Saint Casimir Roman Catholic Church 239 Nepperhan Ave, Yonkers, NY 10701 tel: 914 963 1254 fax: 914 969 5204 website: e-mail: [email protected] Parish Office: Tuesday - Friday: 11:00AM-4:00 PM DECEMBER 28, 2014 Fr. Tomasz Wilk OSPPE - Pastor Fr. Michał Czyżewski OSPPE - Assistant Priest Marianne Lomoriello - Secretary Anna Kaplińska - Music Director Parish Council: Alina Gauza, Ann O’Lear, Lucyna Okrutniak, Monika Socha, Józef Pomoryn, Nicholas Schurick and Marianne Lomoriello. Financial Council: Stephen Schurick, Ann O’Lear, and Michael Ulański. Trustees: Stephen Schurick and Miłosz Szumny. MISSION STATEMENT “The Mission of St. Casimir’s Roman Catholic Parish is to nurture our Christ-centered prayer community steeped in love in the spirit of selfless service to God and neighbor, ever mindful of our roots under the protection of Our Lady of Czestochowa, in recognizing the Eucharist as the source and summit of our Christian life.” Parish Membership: Every family and single adult to be considered an active member of St. Casimir’s Parish must be properly registered in the parish, receiving and regularly using the parish weekly donation envelopes. Only in this way can the parish issue documents attesting to parish membership and Catholic practice, e.g. a letter to be a Godparent or Sponsor. New parishioners are requested to visit the parish office. THE HOLY FAMILY, JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 Sunday Masses - Saturday -Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM (English). Sunday: 9:00AM, 10:30AM (Polish); 12:00 PM Weekday Masses Monday - Saturday: 8:00 A.M. (English) Monday - Friday: 6:00 P.M. (During July & August Holy Mass will only be at 8:00AM) HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION - 8:30 AM (English); 6:30 PM (English); & 7:30 PM (Polish). First Friday Mass - 8:00 AM (English) & 7:00 PM (Polish) Confession Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM Sunday -15 minutes prior to each Holy Mass. First Friday- 6:15 PM Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Holy Hour) Saturday: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Miraculous Medal Novena following Monday morning Mass (8:00 AM) Sick & Shut-ins: Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Baptisms: Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Marriages: In order to provide sufficient time for the Marriage Preparation Course, please call the parish office and ask to speak with the Pastor at least six months in advance of the intended Wedding date. We extend to our visitors a very special welcome. We trust that the liturgy will be a blessing to you and you will visit us again. If you think you may be interested in joining St. Casimir’s Parish, please fill in the form below and bring or mail to parish office or place in the collection basket. We will make arrangements for your registration. New phone number and address change information are also appreciated. Name_________________________________________Phone__________ A d d r e s s . S t r. