January 2015 Newsletter

JJ Pearce Homeowners
Association Newsletter
January 2015
News From The City
We are working with the two owners of the shopping centers on the corners of Coit and Campbell, J.
R. Black Properties and Lennox, to bring shopping
advantages to the JJP HOA community. We anticipate in the spring or early summer to have a program in place that will entice the community to support the shops and the shops support our JJP HOA
community. More updates as the programs come to
fruition but it’s unique and exciting.
We continue to support and interact with community
organizations like the YMCA, Mohawk Elementary,
the RISD and the COR.
We now have a Little Free Library thanks to the
involvement of community members Lisa Steel who
introduced the idea to the JJP HOA and Adam
Wright who was instrumental in providing our LFL
with the efforts of Dallas Baptist University.
The JJP HOA was instrumental in providing funding
for an Eagle Scout project for Mark Saving in an
effort to show that community involvement and
support matters!
By Joe Russum, Editor
There was no HOA Presidents meeting with the City in
December, so there is no news to report.
Presidents Corner
By G Scott Waddell, President
Here we are in 2015 and I hope the New Year brings
you much happiness, good health and much prosperity.
As we look back on the 2014 JJP HOA events it was
another successful year. Let me point out just a few of
the successes we experienced:
The JJP HOA Park continues to get support from
both the RISD and the City of Richardson (COR).
We are working with both the RISD and
the COR in planning our pavilion that will
allow the community to enjoy a shaded
environment while using the park.
These are just some of the events we have been involved
in over the last year. We think it has been a very productive year and we believe this next year will be equally
productive and exciting. I hope you will join the JJP
HOA in all our events and support all the JJP HOA efforts to make us the best community we can be.
We are working with the RISD to take
over an existing electrical meter so we can
provide power on occasions like Santa in
the Park or spring concerts or Movie
The J.R. Black Properties, owner of the shops on
the south side of Campbell and the NW corner of
Coit and Campbell has agreed to match the JJP
HOA on funds for the pavilion at the JJP HOA
Park. We will need your support on this project.
Santa in the Park in December not only provided a
great community event that included families from
both the JJP HOA and the Reservation but also
provided an opportunity for our JJP HOA to give
back to the community as we collected winter
clothes for the RISD Clothes Closet.
One last thought. The Golden Rule is a rule I think
should be emphasized over and over. In a world with so
many opportunities to do good let’s do good. Let’s treat
others the way we would want to be treated. Let’s give
the consideration that we would ask for ourselves and
give the love or forgiveness we want and need. Let’s
make 2015 a year we can say we made a difference.
That difference can be as simple as a smile or acknowledgement of another person. You never know what a
difference the Golden Rule and you can make. Happy
New Year, peace and love to you all!
Santa in the Park
By Brandi Kessels, Membership VP
By Joe Russum, Editor
We’re closing this year and the
2015 membership drive with 62%
membership for 2015. Those of you
who joined during the membership
drive (before January 1st) will receive Sonny Bryan gift certificates.
It will take several weeks to get those processed, then the
certificates will be given to your block captain for distribution
to you.
If you did not make it to Santa in the Park you missed a great
time. Santa was there passing out good wishes and candy
canes. On the side we had hot chocolate donated by Corner
Bakery, hot apple cider, and of course cookies. Everyone who
wanted to give Santa a hint for Christmas day had a chance to
sit in his lap and whisper in his ear. People were able to come
and go as they pleased after they had their time with Santa. As
you know when you have a lot of kids together it is hard to get
a good count as to how many there are, but at one time we took
a count of somewhere between 80 to 100 kids.
It is never too late to join! However, if you want to be included in the 2015 directory, you must join by January 15th.
RISD Book Fair
Hello fellow residents. Mohawk,
along with all RISD schools, has
begun collecting for the annual
Used Book Fair. It will be held
on February 12-14th, 10am to
8pm, and Feb. 15th, 12pm to
6pm. It is located at the Dal-Rich
Village, S.E. Corner of Beltline
and Coit Road. Proceeds benefit
the RISD Council of PTAs Scholarship in Memory of Dr. J.J.
Pearce which awards college scholarships to RISD High
School seniors. If you are cleaning out for the holidays and
New Year please see if there are any used books, DVD’s, or
CD’s you would like to donate. They can be dropped off on
my porch at 1105 Stratford and I will take them to Mohawk for
sorting. Also, we are collecting paper bags in which to collect
books. These can be left on my porch as well. Please visit the
book fair in February. There are great deals starting as low as
50 cents!
Congratulations to the 2014 Holiday Lighting Winners
(The winners were chosen on December 8th, between 6:45 and 7:45 p.m.)
