O God, Hear Our Prayer - St. John the Baptist Parish

Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish – Howard, Wisconsin
This Week at St. John’s
O God, Hear Our Prayer
Saturday, January 17 4:30pm
People of the Parish
Sunday, January 18
8:00am Ron Larson
10:00am Ethel McCarthy
Tuesday, January 20
Liturgy of the Word
Wed., January 21
People of the Parish
Thursday, January 22 8:30am
Bradley Family
Friday, January 23
Vi Janus
Saturday, January 24 4:30pm
Sunday, January 25
Connie Brault
8:00am People of the Parish
10:00am Joey Wesolowski
Scripture Readings
January 25, 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Reading II 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Gospel Mark 1:14-20
Stewardship of Treasure
From the week of January 11, 2014
Weekly Contribution Budget
Weekly Envelopes
Loose Collection
+ 985.06
Children’s Stewardship
Here are just a few of the many “offerings” to God from the
youth at St. John the Baptist.
*I donated a blanket
*I held a door open for someone when it was cold.
*Next week I will try harder.
***Spelling taken directly from the envelopes!
*13 youth envelopes were turned in for January 11.......$21.07
Stewardship Corner
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to
them, ‘What are you looking for?’” – John 1:38
What are you looking for? Are you wasting your time
looking for the material comforts of the world? Or, is
your heart longing for something deeper that can only
be found by spending time with God? Take time, each
day, in silence and ask the Lord what it is that He
wants you to do.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
New Member Registration – after the morning masses in the
Fireplace Room
Boy Scout Troop 1113 – 6:30pm, Ministry Center
Monday, January 19, 2015
Adult Faith Formation – 9:30am & 6:30pm, Narthex
Catechist In-Service – 6:30pm, Commons
Joint Finance & Parish Council – 6:30pm, School Library
Catholics Returning Home – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Children’s Choir – 3:20pm, Church
Men’s Choir – 6:00pm, Church
Living Waters – 7:15pm, Church
Catholic Women/Christian Mothers – 6:00pm, Commons
Men’s CRHP – 6:30pm, Family Room
Social Concerns – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
Men’s Bible Study – 7:00pm, Conference Room
AA – 8:00pm, Corner Room
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Breaking Open the Sunday Readings – 6:30am & 6:00pm
Senior Citizen Card Party – 12:30pm, Commons
SAC Meeting – 5:30pm, Teachers Lounge
RCIA/Adult Confirmation – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
CRHP – 6:30pm, Conference Room
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Women’s Bible Study – 9:30am, Fireplace Room
St. John’s Prayer Group – 7:00pm, Sacristy
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Women’s Bible Study – 8:00am, Fireplace Room
Sunday, Janauary 25, 2015
Coffee & Donuts after the Morning Masses – Hosted by SJB
School Site Advisory Council (SAC)
Women’s CRHP – 4:00pm, Fireplace Room
Confirmation – 7:00pm, School
Before you leave Church today…
Stop in the Sunday Office to purchase SCRIP.
Would you like to join the parish? Stop in the Fireplace
Room for more information on Sunday Morning!
Schedule of Worship
8:30am - Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Wednesday thru Friday 8:30am – Mass
4:30pm – Mass
8:00am & 10:00am – Masses
Holy Days As Announced
9:30am – 10:30am (Or by appointment)
Baptism Class is held the last Thursday of each month.
Please call the Parish Office Center at 434-2145 to register.
Baptism will be celebrated on Baptism Sunday at any Mass.
By arrangement with Fr. John or Deacon Manny eight months in
Sacrament of the Sick
Individually, by appointment – Communally, as announced.
January 18, 2015
Welcome Newly Registered St. John’s Parishioners!!
If you registered between
September 2014-present, this is for you!
Watch for an invitation to a special event on the evening of
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Mark your calendars now!
We want to officially welcome you!
Hosted by the Welcome Committee
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Who is a Steward?
I am! Us too! We are! Include us!
Count me in!
The call to serve begins with the Sacrament
of Baptism. From that moment on, the
Spirit empowers us with unique gifts to
serve our families, church, and
communities. As you discern your ministry
here at St. John’s this year, remember,
In whatever way you are feeling called to
serve, it is Jesus calling you to serve Him.
As John 12:26 says:
"Whoever serves me must follow me, and
where I am, there also will my servant be.
The Father will honor whoever serves me.”
Announcing Spring CRHP Dates
Women’s Weekend: March 7-8, 2015
Men’s Weekend: March 14-15, 2015
Current Food Pantry Needs
We thank you for your continued thoughtfulness and generosity
in helping to feed those in need. Our current needs are: peanut
butter, jelly, pancake syrup, frosting, and peas.
