Corkscrew Flats Homeowners Association 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes Saturday, July 12th, 2014 Location: Home of Anita & Dennis Lacey 142 Corkscrew Drive Meeting Convened at 10:35AM Homeowners Present: Dennis & Anita Lacey Sharon Stanley & David Blank Bill & Tammy Yinger King & Susan Pouw David Burrus Tom Bierbrauer Candy & Chris Schwarz Jette Schuh Dan & Barb Corwin Sue & Frank Cannon Jed Helmcamp Katherine & Scott Schultz Gary & Phyllis Martinez Bob Machinski Dan & Beverly Kauffman Tom & Mary Bierbrauer Alpine Edge LLC Employees Present: Erik Chapin Mary Kay Perrotti Ryan Whiteneck Declarant-Breckenridge Lands, LLC Present: Tom Begley Owner introductions were made. Erik Chapin introduced himself, Ryan Whiteneck and MK Perrotti as employees of Alpine Edge, and property managers of the Corkscrew Flats HOA. Erik informed owners of the following: 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes are posted on the Alpine Edge website under the HOA tab. along with the HOA governing documents. There is no password to access the HOA documents. Erik reviewed the 2014 Budget line by line; key budget line items were as follows: Dan Kauffman inquired how the management fee is established from Alpine Edge. Currently AE accounts hours in a year determines how many hours are necessary to cover time. It was asked by Dan Kauffman to come up with a per door price so the HOA knows what the management fee will be when the neighborhood is built out. 1 Irrigation line item was kept high to ensure we cover any future leaks in the irrigation. Berm size has increased on the west end requiring more water, lack of historical data on water amounts and billing also contributed to budget number. For the time being the trees on the berms entering the Corkscrew on the right across the street from 62 Corkscrew Drive will be watered to encourage their survival, this also explains irrigation line item in the budget. Developer Update by Tom Begley Draining improvements will be made throughout the Corkscrew subdivision and landscape berms will be shaped and planted. There will be a new vault installed towards the west end of the Corkscrew to promote growth of trees and grass on the new berms. Final paving at the end of the road will be finished based on sales of homes on the west end of Corkscrew Drive. There are 10 lots remaining to be developed and the sale of the homes will determine the paving schedule for the west end of Corkscrew Drive. Currently 27 homes have been sold and there is one home built currently being used as a model home. Frank Cannon asked “when HOA is turned over to owners”. Developer control is relinquished once 95% of the homes are sold. Homeowner old business and new business Dan Corwin noted there are dead trees behind his home that 2V’s need to replace. Alpine Edge has contacted 2V’s for replacement and we are on the schedule for replacement. Bob Machinski noted that there is a dead tree behind his house, the tree is on Open Space that is the responsibility of the Town of Breckenridge. Erik noted he will contact Scott Reid TOB Trails and Open Space to have removed. Gary Martinez asked if the vacant lots in the Corkscrew that are not owned by the developer pay annual dues and they do. Lot 7 is the only vacant lot not owned by the developer. Lot 10 was owned by Ed Rounds but purchased back by Breckenridge Lands, built on and sold. Phyllis Martinez asked about the formation of a board of directors as the developer gets. Phyllis has offered to join the board. It was noted that the Design Review Board will be formed once 95% of the residences in the Corkscrew have sold. It was noted the Ron Uhle no longer wants to participate on board matters. Both Dan Corwin and Bob Machinski asked about Xcel power boxes in front of their homes. The boxes have nothing to do with the HOA and removal or explanation on the use of the boxes may be directed to Xcel. Bob Machinski brought to the HOA’s attention there will be a parking lot built across the street by the power station. The town will also be remodeling the BOEC building. 2 Several owners have asked Alpine Edge to look into the possibility of engaging one trash removal company to save on cost as well as eliminate trash cans from being on the street multiple days of the week. Erik Chapin is going to reach out to multiple waste removal companies to find out details. Gary Martinez requested there be a detail page to the budget outlining how Alpine Edge is arriving at each budget line item. Erik suggested that any owner who have questions to pose them now, or send them to Erik via e-mail. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM. 3
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