FALL 2014 Date Mon, Aug 4 Thu, Aug 21 Sat-Tue, Aug 23-26 Sun, Aug 24 Tue, Aug 26 Tue, Aug 26 Wed, Aug 27 TBD Mon, Sep 1 Wed, Sep 3 Tue, Sep 9 Wed, Sep 17 Wed, Oct 8 Mon, Oct 13 Wed, Oct 15 Wed, Oct 22 TBD Sat, Nov 1 Mon, Nov 10 Tue, Nov 25 Sat, Nov 29 Mon, Dec 1 Mon, Dec 8 Fri, Dec 12 Sat, Dec 13 Sun, Dec 14 Mon-Fri, Dec 15-19 Fri, Dec 19 Sat, Dec 20 Tue, Dec 23 Fri, Dec 26 Mon, Jan 26 Description Degrees conferred--no ceremony New Faculty Orientation New Student Orientation Upperclass students move into UD Housing New Student Convocation Last day to complete registration Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. New Graduate Assistant Orientation 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Labor Day-- no classes Last day for late registration, change of grading options and schedules Last day to change Second Session and full Summer Term grades Last day to drop classes without record Mid-Term Break begins after last class Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Last day for Graduate and Doctoral students to apply for December 2014 graduation First-Year students' midterm progress grades due by 4:00 p.m. Family Weekend Last day for Undergraduate students to apply for May 2015 graduation Last day to drop classes with record of W Thanksgiving recess begins after last class Saturday classes meet Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Feast of the Immaculate Conception/Christmas on Campus--no classes Last day of classes Study Day Study Day Exams--Fall Term ends after final examinations University Housing closes for Christmas Break at 6:00 p.m. Diploma Exercises at 9:45 a.m. Grades due by 9:00 a.m. Grades posted Last day to change Fall Term grades CHRISTMAS BREAK Date Sun, Dec 21 Sun, Jan 11 Description Christmas Break begins Christmas Break ends SPRING 2015 Date Fri, Jan 9 Mon, Jan 12 Fri, Jan 16 Mon, Jan 19 Mon, Jan 26 Sun, Feb 1 Mon, Feb 2 Wed, Mar 4 Thu, Mar 5 Mon, Mar 9 Wed, Mar 11 Sun, Mar 15 Wed, Apr 1 Wed, Apr 1 Mon, Apr 6 Wed, Apr 8 Wed, Apr 15 Fri, Apr 24 Sat, Apr 25 Sun, Apr 26 Mon-Fri, Apr 27May 1 Sat, May 2 Sun, May 3 Tue, May 5 Thu, May 7 Mon, Jun 8 Description Last day to complete registration Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. Last day for late registration, change of grading options and schedules Martin Luther King, Jr. Day--no classes Last day to change Fall Term grades Last day for Graduate and Doctoral students to apply for May 2015 graduation Last day to drop classes without record Mid-Term Break begins after last class Thursday only Graduate classes meet Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. First-Year students' midterm progress grades due by 4:00 p.m. Last day for Undergraduate students to apply for August 2015 graduation Last day for Undergraduate students to apply for December 2015 graduation Easter Recess begins after last class Easter Monday--no day classes--classes resume at 4:30 p.m. Last day to drop classes with record of W Bro. Joseph W. Stander Symposium- Alternate Day of Learning Last day of classes Study Day Study Day Exams-- Spring Term ends after final examinations Doctoral/Graduate Commencement Exercises at 12:45 p.m. Undergraduate Commencement Exercises at 9:45 a.m. Grades due by 9:00 a.m. Grades posted Last day to change Spring Term grades SUMMER 2015--FIRST SESSION Date Description Fri, May 8 Last day to complete registration Sat, May 9 Saturday classes begin Mon, May 11 Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. Last day for late Summer Term-First Session registration, change of Tue, May 12 grading options and schedules Last day for late full Summer Term registration, change of grading options Thu, May 14 and schedules Wed, May 20 Last day to drop without record from First Session classes Mon, May 25 Memorial Day--no classes Date Mon, Jun 1 Mon, Jun 8 Mon, Jun 8 Fri-Sat, Jun 19-20 Tue, Jun 23 Thu, Jun 25 Wed, Jul 1 Tue, Jul 28 Description Last day to drop without record from full Summer Term classes Last day to drop with record of W from First Session classes Last day to change Spring Term grades Exams--full Summer Term classes do not meet- First Session ends after final examinations Grades due by 9:00 a.m. Grades posted Last day for Graduate and Doctoral students to apply for August 2015 graduation Last day to change First Session grades SUMMER 2015--SECOND SESSION Date Fri, Jun 19 Sat, Jun 20 Mon, Jun 22 Description Last day to complete registration Saturday classes begin Second Session classes begin Last day for late Summer Term-Second