1706 Cheyenne
1128 Stratford
1119 Stratford
1204 Eton
1307 Chesterton
Also, as we did last year, way to go to the 1100 block of Stratford for lighting up your block. Over 85% of the homes in this area
had some type of decoration in their front yard. Way to go
By Bart Ord, Beautification VP
Timely Tip for January Gardeners from Calloway’s & Cornelius
January is a good time to evaluate your gardens and start planning for the Spring. Prepare a sketch of your landscape complete with all permanent fixtures including the house, sidewalks, fences and trees. Keep notes of what did well and what
needs to be replaced. Remember, your landscape is a continual work in progress!
Now is the time to prune fruit trees and grapevines. Shade
trees and evergreen shrubs can be trimmed to maintain shape
and to remove damaged or low lying branches. Do not top
Crape Myrtles; only prune to remove damaged branches. Trim
summer blooming shrubs and vines to tidy their appearance.
Leave a smooth cut flush with the trunk or branch from which
you pruned. Apply pruning paint to cuts larger than a pinkie to
prevent diseases and insect infestations.
Frank J. Kormos
By Bette Hodges, VP Development
We say farewell to dear friends and neighbors… Frank
Kormos, daughter Karen & son-in-law Teddy Robinson.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! As we reflect back on 2014 and look
ahead into 2015, the JJP HOA has many exciting things to
look forward to in 2015. We would love for you to be a part of
the planning and the activities. If you are interested in sharing
your ideas and skills, please contact me or any JJP HOA Board
member. [email protected]
Frank has recently moved to a new home next to his daughter
and son-in-law on Richland Chambers Lake after living in the
JJP neighborhood for 32 years. Among many things, we will
always appreciate him for generously riding in the hot July 4th
JJPHOA/RNA parades in his original Army uniform. Frank
celebrated his 100th birthday in November and now starts a
new chapter in his life. Enjoy it Frank… you will be greatly
Dog Park
George Bush & Hwy 75
Frank’s daughter and son-in-law, Karen & Teddy Robinson,
have been members of the JJP HOA Crime Watch Patrol for
many years. Karen also served as CWP Secretary. We thank
you for your many patrol hours!
The Richardson City Council officially broke ground in December on the new Dog Park. The park will be completed in
the spring.
Here is the note that Frank sent to say goodbye to the neighborhood.
2015 Business Development in Richardson:
The opening of City Line Part 1 at the intersection of the
George Bush Toll way and Central Expressway. Early
2015, State Farm will occupy the first building. City Line
anchors will include Whole Foods and LOOK Cinema.
The Chevron Station at Belt Line and 75 will be turned
into a Starbucks.
Next door to this location, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts will
be going into the old Jack-in-the-Box location.
“Hello to every one of you in the JJP Homeowners Association. I have moved away this week.
It has been a pleasure living with you since 1982. And, if I
remember, as being a lifetime member. I have had a new
house built on the Richland Chambers Lake shore and am next
door to my daughter Karen’s home so she can look in on me
daily. Since I am now partly blind I need a driver as well. My
address is 205 S.E. County Rd, 3124 A, Corsicana, TX
Richardson Cultural Arts
The City of Richardson now maintains a comprehensive Arts
JJP Crime Watch Patrol
The Christmas potluck dinner and meeting was held on December 16, 2014 with the members of the JJP, Reservation,
Greenwood Hills and Northrich crime watch patrols. The
dinner was hosted by Reservation Crime Watch Patrol members Joe & Kim Stadelman. RPD Officer Lee Rhinebarger
reported that there was one theft/scam in the JJP neighborhood. The scam artists followed the JJP resident home from
Dallas by telling her she had a flat tire. Thankfully, the resident was not hurt but valuable property was stolen.
Christmas Tree Recycling
For those looking to recycle Christmas trees, you have two options:
drop trees off at the City Service Center, 1260 Columbia Dr., or call Brush
and Bulky Item Collection (BABIC).
From Dec. 26-Jan. 30, residents can
drop their unfrocked, undecorated
natural trees at the service center 24
hours a day. If hauling that tree down
the street doesn’t sound appealing,
call BABIC at 972-744-4111 and
request a pick up. Then set the tree
out at the front curb for collection.
Your BABIC collection day is the
same as your recycling day.
Important family documents such as copies of
insurance policies, identification and bank records in a waterproof container
Paper and Pencil
Complete change of clothing including sturdy
shoes, long sleeved shirts and pants
Household chlorine bleach
By: Michael Ward Sr., VP Safety
“When disaster strikes, city services may be cut off and local
disaster relief and government responders may not be able to
reach you. You need to have plans and supplies in place to
make it on your own, at least for a limited time, no matter
where you are, or when an emergency happens.
