TOLEDO ICE YACHT CLUB April 2014 CHILLS AND SPILLS A Word From The Commodore Toledo Ice Yacht Club Website: Facebook 2014-2015 TIYC Board: Commodore: Rob Holman Vice Commodore: Jody Kjoller Rear Commodore: Jason Hall Secretary: Jean Johnson Treasurer: P/C Jeff Phillips Chills and Spills Editor: Kelly Sisung Please see me for deadlines or send Hello Ice Boaters, Well another season has come and gone. I think it has been one of our BEST seasons on Maumee Bay in quite a while. People did quite a bit of sailing and sailed far outside our normal sailing area. The ice on Lake Erie was the thickest it’s been in a long time. I want to thank Past Commodore Bob Lyons for a fine year and great banquet. For those of you that could not attend you missed a good time. I am looking forward to being your Commodore and representing the club this next season. For 2014 – 2015 the Officers are: Commodore Rob Holman, Vice Commodore Jody Kjoller, Secretary Jean Johnson, Treasurer Jeff Phillips. I would also like to congratulate P/ C Jason Hall as our next Rear Commodore for the upcoming season. As we begin this new season we are already planning a number of events for the coming year. Please plan to attend as many events as you can. It’s what keeps the club going because without you there would be no TIYC. The Flag Officers and Board members will be attending this year’s Memorial Day Service at Noon, at ORYC. We will Honor our P/C(s) that have gone sailing forever. Please join us if you wish. Our first event will be the Point Place Days Parade / Summer Picnic. Our P/C Aaron Stange & Lady Kim have graciously accepted to Host this year’s TIYC Summer Picnic at their home 131st. Mark your calendar for May 31 st immediately following the Point Place Parade. Next up is the Annual Antique Boat Show on August 23& 24th. It will be back downtown again after being at Toledo Yacht Club for the past couple of years. It is a good time and we put on quite a show. questions or stories to: [email protected] Hopefully summer is not too far off. Be safe on the water, sailing or otherwise. Sharpen & grease those runners before putting them away. Until next time… Be safe… Commodore Rob Holman Page 2 C H IL LS A N D S P IL LS From The Vice Commodore The season has come to an end. Ice is gone and awards have been given out. Time to put the hard water equipment away and get busy on the soft water boats. I had a great first year sitting at the front table and I'm looking forward to moving a seat closer to the middle. Congrats to P.C. Bob. He did a great job with his time in charge of our wonderful club. The top of my list from this past season was a great trip to North Cape Yacht Club for cocktails and then a couple weeks later an epic journey to the Toledo Harbor light. I think those were firsts for everyone involved. Those were both great experiences that I won't soon forget. We will be getting a new shipment of wood soon, so, if you want to build a boat, this will be a great time to do so. I am planning on building one, and I know of a few more people that want to build one too. If you want to build with me, let me know. I'd be more than happy to help you, or even learn from you. Good luck to all you soft water sailors. I hope to see you on the lake soon. V.C. Jody Kjoller Rear Commodores Words Well here we are again saying our thank you’s to those that helped make another good season for the club. Unfortunately we also have to say good by to the ice (please don’t go), as a lot of you already know I personally found out the hard way of when to say when, and if you haven’t heard the story yet just ask around you’ll get a chuckle. I guess since I’m typing this article, I’m also coming closer to the realization that I’ll be going through the chairs again (what have I done), just kidding, I can’t wait for each winter to come so I can see all of your great faces again and enjoy the great times we share in this club. Or is it that I can’t wait to slam the gavel at Strib and Sam some more, ha. Either way stay tuned for all of the plans I keep hearing about. We have some great ideas floating around for the parade, the summer picnic and some other possible fun the things to be part of. R.C. Jason Hall Ice Chips Well chippers the "FAT-LADY" reluctantly sang after a cruel and brutal winter! What started out as a promising season sure put our patience to a test. Although mother nature grudgingly relented and we were given a thin window to get in a season. Even to let some hardy skippers to sail to North Cape an Harbor Light! Ain't been done in years I recall since 19 ought 60s ! ??? This "Ole" geezer can't recall a season so cold an miserable. Oh yeah there might be some other "geezers" who walked five miles to school in a blizzard up hill both ways! Ahhh! Does that sound like some of the stories of past ice boating ? After fifty some years of this "sport" some stories are somewhat true or legend and been told a thousand times not to exaggerate. Lately there haven't been great legendary stories of the likes of our "ole" timers or is it the geezers are melting away. It's seems that our new blood isn't taking an interest in what started this club and our old timers as we approach our "Centennial". There is a lot to learn where, when