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A p t # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C i t y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z i p. _ _ _ _ _ E m a i l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE HOLY FAMILY, JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH SUNDAY MASS INTENTIONS St. John, Apostle 12/27/14 8:00 A.M. - God’s Blessings & Good Health Upon Marie Manukyan By: Ms. Mary Mazzeo. 12:00 P.M. BAPTISM: JULIA PILAR MOSKWIŃSKI. 4:00 P.M. CONFESSIONS (English & Polish). 4:00 P.M. Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament 5:00 P.M. + Frank & Marianna Narel By: Peter & Chris Carbillano. SUNDAY THE HOLY FAMILY 12/28/14 JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH 8:00 A.M. - O Boże Błogosławieństwo dla rodziny ZofiOd: Ofiarodawca. 10:00 A.M. + Władysław Ledwoń Od: Mariusz i Agnieszka Ledwoń z Rodziną. 11:30 A.M. - All Living & Deceased Parishioners. MONDAY 12/29/14 7:00 A.M. + Monika, Edward, Piotr & Romuald NarelBy: Danuta Bielski. 8:00 A.M. + Maria Kemp Kimball By: Nephew, Stanley & Eva Nowak. TUESDAY 12/30/14 7:00 A.M. + Lucille Smolik (IV) By: Family. 8:00 A.M. + Anne Skowronski, Sal & Jean Sansone, John Merritts & Louis Scavone & All Deceased Family & Friends. WEDNESDAY 12/31/14 7:00 A.M. + Susan Timo By: The Kozlowski Family. 5:00 P.M. + Parents, Thanksgiving to God, Our Blessed Mother & All Saints & Special Intentions By: Children. THURSDAY THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, 1/ 1/15 THE MOTHER OF GOD (Holyday of Obligation) 9:00 A.M. + Mildred Hrab By: Mark & Eddy Szuba. 10:30 A.M. + Maria & Michał Rogowski Od: Córka, Kazimiera Molenda z Rodziną. 12:00 P.M. - God’s Blessings & Good Health Upon All Family & Friends & Special Intentions By: Family. 5:00 P.M. Dantis. FIRST FRIDAY St. Basil the Great 1/ 2/15 St. Gregory Nazianzen 8:00 A.M. - God’s Blessings & Good Health Upon Vivian, Pascal & Helen Koo’s Family By: Mother, Christina Koo. 6:15 P.M. CONFESSIONS 7:00 P.M. + Grace Durkalek By: Christopher Gallagher. FIRST SATURDAY THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS 1/ 3/15 8:00 A.M. - O Zdrowie i Boże Błogosławieństwo dla Janusza. 4:00 P.M. CONFESSIONS (English & Polish). 4:00 P.M. Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament 5:00 P.M. + Stefania Bator (V) Od: Rodzina. SUNDAY THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 1/ 4/15 9:00 A.M. + Cecylia Mazur Od: Teresa Szkolnicka z Rodziną. 10:30 A.M. + Maria (XX) i Janusz Sekśański; + Danuta (II) i Edward Katuła; + Augustyn ((I) i Edward (I) Rokita + Konrad (I) i Teresa (I) Rokosz Od: Kuzyńki, Marii Lebiedzińskiej z Rodziną. 12:00 P.M. + Anna Zumar By: Niece, Barbara Bozek. SATURDAY DECEMBER 28, 2014 ST. CASIMIR CHURCH ********************************************** SANCTUARY LAMP DEC. 28th TO JAN. 3rd, 2014 OLGA & EDWARD CLANCY BY: DAUGHTERS, GWEN & CANDACE AND FAMILY ****************************************************************** SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 MASS AT 5:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE: NA; ATTENDANCE: NA; ATTENDANCE: NA; SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 MASS AT 8:00 A.M. MASS AT 10:00 A.M. MASS AT 11:30 A.M. COLLECTION: $ NA COLLECTION: $ NA COLLECTION: $ NA ATTENDANCE: NA; COLLECTION: $ NA TOTALS: ATTENDANCE: NA; COLLECTION: $ NA CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS (EVERGREENS & WREATHS): $ NA **************************************************************** THE HOLY FAMILY, JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH Family life is rooted in the unconditional love of God as witnessed by the Holy Family. The Child Jesus and His Parents are blessed by Simeon. “THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE” 11/30/14 through 2/2/16 A PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Heavenly Father, please grant to Your faithful servants, the grace and strength to carry out Your mission for the Church each day. Keep our Priests and Religious close to You and continue to inspire them to serve others in Your holy name. Please help inspire men who are called to the Holy Priesthood, as well as men and women to Religious Life to answer Your ‘call” and participate in the fullness that You have planned for them. AMEN . . . . . . . TODAY (12/28) - SECOND COLLECTION – CHURCH REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE FUND. With the joy, love and beauty of Christmas upon us, we pray for your continued generosity for our CHURCH REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE FUND; which enables us to “keep up” with necessary reoccurring maintenance tasks, as well as address minor repair issues before they become future catastrophic restoration projects. 2015 CHURCH CALENDARS (English & Polish) are available in the vestibule of our Church. These lovely Calendars were most generously donated through the great kindness of our very dear, life-long and extremely active parishioner, Mrs. Anna O’Lear, Director of the Duchynski-Cherko Funeral Home. May Our Savior continue to bestow His wondrous Blessings upon our fantastic O’Lear Family. We urge everyone to please take home a Calendar as you leave Church this weekend. TODAY (12/28) - FINAL DAY! ORNAMENTS OF REMEMBRANCE – This Year we will continue our beloved tradition of the ORNAMENTS OF REMEMBRANCE; which will be hung in Church on our Lights of Remembrance Trees and Blessed on the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, Sunday, January 4, 2015 during the celebration of our 10:30 A.M. and 12:00 P.M. MASSES. Each of these lovely ORNAMENTS OF REMEMBRANCE, (which will be inscribed with the name(s) of loved ones, living or deceased, or with a family name) sells for ONLY $10.00. Special forms are available in the vestibule of our Church on which you can list the names of all those to be inscribed on your ORNAMENTS OF REMEMBRANCE. We ask only that in completing your form, with your name and the names of those to be remembered, you please print the information as clearly as possible. All forms must be submitted no later than Sunday, Dec. 28th. MONDAY (12/29) - HAPPY FEAST DAY, FR. TOMASZ on this very special Feast of St. Thomas Becket, we extend our joyous greetings for a wonderfully HAPPY NAME DAY and abundant BEST WISHES to our dear Pastor, Fr. Tomasz. May Our Savior bestow His wondrous Blessings upon Fr. Tomasz and grant him a very long and healthy !"#$%"&$'(!!$)'*"%+',-!.'!,/$0'1$23$0'3,-%$-%&$-%'2-)'4,.' 2-)' &2.' 567' 82).' ,#' 9:;<%,3+,*20' =%>' ?