
Bitter Words for a Better World
11 日は入梅。21 日は夏至。昼間が最長で夜が短い。もっとも、
日の入りが 1 年で最も遅いのは夏至から 7 日後とか。うっとうし
い梅雨の先取りみたいな話題で恐縮だが、安倍晋三首相が 5 月 15
こんな重大事を憲法第 9 条を改正する手順も踏まず、1 内閣独
調査では、さすがに集団的自衛権行使に賛成 18%-反対 67%の
朝日をはじめ毎日 39-54%、日経 28-51%と軒並み反対が賛成
2010 年に施行されたこの法律は投票年齢 18 歳への引下げを確定
していない。改正案では国民投票に限り 4 年後に 18 歳に引き下
げるなどとしている。世界の 8 割以上の国では 18 歳で選挙権を
得ることが普通である。早急に 18 歳選挙権を確立し若者の政治
くずは通信 2014 年 6 月号
Kuzuha Tsushin, June, 2014
Translated by ATS.
Most Japanese are against being involved in America’s war
The tsuyu rainy season is supposed to start around 11th June on
the solar calendar. The summer solstice will be on 21st June this year, when
we have the longest daytime and the shortest night. Actually, however, the
latest sunset of the year is said to come a week later. Anyway, this writer
feels somewhat sorry for bringing about this depressing topic, symbolic
enough for the gloomy rainy season: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated in a
news conference on 15th May that his cabinet is set to approve the exercise
of the right to collective defence which he insists is constitutional.
The right to collective defence, in short, is the right for Japan to
send the Self-Defence Forces to attack a country, which hit back the U.S.
armed forces that had intruded the country, in collaboration with the U.S.
forces. Thus, Japan would be forced to plunge into a war with a country
that is not antagonistic to it.
Abe wants to fabricate such a critical scheme only by some
constitutional interpretation changes by a single cabinet without taking
necessary steps to amend Article 9 of the Constitution. According to recent
opinion polls by leading Japanese newspapers, those against the exercise by
Japan of the right to collective defence exceeded those for it by big margins:
Asahi Shimbun, 18% pro vs. 67% con; Mainichi Shimbun, 39% pro vs. 54%
con, and Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei), 28% pro vs. 51% con. This clearly
shows that most of the Japanese people are worrying about bringing their
country back to the one that can wage war on other nations.
An amendment bill for the Referendum Law, meanwhile, has
passed the Lower House. The law, put into effect in 2010 as virtually a
procedures act for Constitutional amendments, lacks any definition of
lowering the suffrage age to 18. The bill says that the voting age shall be
lowered to 18 after 4 years from now only for the case of a national
referendum. In more than 80% of the countries on this planet, it is simply
usual that youths at 18 and older have obtained the right to vote in public
office elections. The government should establish suffrage for the young
people at 18 and older to encourage their participation in politics. It will
also work as one of effective measures for the aging society.
(27 May)