LEATHER SOULS WWW.BEAUFORTSHAGCLUB.COM January 2015 BEAUFORT SHAG CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015 John Reynolds—President 252-7425 [email protected] *** Ray Kneisel—Vice President & Director of Member Service 440-775-2874 [email protected] *** Jim Williams—Secretary 525-9292 *** Jim Fedyshyn—Treasurer [email protected] *** Brenda Lesesne — Director of Social Events 846-4342 [email protected] *** Judy Dayner - Director of Membership 838-7867 [email protected] *** Robert Bundy—Director of Communications 524-2207 [email protected] *** Sheri O’Brien Sunshine Committee 865-621-0721 [email protected] *** Judy Smith Newsletter, Photo Shows, You-tube [email protected] *** Website: Jon Rhoden Web Master 525-1582 [email protected] www.beaufortshagclub.com MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow board members for stepping up to continue the work of our club. Also, I would like to thank Joan' Vosbury, Shirley Noble and Vince Bollino for the great work each did this past year. This year will start off with a big change at AMVETS. Beginning in January, AMVETS will be closing their bar area to become smoke free. They will be moving their bar operation to the Banquet side beginning on January 1st or 2nd. This will require a great deal of work and some schedule changes for us. As it stands now, we will not be dancing at AMVETS on January 7th, 10th and maybe not the 14th. AMVETS will be looking for help with this project and the more help they get the sooner we get back to our normal schedule. We will keep you updated on the progress through the weekly memo. We may lose some dance time at AMVETS in January but you can be dancing at N. Myrtle Beach for the Winter Workshop. This is the first Winter Workshop to be combined with Mid-Winter. This will be one of the required meetings a representative for our club needs to attend. If you are planning on attending you will need an SOS card which we have for sale. They cost $30.00 and are good for all three events held in N. Myrtle Beach. The other two are Spring Safari in April and Fall Migration in September. If you haven't attended an SOS event, you need to add that to your bucket list. At the November membership meeting a By-Laws change to Article II Members, Section 1. Membership was passed. The change was as follows: (Membership is from January 1 through December 31 or any Portion thereof). By now, each member should have received their dues notice. If you have questions, please ask Jim Fedyshyn or any other board member. I look forward to working with each member and would like to let you know I am not big on long meetings. We are a shag club. As far as I am concerned our purpose is to dance and have fun. I will do my best to keep you informed of the workings of the club. I will treat each member with respect and I expect the same from you. We may not always agree with each other but we should agree to disagree and let it go. See you on the dance floor. Soon I hope, John Next BOD Meeting, Tues, January 6, 2015 – 6:15PM The meeting will be held at the Bundy offices on Boundary St. Since AmVets is not available. Members are welcome to attend although seating will be limited. January 10th no dance due to renovations February 14 Theme -TBD March 14 Theme -TBD THANKS TO THOSE WHO RENEWED th Richard Koncicki Charlie Olenick Hal Ashcom Georgia Rushton Robert Campbell Jennifer Smith Sandy Fuhrman Wendy Watson Edna Horne Dina Chester Robert Mullen Herman Graham Jack Vojticek Linda Weinberger Lanny Kraus John Brooks Lucy Fordham Debra Klavohn Everett Ballenger Ann Igou 3 4 4 5 7 9 9 15 16 17 18 19 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 At the November 8 Quarterly Meeting the Membership voted to change the Club’s date of Membership to January 1 through December 31. We sent each member an email stating the amount due to renew your membership to January 2016. So far we have 79 members renewing their membership. If you didn't receive an email about your renewal please contact any board member. Barrett, Don Barrett, Mary Chapman, Jo Ann Chester, Dina Cohick, Barry Durfee, Paul Ervin, Diana Fontana, John Funderburk, Rom Gibson, Frank Barnett, Mary Horne, Edna Johnson, Gary Keener, Cindy Kendrick, Fred Lane, Charlene Leanza, Enza O'Sullivan, Maggie Parsick, Denise Ryden, Steve Sola, Louise CLASSES Anyone interested in taking lessons need to contact Ray Kneisel either by phone at (440) 775-2874 or e-mail at [email protected] Turner, John Michael Tyson, Brenda Arlington, Mike & Pam Boyer, Jon & Sherry Brennan, Dennis & Pat Bundy, Robert & Kathy Chrisley, Pete & Donna Dayner, John & Judy Dyches, Denny & Jo Fedyshyn, Jim & Debbie Griemel, Tony & Myra