NEWSLETTER OF THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST SWITHUN WELLS 11th January 2015 Our Mission: LOVE GOD – LOVE OTHERS – MAKE DISCIPLES Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No. 246871 Sunday Cycle: Year B. Weekday Cycle: Year I Psalter Week 1 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD ‘Very few of us remember our own baptism, and January is a time for new beginnings and fresh perhaps we have never really even questioned why it resolution. John the Baptist was an expert on this. might be important, other than something we might John’s ministry was all about repentance and life need to attend a Catholic School or get married. changing reform … that’s what his baptism was all Perhaps we need to look to Jesus’ baptism to know about. But anyone who has ever seriously tried to how privileged we really change themselves will know how difficult change are to have been baptised. really is. The addict will tell you how difficult it is to quit gambling, drinking or cigarettes. All of us can What does Jesus’ baptism point to parts of our life that remain stubbornly unsay to us? Jesus’ thirty changed year in and year out. Those who were bapyears of preparation before tised by John were baptised as a sign of their intent to his public baptism remind change from their old ways, but knowing how difficult us that it takes time to get change can be, we can’t help wondering how successready for God’s mission. ful they must have been. Perhaps John appreciated How many countless hours this too when he said “I have baptised you with water, did Jesus spend in prayer? but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.” What study, what thought, Christians are hugely privileged people. We are told what agony must he have that the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus at the undergone b e f o r e outset of his ministry, is the same Holy Spirit that is appearing in front of John to ask him to baptize him. given to us in our baptism. Validating our baptism We are reminded that baptism isn’t just something anew every day, knowing that we are filled with the that happens to us as children, it’s something we Holy Spirit ….. change isn’t beyond any of us. have to live out on a daily basis. More information on all of our Year of Mission activities is on the parish website LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP FOR NEXT WEEKEND’S CALLED & GIFTED WORKSHOP (Fri 16 Jan 7-9pm and Sat 17 Jan 9am-4pm) –just email/phone the parish office or sign-up on the slips available in each church (return to blue folder). Deadline Tues 13th January. Parish Alpha Course begins Mon 23rd Feb 2015: TASTER SESSION Mon 9th Feb 7-9pm Year of Mission - Prayer Focus for January: Through January, pray especially for the following: • that all those God is calling to participate in our parish Called & Gifted process will be open and willing to respond to His invitation • that the Called & Gifted process will bring great blessings to our parish and local communities • for the Diocese team coming to lead our Called & Gifted Workshop • for our parish team preparing for next month’s Alpha Course • for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our parish this month Parish Office: Holy Cross Church, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9DF Tel.: 023 8027 3882. Email: [email protected]. Office hours:: Wed 8.30am-4.30pm Thurs 8.30am - 4.30pm Fri 11.30am - 3.00 pm. Newsletter items should be received by Wed 9.00 am Readings for next Sunday 18th January Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Gospel: 1st reading: Psalm 39 2nd reading: John 1:35-42 1 Samuel 3:3-10.19 ‘Here I am Lord! I come to do your will’ 1 Corinthians 6:13-15. 17-20 JOURNEY IN FAITH (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Wednesdays 7.30-9pm NEXT MEETING WEEK 14th JANUARY St Edward the Confessor Contact Deacon Paul Owen on 023 8065 8251 FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE TIME-OUT ZONE monthly get-together for everyone aged 15-19 (or aged 14 if in Year 10): Next session is THIS SUNDAY 11th JANUARY in Holy Cross Resource Centre, Eastleigh, 7.00-8.30 pm: games, food, chat and faith-focus. Youth Alpha film clip this session is “Prayer: Why and how do I pray?” New people from across the parish always welcome - give it a try! Next session of for anyone in School Years 6 to 9 is Wednesday 14th January from 7.008.30pm in Holy Cross Resource Centre, Eastleigh. New members from across the whole parish always welcome! ADORATION AT ST EDWARD’S [Under-18s: if it’s your first %me, collect a Parental Consent Form from your church or download from parish website homepage – bring completed form with you] Every Thursday from 11am. Holy Hour from 7.30pm. Closing with Benedic5on at 8.30pm 60 ClubClub- Mon 12th January 2pm - 4pm in Holy Cross Resource Centre St Edward the Confessor Friday 30th Jan 2015 FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT £1 per person 16yrs or younger Free 7.00pm - 9.00pm Bring your own food and drink Tea and