Newsletter - Parish of St Wilfrid Burgess Hill

St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church
Burgess Hill
St George’s Retreat - Ditchling Common
and St Anne’s Convent - Mill Road
Parish Priest: Father Rick McGrath
The Priest’s House
Station Road
Burgess Hill
RH15 9EN
Tel: 01444 232358
email: [email protected]
Parish Office open: 9am to 3pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Sunday 18 January 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Holy Communion
Fr. Rick’s
Birthday Party
7pm Saturday
31 January
Please do join us after the
Saturday evening Mass on 31
January to celebrate Fr Rick’s
70th birthday. There will be a
buffet supper and drinks.
Everyon e
welcome, but there will be no
offence at anyone’s absence.
Also, please - no speeches, no
singing and again, as you were
all so generous at Christmas, no
presents. If you are able to
come, Fr Rick would be
delighted to see you.
The next Parents Meeting is
Thursday 5 February at 8pm in
the Parish Centre: Children’s
Session, Saturday 7 February at
9.30am in the Parish Centre and
9.30am Mass on Sunday 8
St Anne’s Convent - Notice
Prayer Group, Mondays at 7pm
and Holy Hour Fridays at 3pm
all are most welcome to attend.
St George’s Retreat - Notice.
There will be NO 10am Mass this
Monday 19 January due to the
Funeral Mass for Geraldine Gigli
RIP at 10.30am.
Diocesan Festival 50
Festival 50 Volunteers : The Diocese is looking for volunteers to help
with Festival 50 on Sunday 5 July 2015. Volunteers are needed on
the day and in the preparation of the Festival. Do you have any skills
from Event Promotion to Music, from Face Painting to Flower
Arranging that you would be happy to offer? Would you like to be a
Welcomer and Host on the day? If you are interested
[email protected] or write to: Festival 50, DABCEC, 4 Southgate
Drive, Crawley RH10 6RP. Details on the Diocesan website
Festival 50 Stalls : There is an opportunity for any body who wishes
to run a suitable stall at the Festival Day at the Amex to book a
space. The focus is of course on the Catholic community, but we
would welcome stalls from ecumenical participants as well. If you are
interested or know someone who is interested then email
[email protected] or see the Information Form on the Diocesan
Of your charity
please pray for the
repose of the soul of
Geraldine Gigli
who died on 3 January 2015
The Funeral will take place at
St George’s Retreat
on Monday 19 January 2015
at 10.30am
May her soul and the souls of
all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God
rest in peace.
Lourdes Pilgrimage 2015
The date for this years
pilgrimage is 30 July – 7 August.
Application forms can be
downloaded from the Lourdes
Pilgrims requiring any level of
medical, nursing or carer
assistance should contact the
Pilgrimage Office direct on
01403 740110 or write to
Lourdes Pilgrimage Office, The
Bothy, Cowfold Road, Coolham,
Horsham, RH13 8QL.
The week of
prayer for
Christian unity
begins today
Sunday 18 January
In the Cycle of Prayer
Christian unity : Peace on earth
Prayers for the sick
Please remember in your prayers those
from our community who are unable to
join us:
Bridget Barr, Rona Blackwood, Bobbie
Brodie, Christopher Browne, Carol
Budgen, Margaret Close, Walter
Deadman, Bridget Elwood, Graham
Forster, Carmel Holmes, Elmira Irasga,
Lubasi Malumo, Kathleen and John
McKendry, John Mooney, Val Murray, Val
Parris, Eveline Schjerve, Mary Stapleton,
Doris Thorne and Brenda Walsh.
Please inform the office of any changes
so that the Prayer List is kept up to
date. Thank you.
Mass Intentions & Service Times - beginning Saturday 17 Jan
Sat 17
6.00 pm
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Wilfrid’s Intentions of the Dique family
Sun 18
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
9.30 am
St Wilfrid’s People of the Parish
11.00 am St George’s Intentions of the Glennan family
Mon 19
9.15 am
10.00 am
10.30 am
4.00 pm
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Wilfrid’s Barbara Jewell RIP
St George’s NO 10am Mass
St George’s Funeral Mass of Geraldine Gigli RIP
St George’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Tues 20
Weekday in Ordinary Time
9.15 am
St Wilfrid’s Michael Logan RIP
11.30 am St Anne’s
Frances Cormachan RIP
Wed 21
Memorial: St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
9.15 am
St Wilfrid’s George Smith RIP
10.00 am St George’s Intentions of Janusz Kent
on the occasion of his 90th birthday
A & B Diocesan Website
Our diocese website has many
i n t e r e s ti n g a r ti cl e s, d e t ai l s o f
forthcoming events and concerts, links
to related sites and useful resources.
Please do take some time to have a
Thur 22
Weekday in Ordinary Time
9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Well being of Susan Asher
10.00 am St George’s League of St Dympna Members
Fri 23
Weekday in Ordinary Time
9.15 am
St Wilfrid’s Edward Richards RIP
10.00 am St George’s Intentions of Sister Mary Anastasia
3.00 pm
Thank you very much for the generous
£1,146.02 (including £450 Gift Aided)
towards CAFOD’s vital work in
providing help, relief and sustenance
for communities affected so grievously
by the EBOLA epidemic. CAFOD greatly
appreciate your continuing support and
prayers for their work.
Sat 24
6.00 pm
St Anne’s
Feast Day
Holy Hour with Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Wilfrid’s People of the Parish and
Intentions of Ita Fitzsimons
Sun 25
9.30 am
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Wilfrid’s Barney Luxa RIP and
Well being of Kathleen Duffy
11.00 am St George’s Intentions of Anna and
John Francis Collins RIP
This Sunday Eucharistic Prayer 2
Children’s Liturgy
18 Jan
Saturday 11.30 am -12.00 noon
No liturgy
January / February Diary Dates
Church Cleaning
19 Jan
Dolores Schofield
28 Jan
31 Jan
5 Feb
7 Feb
St Wilfrid’s Parish Centre is
available for hire. Please contact the
Manager on 01444 242296.
Our Schools
St Paul’s Catholic College
Jane Murray Way 01444 873898
St Wilfrid’s Primary School
School Close
01444 235254
St Wilfrid’s Nursery Unit
Parish Centre
01444 871107
Vintage Club 2pm Parish Centre
Parish celebration, drinks and buffet supper, 7.00 pm
First Holy Communion Parents Meeting 8pm Parish Centre
First Holy Communion Children’s Session 9.30am
Ministries at St Wilfrid's 18 / 19 January
Sat 6.00 pm
Sunday 9.30 am
Pat Parrette
Peter Happe
Mel Baird
Maria Eastell
Raymond and
Denise Adamson Martha Boyle
Rosemary Fulton Shona Tweddle
Julia Murray Logue
Pat Tucknott
Alec and Rosemary Fulton
Tom Boyle
Parish Safeguarding for the Young or Vulnerable
If you have any concerns for someone you know or need advice or help yourself, please call, in confidence :
the Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator on 01273 859708 or the Parish Safeguarding Representatives
G Happe 07581 382788 S Barry 01444 232358 (Parish Office) G Healy 01444 232358 (Parish Office)
St Wilfrid’s Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust registered charity no.252878