Session registration, change of Tue, Jun 23 grading options and schedules Last day for Graduate and Doctoral students to apply for August 2015 Wed, Jul 1 graduation Wed, Jul 1 Last day to drop without record from Second Session classes Fri, Jul 3 Independence Day observed--no classes Last day to drop with record of W from Second Session and full Summer Mon, Jul 13 Term classes Tue, Jul 28 Last day to change First Session grades Fri-Sat, Jul 31- Exams--Second Session and full Summer Term end after final Aug 1 examinations Mon, Aug 3 Degrees conferred--no ceremony Tue, Aug 4 Grades due by 9:00 a.m. Thu, Aug 6 Grades posted Tue, Sep 8 Last day to change Second Session and full Summer Term grades 9 ORGANIZATION LIST Academic Aero Design Team Alpha Epsilon Delta Alpha Kappa Psi American Chemical Society American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASHRAE Association for Computing Machinery Association for Young Children Beta Alpha Psi Beta Beta Beta Biomedical Engineering Society Chi Epsilon Chi Sigma Iota Collegiate Adolescent to Young Adult Club Collegiate Middle Level Association Council for Exceptional Children Delta Sigma Pi Dental Interest Group Epsilon Delta Upsilon Epsilon Nu Tau Eta Kappa Nu French and Francophone Cinema Club Fusion German Club Golden Key International Honour Society Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Institute of Industrial Engineeers International Association of Business Communicators Kappa Pi Honorary Art Fraternity Marketing Club Math Club MIS Club Model UN National Society of Black Engineers National Society of Collegiate Scholars Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association Omega Phi Delta Operations Management Student Association Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Theta Phi Beta Chi Pi Mu Epsilon Pi Tau Sigma Pre-Physical Therapy Club Psi Chi Public Relations Student Society of America School Psychologists of UD Sigma Alpha Iota Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Tau Delta Society for the Advancement of M & PE Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Women Engineers Student Dietetic Association Supermileage Club Tau Beta Pi Governing/Coordinating Interfraternity Council Marianist Student Collaborative National Pan-Hellenic Council Panhellenic Council Student Government Association Media Daytonian Yearbook Flyer News Flyer Radio Orpheus Literary and Arts Magazine Recreation Baseball Club Basketball (men) Basketball (women) Boxing and Kick-boxing Club Cosa Meara Company of Irish Dance Disc Golf 10 Field Hockey Golf Gymnastics Club Ice Hockey Lacrosse (men) Lacrosse (women) Life Itself Dance Outdoor Adventure Club Quidditch Club Racquetball Rowing (men) Rugby (men) Rugby (women) Running Club Soccer (men) Soccer (women) Softball Club Squash Club Swim Club Table Tennis Club Taekwondo Club Tennis Triathlon Club UD Dance Ultimate Frisbee (men) Ultimate Frisbee (women) UD Bass Fishing Team Volleyball (men) Volleyball (women) Waterpolo (men) Waterski Team Wrestling Religious/Faith-Based Athletes in Action Campus Crusade for Christ Catholic Life Chi Rho Muslim Student Association Navigators Orthodox Christian Fellowship Phi Lambda Iota Sisterhood Service/Advocacy/Awareness Active Minds Alpha Phi Omega American Red Cross Club Appalachia Club Best Buddies Big Brothers Big Sisters College Mentors for Kids Dakota Club Determined to Develop ETHOS Face AIDS Flyers Against Malaria Gamma Epsilon Lambda Habitat for Humanity Healing Hearts Helping All-ages Near Dayton Invisible Children Leaders for Equality and Action in Dayton Locks of Love Music Therapy Club New Abolitionist Movement Optimist Club PAGES Paws for a Cause Pax Christi Physical Education Programs PUSH America Social Justice Club Solidarity St. Vincent de Paul Students for Justice in Palestine Students for Life Sustainability Club UD Tech Outreach Wheels for Kids Women of Remarkable Distinction Values Based Greek Alpha Nu Omega Alpha Phi Alpha Phi Alpha Beta Theta Pi Chi Omega Delta Sigma Theta Kappa Alpha Psi Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Rho Pi Beta Phi 11 Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon Theta Phi Alpha Zeta Phi Beta Zeta Tau Alpha Special Interest Anime Club Arabic Club Art Happening Astronomy Club Black Action Through Unity Campus Activities Board Charity Concert Committee Chinese Students and Scholars Association Christmas on Campus Club #6 College Democrats College Republicans Colleges Against Cancer Commuters on Campus Dance Marathon Distance 4 Dreams