St. Alphonsus Parish Follow us on TWITTER @StAlphonsusWexford 201 Church Road Wexford, PA 15090 Parish Founded in 1840 School Established 1889 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 PARISH PRIESTS Father Peter P. Murphy, Pastor Father Edward M. Czemerda, Parochial Vicar DEACON Mr. Albert E. Heiles Jr. ST. ALPHONSUS SCHOOL Pre School to Eighth Grade Mr. Robert D. Reese, Principal DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CCD Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Youth Ministry - Adult Religious Education Sacramental Preparation Louis Bosco, Director of Religious Education YOUTH MINISTRY Mike Shipe, Director COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATOR Cindy Cusic Micco MUSIC MINISTRY Mary Heagy, Director of Liturgical Music & Choir John and Lynn DeNisi, Directors of Folk Choir Nancy Barnes, Organist PHONE NUMBERS (area code 724) Parish Office (Rectory) ..................... 724-935-1151 Fax ................................................... 724-934-3788 Dept. of Religious Education-CCD ... 724-935-1160 St. Alphonsus School ....................... 724-935-1152 School Fax……………………………724-935-1110 DIOCESAN VICTIMS HOTLINE………….888-808-1235 Qr to Parish Web Page WEB-SITES: Parish… School .................................... Diocese ............................... PARISH [email protected] TWITTER - @StAlphonsusWex SCHOOL [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesday 4:00 p.m. Our Parish Mission Statement The faith family of St. Alphonsus enjoys a rich heritage and historic tradition supported by Catholic education. Nourished by the Eucharist and strengthened by the Scriptures, our purpose is to learn and share our faith with each other through each generation. We are committed to prayer, service, and building the Kingdom of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to create a vibrant spirit of generosity and evangelization throughout our church and community by inviting and empowering all to use their treasures and talents. TIMES OF SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning: 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday afternoon 12:00 Noon to 12:30 p.m. Saturday evening 6:00 p.m. after Mass INFANT BAPTISM Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. by personal appointment. Parents, please make arrangements for Baptism preparation class before the baby is born. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) CHILDREN (RCIC) All Adults and children who are interested in being received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Notification of intention to marry must be given six months in advance. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 21, 2014 Mary said to the angel Gabriel, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” —Luke 1:38 CHRISTMAS 2014 A Blessed Christmas to the Parishioners of St. Alphonsus Parish from Father Peter Murphy and Father Edward Czemerda We thank you, our many parishioners who have given yourselves as a gift of service to the parish. We also thank you for your prayers and personal encouragement to us, your priests, as well as your generosity of kindness toward us this Christmas. Our prayer for you is for happiness and joy as you gather with your families this Christmas and gather together with us in worship. CHRISTMAS MASSES Christmas Eve-Evening of Wednesday, December 24: 4:00p.m. 7:30p.m. 10:00p.m. HERE AT ST. ALPHONSUS CHURCH RECONCILIATION WITH CONFESSIONS BY SIX AREA PRIESTS THIS MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, AT 7:00PM CHRISTMAS OFFERING The first collection during the Christmas Masses is the envelope marked “Christmas Offering” that is our special Christmas gift to the parish. The second collection during the Christmas Masses is for the pink envelope for the Christmas Charities Collection for Children and Youth in our diocese. This second collection is credited to our Parish Share. Christmas Day–Thursday, December 25: 8:00a.m. 10:00a.m. 12:15p.m. The Christmas Vigil Mass at 4:00p.m. is preceded by a Christmas music program by young children of our parish at 3:30pm The Christmas Vigil Mass at 7:30p.m. features music by teens, college students, and their family members with musical instruments and handbells. The Christmas Mass at 10:00p.m.on Christmas Eve is the Liturgy at Midnight Mass with adult choir, and musical instrumental strings, brass, and flutes. The Mass is preceded by “Lessons and Carols” beginning at 9:30p.m. Please arrive in church by that time. The Christmas Morning Mass at 8:00am. features organ, and handbell music. The Christmas Morning Mass at 10:00am features the music of a vocal