and how we got where we are. Don't get it wrong, but things and methods do change to make the sport survive. There are a few of us still kicking who remember some of the legends of this sport and club. Father time has or burned out us timers. Oh yeah, remember some day you may be a "geezer" and look back an reminiscence about the antique yachts which are "still sailing" by some young and dedicated young "bucks" with a strong back who are keeping a tradition alive and it hopefully will continue another hundred years and I'm there to see it or at least try to! Till next season, "Think Ice" "Strib" On a sad note P/C Coe Dickey past away in January. He was commodore when a bunch of "youngsters" joined an taken under wing. He instrumental in getting the DN's fleet started an building sails for them. He was quite active and a mentor. May he R.I.P. Page 3 From the Treasurer The board would like to start going GREEN as they say in areas that we think can benefit the club. To start this we are asking all members to allow us to have the ability to contact the membership via e-mail. This will allow us to communicate faster and more efficiently with our membership and also for you to communicate with us (the Board) as well. Also this will cut down the use of snail mail which is costly and time consuming. To start this we would like to request from all of you an E-MAIL address that you would like the club to use in order to communicate items to the membership such as but not limited to; Dues notices Party announcements Notifications such as change of meeting location etc. So in order to move forward with this request please send the following statement, Use this E-mail to [email protected] As this will not be a requirement going forward, we ask that you allow us to be more efficient in our ability to communicate with you the Membership. Thank you in advance on behalf of our Board PC Jeff (Flip) Phillips Treasurer From the desk of Past Commodore Grumpy Pants, Thanks to all who participated and to all who helped put on the events this year. I won't try to name names you know who you are, once again thanks. I can still see Jason Hall running around the hall with his checker flag on His way up to collect the Reno Trophy . And Rear Commodore tricking a crash story from one member , then giving the Bomb to Dennis Sisung. thought you had it for a second huh Rich Potcova? Then my Grandson Jameson for trying to up stage the Wing Memorial Ceremony. Sorry Jason and Gentlemen, but you just can't pass up a chance to run under a table at his age no matter where your at . Lastly I would like to thank Shorty’s for a great meal Bobby May for our entertainment ,a great job. I sure hope you all enjoyed yourselves, those that came. See you next fall, ....Don't forget This Memorial Day at ORYC Past Commodore Bob Lyons Page 4 C H I L L S A N D S P I L L S Report from 2014 Central Regional Championship On Friday March 15th our scheduled departure time was 6:00pm, leaving PC Kent Bakers house. Kent, PC Rich Potcova and I were to head to Commodore Rob Holman's house to pick him and Chris Teal up. But, of course, Rich was running late. So, we left at 7:00. We got over to Robs house, loaded their stuff in to the trailer and bv by 8:30, and, what's that? Rich finally showed up. The 5 of us had an uneventful trip up to Traverse City. Checked in to the hotel, had a couple cocktails, and off to bed. We headed to the ice Saturday morning. It was about 15 minutes to the launch site on West Grand Traverse Bay. It was nukin' when we got there. Races were postponed so we went to lunch a little ways up the road. When we got back it was still pretty windy. But, we set our boats up anyway. The wind calmed down slightly so boats started heading out for some hot laps. I wasn't really feeling "it", so I rigged slowly. As I was walking back from getting all my gear, I saw that Rich had come back from a sail. Something went wrong, he was covered in ice from head to toe. It seems that he ignored warnings from the locals and all the flags and cones marking the heaves near shore. Well, he found one. He said something like; All of a sudden there was this ice that looked brand new. It was about 1/2 inch thick with 18 inches of water underneath. So he took a "swan dive" out of his now broken boat. (See pictures) We ended up getting in a few scrub races, but no counters as race committee gave up on the day and went home. I had some good speed and felt comfortable with my settings in the bigger breeze. Kent, Rob, and George Reis were pretty damn fast. Sunday started with a round of hangovers due to a a great night on the town. They went away quickly as we were greeted by some chilly temps. I think it was 1 degree when we left the hotel. It warmed up a bit and we got in 3 gold fleet races and 2 silver in lighter, shifty conditions. A huge congratulations goes to Julie Richards. She became the first woman to win the Central Champs. She beat out Jim Grogan by 1 point. Kent Baker had a tough last race and ended up 3rd for the regatta. The rest of team TIYC was: 4th Rob Holman 7th John Harper 13th Jody Kjoller 14th George Reis 21st Rich Potcova DNS 5th silver Chris Teal It was a great regatta run by Central Rear Comm. Bill Cutting and the