Helmsman 01 2015 - Old Point Comfort Yacht Club

The Helmsman
January 2015
Volume 8, Issue 01
Old Point Comfort Yacht Club
Commodore’s Log
Bob Killebrew
Established - 1956
Old Point Comfort
Yacht Club
is located in Hampton on historic
Ft. Monroe in Bldg. 183 next to
the Old Point Comfort Marina.
Happy New Year, everybody! The good news is that
we’ve had the winter solstice, so the days are getting
longer. The not-so-good news is that we’ve still got
P.O. Box 3369
to slog through January, February and March. But
Hampton, VA 23663
the other good news is that Pointer Maritime University is standing up, and The OPCYC is a Member of:
United States Sailing Assoc.
in the chilly months we always coalesce around PMU for a good time. The
Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Assoc.
Commodore’s Ball is coming up – the only time male Pointers can be seen Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club Assoc.
Register of American Yacht Clubs
in neckties – and with that and PMU, plus our regular monthly gettogethers, there’ll be enough to keep us socializing and busy until Spring.
As the club closes out the year, we have some real accomplishments under Inside this Issue
our belt – some great cruises, some great races, many good parties and Commodore’s Log
fellowship this year. A major accomplishment was getting our clubhouse Vice-Commodore’s Report 2
lease signed, so we’re “legit” in the new Fort Monroe. We’ve gained Secretary’s Desk
membership and added some beautiful boats to the marina; we are a healthy,
vital and growing part of the Hampton Roads boating scene, with more to PMU
come. Let’s keep our reputation as a place where new friends are made – if
Board of Officers
you see a new member to the club at a party, go up and introduce yourself
and the rest of the crowd. OPCYC: “group therapy for people who buy
For inquiries or submissions
boats.” See you on the water!
for The Helmsman,
please contact:
Sandra Motes Hay, Editor
Upcoming OPCYC Events
10 Jan 2015
PMU - Use of Electronic Devices
OPCYC Clubhouse 9:30 - Noon
14 Jan 2015
BOO Meeting
6:30 p.m. @ OPCYC Clubhouse
17 Jan 2015
27 Jan 2015
Helmsman and PAO input DEADLINE!
(757) 660-3817
[email protected]
All submissions are due by the
27th of the month to be included
in the next month’s publication.
The Helmsman
Page 2
Vice-Commodore’s Report
Eileen Turner
Another Wonderful
What a great time we have had this holiday season. Getting together with friends
and family, reminiscing about good times together in the past and planning for all
we want to do in 2015. As I was enjoying all the memories it became clear that so
much of what Michael and I have enjoyed involved being with members of our
“OPCYC family”. And so much of what we are looking forward to includes OPCYC
Now, as we enter the New Year I hope to see so many of you members, whether
we’ve known each other for decades, or we’re meeting for the first time. No
matter if we are in the PMU classroom, or casually sitting around the clubhouse,
or being out on the water. Just getting together with our OPCYC family is fun and
joyous. All the best for 2015!
From the
Secretary’s Desk
Carol Morris
The Old Point Comfort Yacht Club welcomes these new members.
We are so pleased you have joined our great group!
Steve Ralph became a member in November, sponsored by Marti & Ellis
Malabad. He has no boat but is interested in sailing/racing and social.
Greg Geesey, aka “Goose” has rejoined. Has owns a Beneteau Oceanis
! 360, Bon Temps.
Paul FlorCruz and Adrienne White live on Ft. Monroe and were
sponsored by Larry Svilha. They don’t currently have a boat but are
interested in sailing, social, and Pointer Maritime University (PMU).
The Helmsman
Page 3
“Broadening Our Horizons”
Old Point Comfort Yacht Club
requests the pleasure of your company on
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Cocktails begin at 6:00 P.M.
Dinner served at 7:00 P.M.
Dancing till 11:30 P.M.
Langley Officers Club, 128 Benedict Avenue, Langley Air Force Base
Men - Jaunty/nautical with white trousers and blue blazers.
Ladies - Cocktail/evening wear.
Your presence is most important .
You may wear anything appropriate for the occasion.
Cost: $45.00 per person. Please RSVP by January 6th, 2015 to
June O’Brien @ (757-335-3385) or [email protected] .
The Langley /Eustis Joint Base Security Department requires a list of all attendees who do not
have a current government issued pictured I D card 10days prior to the event, so as those
attendees may easily gain access to the Langley Air Force Base the evening of the Ball .
Pointer MaritimeUniversity
The Helmsman
Page 4
Jeff Rogers – Rear Commodore, Training
Steve Runals – Captain, Training
Happy New Year, all! Now that you have eaten your fill of black-eyed peas (it's a
New Year tradition you know?) and perhaps nursed some post-party effects, it's time
to settle into the "Dark Ages". But hark--Good News--that means it's time to start
the 2015 PMU Semester.
Some of you have provided some great suggestions on topics for this year--thanks.
We will refresh some perennial favorites, but we also have a few new ones that will
surely interest even our most seasoned students.
