ヽ ヽ , V一 ¬ 11 `N。 躊(D , --c^e'n;"rtoal,,d_-t_ iffi I I ,*.or.-ro ro*rr.n, xj:::'j:"ii:x jhl}:, j:il,,i#Htf ,l"iil;xJ::::J3:,",... of incomr in Forllt No. tTR-7 for zo ¨ ト エ ´“o ︶ ′ヽ Nam。 ___________________ AKHIL BHARTIYA SAMAJwADi coNcREss Z¨コくとO ∽″ ] ヽ Sprd● tret:′ PO"Om。 . SULTANPuR B A A 1 6 5 J BECuMP R DELHI I I0086 DELHI │ Desig.,6。 .OfAsessing Orcer(lv,「 d′ (1,cl● EE _,[`1 )NFu 三二 1 J口 │い Ⅲ │ evis 2 ドにビ に た0 日α口〓 一イイ い OZく ]〓 C υZ ﹄﹂o た0 Jィ IIrest pay,b[c ︲ ︲ ﹃ トィトニヽ露ヽ 00 咆 14dkDCc b ■ ics 7Ь NIL NIL NIL NIL ,c αsm. ′ d, r“ y■ NIl S ヽ 〕e“ ■● ヽ摯 驚 一 ■DS 'c'FA、 4 ` rsx 鯰 7e nd('oて , 8 0ん o,igi,ar NIL NIL NIL NIL ] 」 弗 i 2 In〔 │ ed 1 J バ●●●″ ヽo ′ 珈 セ 7 ! Arta′ LocJi nrcillbiiGci r or さ 祗 °1° でk N0 :11/R:;iプ 粕 , ∩ ぇ゛ ,/卜 : ]│レ ぜ 宮 “0﹂ ITR-7 い HP-rlIINC0ME rAx RErur{N 釈 祠F卸 :棚 11:,I三 :iIIli,It∴ :‖ ヽ "s職 :酬 :露 iiilil螂 WIII出 『 猛 1凛 癬 [1,正 Ⅲ Ⅲ` ぃ 。 ⅢⅢ 。 品 r∬ Bス 4勺 ffお (鵠彙 SO Fl.t/Door/BrocttE T“ sce‖ B+ttv "r.“ ns if:‖ 1,7 4n ai ∫ クι ●4″ ′υス O 匡 Z 8z6ut rown/Ciry/Drsi;A t Pr.t て と 0 tt"* "nr "t "ng. r "AOI*J Nanle or tic proieCt7■ I 与 耶 < 嘩柵 “ - _l LtqL.tLr 而赫 orrce PIoneヽ umber wilh sTD cOde t. :モ お llate oF ROn― ぼ = ∽ ied 晏 :Iお Name Of¨ Z O ト く 鸞 ;サ im戸 。 Z馨 口 、es s● tu● 。ns n med7¨ R“ 肝 α″″″ ″″.51 ・ A■ erdue dⅢ .39“ )口 Re■ sed Rau凛 ●,ぃ ) 蹴満留蹄器糧硫P半 ″ 々ウル″ ″ υ ″′ ″せ 。″ ″″″ “ A"ia"n,i"r ro..r--ln! Z51,チ r7gル `″ □ 蹴 硫 lu 01i(.(、 lo,,1、 ´ ニ 駅 ι ρ ヽ ″ . 一 ヽ シ , ヽ ぃ ゛ ね Ы e"り ∝ も 、ηncen¨ y¨ 鵬 路淵品‖ i″ “ “ “ I:::1::醤 il」 i:l'J,X ES Whether llereも JJ;::Ifi:Xi:lXiltt'e nd■ ly。 her。 cレ inin赫 ηコ¨く卜 ]o に 日〓 ↑ O riJhCtlk.・ 下 □ Yes 口Yes ぃFommerdtt nature retrred b 生 所で ■蓄市 口 ,I aggregntc annua, rce,pr rrom ,he conn,€rci,, V Wheiher.rsihing exenrption uA 10, Wh■ ler り … 薦 :0(23C)sub dnuse 11,d)。 r● ぃ eF 口T 硫 II ves ..uJ recdPIS exceds Rs 1 0。 rc? It ves Wherher Registe.ed uA t2Alt2AAt 硫 嘔 「 II,$. thcn ehr€r Reent.xrron Nn Dntebf Regisir,tion --l-L(DD/MM/rlr\l lVhe[her apprOval under secliOn 35 1ls been recei″ □ vで s ed? ll ye,lhen enに 主 [空 ]pЮ ,A pprOvA雨 。 