Downtown Activities Board El Orgullo Latino Epsilon Tau Pi Fantasy and Science Fiction Appreciation Club Flyer Enterprises Flyer Innovations Flyer Pep Band Flyer to Flyer Global Brigades Human Rights Week Committee Indian Student Association International Club Irish Club Italian Club Music Fashion and Beauty NAACP On The Fly Improv Pershing Rifles Company B-1 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Ranger Club Red Scare Rescue Squad Sales Club Satellite Club Saudi Student Association Spectrum Speech and Debate Street Sounds Recording Studio Students for Effective Autism Treatment Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow Studio Theatre Swing Dance Club To Write Love on Her Arms UKURI Young Americans for Liberty 12 Mailing Address Get Mail Galore with Zip + Four! Use of the “Zip + 4” will expedite the delivery of mail to students living in the four residence halls on campus. The Postal Service will sort the incoming mail for each hall by the nine number zip codes. Properly addressed mail will be sorted by the US Post Office into an assigned post office box and delivered directly to the mail room in the residence hall. Improperly addressed mail, mail using the name of the University, or addresses using the University of Dayton zip code will be rejected from the residence hall sorting. This mail will not be delivered directly to the residence halls but will be processed through the campus mail room. This could delay mail delivery by up to four days. Correct Formats for Residence Halls Student Name Marycrest Hall Room XXX PO Box 8802 Dayton, OH 45401-8802 Student Name Stuart Hall Room XXX PO Box 8804 Dayton, OH 45401-8804 Student Name Virginia Kettering Hall Room XXX PO Box 8803 Dayton, OH 45401-8803 Student Name Founders Hall Room XXX PO Box 8805 Dayton, OH 45401-8805 Correct Formats for Other Housing Campus South Apartments: Student Name 311 Irving Avenue, Apt # Dayton, OH 45409 Houses, Art Street, Caldwell, Garden Apartments: Student Name Street Address, Apt # Dayton, OH 45409 Do not use the University of Dayton or the University of Dayton zip code (45469) in a return address. Remember: Your mail won’t be ignored when you use ZIP + FOUR! 13 Dialing Instructions EMERGENCY For all emergencies dial 911. CALLING CAMPUS FROM OFF CAMPUS To call a University Administrative office from off campus, use the 229 prefix. To call a student residence, use the prefix 627. MAKING ON CAMPUS CALLS To make on campus calls from all main campus locations and all residence halls, consult your campus directory for the phone number of the person or department desired and dial the five-digit extension number. TO REACH THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON OPERATOR Dial “0” for operator. LOCAL CALLS Dial “8” plus the number you are calling. There is an $. 08 a minute charge. LONG DISTANCE CALLS (ANY CALL REQUIRING 8 +1) From an unrestricted campus phone dial 8 + 1 + area code + phone number. From a restricted campus phone (all students phones and some office phones) dial 66 + your access code (you will hear a dial tone) + 8 + 1 +area code +phone number. If you did not hear a dial tone after your access code, hang up and dial again. In order to avoid additional billing for long distance calls, be certain to disconnect the call when finishing. Before dialing another number, depress the receiver button for several seconds by holding down the button either by hand or replacing the handset. Quickly depressing the button tells the system that you are holding a call and your long distance call will continue to be charged. AT&T OPERATOR Dial 8 + 00 INTERNATIONAL CALLS Dial 8 + 011 +country code +city code + local number. OPERATOR ASSISTANCE CALLS THROUGH OFF CAMPUS OPERATORS (Collect, third number and credit card calls ) Dial 8 + 0 + area code + number. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE NOTE: There is a $.95 charge for directory assistance. Long Distance dial 8 + 1 + area code + 555.1212, local dial 8 + 555.1212. NEW SERVICE, DISCONNECTS, MOVES AND CHANGES: Send an On Campus Requisition to UDit – Telecom, Campus Zip +2202. Please allow 10 working days for work to be completed. Service requests will not be accepted over the telephone. Walk-in services should be directed to the Help Desk, Miriam Hall Room 53. TELEPHONE REPAIR: 229.3888 TELEPHONE QUESTIONS: 229.4040 TIME AND WEATHER: 58463 (Campus Only) 14 How To Use Your Single Line Telephone CALL FORWARD ACTIVATE: Lift handset, press # 1, enter the extension all calls should be forward