PRINCE THOMAS OF SAVOY NEWS 32 Old Farms Road, Avon CT 06001 JANUARY Vol. 1, 2015 860-678-0690 President’s Message – January 2015 Men's Polenta Dinner Season’s Greetings to all! It has been a banner year at the Prince Thomas of Savoy Club! This is the time of the season when one can review the accomplishments of 2014 and look ahead to the upcoming year. This past year we have seen many projects come to fruition that have benefited the Club’s campus – the completion of the pavilion, the improvement of bocce courts, and the beautification of the grounds, addition of a new roof and flooring, just to name a few. In the true tradition of PTS, most of the work for these tasks has been provided by dedicated members and committees who have volunteered their time and efforts to get these jobs done while keeping the Club’s costs to a minimum. My heartfelt thanks go out to all who have participated so generously to make our Club something we can all continue to be proud of. 2014 was also a year where we welcomed many new members to the PTS. I am so impressed with these newcomers who have come aboard and brought with them a sense of enthusiasm and involvement. We have seen many of these new members step in and become active participants in many of the Club functions whether it be the Annual Picnic, cook teams, dinner dances, Auxiliary Food Fair and other activities and celebrations. Thanks to you all and please continue to enjoy the Club! As we look ahead, I am pleased to say that we have developed an operating budget plan for calendar year 2015. This plan will allow us to monitor and analyze our club fixed costs, as well as to identify our revenue streams to provide adequate funding to address these costs. We have also established a revolving Capital Improvement Fund to set aside resources for future major capital projects. I want to thank the men’s and women’s memberships for supporting these initiatives which will set our Club on sound financial footing moving forward. May you enjoy the blessings of this season and we’ll see you at the Club. Regards, Paul Sunday, January 25th Social Hour 12:00 Noon, Dinner 1:00 pm. Bocce players see Greg Bouchard or Mark Hill all others call or see Marty Brighenti 860-966-3814. Tickets are $20.00 p/p Please note the current printed tickets have the incorrect date printed on them IN MEMORIAM Joseph (Kiki) Consolini Brother of Julie Tischofer Our condolences to the family 1 The Cultural Committee is starting up a Book of the Month Club "Italian Style" NEWSLETTER NEWS Meet at he Club once a month, time and date to be decided by the group. Beginning after the Holidays, Books are written in English by authors with family ties to Italy. We will sample recipes mentioned in books, I am pleased to announce that Jan Glasgow has volunteered to take over the newsletter. I am confident she will do a terrific job starting with the February news. BUT, she needs your help. Please let her know by the 15th of each month if you need to submit any functions or articles for the following month. She can only include what she is aware of. She can be contacted at: learn the meaning of some of the Italian words. Our first book will be "Every Sunday" and [email protected] "Italian Lessons" by Peter Pezzelli 860-614-6785 I have a few copies and available at some Also, Roseann Kitching will work with Jan to do the monthly mailing for those members without email addresses. libraries, Interested? Call Laurie Hill 860-673-4685 All eblasts will now be coming from your Presidents. I will continue to do the website. If someone is willing to take that over here are the criteria. You need to have an IMac with IWeb or create a new website on a PC. Updates are infrequent except posting the Newsletter once a month and posting pictures Contact Lynn Pellegrini 860-675-9560 1 AD SPACE AVAILABLE ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS Personal Notes EMAIL LYNN AT [email protected] $65 a year No personal notes this month. Contact Kathy Apuzzo about your personal notes 860-675-4064 2 Happy JANUARY Birthdays MEN'S B Dante D'addeo Bob Olsen Victor Delbon Edward Irving Robert Johansen Mario Russo Brian Yurch Danny Salvatore Louis Bonalui John Battistoni