Our first class will be:
Sat January 10: "2015 Refresh on the Use of Electronic Devices for Marine
Applications (tablets/smart phones) 0930 - 1200 OPCYC Clubhouse
While the basics haven't changed too much, we as users have. Most of us have now
dabbled in the use of our devices and have some great ideas and techniques to share.
Barry and Jeff
5th Annual Near Coastal Safety at Sea Seminar!
Presented by The Mariners’ Museum and Landfall Navigation
Come for a day-long Safety at Sea Seminar designed and conducted by sailors and experts in
their fields! The seminar provides both novice and experienced mariners alike with the
information and skills required to safety sail the Chesapeake Bay. Seminar topics include:
Emergency Communications; Damage Control; Crew Overboard & Emergencies; The A I S
System; Medical Care & Prevention; Bay Weather; Life Raft Demo & Inflation. You’ll also
earn a Near Coastal Safety at Sea Certification from US Sailing! SPACE IS LIMITED! Please
register early to ensure availability. This seminar is open to all cruising and racing skippers,
crews & their families, recreational boaters, as well as commercial mariners. There are
significant fees to attend the Mariners' Museum Seminar--$85 if registered prior to 1 Feb--$110
after 1 Feb. For more information and to register go to: Safety at Sea Seminar or call (757)
Note: This is NOT a PMU class--we will have a regularly scheduled
PMU session on this date (21 Feb) as normal.
The Helmsman
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This section is specially reserved
for Pointers to share information
and inspiration with fellow Pointers.
Members Tidbits
Submitted by Ed English
Several months ago, the Old Point Comfort Yacht Club provided power and sail boat
rides to transport several of our volunteers from Fort Monroe to Fort Wool. The
purpose of the trip was to attend a briefing on Fort Wool from the Director of the
Hampton History Museum. It was a very educational briefing and has helped our
volunteers better interrelate Fort Wool events with Fort Monroe. The Casemate
Museum Foundation Board of Directors very much appreciated the support of the Old
Point Comfort Yacht Club.
The Casemate Museum at Fort Monroe is open 10:30 until 4:30 seven days a week from
Memorial Day through Labor Day and is closed on Mondays the remainder of the year.
It is also closed Christmas and New Years Day. The museum is self-guided and
admission is free although donations are very much appreciated. Docent-led tours are
available for $3/person for groups of ten or more by reservation. Call or email Ms.
Darcy Nelson at 690-8073 or [email protected] to schedule a tour or for
information on upcoming events. The Casemate Museum web address is: http://
www.fmauthority.com/visit/casemate-museum/ You can also follow the museum on
Facebook at: www.facebook.com/CasemateMuseum
The Casemate Museum Foundation is a 501.c.3 non-profit organization with the
mission of supporting educational and exhibit initiatives of the museum. Our current
project is the complete restoration of Jefferson Davis’ original cell door. The
Foundation welcomes people who have a connection to Fort Monroe or just love
history and would like to help support our mission. Membership is only $25 annually
and includes a quarterly newsletter. Call or email Bob Seger at 723-066 or
[email protected] for information regarding the Foundation.
Your chance to be in the movies! If you have photos of fun, friends,
adventure, action or foreign ports of call you would be willing to
share here is your chance to get in on the 2014 club DVD! Please
put them on a disk or email them as soon as possible. You can leave
the disk at the clubhouse or drop it in the mail. Racing, social or
c r u i s i n g p h oto s a r e a l l w e lco m e. Je a n B r z o z o w s k i
([email protected]), 117 Manassas Loop, Yorktown, VA. 23693
The Helmsman
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Old Point Comfort Yacht Club
Board of Officers
Bob Killebrew
[email protected]
Eileen Turner
[email protected]
Rear Commodore – Fleet
Steve Harvey
[email protected]
Rear Commodore Logistics
June O’Brien
[email protected]
Rear Commodore – Racing
Mike Hollsten
[email protected]
Rear Commodore – Training
Jeff Rogers
[email protected]
Pixie Killebrew
[email protected]
Carol Morris
[email protected]
Captain - Fleet
Jean Brzozowski
[email protected]
Captain - Logistics
J.D. Hay
[email protected]
Captain - Racing
Mark Wolfe
[email protected]
Captain - Training
Steve Runals
[email protected]
Lieutenant - Logistics
Sherry Riley
[email protected]
Anne Racel
[email protected]
Helmsman Editor
Sandie Hay
[email protected]
1st Past Commodore
Curt Morris
[email protected]
Mark Brzozowski
[email protected]
Bob Williamson
[email protected]
Public Affairs Officer
Rick Strong
[email protected]
Fleet Surgeon
Sue Harvey
Member at Large
Ron Leta
[email protected]
Member at Large
Mark Radler
[email protected]
Member at Large
Patsy Tiemsen
[email protected]
[email protected]
Old Point Comfort Yacht Club
Post Office Box 3369
Hampton, Virginia 23663