Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand FAQ

VMware vCloud Air Virtual Private
Cloud OnDemand
Q. What is Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand?
A. VMware vCloud® Air™ Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand is an
infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offering that allows customers
to consume specific vCPU, vRAM, Storage, Network, IP and
even Support as incremental pay-as-you-go services.
Individuals can register to access these resources online with
a credit card with no upfront resource commitment and no
upfront cost. Charges will be incurred as the resources are
consumed (metered by minute) and billed on a monthly basis.
Q. What does the service provide?
A. Once registered for the service, customers have the ability to
configure and reconfigure, provision, de-provision, allocate
and de-allocate on-demand virtual data centers, as well as
the resources allocated to their virtual machines and
gateways. These resources include (but are not limited to):
• Number of vCPUs allocated to virtual machines
• Amount of vRAM (GB) allocated to virtual machines
• Amount of Storage (GB) allocated to virtual machines
• Number of Public IP Addresses allocated to gateways
• Third-Party Operating Systems and Applications
Q. Are there any capacity limits or usage restrictions?
A. Yes. Customers are limited to 10 virtual data centers, each with
a limit of 50GHz vCPU (50 vCPUs), 100GB vRAM, and 2TB of
Storage. They are also limited to 20 Public IP addresses. Filing
a Support Request with VMware can increase limits.
Q. How is this service different from AWS or Microsoft Azure?
A. While various IaaS providers share many common core
capabilities, there are several areas where VMware
differentiates itself:
• Truly extends the customer data center with a hybrid
platform that requires no VM conversions, offers seamless
extensible networking, is optimized for BOTH existing apps
as well as new apps, and leverages a single common set of
management tools and processes.
• Enables you to choose exactly the VM dimensions you want
with any ratio of CPU, memory and disc, as opposed to
being forced to choose among predefined VM instances.
You can also add vCPU, memory and disk space to any
running VM at any time.
Q. Can customers set alerts so I know my current usage
A. Yes. Usage threshold notifications can be generated via selfservice in My VMware®.
Q. What are your legal and privacy policies?
A. Legal and privacy policies applicable to the vCloud Air service
can be found in the Terms of Service agreement. The current
Terms of Service agreement and privacy policies for vCloud
Air can be found at:
Q. What types of security, compliance and certifications do
you offer?
A. Security, compliance and certification information for
vCloud Air can be found at:
Q. If I have offices outside of the US, can I still use this
A. Yes. The service can be purchased and accessed by
companies with offices in any non-embargoed countries (as
determined by US Trade and Export Compliance regulations).
Q. Is there a cost calculator to help me estimate potential
A. Yes. The cost estimator tool can be found at vcloud.vmware.
Q. What’s the difference between Virtual Private Cloud
OnDemand and the similar subscription-based Dedicated
Cloud and Virtual Private Cloud services? Does Virtual
Private Cloud OnDemand compete with these other
A. Unlike the subscription-based options of vCloud Air, in the
Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand model:
• Provisioning of a service only sets up access to a Virtual
Private Cloud OnDemand instance on the vCloud Air system.
There are no actual charges or items to provision at the time
of sign-up since the customer will be charged based only on
what they use.
• There are no “reserved” resource commitments or long-term
contracts. Once a customer configures their resources, their
usage will be metered by the minute and billed monthly.
Customers will likely find a blend of use cases that are best
served with a combination of OnDemand and subscriptionbased services.
FAQ / 1
VMware vCloud Air Virtual Private
Cloud OnDemand
Q. What plug-ins and add-ons are available for the
OnDemand service?
A. Additional plugs-ins like the vCloud Air Plugin, vCloud
Connector, and vCloud Ops and add-on services such as
Data Protection and Disaster Recovery are not yet available
in the service during the Early Access Program. We will
provide updates to the availability of these additional options
as details become available.
Q. What use cases or tasks can I accomplish with Virtual
Private Cloud OnDemand?
A. Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand use cases and missions
1. Remove IT resource and budget barriers and instantly
scale your Dev and Test environments as needed.
2. Meet unpredictable, non-consistent capacity needs.
3. Support highly elastic workloads.
4. Meet the needs of App developers and business units that
are dabbling with cloud that demand self-service and fast
response time.
5. Address business continuity urgency or needs resulting
from a recent DR experience/event.
Q. How do I access OnDemand to start using the service?
A. Customers can obtain information on how to access the
service via
Q. What do I need to get started?
A. OnDemand service can be established immediately by
registering an online account with just a credit card.
Q. How quickly can I start using the service?
A. Customers can gain instant access to the service by registering
on All that is required is a credit card to
begin using the service. Customers can be up and running in
as little as a few minutes.
Q. Can I use both OnDemand and a vCloud Air subscription
service at the same time?
A. Billing information for both services can also be centrally
viewed and managed from the customer’s My VMware portal.
Q. Can I check my usage to-date at any time before month
end? How?
A. Yes. This usage can be found in the Service Details section of
My VMware.
Q. How does VMware charge and bill for the service?
A. VMware meters charges per minute and bills the customer
monthly based on actual consumption. Please visit vcloud. for more detailed pricing and to access our free
pricing calculator.
Q. Are there discounts available as I use more of the service?
A. Yes. The pricing reflects ranges based on volume pricing,
where greater usage yields greater discounts. Please visit for more detailed pricing and to access
our free pricing calculator.
Q. Are there any promotional incentives or offers available?
A. Yes. Beginning on November 17, 2014, customers can take
advantage of a $1,000 service credit offered as part of an
Early Access Program. Details can be found at vcloud. Or, you can go to
ondemandeap to sign up.
Q. Are there costs associated with importing existing VM’s
and/or data?
A. There are currently no network costs associated with the
import of existing VMs and/or data into the OnDemand
service. The only costs associated with these VMs and / or
data would be for the resources they consume within your
OnDemand environment once imported.
Q. Where will my resources be located geographically?
A. At introduction, the service will initially be available from the
US Northern California, US Virginia and Europe UK locations.
Customers can choose which location to set up their virtual
data centers and virtual machines.
Q. Will I be billed a maintenance fee if I incur no usage for
the month?
A. No. The only charges that may still occur, even with no usage,
will be storage resource charges for VMs.
Q. Can I purchase this service from a VMware partner? If so,
which partners offer the service?
A. Initially, the OnDemand Service is only available directly
from VMware. Future plans intend to enable partners to
offer this service as well. The date for this availability is not
yet announced.
Q. What type of Support is available and how do I obtain it?
A. OnDemand will initially include Entry Level Support via email
only. Existing vCloud Air customers will automatically be
entitled to Production Support. Optional Production Support
for non-customers is planned for a post-GA date – to be
determined. This Production Support option, when available,
will provide telephone support.
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VMware vCloud Air Virtual Private
Cloud OnDemand
Q. How is Support priced?
A. Support is priced as a percentage of the services the
customer consumes.
Q. Are there APIs available?
A. Yes. Service APIs are available. Please visit our documentation
center at: for more
Q. Is there specific Support for use of the APIs?
A. No. You can receive technical support for the APIs via the
same mechanism as all technical support – by filing a Support
Request online through My VMware.
Q. When will I be billed?
A. Your billing date is the monthly anniversary of your service
start date. You can look up service start date in My VMware
portal. For example, if your service start date is Oct 24th, then
you will be billed on the 24th of every month.
Q. I have $1,000 Early Access Program credit, so when will my
credit card be charged?
A. On your billing date, we calculate your monthly service
charges and apply any available credit. If you have any
outstanding charge, after the credits have been applied, your
credit card will then be charged.
Q. I do not have a credit card, can I still sign up for
OnDemand service?
A. No. You need a credit card to sign up for the service.
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