Michael Zacchio Steve Pellegrini John Zacchera Thomas Portelance James Rees Anthony Pastizzo 1 2 3 7 8 8 10 15 18 19 20 24 25 28 28 29 AUXILIARY Loretta Vernon Jean Cardello Erin Fox Barbara Whirty Cristina Pinton Elsie Tallmadge Marlene Del Gallo Ann Marie Grella Deanna Vernesoni Michelle Maher Gloria Torenzio Dolores Sacco Marcia Roberts Eileen Hawley Norma Vitone Marilyn Story Valerie Tierinni Beverly Everman Ann Dearstyne 2 3 3 4 6 6 9 10 11 12 12 15 16 18 18 20 20 21 22 Santa with the Snow Queen and Mrs. Claus A new year is starting. Think about how you can volunteer to help the club. Annual food collection for the needy in Avon January 2 25 7:30 Regular Meetings 12:00 Men's Polenta Dinner February 6 14 6:00 7:30 8:00 6:00 6 21 7:30 Regular Meetings 6:00 Dinner Dance March 3 Pot Luck Supper Combined Meeting Regular Meetings Dinner Dance AUXILIARY NEWS Happy Holidays Everyone! Most likely when you read this you'll have already had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a Happy New Year. As I write this (on December 17th) I'm looking at a multitude of errands that have to be run and chores that have to be done, to get ready for my family's Christmas. It's times like this when I realize what a luxury it is to have all my friends at the Italian Club working together to make events happen. Nothing has illustrated teamwork and friendship as well as the teams that just put together this month's Children's Christmas Party and Feast of the Seven Fishes. So, I'd like to dedicate the rest of this column to the following people: For the Children's Christmas Party I'd like to thank Bev Everman, Cheryl Deming, and Julie Tooker (and Emily!) for keeping the kids entertained and Bev and Marnie Flynn for buying presents. I'd also like to thank Linda Reichler for pizza delivery and kitchen help, Kathy Rende for photography and everyone else that helped wrapping, baking or crowd control. I'd especially like to thank Snow Queen, Constance Rotondo and her dad, Charlie, who gets Santa to show up every year. For the Feast of the Seven Fishes the majority of the thanks have to go to Johnny LaMonica and Bev Everman whose management and cooking skills made the evening happen, but I cannot understate how important the contributions of Linda and Mike Spescia, Jan Glasgow, Donna Dodge, Constance Rotondo, Greg Deschamps (pronounced (doo-shomps), Nelio Rocha and Jim Healey were. Our regular cook team has become a little decimated over time and these people just stepped in and worked as hard as any cook team has ever worked before. Their creativity, organization and enthusiasm saved the day and I am in their debt. So, those are some of the folks at the Club I can't do without and I'm sure you have yours. Let's take a minute to enjoy the fact that we have these people in our lives, and Merry Christmas! Andrea President Andrea Rotondo called the December meeting to order with 56 members in attendance. Treasurer-Kathy Panek reported that the Food Fair was a financial success. Cultural-Laurie Hill announced that the Italian Book Club has begun. The current book they are reading is called the “Italian Lesson”. The next time they will meet is the last Wednesday in January. Laurie proposed that we make homemade meatballs for use in the grinders in the Café for the October 2015 Fair. Members are you interested in signing up for Refreshments at the meetings? You can sign up in January. Children’s Christmas Party was held on Sunday, December 7th. There were 43 children and their guests who attended the party. A great time was had by all. Who can resist pizza, punch and cookies. Each child had a special time with Santa. Every child received their own special gift. The event was hosted by President Rotondo and her crew. Thanks to all who baked, served and played. President Rotondo asked membership for ideas for 2015. One member, Julie Tooker, suggested that we have a committee of members who can identify the individuals appearing in all the Club photos. Sounds great! The December meeting was important for the Auxiliary. In order to explain the request for a financial disbursement from the Auxiliary, Treasurer Paul Salvatore addressed the membership. He explained in detail how the amount requested from the Society was determined, and answered many questions put forth by Auxiliary members. The Auxiliary had a paper ballot on two (2) issues: 1st. Approve the disbursement of $6,500 annually to the Society. 