A lot of time and expertise went into the making of the video
you are enjoying this weekend. Thank you to the following
people for making our Stewardship of Service video a success:
Gary Van Helvoirt for his direction and technical skills; Pat
Lane, Roseann Mader, and Cindi Gerrits for their inspiration
while developing the video, writing scripts and obtaining the
needed photos and to the entire Stewardship Committee for your
ideas and support. You are appreciated!
The Stewardship tree is back!
Please take a look, grab what speaks to you and perform a little
act of stewardship to be God's hands and feet.
Scrip News
Are you looking to share your time and talent? We are looking
for volunteers to sell SCRIP at the weekend masses. If you would
like more information, please contact Lynn McKean at 434-2145
ext 208 or email [email protected].
Volunteers for:
Jan 24 & 25
Joy Abel & Amanda Hanley
Jan 31 & Feb 1
Christine Williams & Mary Drzewiecki
Feb 7 & 8
Theresa Drevs & Pat White
All St. John's parish women are invited to join the Catholic
Women/Christian Mothers for our first meeting of the New Year
on Tuesday, January 20th at 6:30p.m. Social begins at 6:00 so
come early and visit with friends. Our topic for discussion will be
about what DCCW stands for and the history of where the
organization came from. Please remember to bring a donation of
paper products for our pantry. (toilet paper, Kleenex, paper
Ministry volunteer forms can be returned in the gift bags located
in the narthex. Extra forms are available on the table by the gift
bags. You can also return the forms in the collection basket or
the parish office. Thank you for your service to our wonderful
parish. In the Service Booklet (located in the Kiosk or at
www.sjbh.org), you will notice how many active ministries that
are available and waiting for you! Don’t wait. Sign up now!
Blessings, The Stewardship Committee
Enhance your personal prayer
We have a limited quantity of copies of Give
Us This Day for February to share, courtesy
of Liturgical Press. They will be available in
the kiosks. This new monthly publication
was created to help sustain your personal
prayer practices with daily prayer for
Morning and Evening, prayers and readings
for Mass each day, along with a reflection on
the Scriptures, and a daily profile of a saintly
witness. If you'd like to know more, visit us
at www.giveusthisday.org.
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
School News
Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation
Announces the Accreditation of St. John the Baptist School.
The Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Religious and
Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA) is pleased to
announce the accreditation of St. John the Baptist School.
St. John the Baptist School has proven compliance with WRISA
educational standards and is a member in good standing. “We
applaud the accomplishments of the St. John the Baptist School
community and its commitment to ongoing school improvement
and high standards of excellence,” remarked Beatrice Weiland,
WRISA’s executive director. All religious and independent
schools in Wisconsin that have been in operation with students
for at least two years and meet extensive eligibility criteria may
apply to WRISA for entry into the accreditation process,” said
Weiland. Schools must complete a comprehensive year-long Self
Study, host a Site Visit by a team of peers, and develop and
implement a Long-Range Plan for school improvement. Schools
that are accredited enter a seven-year cycle. During that time,
they submit Annual Reports to the Board of Directors that detail
their progress in meeting their yearly goals.
In the sixth year of the cycle, schools conduct a new Self Study.
This is followed by another Site Visit and submittal of a new
Visiting Team Report and Long Range Plan to the WRISA Board
of Directors in the seventh year. For more information and a
complete listing of schools, visit the website: www.wrisa.net.
Join us to learn the various ways to help cover the cost of
Catholic education. GRACE participates in the Wisconsin
Parental Choice Program to offer Catholic education tuition-free
to families who meet the state eligibility requirements.
Additionally, GRACE offers many tuition support options that
your family may benefit from, including tuition payment plans,
GRACE tuition assistance, SCRIP tuition reductions, school and
parish support and multi-child discounts.
Learn more at our upcoming information night at St. Thomas
More Catholic School, Thursday, January 22, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
Visit www.gracesystem.org for more information.
National Catholic Schools Week is an opportunity for us to come
together as a community and celebrate the value of Catholic
education! This faith-focused celebration extends beyond
GRACE and is shared with Catholic schools and parishes all over
the nation. Join us for one of our school Open House events.
Bring a neighbor, family member or friend to share in the
celebration. All Open House events are listed at the GRACE
website. Visit www.gracesystem.org for more details on this
year’s Catholic Schools Week events.
The fruit sale will run from Jan. 14th to Feb. 4th. We will sell
cartons & ½ cartons of fresh pears, apples, oranges, and
grapefruits. The fruit comes from California, Texas, Washington,
& Oregon. Order forms are available in the school office or
parish office. The fruit will be delivered on February 25 th and
must be picked up, from the SJB Commons, from 12pm until
5pm. Please contact Carla at [email protected] or 920-6558475 with questions. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
SJB Youth Group
Jody Engebos 920-737-7357
J.O.Y. – Jesus for Our Youth recommitment
This January the West Side Youth Ministry team will be
asking you to commit or recommit to praying for our
youth. As a JOY Prayer Partner you will receive quarterly
updates as to the monthly happenings of WSYM youth
grades 6-12! And you are asked to keep youth and their
concerns in prayer.
