Beacon Newsletter - Unity Santa Maria

The Beacon
December 2014
It’s the Christmas season
again. In truth Christmas is not
a time nor a season, but a state
of mind . To cherish peace and
Join us decorating the
Sanctuary on
December 5th at 10
goodwill is to have the real spirit of Christmas. It’s
the time to spread the message of love, harmony
and peace. Christmas means a spirit of love, a
time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a
time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of
our lives manifest as the presence of God. If we
keep telling the Christmas story, singing the Christmas songs, and living the Christmas spirit, we can
bring joy and happiness and peace to this world.
One writer has written, “He who has not Christmas
in his heart will never find it under a tree.”
I invite you to take the time to reoice in the presence of friends and family. Enjoy the company of
your personal family and your spiritual family, as
we spread the message of love and service to all
God’s children across the globe. In that spirit,
reach out to those who may be alone; this season
can be a difficult time for some. They may need
our companionship and support to be able to to
share in the joy of this holiday season. With God
as our source, it’s a pleasure for us to give in whatever way that Spirit calls us.
Join your spiritual family for our special holiday
celebrations – Christmas Eve Candle Lighting and
Burning Bowl.
One in Spirit,
11 AM with
Pastor Jim (PJ)
Published Monthly by Unity Chapel of Light
1165 Stubblefield Rd., Santa Maria, CA 93455
Prayer Line: 937-3000
Silent Unity Prayer Line: 800-669-2000
Sunday Meditation 10:15 AM
Sunday Service: 11 AM
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Address:
Facebook: Unity of Santa Maria
Vision: To support personal and planetary transformation.
Mission: To provide a loving and supportive environment, and spiritual opportunities to realize
one’s highest self.
Sunday Talks On-Line
If you miss a Sunday Sermon, or just
want to hear it again you can hear it on our website: Talks are also
available on CD in the book store.
Reiki Share
"Feeling stressed,
tired or run down? Come to
Community Reiki at Unity on third Tuesday
of the month from 4-6pm. Experience energy
balancing on a mental, physical, emotional
and spiritual level. Certified Reiki
Practitioners will be available for
free treatments."
Blue Green Algae Meeting
Second Tuesday of the month,
at 3PM. Includes discussions
about healthy living, including
eating this super food.
6:30 PM December 24, 2014
Poetic Justice
The Holidays are speedily coming our way. Our
thoughts are on our Friends and families and where
we will be and who can be with us on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then of course where to shop!
I just happen to know that Marti has just ordered
some perfect little gifts for Christmas time. So
check out the bookstore for gifts.
On November 9th, Charlies Angels held their
Silent Auction in the Activity Center. They felt it
was a rousing success with most of us going home
with a Christmas gift for a loved one.
Our Decorating Committee had to change the date
for decorating our Sanctuary for Christmas to
Friday, December 5th at 10am. If you would like
to help, just call the office and leave your name
because a light lunch will be served after.
Remember, for the Thanksgiving Day service, P J
will officiate at 11:00 am on Thursday, November
27th. Suzan Williams and other Charlies Angels
will provide a wonderful lunch after service in the
Activity Center. Unity love comes through to ensure no one is alone on holidays.
Mark your calendars & bring any kids you wish,
and be prepared to join us for a joyous Christmas
Eve. Beginning @ 6:30PM on Dec. 24th we will
have a wonderfully great time. Among the many
exciting things happening will be: Music, entertainment, sing-along songs, candle lighting, Santa
Claus, etc. See you there, ready to have fun and
receive bountiful blessings.
Until next time,
Fay Bolick
Unity Chapel of Light will be graced with the
presence of a second dramatic performance by the
Poetic Justice Project on Friday, December 12, at 7
p.m. and Saturday, December 13, at 3 p.m. The
play, "Inside Out", will be done in the style of an
Italian comedy and follows a prisoner who is saved
by the love of a good woman as well as his determination to never return to prison.
In the irreverent comedy, actors who are former prisoners will wear decorative masks that reflect the feelings they are trying to communicate.
There is no cost to attend the performance, however, love offerings will be accepted.