to, then hangup. Note: When Call Forward is activated, an interrupted dial tone will be heard when you pick up the receiver. CANCEL: Lift handset, press # 1, hear dial-tone, then hang up. CALL PARK TO PARK: Touch and release the Flash Switch Hook, (hear 3 beeps followed by dial-tone), enter 6 7 1 (Call Park Access Code), then hang up. The call is automatically parked on the directory number. CONSULTATION HOLD While on a call: Touch Flash Switch Hook, hear special dial tone, consult privately then allow consulted party to hang up. You are then connected to your original call. Hang up when finished. FLASH SWITCH HOOK Refers to: Briefly pressing and releasing the receiver button or "TAP" or “Flash” button if equipped RING AGAIN ACTIVATE: After calling an extension and getting busy tone: touch Flash Switch Hook, dial 61, hear regular dial tone, then hang up RESPOND: Hear short bursts of ringing when the extension becomes available. Simply lift the handset, and the number automatically redials. TO RETRIEVE: Lift handset, hear regular dial-tone, touch 6 7 2 (Call Park Pickup Access Code), then enter number on which call is parked. CANCEL: Lift Handset, touch 6 2, hear regular dialtone, then hang up. (This feature does not work for numbers outside the University.) CALL PICK-UP When a telephone near you (in the same pickup group) is ringing: lift handset, dial 6 3, then answer call. SYSTEM SPEED CALL CONTROLLER SETUP: Lift handset touch # 2, hear regular dial-tone, enter 1 or 2 digit Speed Call access code, enter telephone number to be stored, and then hang up CALL TRANSFER While on a call: Touch Flash Switch Hook, hear special dial tone, enter the extension number, announce the call, then hang up. If transfer extension is busy, touch the Flash Switch Hook again to bring the caller back on the line CALL WAITING While on a call and a second call comes to your telephone (Special tone signal is heard): touch Flash Switch Hook, (First call is held and connection is made to second call.) To interchange between calls, press Flash Switch Hook quickly. TO DEACTIVATE CALL WAITING: before making a call. CONTROLLER CHANGE: Lift handset, touch # 2, hear regular dial-tone, enter 1 or 2 digit Speed Call access code, enter NEW telephone number to be stored, and hang up ERASE CONTROLLER: Lift handset, touch # 2, hear regular dial-tone, enter 1 or 2 digit Speed Call access code, touch * (number is automatically erased.), Hang up TO USE: Lift handset, touch # 3, hear regular dialtone, enter 1 or 2 digit code Speed Call access code (number is automatically dialed.) You can still make and receive calls. Dial * 1 0 You must be included in a Speed Call Group to use this feature. TO ACTIVATE CALL WAITING: Dial * 1 8 before making a call. CONFERENCE CALL Call first number, Touch Flash Switch Hook quickly, hear special dial tone, enter the second number, announce conference, then QUICKLY press Flash Switch Hook to connect both calls. Hang up when finished and call disconnects all. Telephone Troubles or Questions? CALL 229.3888 15 How To Use Your Multi-line Telephone CALL FORWARD PROGRAM FORWARD NUMBER: Without lifting handset, touch [FORWARD] key (lamp flashes). Enter the extension all calls are to be forwarded to (i.e. 92525 for Voicemail), then touch the [FORWARD] key again (lamp lights steady). ACTIVATE: Without lifting handset, press [FORWARD] key twice (forwarded number already entered.) The call automatically transfers to the pre- programmed telephone number. CANCEL: Without lifting handset, press [FORWARD] key once (lamp goes dark and telephone can now accept calls again.) CALL PARK TO PARK: Press [CALL PARK] key, then [CALL PARK] key again. (Call is automatically parked on the directory number) -OR- Press [CALL PARK] key, then enter an extension number to park it on. then again, touch [CALL PARK] key. TO RETRIEVE: Lift handset or select unused directory number. Hear regular dial-tone then enter 672(Call Park Pickup Access Code) Enter number on which call is parked, call is then live. CALL PICK UP When a telephone near you, from the same pickup group, is ringing: Lift handset, Touch the [CALL PICKUP] key then, answer call. CALL TRANSFER While on a call, touch [TRANSFER] key, hear special dial tone, enter the extension number, announce the call and/or touch [TRANSFER] key again to release call. If busy or no answer received from desired transfer extension, touch the [DIRECTORY NUMBER] key again to bring the caller back on the line. CONFERENCE CALL Call first number, touch [CONFERENCE] key, (This