+,&2<' @$3A$%0' St. John Paul II and St. Casimir guide and protect him always. STO LAT, FR. TOMASZ! UROCZYSTOŚĆ ŚWIĘTEJ RODZINY +/!#84D$'0/!&D/!3$'E='?=F>C'G$#=&D!0/9'="<5=&D=0$' H!4%' 8' I=J</!3!' #D>C4K=K$%=3/<K/C' H$K=' G/!&D/!3$' L8/M%!H' N=&D/0>' D' G$D$#!%9,' L8/M%=' J8/M%!H' N=&D/0>' D$<DM%=' ="<5=&D/O' 8' #PF0><5'K#$H$<5'/'&/!<!DH$<5'=&'8/!K9'QRSSS,' +='#$D'E/!#84D>'94%$0=8/T'H!'U'3/4%=E$&$'VWXU' #,'8'I$0$&D/!A'D$'$E#="$%Y'E$E/!F$'B3!K4$0&#$' VII, biskup Francois Montmorency-Laval. Na 4%$T!'&='3/%9#2//'8E#=8$&D=0='H!'D$'E=0%>;K$%9' ATTENTION! PLEASE NOTE: Beginning E$E/!F$'Z!=0'QSSSA'K%P#>'0$'E#=J"M'K$#&,'?$94$A'$#<>"/4K9E$' on JANUARY 1, 2015. we have a CHANGE in [3=#!0<H/A'\*'3/4%=E$&$'VX]*'#,'8>&$T'&!K#!%'$E#="9HY<>'^K93%' our SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE. D8#P<=0>' K9' N=&D/0/!' L8/M%!H_,' `$%8/!#&D/T' H!' E$E/!F' Our new MASS SCHEDULE is as follows: <D</' Z!=0'QSSS'.a'V]*b6, 9:00 A.M. - English Mass; 10:30 A.M. - Polish Niedziela (12/28) - !"#$%&'(#)*+ ),-.(/0+ "#1%Mass; and 12:00 noon - English Mass. Our Saturday evening English Mass at 5:00 -2&+3+1"!45+6#7/6(5+3+25++"/8#2(+6#)$-#95+ 3+:;<=<>?@<A>=+BCDE+DA+F=GA++HI=@J?K>=+>L=BL=HML=+MAI=;FNO PM remains the same. G,H-2' -2I.J' *' 17:$)<",-A6' -2<:$B,' K,L3",M2' KN8OPWEDNESDAY (12/31/14) - VIGIL MASS OF THE SO- QNRSO0' A%T7$' :,<%2M.17:.B,%,*2-$' 17:$:' QU9DVP=LEMNITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTH- KI-CHERKO DOM POGRZEBOWY. Serdeczne BÓG ER OF GOD - This evening’s special Vigil Mass will be cel- SNEWN9X !"#$%!&'$%'()**'+,-,'./0'1023/456,'75/4'-$44'8/33'49:;<!':=#'%5!' NIEDZIELA(12/28) - DRZEWKO PAMIĘCI – !"#!$%&'" Holyday of Obligation. &()*+," -(./$0" 1$*2)$*/3" 4" 5&6+)1$3" 789:" ;<=>" " ?" THURSDAY (1/1/15) - SOLEMNITY @'2+)35" A5)6" #!$%&6+," '" B'2)C" 98DE8" 3CAC" F" OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, 97D88" @CAC" G%2H" )3@3/'1*" #!$3&*I-3" " JK" LM<FJLN" MOTHER OF GOD - (Holyday of Ob- )" $A$'13A$" &6+," '5.G" )3" -&.(*" +,+*+$*" 5$%" ligation) - “We seek God’s Blessings as did A'2/$OC" 5@*+P3/1*" -3(&-$" G%2H" @()6" !*P#+$Q" -$#>,'?!<$94!'=:'5!#'@=0A'8!'<$0'<=0;&!0%3>' 2'"-'#+$'I3"+*13"98"22C"-'@*(&6"@'!$116"G6O" call God ‘ABBA.” )!(.+'1*"2'"-'R+3"B(Q21$3"7S0"7894";C Our Mass Schedule in observance of the Solemnity of Our Blessed Mother, (honor- )"#15+ P+ QR+ HFN@<>L?S+ ,-4-7-5+ !"#$%&'(#)*+ ing her Motherhood and nurturing devo- 250),O+ 85"&-+ T#U/0+ "#1%-$-/76-+ 3+ ATUK" VWC" tion to her beloved Son, Our Savior, and <"X<YUC":D88"@CAC"Z<"KJXFN[T=>C her loving protection and gentle guidance to all of us - $%,5"(/6+VRWRWRXY+P+!"#$%&'(#)*+250),O+85"&-+ her children on earth) today’s Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 A.M. (in English); 10:30 A.M. (in Polish);12:00 T#U/0+"#1%-$-/76-+V),-.(#+#T#,-Z%6#,/Y++3+ 2#,&+"#6+[\RX+3+8H<?+]^OA+GAD<O+_`\\+5O8O+IA+?>GLA.M. (in English) and 5:00 P.M. (in English). =KHMab+8H<?++]^O+A+GAD<O+R\`Q\+5O8O+IA+IAKHMab+8H<?+]^O+ WITH Love and Best Wishes, we extend to all R[`\\+:O8O+IA+?>GL=KHMa+L+8H<?+]^O+X`\\+:O8O+IA+?>GL=KHMaO a joyous “HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2015” May God grant you His abounding, wondrous Bless- """""""Q=<LMKJF0"JFNLM"Z<=<\"G<]^0"=_`;^"Z;UNZNaJFKa"5N;LN"G<]N\" "-B<'#,7'C,,)'D$2!