
Chinook Park School
1312, 75 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2V 0S6
t | 403-777-8480 f | 403-777-8483 | [email protected]
Newsletter January 2015
Principal’s Message
Happy Holidays to all our families at Chinook Park. It has been a fantastic
four months so far and we know the New Year will continue to bring more
great learning opportunities for our students.
Important Dates:
Jan 5 – School Resumes
Jan 5-26 In-Line Skating
Jan 12 – Kindergarten
Registration Begins
Jan 20 – Parent Council
Meeting – all parents
Jan 29 – Report Cards
Jan 30 – Noninstructional day; NO
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Chinook Park
families for their generosity towards the Adopt- a -Family program where
we received an overwhelming response. At the time of writing this
message, we raised $1,130 in gift cards, $105 in cash plus many
donations of toys and other articles for the families. A special thank you to
Sheila Odie for coordinating this event. These small deeds are important
for our children to participate in because our work is not only around
developing students to their academic potential but also in producing the
best citizens we can. At Chinook Park we strive to develop young people
who will have the skills and the heart to make a difference in the world.
Thank you for supporting these important causes and being such
wonderful role models for your children.
Thank you to all our families who attended our winter celebrations. We
had a full gym both nights! A very special thank you to Lyle Coombes and
Tonia Van Riel for providing the lights for our concert. It made the event
that much more special.
Just a quick reminder that Kindergarten registration begins on January
12th for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
On behalf of the Chinook Park staff, we wish everyone a happy and
relaxing holiday season. We are looking forward to seeing our students
back at school on Monday, January 5th.
Zoe Serediuk
In-Line Skating begins January 5th: Please ensure your child brings
their helmet to school.
School Council News
We hope everyone has a good winter break, and welcome you all back for the New Year. Council
meetings for 2015 are on January 20, February 24, April 14, May 19 and June 16. All meetings are at
6:30 pm in the school library; babysitting is available free of charge. Everyone is welcome and
encouraged to attend. Council meetings are a great way to find out what’s going on in the classrooms
and the school. The meetings are also an opportunity to ask questions and participate in decisions.
We hope to see you there!
At the January 20th meeting, Constable D. Johnson from the Calgary Police Service will be delivering
a presentation on the S4 (Start Smart Stay Safe) initiative in the school. The Go Green Committee
will also be presenting on the Sustainability Project.
The next meeting is Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 6:30pm in the school library. If you are in need of
babysitting, it is provided free of charge by Council. Please contact Lisa Cohen at [email protected] at
least 24 hours in advance to book babysitting.
Your Council Executive,
Chair: Lisa Cohen [email protected]
Vice Chair: Rachelle Klukus [email protected]
Secretary: Nancy Dhaliwal [email protected]
Treasurer: Monika Manhas [email protected]
Request for Volunteers
Ms. McKenzie and Mme French are looking for 3-4 volunteers for Science Fair judging on February
4th from 2:00-4pm in the school gymnasium. If you have a background in any area of Science
(Social Science, Engineering/Mathematics, Bio Science etc.) we would greatly appreciate your
expertise. Please contact Mme French at [email protected] if you are able to help.
From the Lunchroom
The next Fun Food Lunch will be January 28, 2015. Special thanks to all of our volunteers who assist
with the wonderful Fun Food Lunches. Thanks also to all for helping with the Brown Bag Lunches.
If you have any cares or concerns with the lunch or bussing programs please contact Joyce Nisker at
Have a terrific winter break!
From all of your Lunchroom Program Supervisors at Chinook Park School.
Library News
Our school library will reopen on Monday, January 5th. Books signed out for the holidays are
asked to be returned at the regular library times throughout the first week back.
We would like to thank our monthly library volunteers who come in to
assist with the organizing, shelving, stamping, and taping of our library
books. We could not accomplish what we do without your help! Thank you
Jane MacDonnell, Diane Ward, Cathy Poelzer, Sonja Johnson, Diana
Millie, Camille Jensen, Helen Buchanan, Lia Morley, Susan
Ronneberg, Lucia Free.
With our very best wishes for your safe and peaceful holiday season
Dorian Audette and Brigitte Dallaire
Reading Resolutions
Family Literacy Day, held annually on January 27, was established sixteen years ago to raise
awareness of the importance of reading together as a family. Created by ABC Life Literacy
Canada, the literacy initiative encourages entire families to work together to develop better
reading and writing skills. Reading together sets a good example for children, fosters literacy
skills in youngsters and keeps parents’ own skills sharp.
Observing Family Literacy Day is only the first step. Like anything else, becoming skilled at
reading requires practice. So this year, why not resolve to make family literacy a daily habit in
your home?
Here are tips to make your family’s reading resolution a success:
Set an example for your children – let them see you read and hear you discuss what
you have read
Have lots of books in the house
Set up cozy, well lit spaces for reading
Give books as gifts
Make regular trips to the library to stock up on books for the whole family
Encourage your children to read both fiction and factual books
Have your children read out loud to you and to lots of other people too
Encourage your children to read the words that surround them every day – store signs,
roads signs, flyers, labels and recipes
Having your children read a book more than once is a great way to boost their confidence in
reading and improve their speed. With a little imagination, a little encouragement and a lot of
everyday reading, your whole family will help build their brains—and bonds!
For more family reading tips, visit calgaryreads.com.
2015-16 Kindergarten Pre-registration
Registration for Kindergarten will begin Monday, January 12th at 8:15am. The office will be open daily
from 8:15 am – 2:30 pm Mon- Thurs, and 8:15am – 12:00pm Fridays for registrations.
A child who turns five before March 1st, 2016 can start Kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year.
A child who turns six before March 1st, 2016 can start Grade One in the 2015-2016 school year.
You will need to provide proof of your child’s name, date of birth and citizenship. Only the following
documents are accepted:
- Birth Certificate
- Canadian Citizenship Certificate
- Passport
- Baptismal Certificate
- Court Order
You will also need to bring government-issued documentation that confirms your address.
If your child is not a Canadian citizen, you will need to register at the admissions office at Kingsland
Centre (7430 – 5th St. SW; Phone 403-777-7373). The admissions office will register your child into
your designated school.
A French Immersion information meeting will be held at Sundance School on Thursday,
January 8, 2015 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm.
A parent orientation meeting for those who registered their child for Kindergarten 2014-15 will
take place on June 10th, 2015, at 7:00pm at Chinook Park School.
January 2015
School Resumes
In-line Skating
Boys Baton at Lunch
Junior Girls Baton
after school
Registration Begins
for 2015-2016
Junior Girls Baton
after school
Gr 5/6 Dance Club
and Tech Club at
Gr 5/6 Dance Club
and Tech Club at
Winter Break –
No School
Winter Break –
No School
Senior Girls Baton
after school
Area V French
Program Info
Session Sundance
School 6:30pm
Senior Girls Baton
after school
Boys Baton at Lunch
Boys Baton at Lunch
Junior Girls Baton
after school
School Council
Meeting 6:30pm
Boys Baton at Lunch
In-line Skating Ends
Gr 5/6 Dance
Club and Tech
Club at Noon
Gr 2 FI to
Gr 5/6 Dance Club
and Tech Club at
Gr 5/6 Dance Club
Report Cards
and Tech Club at
Senior Girls Baton
No School for
after school
Fun Food Day
Junior Girls Baton
after school
Upcoming Events:
February 12, 13 - Teachers’ Convention – No School
February 16 – Family Day – No School