ensemble and flutes. The Christmas Midday Mass at 12:15pm features organ, cantor and instrumentalists Monday, December 22 - 6:00pm - CCD Classes Tuesday, December 23 - 9am - All School Mass Friday, December 26 is the Feast of St. Stephen, the first martyr to give witness to the on going life and Resurrection that the newborn Savior promises to us. Saturday, December 27 is the Feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist who proclaimed the coming of Jesus at the beginning of his Gospel as “the Word made Flesh,” and as the “Light” coming into the world overcoming the darkness. Sunday, December 28 is the Feast of the Holy Family. We celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph presenting Jesus in the Temple forty days after His birth as was prescribed by the Law for a first-born Son. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 20/21 HOW ABOUT THE GIFT OF TIME WITH GOD AT ST. ALPHONSUS’ ANNUAL RETREAT? St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center WOMEN - January 16 - 18, 2015 MEN - January 23 - 25, 2015 Consider a Retreat as the Perfect Christmas Gift A faith-filled weekend retreat could make a wonderful Christmas present for a loved one. The St. Alphonsus Parish retreats begin on Friday evening and end on Sunday morning with Mass at 10a.m. We have about a 95 percent return rate: Once you’ve attended, you realize the benefits and schedule to attend the next year. It is just getting the courage (or opening your schedule) to go the first time. Go ahead, make a New Year’s resolution to give it a try! Consider giving it is as a gift to someone who has been procrastinating on signing themselves up. The fee is flexible and no one knows what you actually contribute, but the suggested donation is $190. This includes all meals and naps along with a heaping amount of spiritual insights and free time to contemplate them. We also have evening social time to relax and get to know each other better. You won’t get hit over the head with Catholic guilt but you will be touched by the Holy Spirit and want to attend next year too! Contact Mark at [email protected] for details on the men’s retreat or Eileen at [email protected] for info about the women’s weekend. You may also contact Eileen or Mark Prybyl at 724-776-0876. You may also contact St. Paul’s at 412-381-7676 or [email protected] to register. JANUARY PARISH BLOOD DRIVE If you know someone who has cancer, been in an accident, had surgery or been burned, then you probably already know someone who has used blood. MASS INTENTIONS FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 20/21 5:00p.m. Saturday - Earl Leita by Barb Sharlow 6:00a.m. Albert Wessel by Family 8:00a.m. Madeline Seibert by Family 10:00a.m. Rosemary Zappa by Husband Robert 12:15p.m. John A. Sciullo by Mr. & Mrs. Bacho Monday, December 22 - Advent Weekday 7:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 9:00a.m. Vincent Sonson by Wife Tuesday, December 23 - Advent Weekday 7:00a.m. Deceased of Aaron & Lyons Families 9:00a.m. Bridget McCourt by Dennis McCourt Wednesday, December 24-Advent Weekday (Morning) 7:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 9:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish CHRISTMAS MASSES - December 24/25 Vigil Eve 4:00p.m. Olive & Rob Senita by Family Vigil Eve 7:30p.m. William Peck by Wife Bonnie & Daughter Andrea Vigil Eve 10:00p.m. - Liturgy of Midnight Mass Albert E. & Adele Heiles by Deacon Al & Family Christmas Morning - 8:00a.m. Ann Pegher by Family Christmas Morning - 10:00p.m. Special Intention of Edward Kennedy by DiDonato Family Christmas Day 12:15p.m. Margaret & Lester Swinderman by Daughter Friday, December 26 - St. Stephen, martyr 7:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 9:00a.m. Jimmy Montgomery & Greer Family by Family Saturday, December 27 - St. John, the apostle 9:00a.m. Chuck Cole by Aileen Waugh 10:00a.m. MEMORIAL MASS - Karl C. Johnson FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH - December 27/28 5:00p.m. Saturday Please give blood and help ensure that it is there when members of our community need it. Please give blood on January 18, 2015 from 7am to 12:00noon in the old gym. Please logon to and enter sponsor code G0040043 or contact Barb Sippel at 724-561-4092 to schedule your lifesaving appointment. 6:00a.m 8:00a.m 10:00a.m. 12:15p.m. Frances Merchok by Joe & Carolyn Augustine John Haefner Madeline Seibert by Family & Friends Michael DiStazio by Family Anna K. Pfeifer by Howard W. Pfeifer Because of Bulletin early deadline, contributions for last Sunday will be listed next week.
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