Please recommit – its so easy and so good.
Please know we pray for you as well!
5TH annual Middle School LATE IN is coming!!!
Friday, February 6 from 5-11:30pm
At the Kroc Center in Bellevue
Mass, Pizza, swimming, dodgeball, Karaoke, BIG
games & board games, crafts, snacks, basketball,
volleyball, prayer…
ALL THAT COOL STUFF! And no mess in your
house! Only $15 for youth 6-8th grade
(HELP!!! I need chaperones and HS helpers!)
2014 ‘Feed My Starving Children’ results are in!
We needed $102,663 to pay for the 466,650 meals that were
packed. We are at $104,217! That gives our 2015 Mobilepack
seed money of $1554 so far. The meals are in route to their
destinations – feeding many children!
So amazing! Praise be to God.
Be creative - start saving your coins!
Do not pass go. Go
directly to St. John’s
annual auction on
Saturday, April 25th!
Take the Reading
Railroad if you have
to but don’t miss this
night of Monopoly-filled fun! Exciting raffles, games, food, a
huge silent and live auction – doors open at 5pm. More details
coming soon.
January 18, 2015
Area Happenings
Visio Divina-Now what is that?
Please join us for an evening as St. John’s and Ss. Edward & Isidore
Parishes present an evening of “Visio Divina” with Timothy Johnston on
Monday, February 9, 2015, from 6-7:30 pm in Resurrection Hall
located at SS Edward & Isidore. Through the use of the Creation
illustration from the St. John’s Bible, we will explore prayer through
spiritual art by listening, meditating, seeing, praying, contemplating, and
becoming Christ-like. Mr. Johnston is director of liturgy in campus
ministry at Marquette University, WI and formerly director of worship in
the Diocese of Salt Lake City, UT. Mr. Johnson is a contributing writer
to the “Illuminating Ministry” journal published by St. John’s School of
Theology-Seminary in Collegeville, MN, which features Visio Divina
based upon artwork from the St. John’s Bible. Timothy also recently
published Pocket Prayers: For Times of Trouble with Twenty-Third
Please sign up no later than Friday, January 30, so we can
ensure we have sufficient materials for everyone. Please
contact Lori at Ss. Edward & Isidore at 865-7844 or Ruth at St.
John the Baptist at 434-2145 ext. 209 to reserve your spot.
Wow, it’s the Chilirific Musicpalooza!
A fundraiser of the Pulaski Music Boosters
Music that’s as tasty as the chili!
Sunday, January 25, 2015
11:30 am – 3:30 pm
Pulaski High School Commons
Adults: $6 in advance/$7 at the door
Children (2-7 years): $2
Children (under 2): Free
For advance tickets, contact:
Elaine Gajewski 920-822-2560
All-you-can-eat homemade chili, sandwiches,
desserts, milk, coffee
Take-out chili also available (while supplies last)
Soda & bottled water - $1 each
Raffle with Dozens of Great Prizes!
50/50 Cash Raffle
Silent Auction
Cost $90.00. Sweet Rolls will be provided.
Call Vicki at Nativity Parish @ 499-5156 for reservations and
more details. Thank You for traveling with Nativity Parish.
The Reality of Human Trafficking
Modern Day Slavery
There are some sheets on the kiosks in the Narthex that present a
daily prayer to end Human Trafficking. We are encouraged to
pray each day for the named intention on the calendar. Included
on the sheet are some facts about trafficking, some ideas of what
can be done, and a National Human Trafficking Hotline.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Women’s Bible Study-Spring Session Openings!
Monday -begin Feb. 9 at 6:30p.m. & will be studying Galatianscost is $24.95 + shipping. Please contact Jean Payette @
[email protected] for information (2 openings).
Tuesday- begin April 7 at 1:00p.m. & will be studying “Mary:
A Biblical Walk w/ the Blessed Mother”-cost is $26.95 +
shipping. Please contact Peggy Mason @ 434-5211 and she will
provide you with the information (5-6 openings).
Thursday -begin Jan. 22 @ 9:30a.m. & will be studying “Mary:
A Biblical Walk w/ the Blessed Mother”-cost is $26.95 +
shipping. Contact Genny Jones @ [email protected] (2
openings). There is still time to order materials for this session.
All sessions are held in the Fireplace Room
Are you new to St. John’s? Have you registered?