Henson, Ty & Sharon Herrnstein, Bill & Linda Kneisel, Ray & Sally Lesesne, Dannie & Brenda Mobley, Tom & Carolyn Oakley, Woody & Sara Olszewski, Dave & Ginger Regecz, Andy & Deb Reynolds, John & Donna Smith, Dave & Judy Spielman, Bob & Lenore Starkey, Don & Donna Stokes, Mark & Terri Strouse, Joe & Nancy Tillman, Bobby & Eleanor Vosbury, Donald & Joan' Wentworth, David & Charlene Winslow, Brian & Judi Zellman, Douglas & Susan "We are an Eco-Friendly Shag Club. Please don't put aluminum cans in the trash cans, return them to Rachel our bartender". INSTRUCTIONAL CD’s We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Out of Towners and the Holiday Band for giving our shag club permission to use their songs on our instructional CDs. Check out the following websites for updated party information www.shagdance.com; www.oceandrivehappens.com; www.shagtour.com PELICAN PLUNGE @ Hunting Island by the Lighthouse. Join fellow BSC members as they take the plunge in to the Atlantic Ocean. This is done to support the Friends of Hunting Island and the educational programs they run throughout the year. Whether you ‘plunge’ or not come join the fun. Registration is at 12 noon New Years Day with the PLUNGE at 1:00 PM. Then the party continues at Boondocks for lunch and drinks. HAPPY NEW YEAR lowcountry style!!! Pledges are being collected by members doing the PLUNGE which will be given to the Friends of Hunting Island Approved Beaufort Shag Club Regular Board of Directors Meeting November 4, 2014 AmVets Post 70 1831 Ribaut Road Port Royal, SC Board of Directors present were: President Robert Bundy, Treasurer Shirley Noble, Secretary Brenda Lesesne, Directors Judy Dayner, Joan’ Vosbury, and Vince Bollino. Vice President Ray Kneisel was absent, but he e-mailed his proxy for this meeting to Robert Bundy. His proxy will be entered into the permanent records. Three additional members were present. President Bundy called the meeting to order at 6:20 PM. Approval of October 7, 2014 minutes: Vince Bollino made a motion that the minutes be approved as written, and Judy Dayner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Shirley stated that for the month of October, the club has an accumulated year to date income of $7608.69, a gain of $812.51 for the month. The income for October was $1445.09 against club expenses of $883.15. Checking account balance for the end of October was $10882.41. Since the end of October, the following checks have been issued: Two checks in the amounts of $880.23 each for the caterer for our election party; $90.35 for the Tailgate and Halloween parties; $115.00 for four months of expenses for birthday cakes; and $29.00 for the Halloween tokens presented to the category winners in the Halloween contest. Vice President Ray Kneisel: President Bundy read Ray’s report. Ray praised Jon Boyer and Woody Oakley for doing their jobs diligently in scheduling the DJs and Greeters, respectively. They help to keep the club running smoothly. He also thanked the members who came to help with the beginner and intermediate lessons. The members who have completed these lessons have made an effort to attend both Wednesday and Saturday night dances on a regular basis. No lessons will be given during the months of November and December. Director of Membership: Judy Dayner reported that as of October 31 st, we have 310 members. Four new members joined in September, and fourteen new members joined in October. Since January 1, 2014, 231 members have renewed their memberships, or joined the club. Fortyfive new members have been added since January 1. Renewals: Twenty-three members had a renewal date of September 1, and all but four members renewed at this time. These four members will be removed from the rolls by the end of the week. On October 24, 2014, twenty-two second renewal notices were sent to members with a renewal date of October 1, 2014. At this time nineteen members still have to renew. On November 2, first renewal notices were sent to twenty-four members with a renewal date of November 1, 2014. New member applications were sent to Gary Johnson so he could contact the members of his Ambassador committee. One member of this committee reported that the ambassadors are reaching out to everyone, however, the new members do not know this committee member nor do the new members know who the Ambassadors are. Vince Bollino: Vince stated that a couple of changes had to be made to the information concerning Hilton Head’s dance schedule in this month’s newsletter. Also some members had expressed concern about ads being deleted from the club’s Face Book page. Robert stated that this would be addressed during our executive session. The ad is now posted in our newsletter which is where it should have been in the first place. Joan’ Vosbury: Joan’ reported that the Tailgate Party was fun, and the Halloween Dance was successful. 