WLAF53 WREXHAM LOCAL ACCESS FORUM Minutes of the Fifty third meeting held on Tuesday 18th February 2014 at Alyn Waters Country Park, Gwersyllt 01/11 ATTENDANCE & APOLOGIES Attendance: SECRETARY: Caroline Selby (CS) CHAIR: Mabyn Pickering (MP) MEMBERS: Katarzyna Phillips (KP) Janet Williams (JW) – until 3pm Mike Crawshaw (MC) – until 3.55pm Gwynfor Jones (GJ) – until 3.47pm Gerald Moss (GM) Bill Stephens (BS) Tim Stratton (TS) Edward Wardle (EW) Martin Howorth (MH) NON-MEMBERS: Sean Hanratty (SH) WCBC Sion Roberts (SR) WCBC Alun Price (AP) NRW Apologies: Sue Gittins John Evans Ken Mumford MP welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was noted that Ken Mumford is now home where he is very slowly improving. Best wishes are to be sent to him. 1 02/11 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 26th NOVEMBER 2013 There being no corrections, the minutes were proposed by Tim Stratton, seconded by Janet Williams, agreed as an accurate record and signed by the chairman. 03/11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MATTERS ARISING Legacy Railway Line – There has still been no response from the person dealing with this matter, despite contacting prior to this meeting. This is most unsatisfactory. To be raised at the LAF meeting on 24th February 2014. CS to send information to Jean Rosenfeld. JW will raise at the National Access Forum meeting in March 2014. GLASS - no reply has been received re invitation to attend todays meeting. Road signs – KP has been unable to make contact via email. Ceiriog Valley Trail – CS circulated information to members. John Walsh has sent some of the information requested. CS to contact him for remaining information. MP to send contact information re Community Council Forum to CS. MP to check if she has contacted Forum. Llwyneinion –MP and SR, have met re this access. ROWIP – work still to be undertaken by MH and TS re spreadsheets. Etape –the 2014 event will be held one week later than in 2013. BHS Presentation – MP wrote to JW to thank her for the presentation. CS circulated the presentation to members. Review of LAF Working Practices – this was completed and submitted. Open Access – there was 1 appeal in Wrexham. Modification Order to Flash Bwlchgwyn – the site has been visited by the inspector. Bersham Colliery – the route has been walked and if an application is submitted it will be investigated. N.B .It was noted that any accidents are the responsibility of the landowner. ACTION: CS to send information to JR re Legacy Railway Line MP / TS to raise at LAF meeting – 24th February JW to raise at NAF - March 2014 MP to send contact information re Community Council Forum to CS MP to check if she has contacted Forum CS contact JW re remaining information. TS and MH to produce reports from spreadsheets 2 04/11 CHAIR’S REPORT Esclusham Community Council have received the offer of a speaker re AONB. This would be a suitable subject for Wrexham LAF. SFP (Single Farm Payments) – 15% to Pillar 2 funding which includes Glastir. There will be changes to Glastir in June 2014. Access will remain an element which may affect LAFs. Jane Tibbet is to be contacted to ask what the position is re Glastir and access as well as permissive access under Tir Gofal. If there is no response, then this will be raised with Aled Robert, A.M. A decision is awaited from the Minister in June 2014. ACTION: 05/11 VICE CHAIRS REPORT Consultation document Glastir National Trails – TS responded to this. A response was received from the Director of Walks informing that only Offas Dyke and Glyndwr Trail are featured on the website for Wales. Concern was expressed at this. It is a good website but only 2 items of content for Wales and no way of increasing the content. Following discussion it was agreed that JW would raise this matter at the National Access Forum meeting in March 2014. TS to send questions to JW for possible inclusion as an agenda item at the NAF meeting. It was noted that there is a good response to getting information onto the WCBC website but that there seems to be no policy of co-ordination on NRW departments. Should LAFs monitor websites for trails, walks etc.? To be raised with Jean Rosenfeld. Active Travel – the Welsh Government issued a map of areas. How should LAF proceed with this? Dave Hesketh is in charge of this for WCBC but nothing