%+0'E7,<1$7"%.0'"-(-"%$'E$23$'2-)' (<YUFLFN[=F"WT_bZF"Y<"TN;L"JKT"WTU^T_=FLM"_W<;UbL^LM"\NYJb" WFN[=b" (<YUFJc" 2UFNLF" G<]^LM" F" JFN" _^[=<" JK" YUFTFK\0" K[N" JK" unceasing Happiness and Love for one another. LKa^"(<="789:C SUNDAY (1/4/15) - FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD - BLESSED CHALK - Today in keeping with the 2-/1%-/75+ VRWcWRXY+ P+ !"#$%&'(#)*+ #T05,-/2cherished tradition of inscribing the initials K.-M.-B-2015 on -5+ :5d'6-/4#e+ ),-.(#+("%/$f+ 6"g7-+ + P )^LCFA+ ^+ JC<NMa+ KLFa;GL@<>Nj+ >?<N^?+ HLC+ ]^LCF=j+ the front door of Christian homes representing the visit of the (;<=@h+ 6;iKL+:?kHML=GAO+ 1<L]+ BA^L=j+ ^HIAjL>?jN+ F=>+ Three Magi (Kaspar, Melchior and Baltazar) at the manger of #BJ?^L=>L?+ D<L=kS+ ^+ MFi;Nj+ $h;NHFaH+ MAK=J>A+ IA+ I?HF=;<?@h+ ABJ?^Ll+ our Newborn King and Savior, Jesus Christ, we have available HLC+ IAG?>AjO+ 2L=+ ^L=jN+ LKa+ L@h+ I;<NH<lA+ I;A^?D<A>N@h+ on the table in front of our main Altar BLESSED CHALK to ]^L?Fl=j+G^L?<DN+DA+$h;NHFaH?S+?K=+F;?DN@J?+ji^L+A+F;<=@h+ be utilized for this purpose. Chalk will be blessed during each 6;iK?@hS+MFi;<N+<+D?K=ML@h+HF;A>+I;<NBNKL+DA+B=FK=J=jHML=J+ of our weekend Masses. We encourage all of our faithful to G;AFNO+ :AD<L^L?jN+ L@h+ ^L?;C+ L+ ^NF;^?lA]m+ ^+ DEn=>La+ DA+ please come forward following our Masses this weekend and TAG?O+:;A]jN+D<L]+ 0=<aH?S+BN]jN+IADAB>L=+J?M+ML=DN]+F;<=J+6;iKA^L=S+F?Mn=+L+ take home a piece of Blessed Chalk. jN+D<L]+<+^L=KME+^L?;E+jAGKL+GAD>L=+a@<=HF>L@<Nm+^=+8H<N+ SUNDAY (1/4/15) - SECOND COLLECTION - REGIONAL )^LCF=JO+ :A]^L=@A>E+ M;=DE+ A<>?@<jN+ >?H<=+ D;<^LS+ J?M+ FA+ SCHOOL TAX. Please be as generous as possible. Through @<N>LKL+>?HL+AJ@A^L=O++6+o+8+o+T+o+[\RX your generous support for this REGIONAL SCHOOL TAX COLLECTION you will be helping to alleviate some of the 2-/1%-/75+VRWcWRXY+P+DRZEWKO PAMIĘCI – !"#!$%&'" B#<5&/=<!4$0' C$0&$%!&' ;0$0</$3' $44/4%$0<!' =9#' +$#/45' C94%' &()*+,"-(./$0"1$*2)$*/3"4"5&6+)1$3"789:";<=>""?" contribute toward the support of regional parochial schools @'2+)35"A5)6"#!$%&6+,"'"B'2)C"98DE8"3CAC"F"97D88" educating Catholic students in our area; which currently does @CAC"G%2H")3@3/'1*"#!$3&*I-3""JK"LM<FJLN")"$A$'1includes many students from our Parish. Please help us to 3A$" &6+," '5.G" )3" -&.(*" +,+*+$*" 5$%" A'2/$OC do what is rightfully appropriate in helping to offer regional 2-/1%-/75+V+RWcWRXY+P+1"!45+6#7/6(5+P+(*B$'13/" schools our support! 5+,''/" &3d" ?" !TU^T=Fe" <fK;<YKWL<e" T=aKYKe^" TN;SUNDAY (1/4/15) - The beautiful ceremony of the ILLU- YNLUJN"G`X"UKZaKgh"@;UNUJKLU<JN"icYb"Y<"_NX<"TZN\K[JN"JFNMINATION of our TREES OF LIGHT AND BLESSING bieskie koperty. of our ORNAMENTS OF REMEMBRANCE will be observed during the celebration of our 10:30 AM and our 2-/1%-/75S++RR+HFN@<>L?+[\RX+;OS+Z<YLUKT"ATU^"VWC"<"X<YUC" 98DE8C" UKZ;KTUKe^" JK" P35*I-3" W" W^=<JKJF>" >LUjF`W" UN" 12:00 PM Masses. Fe" C" AC" -<J<ZJFL=FN\" W" 6<J=N;TC" @<" ATU^" !"#$%&"''()*+,#-."