Cash or traveler’s checks and change
Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
and additional bedding
Fire extinguisher
Matches in a waterproof container
Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
Books, games, puzzles, and activities”
Source: http://cor.net/index.aspx?page=465
Avoid Being Stranded
“Always keep your gas tank at least half full and your vehicle
in good repair in expectation of the unexpected. Foul weather,
traffic delays and detours, or simply getting lost can result in
unanticipated fuel consumption. A tank of fuel not only allows
for better traction on slippery roads, but it can keep the heater
running in frigid weather and lights on at night should you run
off the road. An empty tank or mechanical break-down can
leave you all alone and in dire straits.”
Source: RPD
Being prepared is the best way that you can help during a disaster or an emergency situation. Having an emergency supply
kit will ensure that you and your family will be able to take
care of basic needs during a disaster.
An emergency supply kit should include the following:
Protect Your Health at Home
Water, one gallon per person per day for three
days for drinking, food preparation and sanitation
Food, a three-day supply of non-perishable food
(include a can opener)
1. Cleaning equipment
"When it comes to dirt and germs, first and foremost are the
actual rags, sponges and scrub brushes you clean with.”
Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a
NOAA Weather Radio and extra batteries
Cleaning :
Flashlight and extra batteries
The 10 Dirtiest Things in Your House – Part 1
Run sponges through the dishwasher, or microwave them on high for a couple of minutes.
Whistle to signal for help
Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and
plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter in place
Nylon and stainless-steel scouring pads and
brushes can go in the dishwasher.
Rinse, wring out and hang dry kitchen rags after
use; launder them either every couple days or
when they begin to smell.
Always toss rags into the laundry after they've
been used to mop up spills from raw meat.
First aid kit
Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties
for personal sanitation
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Local Maps
Cell chargers, inverter or solar power
2. The toilet base
Don't just clean the toilet bowl and seat. The real mess is usually on the rim, toilet base and surrounding floor. "Especially
when you have small children – or men – in the household."
Additional items to consider:
Prescription medicine and glasses
Infant formula and diapers
(Continued on next page)
Cleaning :
Always wipe down the toilet rim and base when
cleaning the toilet.
Wipe or mop the floor around the toilet base as
needed or at least weekly.
3. The kitchen sink drain
"All kinds of food debris get caught in the drain and cause bad
smells”. Left to build up too long, clogs can develop.
Cleaning :
Pour a cup of baking soda down the drain followed by a cup of
white vinegar, let sit for a minute, then pour a kettle of boiling
water down the drain for an inexpensive, eco-friendly once-aweek disinfecting/deodorizing treatment.
4. The pet food station
If you leave it dirty, you risk your pet ingesting spoiled food.
You may also attract ants, roaches or mice.
Cleaning :
Promptly wipe up spilled food or water.
Wash bowls regularly.
Protect flooring by placing bowls on a washable
place mat or charger plate.
5. The area around the cat litter box
After all, where does kitty step right after she's done her business in her loo?
Cleaning :
Vacuum, then wipe down/mop with vinegar and hot water.
Alternatively, lay a washable car mat by the litter box.
Wash with hot water and dish detergent as needed.
Source: http://www.styleathome.com
(Continued next month)
Storage: The Board contracted for an 8x10 storage unit for 15
months at $840 in order to store all the JJPHOA supplies needed throughout the year.
The JJPHOA Board meeting was called to order at 7:04pm at
G. Scott Waddell’s office at 1701 Greenville, Suite 705, Richardson, Texas. Board members present were: G. Scott
Waddell, Bette Hodges, Joe Russum, Brandi Kessels, Bart Ord
and Sue Caldwell. Also present were Emily McMurtrey,
JJPHOA’s new Event Coordinator, and visitor Russell
New Business:
Planning for 2015: G. Scott reminded the Board members to
plan for 2015 by asking them what they want to achieve in
2015 and how it will be done, to form a committee for their
position, and consider term limits. The combined Planning/
Board meeting will be January 27, 2015 at 6pm at G. Scott
Waddell’s office.
Secretary’s Report: The Board approved the October 28, 2014
JJPHOA Board meeting Minutes.
Fundraising for 2015: G. Scott asked the Board to think about
what we can do to raise funds for the park and suggest companies/corporations that will support us in the future.
G. Scott introduced Russell McMurtrey who came to the
Board meeting to learn about the Assistant Editor’s position.
After Joe Russum explained all of the duties included in the
position, Russell accepted the Assistant Editor position.