has happened to date as guidance is awaited from the Welsh Government. MH to contact DH to ascertain the current position. It was proposed by Tim Stratton, seconded by Bill Stephens and agreed by those members entitled to vote, that: “Welsh Government Consultations to be a standing agenda item”. ACTION: TS send questions to JW JW raise at NAF meeting Contact JR re monitoring of websites MH contact DH re current position of Active Travel CS to include Welsh Government Consultations as standing agenda item 3 06/11 SECRETARY’S REPORT Since the last meeting I have typed and circulated documents and information • • • • Agenda Minutes Information received re meetings, papers, inc. National LAF, etc. Presentation received from June Davies, British Horse Society Contacted by letter, email or telephone • Alyn Waters Country Park re booking • National Grid re Legacy Substation (Janet Clark – James Warrington) • Natural Resources Wales - Dr. Ruth Hall • GLASS – invitation to attend todays meeting • Attempted to locate John Griffiths re Green Access Paper I have met with Martin Howarth, for the Performance Review and Career Development (Annual Appraisal). I have received copies of the following: • • Definitive Map Modification Order 2012 – Glyntrian 36 Definitive Map Modification Order 2011 – Llangollen Rural 73 & Chirk 49 • Public Path Extinguishment Order 2013 (Bettisfield Footpath 10 (Part) in the Community of Maelor South • Application for a Definitive Map Modification Order to Downgrade Brymbo 12 from a Bridleway to a Footpath – decision “that an Order under s53 (2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to Downgrade Bridleway Brymbo 12 ……. Should not be made.” • Application for a Modification Order to Add a Footpath to the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way in Wrexham – Footpath Adjacent to the River Gwenfro in Caia Park – decision “having considered all the evidence provided and obtained in respect of the application …..WCBC determines that an Order under s53 (2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 should be made.” ACTION: CS to contact John Arwel Watkins, Head of Outdoor Recreation Policy re position of Green Access Paper 4 07/11 SUB GROUP REPORTS Response to Terms of Reference for LAF has been submitted. 2026 – no further information is available. The Open Access paper will affect this matter. No visit has taken place to the Archives in Ruthin. (noted that it is closed on Mondays). 08/11 NATURAL RESOURCES WALES Open Access – there has been 1 appeal in Wrexham county borough. WCBC received an annual grant which has been cut by 10% for the financial year 2014 / 15. TS to email AP for information. AP read a press release – copy to be obtained. The Common Registration information held by each local authority will be used. There will be an impact on LAFs if the local authority areas change – there is no further information to date as the Williams Report was only publishes in January 2014. AP reported that there is more interface taking place between NRW departments. Dave Liddey is the NRW Visitation Officer. ACTION: CS contact AP for copy of press release TS to email AP for information. 09/11 ROWIP Progress has been made on ROWIP since it was written seven years ago. Statistics are not always easy to decipher from other local authorities. It was reported that 75% of paths are accessible across Wrexham county borough. MH said that we need to celebrate our own successes. There is to be a 10% decrease in the grant funding received. GM queried if volunteers could be used as happens in other counties, primarily in England. MH replied that volunteers would need to be supervised and managed and that the budget in Wrexham is small and not likely to increase. As JW had to leave the meeting early the following was raised at this point in the meeting. 5 A leaflet has been produced by the BDS North East Wales to promote carriage driving in Flintshire using funding from Cadwyn Clwyd. It is hoped to produce a leaflet focussing on Erddig and Minera Lead Mines in the next two year, hopefully with funding from Northern Marches. JW has contacted Darren Green re carriage driving signs around Erddig and the B5097 Rhostyllen to Minera Lead Mines JW left the meeting at this point. . 