The Poetic Justice Project is a local non-profit
organization that advances social justice by engaging formerly incarcerated youth and adults in art
education, mentoring and the creation of original
theater that examines, crime, punishment and redemption. The organization performed the highly
acclaimed play, "In the Kitchen With A Knife", at
Unity Chapel of Light earlier this year. That play
focused upon three individuals suspected of killing
a fellow prisoner and provided the audience with an
opportunity to choose the ending.
Additional information regarding the Poetic
Justice Project is at
or by contacting founder and Artistic Director Deborah Tobola via phone at (805) 264-5463 or via Email at [email protected].
Current sponsors of the Poetic
Justice Project include Unity Chapel
of Light, Live Oak
Unitarian Universalists, Santa Barbara
Friend Meeting
(Quakers), alternatives to Violence
Project Workshops
and Catholic Church
of the Beatitudes.
Walkin’ the Talk
with Jane Furcinite
December 2014
precious gift that you are to this world.
Taken from the CD “Graceful Passages”
by Gary Malkin and Michael Stillwater, track 10
“Let yourself meet the unknown (God). It’s o.k.
It’s a place we don’t have to know with our mind.
“For this reason I was born,
What if there were angels all around you and you
and for this I came into the world,
just couldn’t see them?
to testify to the Truth.”
What if there was a love so vast, that you could
(John 18:37)
never be apart from it?
What if it was impossible for you to go anyJesus was a testament to the Truth of God. And
where where this Love could not find you?
you, also, have this same testimony. The very life
You are entering into the beauty not far from
of Jesus the Christ showed us God the Father.
your heart. It’s a place that embraces you as you
Does the way you live your life show God to the
are. I trust that you will be met by a welcoming
Presence that knows you and that meets you with a
deeper love than you have ever imagined in this
You might think that Christ is the real “gift of God” world. May you know, without any doubt, the preat Christmas, but He says that you are the gift of
cious gift that you are, and may you be welcomed
by a Presence so loving that all fear subsides.”
Just as Jesus was the gift sent by the Father, so too
are you the gift of God unto this world. You have
come to reflect the Father and through your life to
show others God. Can you say of yourself: “For
this reason I was born, and for this I came into the
world, to testify to the Truth of God.”
“And this is life eternal,
that they might know thee the only true God,
and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
(John 17:3)
The Father and I are one said Christ Jesus and so
too are you One with them and with one another:
“I pray that all of them may be one, Father, just as
You are in me, and I am in You. May they also be
in us… I in them and You in me. May they be
brought to complete unity to let the world know
that You sent me and have loved them even as You
have loved me.”
(John 17:20 & 23)
You are the reflection of the love of God to His
creation. May you know, without any doubt, the
As you meditate on, and come to know more fully,
this loving Presence who is God, may you reflect
His love in ever greater measure to the world
around you... for this is your purpose, the reason
you were born, why you come into this world.
To God be the glory!!!
Jane Furcinite
Free Will Offering Will Be Collected At The Door
Begins December 7th and ends December 21st.
HUGABEAR is the program where we bring new plush
toys to church and have them around the Christmas tree,
but….we pick them up for the service and hold them all during the service and teach them to pray. Then they are given
to children in the Santa Maria community. Here’ your
chance to brighten Christmas for a holy child!
Join the Corobs on Saturday, December 20th at 6 PM
in the activity center to celebrate the miracles and joys of
Hannukah, the Jewish Festival of Light.
"Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe,
who wrought miracles for our fathers, in days of old, at this season."
Experience the meaning of Hannukah through song, prayers, stories, potato
latkes and other traditional Hannukah foods, and the Dreiedel game. Love
Offering. Gifts for all children.
Please RSVP Mike at church or by phone (264-6722) by December 2nd.
The Hannukah festivities will continue after church on Sunday, December
21st when traditional latkes and not so traditional variations containing apple, sweet potato, carrot, or zucchini will be served with apple sauce, sour cream and a little gelt (gelt is a chocolate
coin, in contrast to guilt: what you feel for eating too many
latkes). $5 adults, $2 children for as many as you want. Proceeds support the arts team projects.
Unity of Santa Maria
1165 Stubblefield Road
Santa Maria, CA 93455
December 2014
End the old Year and start the New Year with Unity
Chapel of Light. Enjoy the experience of Unity’s
Burning Bowl service. The object ot the ceremony is
letting go of that which no longer
serves you and welcoming in that
which will serve you highest good
Non-Profit Organization
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