#')$/$0+"-,123'4''being spon- 5U=<a^@<[T=FN\" sored by our POLISH SATURDAY SCHOOL on Sunday, VWFc_N\"W"TK[F"ZK;KfK[JN\"<YicYUFN"TFc")KiKWK"+M<FJ=<WK"Y[K" F" Y<;<Ta^LMC" )KiKWc" Z<Z;<WKYUF" 2P" B;UNX<;UC" @;UNJanuary 11, 2015 during our 10:30 A.M. Mass. Following YUFNLF" WFYUFKJN" Tb" [<_N;FN" F" =<J=>;T^" U" LNJJ^eF" JKX;<YKeFC" ->LMMass, a delightful Christmas Party for children will be held UK<ZK_;U<JK" W" Z<[T=FN" \NYUNJFKC" GcYUFN" _K=]N" <=KU\K" Y<" in our auditorium complete with DJ Gregorz, great fun, and JFK" WTZ`[JNX<"VZFNWKJFK"=<[cY"F"ZT_<;KaN=C"2<LM`Y"Z;UNUJKLU<J^" 2&2:"-B'72#F$<> Please bring your children; all are welcome. JK"Z<_;UNi^"Z<[T=FN\"TU=<a^C"" “Serving the community for over 90 years…” DUCHYNSKI-CHERKO FUNERAL HOME, INC. AND YONKERS FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. ANNA M. O’LEAR - Owner and Licensed Director, NY STAVROS DIMOPOULOS - Owner and Licensed Director, NY, NJ & CT (914) 963-6121 AND (914) 963-6133 WWW.DC-YFS.COM 107-111 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY (CLOSEST FUNERAL HOME TO ST. CASIMIR’S CHURCH) Funerals-Cremations-Shipping-Pre Planning-Secure On-Site Parking Polish, Greek and Spanish Spoken TRAVELERS LIFE • AUTO • HOME NOTARY SERVICES KAREN DISALVO - AGENT Westchester Pulaski Association, Inc. PARSONS-DISALVO AGENCY INC. 121 YONKERS AVENUE, YONKERS TELEPHONE: 914-963-6369 FACSIMILE: 914-969-0615 Awards Luncheon - April - Church Hall - Noon REPRESENTING TRAVELERS INSURANCE HARTFORD, CT 06115 Kosciuszko Day - May 2nd - West Point Polish Heritage Day Festival - July - Valhalla Gen Pulaski Parade - October - NYC 5th Ave Open Mon. to Fri. 8 am to 7 pm Sat. 8 am to 6 pm Sun. 8 am to 1 pm For Advertising Information, call TONY SERINO at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3346 [email protected] POLISH DELI The Best Polish Style Kielbasa Homemade Kishka • Pierogis Stuffed Cabbage Henryka Gryka - Notary Public 914-476-1183 LIFE IS GETTING Jack Malley, personal injury attorney, knows your rights; call him today if you have suffered an injury or accident. !"#$%&'())&*&+,-./)0&1120&,&3,4&56"&$%,$& provides Professional Quality & Practical Solutions for you. BETTER 225 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers Oakland Cemetery 2 SAW MILL RIVER ROAD, YONKERS, NEW YORK 10701-6619 BEAUTIFUL - HISTORIC 733 Yonkers Avenue Yonkers, New York 10704 914-476-0600 [email protected] SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1867 914.964.4444 Office: (914) 963-1077 Fax: (914) 969-9788 E-mail [email protected] Website RICHARD F. SWEENEY, Esq. 33 South Broadway, #17 Yonkers, NY 10701 Traffic, DWI/DUI, criminal defense, family, residential real estate Phone: (914) 527-5367 Free initial consultation INJURY LAWYERS FREE CONSULT - All Injuries Call Now (800) 456-6757 NO FEE Unless You Win Money Tomkiel & Tomkiel A Family Firm Since 1979 370 Lexington Ave., New York, NY Chapel of Hope mausoleum at Mount Hope Cemetery Ph. 212 599 1001 670 White Plains Rd., Scarsdale, NY Ph. 914 723 1700 Top Rated Lawyers in New York !"#$%!&##&'()*'##+,)-./'0+123)4',"5 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 11, 2014 12:48 PM Also Available; Family Graves and Individual Plots 914 478 1855 Call or Visit our Courteous Staff • • Jackson Ave. & Saw Mill River Road, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY SAINT CASIMIR, YONKERS, NY 04-0702
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