rest of Grand Traverse IYC, race comm. ERIC LIND, and chief scorer Loretta Rehe. Thank you to all involved. V.C. Jody Kjoller From the Secretary Page 5 We made it through a very busy, cold and snowy season. The TIYC Suicide team made it out to Turtle Island, Toledo Harbor Light and North Cape Yacht Club which some of our seasoned sailors said has not been done in over 40 years. Along with the great ice we had great sailing on Maumee Bay. WinterFest was a great success this year thanks to the help from all of our members who helped and came out to party with us. We welcomed 8 new members this year: Bill Rost, Sandy Lorenzen, Matt Hoffman, Keith Caswell, Ron Sherry, Chris Keller and Becky Winstead and Shawn Bucher. Letters written by a young family member for the 2 scholarships to North Cape Sailing Camp are due May 31st. These will be awarded once they are reviewed by the board. Send letters to Commodore Rob Holman, 2626 Sandpiper, Lambertville, MI 48144. This year we are going to try a few different actives starting with being part of the point Place Business Association Parade on May 31st. Rear Commodore Hall is putting together an ice boat so please join in the fun. The parade is at noon and we will also be having our TIYC annual summer picnic the same day at P/C Aaron Stange and Lady Kim’s house at 2912 131st St. more details later. Have a great summer and hope to see all of you at our events. Respectfully Jean Johnson BOWLING - TEAM 3 TAKES TEAM 1 to wood shed and whoops ‘em like a stepchild even though they had 2 ringers brought in! WHOOOOA - BUNDY!!!!!! Strib Tom Nixon a new member in 2013 taken on March 1 here on the Bay Sandra one of our new members in 2014, trying to go out. Page 6 C H I L L S A N D S P I L L S 95 and Counting In 1896 R.D. Potter became the first commodore of the newly formed Toledo Ice Yacht Club ... 118 years later, Bob Lyons became the last to complete his tour of duty in that honored position. Although 118 years have now passed since that first meeting, TIYC officially claims its heritage dates to the start of the Kings Yacht Club in 1919, some 95 years. In an attempt to preserve the history of our club, I have started what will probably be a long-term project of collecting photos of as many of our past commodores as possible. My goal is to prepare a display to be hung on the wall of our meeting room and I would like to complete this project in time to celebrate our official 100th-year birthday. But in order to complete this project, I need your help in locating these photos. If you or a relative of yours is a past commodore of our club and you have a suitable photo that you would like displayed, please mail a copy of the photo to: Bob Trace 5622 304th Street Toledo, Ohio 43611 [email protected] P.S. In addition to the photo, please include your boat type and name/sail number. Thanks for your help. Page 7 The Boat that won the BOMB award. Owned by Dennis Sisung, was sailed by Adam Broad water his nephew. Pictured below in the blue hat. Les and Tim Forder and Alex going through the Panama Canal, Tim is the son of the previous owner of Roast Beef. Alex representing TIYC Page 8 Jason on his way to collect his trophy Trophy Corner Page 9 Saturday Series for DNs Sailed March 8th on Maumee Bay – 9 total competitors 5th Place = Les Lashaway #4171 4th Place = Jody Kjoller #5435 3rd Place = George Reis #5053 2nd Place = Kent Baker #5219 1st Place = Ryan Lashaway #5393 Sunday Series for 15 Meters Sailed March 9th on Maumee Bay – 5 total competitors 5th Place = Dave Williams #77 4th Place = John Greiner #17 3rd Place = Chris Frederick #27 2nd Place = Jim Stribrny #5 1st Place = Jason Hall #33 Sunday Series (aka DN Championship) Sailed March 9th on Maumee Bay – 11 total competitors Participants: Keith Wells, Les Lashaway, Chris Teal, Richard Potcova & Jody Kjoller 3rd Place = George Reis 2nd Place = Kent Baker 1st Place = Rob Holman Norm Meilink DN Classic Sailed on March 1st & 2nd – 16 total competitors Participants: Keith Wells, Chris Keller, Ryan Lashaway, Karl Bradley, Don Williams, Les Lashaway, Rob Linden, Jody Kjoller 4th Place = Rob Holman 3rd Place = Aaron Stange 2nd Place = George Reis 1st Place = Kent Baker Reno Race Sailed on March 2 nd – 12 total competitors Participants: John Greiner, Dan Williams, Jody Kjoller, Les Lashaway, Chris Fredrick, Jim Stribrny, Karl Bradley, Don Williams 4th Place = Rob Holman 3rd Place = George Reis 2nd Place = Kent Baker 1st Place = Jason Hall Perfect Attendance - Jim Stribrny Life Membership – Chuck Miller Tom Beamon Award (MOST ENTHUSIASTIC SKIPPER) – Keith Frederick The Bomb – Dennis Sisung Wing Memorial Trophy – Ron Sherry Dates to save: August 23 & 24 Antique Boat Show at Skyway Marina November 15th Steak Roast @ ORYC December 12th Old Timers Reception @ ORYC starting at 5:30, meeting to follow at 7:00 P.M. Kelly Sisung 2074 Scofield-Carleton rd. Carleton, MI 48117 Jockett’s Marina 6213 Edgewater Dr. Toledo, OH 43611-2561 (419) 726-9443 Full Service Marina Whale’s Tale Tavern 5307 Summit Street Toledo, OH 43611 (419) 727 0888 [email protected] Matt Kern COME GET A PIECE OF THE TALE!!! Kelly Sisung 2074 Scofield-Carleton rd. Carleton, MI, 48117 THINK ICE!!
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