puts the first called party on hold and allows you to connect to the next number.) Hear special dial tone then, enter the next number to add to the conference.When the call is answered, you may talk privately with the person before they join the conference. If they do not answer, press the [DIRECTORY NUMBER] key. Touch [CONFERENCE] key again to rejoin callers. Repeat the procedure, if necessary, to include up to the limited amount of callers the telephone is set up to accept. NOTE: Your call is considered one out of the total number allowed INTERCOM Press [I/C] key, hear dial tone and enter the one or two digit intercom number. PROGRAM KEY VOLUME CONTROL (CODE 0 0) To select and adjust the volume control: Press [PROGRAM] key then, press 00. You will see the following volume change options to select from. Enter the option number in reference to what you wish to change: 1= Ringer; 2 = Buzzer; 3 = Speaker; 4 = Handset; 5 = Handsfree. Use the volume control key to increase or decrease the volume, Press [PROGRAM] key again, to save and exit –or- repeat these steps to adjust another volume level. RING AGAIN ACTIVATE: After calling an extension and getting busy tone, touch [RING AGAIN] key. Hear regular dial tone then hang up. RESPOND: Hear short bursts of ringing when the extension becomes available. Next, lift handset, select unused phone line, pressing button if necessary then touch the [RING AGAIN] key. The desired telephone number is automatically redialed. CANCEL: Lift Handset then touch [RING AGAIN] key. When regular dial-tone is heard, hang up. SPEED CALL TO PROGRAM CONTROLLER: Without lifting handset, touch [SPEED CALL] button. Hear regular dial-tone, enter the 1 or 2 digit Speed Call access code, enter telephone number to be stored and then press the [SPEED CALL] key again (lamp goes dark) TO ERASE CONTROLLER: Lift handset, then press [SPEED CALL] key. Hear regular dial-tone, enter the 1 or 2 digit Speed Call access code, touch * (the number is then automatically erased.) Press [SPEED CALL] key again. TO USE: Lift handset, press [SPEED CALL] key. Hear regular dial-tone, enter the one or two digit Speed Call access code (the number will automatically be dialed.) 16 Voicemail Operations Access Numbers Voicemail (campus) Voicemail (off campus) 92525 + 937.229.2525 Express Message (campus) 92599 Express Message (off campus) + 937.229.2599 Log In Enter Voice Mail Access Number: 92525 Enter Mailbox ID Number then press the # key Mailbox ID=Last 5 digits of phone number Enter Password, then # Retrieving Messages Log in and hear system status message, Touch 2 to play Touch 6 to go to next message Touch 4 to go to previous message Deleting Messages After listening to a message, touch 7 6 (Student messages are automatically deleted 10 days after they have been heard by the recipient.) Sending Messages (Compose) Log in . . ., touch 7 5 to compose, enter one or more campus extensions, each separated by the # sign. Press # when list is finished. Begin recording by pressing 5 and to end recording press # key. Then review message by pressing 2. Press 7 9 to send. Greetings Log in , touch 8 2 for Greetings then choose: --1 for External (off-campus) callers (This greeting will play for internal callers if no other greetings are recorded.) --2 for Internal (on-campus ONLY) callers, or --3 for Temporary greeting (both on and off campus callers) Internal and External Greetings will NOT play if a Temporary Greeting is recorded. (NOTE: An old greeting SHOULD be deleted before a new is recorded or else both old, then new will play for callers.) Touch 2 to review greeting; Touch 7 6 to delete greeting; Touch 5 to begin recording and # to stop; Touch 2 to review recording Delete Temporary Greeting Log in . . . Touch 8 2 3 7 6 Message Help Touch 7 * Mailbox Help Touch 8 * Password Change Log in . . . Touch 8 4 Passwords must be at least 5 digits Reply Touch 7 1 You can reply to other voicemail users only Forward a Message Touch 7 3, mailbox id #, #, 7 9 Sends a copy of a message you have received in your mailbox to someone else. Distribution Lists Touch 8 5 Choose list 1 to 9 Follow Meridian Mail prompts Use these lists to send messages to multiple voicemail users at the same time. Personal Verification Log In Touch 8 9 Touch 5 to begin recording Speak your name Touch # to end recording Need Help? Touch * at any time to hear available features and how they are accessed while logged in. Telephone Troubles or Questions? CALL 229.3888
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