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13th Dutch German Joint Meeting
of the Molecular Cardiology
Working Groups
EibseeHotel, Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
March 5th -7th, 2015
Christian Kupatt & Larissa Fabritz
Local hosts
Christian Kupatt
Dagmar Reitberger
Pre-Programme Committee:
Larissa Fabritz (Birmingham/Münster) & Christian Kupatt (Munich)
Rudolf de Boer & Herman Sillje (Groningen)
Robert Passier& Marie-José Goumans (Leiden)
Johannes Backs (Heidelberg)
With advice from German Molecular Cardiology Working Group Nucleus:
FriederikeCuello (Hamburg)
DobromirDobrev (Essen)
Ali El-Armouche (Dresden)
Florian Limbourg (Hannover)
Susanne Lutz (Göttingen)
Christoph Maack (Homburg)
Oliver Müller (Heidelberg)
Thomas Wieland (Mannheim)
and from session chairs
Special guests “Founding fathers” of first meeting in Bavaria:
Stefan Kääb, Yigal Pinto, Joachim Weil
Website: Benjamin Meder (Heidelberg)
Thursday March 5th 2015
13:00 – 14:00 Registration and get together
Poster setup for display throughout the meeting
14:00 – 14:15 Welcome address
Christian Kupatt& Larissa Fabritz
14:15 - 15:45
Session I:
Vessel communication
Communication of myocardial and nonmyocardial cells
Florian Limbourg (Hannover)
Paul Quax (Netherlands)
Imo Hoefer, (UMCU Utrecht)
“Residents and immigrants: interaction between cardiac and circulating cells in
myocardial ischemia/reperfusion”
YaëlNossent, (LUMC Leiden)
“Janus Defeated; 14q32 microRNA Inhibition in Cardiovascular Remodeling”
Blitz talk: JabaGamrekelashvili, (MHHannover)
Blitz talk: Qi Chen (MPI Münster)
„Origin of pericytes in the heart“
15:45 – 16:00
Coffee break
16:15 – 17:45
Session II: Atherosclerosis (DZHK)
Chairs: Christian Weber (Munich)
Esther Lutgens (Amsterdam)
Blitz talk Rory Koenen (Maastricht)
“Junctional Adhesion Molecule A: a versatile new player in cardiovascular
Blitz talk Erik Biessen (Maastricht):
“DCs and atherosclerosis: a tale of two cities”
Blitz talk Oliver Soehnlein (Munich)
“Mechanisms of neutrophil-mediated monocyte recruitment in large arteries”
Feature talk: Heribert Schunkert (German Heart Center, Munich)
“Common genomic variants affecting CAD risk”
17:45 – 18:00
Coffee break
18:00 – 19:00
Keynote lecture
Chair: Christian Kupatt (Munich)
Vasilis Ntziachristos, Technical University and Helmholz Centre, Munich
“Molecular Imaging”
19:00 – 20:30
20:30 – 22:00
Poster session I with invited poster jury
Friday March 6th 2015
8:00 – 9:00 Joint breakfast Hotel Eibsee
9:00 – 10:30
Session III: Myocardial
Chairs: Norbert Frey (Kiel)
Leon de Windt (Maastricht)
Blitz talk: Matthias Eden (Kiel)
“A novel pathway regulating calcium metabolism in cardiomyocytes”
Hanneke van Deutekom (Amsterdam)
"Unraveling the Heart transcriptome”
Anna Papageorgiou (Maastricht/ Leuven)
“More than just reinforcing the heart; the diverse functions of Osteoglycin”
Sabine Klaassen (Berlin)
“The transcription factor PRDM16 in models of heart failure“
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15
Session IV: Young investigator session
Chairs: Larissa Fabritz (Birmingham/Münster)/Christian Kupatt (Munich)
Marie-José Goumans / Robert Passier (all available) plus Jury
6 short talks TBA
6. January abstract deadline
12:15-13:00 Discussion and Jury meeting
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-17:00 Small group meetings and workshops
Dutch-German collaborations, projects and grant proposals,
working groups, collaboration with industry
17:00-17:30 “Brezn-Break get together”
17:30 – 19:00
Session V: Genetic aspects and personalised therapy
of cardiomyopathy
Chair: Yigal Pinto(Amsterdam)
Johannes Backs (Heidelberg)
Blitz talk: GuliaMearini, (Hamburg)
"Mybpc3 gene therapy for neonatal cardiomyopathy"
Alessandra Moretti (Munich)
"Patient-specific induced pluripotent stemcell-derived cardiomyocytes as a tool for
electrical cardiomyopathies"
Abdelaziz Beqqali (Amsterdam)
"RBM20 mutations in human heart failure and mouse model"
Jolanda van der Velden (Amsterdam)
"Disturbed myocardial energetics as cause of diastolic dysfunction in hypertrophic
19:00 – 20:30
20:30 – 22:00
Poster session II with invited poster jury
Saturday March 7th 2015
8:00 – 9:00 Joint breakfast Hotel Eibsee
9:00 – 10:30
Session VI: Translational Atrial Arrhythmia (AFNET/ EUTRAF)
Chair: Uli Schotten (Maastricht)
Stefan Engelhardt (Munich)
Moritz Sinner (Munich)
“How genetic risk score may improve patient care”
Jordi Heijman (Essen)
“Can modelling help understand proarrhythmic mechanisms in the atria?”
Gudrun Antoons, (Graz/Maastricht)
“Stretch-dependent regulation of microdomain Ca2+: potential relevance for AF?“
Ruben Coronel (Amsterdam)
"Electrical and structural determinants of atrial conduction"
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15
Session VII:
Bench to bedside success stories (DZHK)
Chairs: Wiek van Gilst (Groningen)
Thomas Eschenhagen (Hamburg)
Blitz talk: KajaBreckwoldt (Hamburg):
“Cardiac repair with hiPSC-derived heart muscle patches in a guinea-pig model”
Blitz Talk MalteTiburcy (Goettingen)
“DefinedEngineered Heart MuscleforCardiacRepair“
HaraldPetry (uniQure)
“The lipoprotein lipase gene therapy story”
Folkert Asselbergs (Utrecht)
12:15 Closing remarks & awards
Christian Kupatt& Larissa Fabritz
Marie-José Goumans& Robert Passier DGJM 2016 Leiden
13:00 Lunch & Departure
List of confirmed sponsors
German Cardiac Society DGK