I look forward to meeting you and sharing all the wonderful
things about St. John’s. Ruth Holloway, will be available in the
Fireplace Room located on the west end of the Narthex, TODAY
after 8 & 10 mass to register new members. If you did not have
your picture taken at the time of your registration (in the past 6
months), please, stop by the Fireplace Room after mass so we
can include you on our New Member board. We look forward to
meeting you! If you have any questions please contact me @
[email protected] or 434-2145 x209.
Catholics Returning Home
Our six-week series began January 12th, on Monday evenings,
from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Even if someone is not registered, we still
welcome him/her to come and see what our Catholics Returning
Home sessions are all about.
Blanketing Brown County
Our parish participation in the Brown County Blanket Collection
ends January 27, 2015. Please help those in need by donating
new and gently used blankets for distribution to area shelters and
agencies. Boxes are still available in the Narthex.
Breaking Open the Sunday Readings
The schedule for Breaking Open the Sunday Readings coincides
with the Youth Faith Formation Program on Wednesdays
evenings from 6 – 7:00 p.m. in the Narthex. The Wednesday
mornings sessions are from 6:30-7:30 a.m. in the Fireplace
Room. Everyone is invited You only need to bring your
curiosity and faith. If you have a bible, please bring it along, but
it isn’t required. No need to sign up; just show up when you
can. This is the week to give it a try! For more information, feel
free to call Jerry Berg, 327-0515.
Rosebud Program
This is just a reminder to take a look at the vase of
silk roses in the back of church near the vesting
sacristy. You will find colored roses that represent
miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, and more. You are invited to
place a rose into the vase signifying a particular situation, and
prayers will be offered for your intention. Coordinating prayer
cards are available there as well.
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Who is a Steward?
I never tire of the saying “We do it together.”
Indeed, I am constantly humbled by the kindness and
generosity of the people at St. John’s. Nor do I tire of
saying “thank you” to the staff and to all of you who
give of yourselves to your families, fellow parishioners
through the many ministries offered by the parish and,
often, to total strangers.
To see the full range of parish activities, please
check the link “Ministry and Organization Booklet” on
the parish website www.sjbh.org. A commitment form
is there for your convenience as well. For those who
do not have access to a computer, there are a limited
number of Stewardship of Service booklets available
in the Kiosks.
This weekend, we have asked that you refresh your
Stewardship of Service. Please check if you are new
to a particular ministry. You may want to continue
in a particular ministry. You might want to stretch
and serve in another. It is important that parishioners
return their Service Commitment 2015.
Personally, I offer my thanks and prayers to those
who gifted me with beautiful greetings and kind gifts
this Christmas Time. I wish I could write a personal
“thank you” to each one. I promise to continue to
offer (to the best of my ability) Christ-centered
ministry here at St. John’s.
Father Girotti gave me The Way, a booklet of 999
reflective statements by Jose Maria Escriva. “Action
is worthless without prayer; prayer is worth more
with sacrifice.” #81.
Let us meet often in prayer – Mass each weekend,
the Day of Adoration and the Parish Holy Hour on
the First Thursday of each month. (Next Holy Hour
is at 6:30 p.m. on 02/05/2015. We need to seek
God’s way – nothing more – nothing less!
Fr. John
Liturgical Ministries
The complete schedule is online at www.sjbh.org/parishcal.html
Eucharistic Minister
Brenda Baldwin
Brian Mc Kean
Dan Cornell
Lisa Ives
Lois O'Neil
Lynn Mc Kean
Michelle Malone
Mike Gorniak
Claudene Tomlinson
Dave Bertrand
David Tomlinson
Deb Rentmeester
Don Berg
Gretchen Berg
Linn Heinzen
Pat Femling
Brianna Bodoh
Colleen Thompson
Karen Bodoh
Marilyn Johnson
Rose Koenig
Ruth Holloway
Sarah Patterson
3 Eucharistic Ministers
Assigned by School
1-Patricia White
2-Jerry Jessick
4 Greeters
Assigned by School
Bill Hendricks Jr
Dede Rife
Frank Burkel
John Plumb - Head
Marilyn Bardwell
Sam Plumb
4 Greeters
Assigned by School
Benjamin Stratman
Hal Tust - Head
Jacob Stratman
John O'Connor
Michael Stratman
Sue O'Connor
4 Greeters
Assigned by School
Ben Rathburn
Doris Smits - Head
George Smits
Jack Rathburn
Jacob Meyer
Mary Lou Bartoletti
Randall Wietor
Samuel Rathburn
Altar Servers
Anna Gulan
Griffin Nowak
1-Michelle Stratman
2-Leonard Rizzo
Altar Servers
Connor Seidl
Emily Seidl
1-Mark Kohls
2-Mary Graycarek
Altar Servers
Emerson Dycus
Kate Stumpf