116 members have sent in their RSVP to attend the Election Party dinner. Other members in good standing as of November 1 may arrive at 7:15 PM for the Quarterly meeting beginning at 7:30. The theme for our December Dance is Patriotic Christmas. New Year’s Eve Party is 8:30 PM to midnight. Members will bring a dish for a buffet. New Business: Festival of Trees: A member of the club asked if the club would like to donate a tree, decorate it, and then undecorate it at the end of the Festival. Brenda Lesesne made a motion that we support the Festival, but not monetarily since it is not a shag related event. Vince Bollino seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Motion passed. Robert Bundy said he would write a letter notifying the member of the Board’s decision. Wounded Warrior Fund: Shirley Noble made a motion that the club not contribute to this fund. Judy Dayner seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Member comments: After comments, President Bundy entertained a motion for the board to go into an executive session for the purpose of discussing a vulgar and profane e-mail that was sent from a club member to a board member and to another club member. Brenda Lesesne made the motion for the Board of Directors to go into an executive session. Vince Bollino seconded the motion. The Board then went into an executive session. Shirley Noble made a motion for the Board to come out of executive session. Vince Bollino seconded the motion. Motion passed. President Bundy adjourned the meeting at 7:36 PM. Respectively submitted by, Brenda Lesesne Thanks for the memories As I stated last month it was a pleasure serving as your president this year. Congratulation to your new officers: President-John Reynolds, Vice-President-Ray Kneisel, Secretary-Jim Williams, Treasurer-Jim Fedyshyn, Membership-Judy Dayner, Social-Brenda Lesesne, Communication-me. Once again a special thanks to the 2014 Board. The success The Beaufort Shag Club had this past year would not have been possible without their support. Also a special thanks to all those committee members who worked so hard to provide many opportunities to dance and socialize which is what the vast majority of our members told me they want to do. 2015 SOS Cards are still available. I will continue to have them at our regular dances or you can contact me at 521-7662 and we can arrange to meet so you can purchase a card. See you on the dance floor. Robert Bundy Past President LESSONS Shag Lessons: Due to the renovation work at AmVets we will postpone our next series of lessons until February 2015. Any member interested in taking lessons should contact Ray Kneisel to get on the roster for the lessons. Once we see how the renovation work proceeds we will set the actual dates and times for the lessons. We will probably continue with the Monday night lessons from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Ray Kneisel 440-775-2874 [email protected] Everett Ballenger has three tickets for Southern Comfort in Columbia on May 29-30. Excellent seats with great people. Call Everett for details. (843)521-7977. SOS badges are available from Robert Bundy for $30. These are used to get in to the various dance venues at the three SOS events in North Myrtle Beach They cost $35 in North Myrtle Beach. See Robert if you want one. SOS DATES April April 17-26 Spring Safari July July 10-12 Summer Workshop Hosted by the Northern Virginia Shag Club in Fairfax, VA For more info: www.nvshag.org July 14-19 Junior SOS September September 18-27 - Fall Migration SPONSORS: $25/YEAR FOR CLUB MEMBERS $50 FOR NON MEMBERS . Fellow Shaggers, For the month of December, we have accumulated year to date gain of $5091.16. The Income Statement reflects club income for December of $1423.56 against club expenses of $1510. The checking account currently has a balance of $8994.88 as of December 23, 2014. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to catch me at a dance or send an email. Kind regards, Shirley Noble January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Pelican Plunge 4 11 Fri Sat 2 3 5 6 7 8 Board of No Classes NO SHAGGING directors Due to renovations Due to renovations Meeting—6:15 Bundy’s office 9 10 12 NO DANCE Due to renovations 13 14 Dance TBD 15 16 17 19 No Classes 20 21 22 23 24 26 No Classes 27 29 30 31 No Classes Due to renovations 18 25 HOPEFULLY Open Dancing 6-9 DJ— TBD 28 HOPEFULLY Open Dancing 6-9 DJ— TBD
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