Coffee provided COFFEE MORNING AT ST ANDREW’S Our first meeting of 2015! Just drop in, you will all be very welcome. Enq: Maureen Westwood 023 80 692682 Chris!an Unity Week 2015 takes place January 18th -25th We welcome into our Community of Faith: Benjamin Thomas Coughlin and Ennis Euan Barker who were baptised recently At St Edward’s: on Wednesdays Rosary at 9.30am followed by coffee. EVERY TUESDAY AFTER MASS WEEKLY MEDITATION PRAYER Every Friday 11am at The Wisdom Centre Drop in for a short period of stillness, silence and calmness ST. SWITHUN WELLS FELLOWSHIP GROUP at St. Swithun Wells Church, Fair Oak Everyone is welcome to our mee5ngs which will resume on Wednesday 14th January at 7.45 pm. This will be a planning mee5ng for the coming term. Enquiries: Peter Baggott: 023 8069 4060 Deacon Bob Birtles: 023 8069 2416 A SAFEGUARDING REFRESHER TRAINING SESSION will be held at St. Edward the Confessor Church on Saturday, 31st January, from 10am to 12:30pm. This training is for people who attended diocesan safeguarding training more than 3 years ago, as the diocese requires safeguarding training to be refreshed every 3 years for those individuals who are still volunteering in their ministry. This refresher session covers both safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. To reserve a place please contact your church safeguarding representative: St. Edward’s church representative Ann Richards can be contacted by email: [email protected] or alternatively you can add your details to the form on the safeguarding notice board in the cloister of the church. Study Day for Catechists - 17th Jan 2015 "Come Follow Me" is a catechetical programme for children ages 7-11. Sr Hyacinthe, one of the Dominican Sisters at Sway, has been involved in translating the programme from French into English, and will lead a study day for catechists at St Mary's, Alton on 17th January, 9.30am-4.30pm. The day is primarily aimed at those leading Children's Liturgy on Sundays, although anyone is welcome to come and learn more about this excellent catechetical resource. Refreshments will be provided and soup for lunch. Please bring some sandwiches. The essential input will be provided in the morning - more general information will be offered in the afternoon. Mass will also be celebrated. The cost of the day is £5 per person. If you wish to attend, please book your place by emailing (to assist with catering) [email protected] A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP PHILIP Churches Together in Chandlers’ Ford Lent Course 2015 For 2015 the Churches Together Lent Course will be using the latest York Course which is entitled “Praise Him”. It is an ecumenical course of 5 sessions described as follows: “This course will explore five different Songs of Praise from the New Testament, looking at what they tell us about God and Jesus but also reflecting on what they tell us about us and our faith.” The sessions will start in the week beginning Monday 23rd February, and as usual we will be looking for people willing to act as hosts and/or leaders for the sessions. The signup sheets for hosts/leaders will be available from the beginning of January. EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAM RIP “As you know, the Church in our 5me is calling us to the work of new evangelisa5on. We are Christ’s missionary disciples, and He has given us many charisms and talents for this work. Now we want to set up in every Pastoral Area an Evangelisa5on Strategy Team, comprised of clergy and laity, to direct the work of mission at the local, parish level. In your Pastoral Area, there will soon be a Holy Hour to pray for this ini5a5ve. The Strategy Team is a new body to replace the Pastoral Council. It should represent all ages and types. It’s all about vision! Its purpose is to sponsor mission-projects across the area. Teams will meet once a term. To find out more, go to our diocesan website: There you will find a video with more info, and details of what the com- Street Pastors We are looking for more people to volunteer as Street Pastors and prayer pastors, going out once a month on a Friday night in Eastleigh, volunteers are also needed in Fair Oak, Chandlers Ford and Hedge End. Street pastors are trained volunteers from local churches who care about their community. They patrol in teams of men and women during the evening to be the Good Samaritan, to care for, listen to and help people who are out on the streets. Our next training starts on the 13th February, for more information please contact Eric Hyom on 02380642357, or search on line for Street Pastors. KNIT FOR PEACE Please pray for the repose of the souls of Betty Milligan who died on New Year’s Eve Pat Osborn whose Requiem Mass will be celebrated at Holy Cross on Wednesday 21st January at 1.30pm May their souls rest in peace. Anne Dee and family are very grateful for the kindness, prayers and prac5cal support given following the death of our much loved Mum, Grandma and Great Grandma, Mary Burke. Thank you. God bless you all. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ELDERFIELD 2014 THANKYOUsomuchforyourgenerouscontributionstoElder ield forChristmas2014.Arecordtotalof£472wasraisedwhichenabledus tobuyagoodrangeofgifts. Wewereabletogivethefollowingtoeachman:ahat,socksandgloves, atoweland lannel,toiletriesandsweets.Thesewerewrappedindividuallyandpackedwithapersonalcard,Christmascakeandacracker. ThesegiftscertainlyhelpedthementoenjoyChristmasandinmany casesweretheonlyonesthereceived.Asweleftafterdroppingoffthe sacks,wewereverytouchedtobethankedfor‘ourkindness’bysome oftheresidents;wepassonthatpersonalthankstoallwhodonated. WORLD GIFTS. To all who contributed. We raised £150 which was enough to by 3 donkeys. Wednesday 14th January Every 2nd Wed in the month 2-4pm St. Andrew’s Church, North Baddesley WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS Please note that the Medaille Trust and Two Saints would welcome donations of men’s clothes and shoes. Thank you. Last week’s collections at St Swithun Wells Parish: £1,689.56 Standing order/Direct debits for the month of November: £6,012.50 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: St Swithun Wells Primary School 023 8026 6210; St George Catholic V.A. College 023 8032 2603; St Anne’s Catholic School 023 8032 8200; Charlton House 023 8067 7575 / St Mary’s College 023 8067 1267 Mass Times for our Six Church Communities TIME CHURCH Sat 10th 9.30am St Ed & HC HC Sat 10th 5.00pm St Sw Vigil Masses 6.00pm OLQA 6.00pm St J 6.30pm St Ed People of the Parish Sun 11th 9.00am 9.00am HC St Ed The Baptism of the Lord 9.15am 9.30am SA OLQA 11.00am 11.00am SA HC Holy Souls Michael Lane FM Sat 17th Mon 12th 9.30am HC NO MASS St Aereld 10.00am St Ed NO MASS Tues 13th 9.30am 10.00am HC St Ed Mary Mckeogh RIP NO MASS St Hilary 10.00am SA Carol Turner’s Bday DATE MASS INTENTION NO MASS NO CONFESSIONS DATE ROSARY 9.30am HC Souls in Purgatory 11.00am HC Funeral Service - Pauline Sweed 6.00pm St J In honour of St Michael the Archangel 9.30am HC Catherine Mary Robinson Int. Polska Msza Święta 10.00am St Ed Holy Souls 10.00am Abbey Holy Souls Joyce Jackson RIP Holy souls– FOSS friends of the suffering Souls Fri 16th AND PRAYERS St Ed HC St Sw St A St J OLQA NO MASS NO MASS 9.30am HC Sat 17th 5.00pm St Sw Vigil Masses 6.00pm 6.00pm OLQA St J Maria Matisova & Peter Korecky RIP 6.30pm St Ed Living and Deceased members of the Morgan Family 9.00am 9.00am HC St Ed Polska Msza Święta Walter Smith FM 9.15am SA NO MASS 9.30am Sun 18th 10.00am St Ed 10.00am 7.00pm OLQA SA Expecting mothers spec. int. Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Saturday Deceased Members of FOSS Friends of the Suffering Souls St Anthony of Egypt HC 7.30 pm 9.30 am 6.00pm 10.00am 8.25 am 9.10am MASS INTENTION St Ed 9.30am St J St Ed St J St A St Ed HC CHURCH 9.30am Thurs 15th 2nd Sunday of Wed 14th TIME Des Woledge RIP Stephan Ryshavy RIP Thanksgiving to Our Lady undoer of the Knots OLQA Mass for Peace 11.00am 11.00am SA HC Holy Souls People of the Parish The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary Evening Prayer Morning Prayer The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary St. Edward the Confessor,191-193, Winchester Rd, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2DU Holy Cross, 53, Leigh Road, Eastleigh. SO50 9DF St. Swithun Wells, Allington Lane, Fair Oak, SO50 7DB St. Andrew’s, Fleming Avenue, North, Baddesley SO52 9EP St. Joseph’s Oratory, 26 Abbey Water, Romsey, SO51 8EJ Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Martin Street, Bishops Waltham. SO32 1DN ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday - HC No Adoration. Thursday - St Ed at 11.00am, closing with Benediction 8.30pm Thursday - St J from 12.00 noon until 6.00pm. Thursday - St A following Morning Prayer until 11.00am CONFESSION (SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION) Saturdays: 10.00am Holy Cross Church 12 noon St. Edward the Confessor Church 5.30pm Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church 5.30pm St. Joseph’s Parish Centre. Sundays: 8.45am St. Andrew’s Church. Malayam (Syro-Malabar) Rite 1st Friday of the month 5.00 pm The Holy Rosary, followed by Mass at Holy Cross. Fr David O’Sullivan Tel: 023 8027 3882 (Parish Priest) mob: 07554 427063 [email protected] Deacon Bob Birtles Tel: 023 8069 2416 [email protected] Fr George Ngwa Tel: 023 8027 3882 [email protected] Tel: (Assistant Priest) Deacon John di Meo Tel: 01794 515688 [email protected] Canon Alan Griffiths (Assistant Priest) frgriffi[email protected] POLISH PRIEST : Fr Zbigniew Budyn Tel: 023 8178 6316 RETIRED PRIEST: Fr David Whitehead Deacon Paul Owen Tel: 023 8065 8251 [email protected] Deacon Paul Hollingworth Tel: 01794 524287 [email protected] Co-ordinator & Adviser for Catechesis & Formation: Holy Cross Resource Centre & Fin Admin: Richard Martin Tel:023 8065 8338 Linda Roberts Tel: 023 8065 8339 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Administrator: Cristina Carretero Tel: 023 80 27 3882 [email protected]
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