Committee Reports:
Development: Bette Hodges reported that Chicken Express
was finally breaking ground next to Braum’s. Also, new businesses in the area include Ace Hardware at Beltline/Coit and I
Fratelli Pizza on west Campbell. She reported the CWP
Christmas party would be December 16th for the combined
CWP groups.
Treasurer’s Report: Greg Immel provided copies of his report
including the receipts and expenses for November that showed
an ending balance of $24, 586.38. The Treasurer’s report will
be provided quarterly in the newsletters. Greg also supplied a
complete rendering of receipts and expenses for the park.
Old Business:
Beautification: Bart Ord said that holiday awards would be
judged December 7th and 8th. He also said that he would keep
the master list of donors for the JJPHOA Park.
Park Update: Joe Russum updated the Board about the availability of electricity for the park and the Board decided to explore all electrical options available. In the meantime, the
Board voted to authorize the expenditure of no greater than
$2,500 to facilitate electricity to the park using existing RISD
electrical outlets. Because of the electrical issue, the Board
agreed to wait on any Christmas tree decision.
Plaque: G. Scott reported the information on the 14x16 plaque
naming the park was sent to Greg Immel for approval and
payment. The plaque would be mounted on a pole and displayed at the park.
Membership: Brandi Kessels reported 44% membership at the
end of November. She suggested membership forms be attached to the newsletters for October, November, and December in 2015. She said that she would touch base with the block
captains with updates so that they would keep membership as a
top priority and produce better percentages. She said that Sonny Bryan’s coupons would only be given to those who join by
December 31, 2014, but the deadline for directory names is
January 15, 2015.
Fundraising: G. Scott said that the J. R. Black properties
would provide $5,000 in matching funds on donations made
after November 7, 2014 with no time deadline. The Lennox
rescheduled appointment would be announced later. Meanwhile, all park fundraising will continue.
Newsletter: Joe Russum said that the December newsletter
would be distributed to everyone and the label would indicate
if the homeowner had joined or not. A blank label would indicate not joining. He welcomed Russell McMurtrey as a new
member of the Newsletter Committee.
JJPHOA Park Event: The Board decided to have a “Santa in
the Park’ event Tuesday December 9, 2014 6-8pm. Santa will
sit under a twinkle light decorated tent and hand out candy
canes to all the neighborhood kids who visit and have their
picture made with Santa. Hot chocolate, cider, and cookies
will be served. A Constant Contact note will be sent out December 3rd or 4th and this information will be posted on
Nextdoor. The Board voted a $500 maximum budget for all
expenses for the Santa in the Park Event.
Social: Emily McMurtrey reported that she would head up the
Santa in the Park event December 9th from 6-8pm and that she
was getting her Social Committee members together. She also
said that she would take over the JJPHOA Facebook page for
anyone living in our designated area. Currently, there are 47
members. Emily said that she would distribute the welcome
baskets that Kristen Ceaser puts together for new members and
would prepare a Calendar of Events for 2015 after conducting
a word of mouth survey of ideas.
Emily reported that the Reservation NA was planning a Holiday in the Park (Mimosa) event for Saturday December 6,
2014 at 6pm with a movie, crafts, and treats.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Sue Caldwell, Secretary, JJPHOA
Board of Directors and Committee
VP Development
VP Safety
VP Beautification
VP Membership
Events Coordinator
Newsletter Committee
Newsletter Committee
G. Scott Waddell
Bette Hodges
Michael Ward, Sr
Bart Ord
Brandi Kessels
Susan Caldwell
Greg Immel
Emily McMurtrey
Joe Russum
Bernie Mayoff
Russell McMurtrey
John Sadowski
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Website www.jjphoa.com
All documents, web pages, photographs, and images are the property of JJ Pearce Homeowners Association. Permission in writing is
required to copy, download or use any text, photographs or image files.
New Years Day
Student Holiday
Martin Luther King Holiday
Newsletter Advertising
Business ads must be paid for in advance. Checks should be made payable to J. J. Pearce Homeowners Association.
Contact Joe Russum, 1102 Pueblo Dr., Richardson, TX 75080, 972-235-1961 or [email protected]
Rates per newsletter, based on 8 ½ X 11" page.
Monthly Rate
Business card
¼ page
½ page
Full page
(2 x 3 ½ “)
Yearly Rate
Any business ad purchased for a full year receives a free ad in the directory.
JJ Pearce Homeowners Association
1102 Pueblo
Richardson, TX 75080
Next Board Meeting: 7:00 pm, January 26, at 1701 N. Greenville, Suite 705
All members are invited to attend the Board Meeting