Voorlopig programma Cheriscape 5-7 november 2014 4 november

Voorlopig programma Cheriscape
5-7 november 2014
4 november:
- Voor de buitenlandse gasten: inschrijving
- Vanaf 18:00 uur (facultatief): stadswandeling Amersfoort
5 november:
Opening session:
- Cees van 't Veen (Director Cultural Heritage Agency)
- Adri van den Brink (Chairholder Land Use Planning and Landscape Architecture WUR)
- Annemarie Bos (Institute of Scientific Research NWO; Joint Program Initiative)
- Graham Fairclough (CheriScape-team)
10:30 Plenary session 1: Theory and Techniques
Key-note: Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier (D) - University of Heidelberg (D)
Additional lectures from researchers from European countries (such as Bo Ejstrud –
University of Southern Denmark & Guillermo-Sven Reher Diaz - Spanish National Research
13:00 Discussion session 1: Poster-session
14:00 Plenary session 2: Collaboration & inter/transdisciplinarity
Key-note: Prof. Dr. Esther Jansma – Cultural Heritage Agency/University Utrecht
Additional lectures from researchers from European countries (such as (Dr. Lars Erikstad Norwegian Institute for Nature Research & Prof. Dr. Mariusz Czepczyński - Institute of
Geography University of Gdańsk)
16:00 Discussion session 2
19:00: Conference-dinner in Mariënhof (Amersfoort)
6 november (full day in coöperation with Netwerk Historisch Cultuurlandschap):
Plenary session 3: Past, Present and Future
Key-note: Tracy Metz (journalist)
Additional lectures from researchers from The Netherlands (such as prof. ir. Eric Luiten, State
advisor on Landscape and Water)
11:00 3 excursions:
- New Dutch Defence Line (fort Vechten - Lekkanaal)
- Noordoostpolder (Schokland en Nagele)
- Water management and Dutch riverscapes (Grebberg-Blauwe Kamer)
18:00 Returns and drinks at the RCE
7 november:
Plenary session 4: Applying results; societal and political impact
Key-note: Prof. Dr. Jan Kolen - Leiden University (NL)
Additional lectures from researchers from European countries (such as Dr. Laurence le du
Blayo – Université Rennes & Dr. Amy Strecker - Leiden University)
11:00 Discussion session 3
12:30 Conference Overview / General Discussion
13:30 End of conference, lunch