Woodhall CP School Mayflower Way Sudbury Suffolk CO10 1ST 01787 373661 email: [email protected] www.woodhall.suffolk.sch.uk Mrs L Farrow (Headteacher) NEWSLETTER Friday 7th November We hope you all had a good half term holiday. Our thanks go to Mrs Lock and the staff from Premier Sports who made the Holiday Club so much fun for the children who joined them in school. The children have settled quickly back into school routines and are working really hard at their learning. Christmas Card Competition Winners We sent 70 entries to the Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition and are waiting to hear whether any of our talented artists are winners. From these great designs we also chose 6 winners from across school who will have their designs made into Christmas cards to send out to people involved in supporting the children’s learning. We presented chocolate prizes and certificates to the 6 winners in a whole school assembly. The children have been designing Christmas cards for our Friends group. Families will have the chance to buy their child’s cards and at the same time the Friends will raise money to buy additional resources for the children. Educational visits and charging New guidance from the Department for Education was issued last month regarding charging for educational activities. Wherever possible, we try to provide enrichment activities to bring the curriculum to life or to offer additional opportunities. We are grateful for the support of the Friends who subsidise the cost of transport and we are able to support individuals with Pupil Premium funding. Schools cannot charge for activities during the school day but can ask for voluntary contributions to cover things such as the cost of the activity, transport and insurance. Children of families who are unable, or unwilling, to contribute will obviously not be discriminated against. However, if insufficient voluntary contributions are received to cover the cost of the visit or activity, and there is no alternative method to make up the shortfall, then we would have to cancel it. There is no profit element involved. We are still very pleased to be able to offer after school clubs at no cost to families and to subsidise the cost of Breakfast and Holiday Clubs. Earrings in P.E. Mrs Bevan, our P.E. coordinator, has asked me to remind you about the dangers of wearing earrings in P.E. The AFPE Safe Practice in PE & Sport states that the main concern is the earring post penetrating the bone behind the ear and that small pieces of tape will not protect against this. The recommendation is that earrings are removed for P.E. lessons. Older children already do this themselves and we appreciate your support in taking earrings out at home on P.E. days where the child is too young to do this successfully on their own. Where earrings cannot be removed, children can have an alternate role in the lesson, such as coaching, observing or refereeing. If this causes a problem, perhaps where ears have been recently pierced, please contact me to discuss how we can help in the short term. Anti-bullying week In two weeks it is national Anti-bullying Week and we will be talking about this in assemblies and in our classrooms. To give a clear message that we will not tolerate bullying, we are inviting everyone to wear blue home clothes on Friday 21st November. No money is needed to join in. Year 6 From this week, Mrs Cook, Alder’s class teacher, will not be in school on Tuesdays. Mrs Betts, who already teaches Hornbeam with Mrs Laney, will lead learning in Alder on Tuesdays. Diary Dates Wednesday 12th November – Rowan visit Shimpling Park Farm Thursday 13th November – Year 1 out at Science Discovery Centre in Ipswich, Maple visit Shimpling Park Farm. Friday 14th November – Children in Need Day. The children may come to school in their pyjamas in return for a £1 donation to Children in Need Week commencing 17th November – National Anti-bullying Week. The children are invited to wear their blue home clothes on Friday 21st November as we say ‘no’ to bullies. Tuesday 18th November – Silver Birch Sharing Assembly. Parents and carers are invited to join us in the school hall at 10.15am. Tuesday 25th November – Poplar Sharing Assembly. Parents and carers are invited to join us in the school hall at 10.15am. Thursday 27th November – Singing Hands visit EYFS and KS1. Further details will follow shortly. Monday 1st December – Suffolk Wildlife Trust visit Year 1 Tuesday 2nd December – Hornbeam Sharing Assembly. Parents and carers are invited to join us in the school hall at 10.15am. Wednesday 3rd December – Year 3 and 4 Carol Concert at 6pm Thursday 4th December – Friends’ Christmas Fair, 3.15 to 5pm Tuesday 9th December – Alder Sharing Assembly. Parents and carers are invited to join us in the school hall at 10.15am. Tuesday 9th December – Year 1 Christmas songs in Hall at 2.30pm Tuesday 9th December at 6pm and Wednesday 10th December at 2pm – Year 2 perform ‘A Christmas Jigsaw’. Thursday 11th December – Nursery Christmas performance, time TBC Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th December – Reception classes Christmas Performance in Hall at 2pm Thursday 18th December – Christmas lunch day Friday 18th December – last day of the Autumn term. The children return to school on Tuesday 6th January 2015. Sign of the Week With best wishes from Mrs L Farrow
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