageswerten; in Klammern: Änderung gegenüber Vorjahr in Prozent / period averages of daily figures; in brackets: percentage year-on-year change. - b Durchschnitt/average Dubai, Brent, WTI. Die Tabelle wird monatlich aktualisiert / the table is updated monthly. © HWWI Update: 14.07.2015 3/4 HWWI-Index der Weltmarktpreise für Rohstoffe 'Euroland' a (US-$-Basis) HWWI Commodity Price Index 'Euroland' a (US$ basis) 2010=100 2014 12/14 Gesamtindex / Total index 115.3 (-7.8) 97.1 (-4.0) 81.4 68.6 76.2 73.6 77.4 81.4 79.3 (-35.8) (-44.7) (-38.9) (-40.4) (-37.8) (-35.3) (-37.5) 89.5 85.7 83.3 80.9 80.0 81.1 80.3 (-10.5) (-13.1) (-17.0) (-20.0) (-22.8) (-20.9) (-19.6) Nahrungs- und Genussmittel / Food total 109.1 (-2.6) 100.4 (-6.4) Industrierohstoffe / Industrial raw materials 90.4 (-4.9) 83.3 79.7 77.0 75.1 74.6 76.7 74.4 (-13.0) (-16.3) (-17.4) (-17.0) (-19.3) (-15.6) (-17.2) Agrarische Rohstoffe / Agricultural raw materials 95.1 (0.6) 90.2 (-8.2) 88.3 (-9.3) 85.9 83.8 82.1 83.3 83.6 (-11.3) (-14.2) (-15.7) (-13.7) (-13.2) NE-Metalle / Non-ferrous metals 89.1 (-1.1) 86.8 (-0.5) 80.5 (-8.1) 79.8 (-7.6) Eisenerz, Stahlschrott / Iron ore, steel scrap 88.8 (-16.2) 69.9 70.4 63.2 58.1 54.3 58.5 60.7 (-37.3) (-35.6) (-39.3) (-40.0) (-45.3) (-36.6) (-29.5) Energierohstoffe / Energy raw materials 121.6 (-8.9) 78.5 62.6 73.8 71.1 76.5 81.5 79.0 (-42.3) (-52.9) (-44.6) (-45.9) (-41.9) (-39.1) (-42.1) Rohöl / Crude oil 124.9 (-8.7) 79.3 62.5 74.1 71.5 77.5 82.6 80.1 (-43.1) (-54.1) (-45.9) (-47.1) (-42.8) (-40.1) (-43.1) Rohöl / Crude oil (US$/barrel) b 99.3 Gesamtindex, ohne Energie / Total, excl. energy a 63.1 01/15 96.3 (-7.9) 49.7 02/15 03/15 04/15 05/15 06/15 94.3 91.2 89.7 88.9 90.9 (-16.4) (-24.1) (-27.3) (-27.8) (-22.8) 58.9 79.6 (-5.6) 56.8 81.0 (-6.8) 61.6 82.7 (-6.0) 65.7 76.9 (-13.3) 63.7 Periodendurchschnitte aus Tageswerten; in Klammern: Änderung gegenüber Vorjahr in Prozent / period averages of daily figures; in brackets: percentage year-on-year change. - b Durchschnitt/average Brent. Die Tabelle wird monatlich aktualisiert / the table is updated monthly. © HWWI Update: 14.07.2015 4/4 HWWI-Index der Weltmarktpreise für Rohstoffe 'Euroland' a (Euro-Basis) HWWI Commodity Price Index 'Euroland' a (euro basis) 2010=100 2014 12/14 Gesamtindex / Total index 114.6 (-8.2) 96.8 (-4.2) 87.3 78.2 89.0 90.0 95.1 96.8 93.7 (-28.7) (-35.2) (-26.4) (-24.0) (-20.3) (-20.2) (-24.3) 96.0 97.7 97.2 98.9 98.3 96.4 94.9 (-0.6) (1.8) (-0.1) (2.1) (-1.0) (-2.5) (-2.5) Nahrungs- und Genussmittel / Food total 108.7 (-2.9) 107.8 (3.9) 109.8 (7.9) 110.1 (0.6) 111.5 (-3.1) 110.3 (-6.9) 105.7 (-11.0) 107.4 (-6.5) Industrierohstoffe / Industrial raw materials 90.0 (-5.0) 89.4 (-3.4) 90.9 (-2.0) 89.8 (-0.5) 91.8 (6.0) 91.6 (3.4) 91.2 (4.0) 87.8 (0.4) Agrarische Rohstoffe / Agricultural raw materials 94.8 (0.6) 96.6 (1.8) 100.6 (6.2) 100.2 (6.8) 102.3 (9.4) 100.8 (8.1) 98.9 (6.4) 98.6 (5.2) NE-Metalle / Non-ferrous metals 89.0 (-1.0) 93.3 (10.5) 91.9 (7.6) 93.3 (11.2) 97.4 (20.5) 99.8 (19.4) 98.4 (15.9) 91.0 (5.1) Eisenerz, Stahlschrott / Iron ore, steel scrap 87.9 (-16.5) 74.7 79.9 73.4 70.7 66.5 69.3 71.4 (-30.3) (-24.6) (-26.9) (-23.5) (-29.9) (-21.8) (-14.5) Energierohstoffe / Energy raw materials 120.8 (-9.3) 84.3 71.4 86.2 86.9 94.0 96.9 93.3 (-35.9) (-44.8) (-33.4) (-31.0) (-25.6) (-25.0) (-29.8) Rohöl / Crude oil 124.0 (-9.1) 85.1 71.3 86.5 87.4 95.2 98.2 94.6 (-36.8) (-46.2) (-34.9) (-32.6) (-26.7) (-26.2) (-31.0) Rohöl / Crude oil (€/barrel) b 74.4 Gesamtindex, ohne Energie / Total, excl. energy a 51.1 01/15 42.8 02/15 51.9 03/15 52.4 04/15 57.2 05/15 58.9 06/15 56.8 Periodendurchschnitte aus Tageswerten; in Klammern: Änderung gegenüber Vorjahr in Prozent / period averages of daily figures; in brackets: percentage year-on-year change. - b Durchschnitt/average Brent. Die Tabelle wird monatlich aktualisiert / the table is updated monthly. © HWWI Update: 14.07.2015
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