2nd. Increase Auxiliary dues from $35. to $50., annually. The outcome of the voting was as follows: 1st…Approved $6,500 disbursement and 2nd…Increase of dues was defeated. There will be no increase on dues, they will remain at $35. The meeting concluded with members helping to wrap the presents for the children’s party. Hostesses for January are Donna Dodge, Shirley Bussolini and Maryann Wallace 4 RECIPE OF THE MONTH: Italian Proverbs, Quotations Ogni promessa e debito Risi e Bisi Rice and pea soup a recipe from Venice. Can be thick enough you can almost eat it with a fork. 1 small onion 3 Tbspns chopped parsley 3 Tbspns olive oil 3 Tbspns unsalted butter 2 slices prosciutto, cut in ¼ inch cubes (2 ½ oz.) 10 ounce package frozen peas 1 quart homemade chicken broth 1 cup Italian Arborio rice grated Parmesan cheese Every promise is a debt. BAR HOURS & What’s Up Mondays - No Bartender Tuesdays – 6:00 Happy Hour BYO munchies Stop down play cards, watch TV, have a visit with friends, have a drink & relax. Men's Dart League Wednesday - No Bartender Thursday – 6:00 Happy Hour BYO munchies Fridays – 6:30 Happy Hour BYO munchies Saturday - Closed Sundays – 2:00 – 7:00 Stop down for whatever’s cooking and on the big screen. If you need a bartender on a non-scheduled date call: Mark Hill Mince the onion and parsley together. Put oil and butter in a big, heavy pot over medium heat and add minced onion and parsley. Sauté until onion is translucent and limp. Add peas and prosciutto. Sauté everything is coated with butter and oil. Add broth and bring to a boil. Add rice. Reduce heat and simmer about 15 minutes, stirring frequently until rice is tender. The soup is now very thick. If you prefer a thinner soup, add a cup or two of hot broth at this time. Serve with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese on each portion. Serves 6. Memorial Donations: Making a memorial donation is a fitting way to remember a special person while helping to support others. Every year the PTS Men’s Scholarship and PTS Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship receive many such donations enabling us to support students pursuing post high school education. Checks should be made out to Prince Thomas of Savoy, Inc., designating either the Men’s or the Women’s scholarship fund as the recipient. For those that prefer, donations can be shared equally between the two scholarships by simply designating PTS Scholarships. Please note that donations are not tax deductible. Care Committee: Men - Mike Sinacori 860-202-9802 Aux.- Jean Tepley 860-673-7349 Bereavement: Marie Peluso H 860 673-4427 (C) 860-729-5355 or Lynn Pellegrini 860-675-9560 (C) 860-989-7590 Pat Rende (H) 860-658-2567 (C) 860-818-3294 or George Matt (C) 860-735-6746 (C) 860-539-5378 Hall Rental: HALL USAGE MEMBERS ONLY INFO For All Rentals Call: Pat Rende (H) 860-658-2567 C) 860-818-3294 or George Matt (C) 860-735-6746 MAIN UPSTAIRS LOUNGE Sec Dep $200 Donation $250 No kitchen Sec Dep $200 Donation $300 With Kitchen (warm Up) Sec Dep $200 Donation $400 With Full Kitchen Donation $100 Bartender DOWNSTAIRS LOUNGE Donation $75 No Kitchen Donation $100 With Kitchen (warm Up) PLUS PAVILLION With Propane Grills Donation $25 Sec Dep $100 Sec Dep $100 Newsletter Staff Send your announcements, special occasions, articles of interest, or pictures, Jan Glasgow [email protected] 860-614-6785 Submissions must be received by the 15th of each month Jan Glasgow Editor Lynn Pellegrini Advertising Roseann Kitching Distribution Barbara Smith Proofreader Lynn Pellegrini Website 5 PTS Board Paul Rotondo President Tony Pastizzo Vice President Greg Deschampes Secretary Paul Salvatore Treasurer Brian Farrell Fin. Secretary Auxiliary Board Andrea Rotondo President Lynn Pellegrini Vice President Judy Rotondo Secretary Kathy Panek Treasurer Beverly Everman Membership Cheer Committees Mike Sinacori Men's Club Jean Tepley Auxiliary
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