10/11 MODIFICATION ORDERS UPDATE SH circulated a paper with updated information. Current cases as of 18 February 2014 MODIFICATION ORDERS Flash Bwlchgwyn Awaiting Planning Inspectorate decision. Llangollen Rural BOAT 73 downgrade Inquiry held. Order confirmed with modifications. Modifications re-advertised and further objection received to the modified order. Objection dismissed and order confirmed – now requires advertising. Confirmed order advertised – no High Court challenge. Case completed. Minera Lynwood Decision made to make order to add a footpath to the definitive map and statement. Minera Lime Kilns Investigation on-going. Glyntraian footpath 36 Order confirmed and advertised. Darland Lake Waiting for Legal to make the order. 6 Brymbo bridleway 12 Decision made not to make order – applicant has 28 days to appeal decision. River Gwenfro Path – Caia Park Decision made to add footpath to definitive map and statement. Waiting for legal to make the order. Esless Lane – Offa/Esclusham Decision made to add footpath to definitive map and statement. DIVERSIONS Allington footpaths 16 & 17 (Darland Golf Course) 2 objections received. SH to send to Planning Inspectorate for confirmation. Wrexham footpath 16 Caia Park Medical Centre Order made – no objections. Works specified need to be carried out and then Order requires confirmation. Bettisfield footpath 3 Waiting for Legal to make order. Wrexham 5 (Booker Cash and Carry Path, Felin Puleston) Waiting for Legal to make order. Glyn Ceiriog bridleway 2 Waiting for legal to make order. Bettisfield 10 Extinguishment and Bridleway Creation Extinguishment order made – no objections received. Order to be confirmed and creation agreement to be signed. 7 Broughton footpath 50 Consultation completed - order requires drafting It was noted that applications submitted in 2004 are now being looked at. It was 1992 when SH started. 11/11 • • • • ACCESS RANGERS REPORT A new hydraulic bridleway gate has been installed along with a new sign at Newtown Forest Penycae. Bridleway 29 spur – a sign is needed to clarify access. Newtown mountain circuit – the signs are proving difficult to locate due to their size. The red signs were installed by Groundwork. TS suggested that The Safe Riding Route signs would be a better option but it is not known if there are any left or the location. Maelor Way and Wats Dyke – improvements continue to be made. It is the landowner’s responsibility to ensure that paths are cleared for access. If it is a Public Right of Way then the local authority is responsible. TS recorded his appreciation of the support and work of Dave Smith re website. 13/11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS a) British Carriage Trials will be held at Erddig on 21st / 22nd September 2014. b) Wrexham Walking Festival 2014 – brochures and leaflets were circulated, which have been funded by Northern Marches Cymru. BS asked members to promote the walks. BS was thanked for his work re the application process and congratulated on the successful funding application. This Festival will promote accommodation, places to eat, local businesses and leisure facilities on the routes being walked. c) Esclusham Community Council have a land map and a document to ascertain who has the right to shoot or lamp or hunt. The records are held by the police officers and can be accessed by tablet computers. This is the OWL project. The local M.P. is impressed with this system and planes to raise it in the House of Commons. d) KP raised the matter of the possible reduction in subsidies for bus transport in Wrexham county borough. She was advised to contact Darren Williams for further information and also to raise the matter with local councillors. 8 e) MC reported he had been informed by a PCSO that police forces in Yorkshire have had success re 4 x 4s. Further information is to be obtained. TS reported that 2002 legislation is being used in Flintshire. ACTION: MC to obtain further information. 14/11 • • • ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Welsh Government Consultation Papers North Wales Police re 2002 legislation. PC Paul Davies is the Rural Crime Officer for the Wrexham area AONB- MP to contact ACTION: CS contact PC Paul Davies MP contact AONB speaker 15/11 NEXT MEETING Date – Friday 23rd May 2013 Venue – Nant Mill or Ty Mawr Time – 10am followed by a walk 9
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