呵 Il1:ra I Widher npp● Ov“ (Dγ MM′ YYyv〉 J土 upro'] 。 Ыne『 υ 編 “「 ifyes then en(er Appr。 ,ス O■ te O「 A ppro、 J Jr-,rr-l,,― ′ ′ ",, ",― ___ ―― IN。 lDD7MM′ ■ yYl) L墜 川y・ “ぷh理 El ye, … ζ ラζ f4 ― ‘ ヽど ¬II Ⅲ Ⅲ ¨ ¨ ・Ⅲ ¨ ¨ 空Ⅲ ,,%ccRげ 零 罫 ギ 憂 “ "“ 型 Ъ3冊 割戸 Tlenm u■ Ol contr but。 Is ltis your first reiurn? □ ves D.re orRegisirarion .rec■ ved rrom ou:side indin ・ Tmm.鰤 扇 ― ∽⊇ ︼て j型 ヽぬn"fo bihg hぉ .面 ゞ ・ m_ , 日 0 い ﹄● つ て │ i二 ::::: 二 F元層 II[]]=焉 罵 ; 膊 Ⅲ … … Date orauair repori │ 市稿51語 MARC}I 2OI? ﹂ ヽ け に ﹂ 晴 コ に r ] 一 一 山 広 ﹂ ] ] ﹁ ¨ ﹂ 贈 u M 明 ︲ F 瞑 旧 $:{tt!:,,9,,*,".i SI° l… 竺ng“ rm 133 s品 … 器 葛裏T 146 S.h-CC ″ ′レ ― ― ―― ― 百 ][[[:二 IIEl][117:11「 ]語 II+2+livr, │:,IEI::憂 ross incoo€ i:lli:‖ 器 鱚 I 聯 鰤腑 二 [薫 駆語 囮 鍔 ′レ ∼ ´ψ′レ 〔 」 ρ奴レ ‐ ― ― ¬` 多 ヽ mount accrhulare{,- lSl∫ 犠:(』 1 6i f rir€d from 理 型 型 理… 型 , p" l t7‐ … 6iv 、 ¨ 仙 n 一 he ctai'ned exehpt under Ш耐 i Se“ sectio; V∫ L_ ′ :蘊 … V: 7 ″ d『 。 nl望 )nre QemⅢ und饉 ,ct o l14葛 ette″ Mft or a poriticai mli品 ´´ 乙 _Jヽ ′ ′レ´ ∼ i L― ′ `vii l;ry Els; fi ´ ハ′′1ン ^′ dditiOns 〕 JC° 躊 ,, 。 n ilrIB, 世dermmoni7J レ ′し´ 7ii m“ r、 c― 鰤 Mじ 7 me Chargeabt under sec■ IRに !: ν ′レ ■.疏 n¨ r,mm扇 ot nl l7 i+1 ii+1 iii+1 ir ′レ ¨ 川 器:T亜 “ 菫 轟器 を UctiOns under chRpter vIA 11 ∼ I … 9 fany ,v ∼ 8 ∼ 'じ ″ ′し´ . 姉 州mm“ mmn m“ ¨η Ⅲ 里“ 躍 “ Rb。 ℃ eし 亜壺五詰計B Tl 器写半票薫 .r trorDat rntes 寧 亜 亜 亜 蘭 砺 Jl■ nl]」 ]口 3o% 。 marJnJ rnに J5BBCの ■ 万 ¬ 万万 ′′ ´ ν ′L ∼ 輸 豊宰ギ翠Ы亜15JB(レ ib+l. `● ― total itr 1¨ ∵ 〔 ´ ‐ ″ ′レ II B 一 “ 一 ト ︱︲︱﹂ μL 壁 い ・ . ︲ ・ ︱︱︱︱ ,︱︱︱ ︱ lCIuded in[: ,h.、 :rt ´ ″ ′C― el AgiicullurnlincOme rbr rate purpose К )ShJり “ / ′し Mレ 9 otrl tncohe 19,r0l ,Ine _ ′し/ V マ│` F・ urcharge 靡 o;E ros,〔 Hx“ abi‖ nЪ uh∞ m m Ⅲ m""L"B]"… ′ 4- ″ fレ ジ tl(2e+3+4) rZ 5 … 5通 :ヽ¬ ¬ ■、1罵 い必 引 ″ 〔し ´ ψ ´´ ´ 温 `ι ル じ´ 刊 “ 。 l(9n+9b) “ lab"i● 型 (89c) ntercst payabi; 高繭 :赫 馬 号; ::そ gregtte l,biny(10+"。 nχ es P,id -15 0﹄イヽ ∽﹂ン イ ト 翌 。 ′ 々,7ゥ ■]″ ″ヽ力・ /′ 壽 ― ――,4■__三 「 ス t厖 雨 1 ア 翌″ 2 6″ ″セ′′ 里 些 ]ynЫ e lF4″ ′′ ″″ ;:;;;illil輻 ¨ “ ― 嵩 [:::::::::::::::::,;:メ ハ″′ι´― 晰 "“ m■ me m。 ↓ 商 品 硫 「爵 ]]T 万硫 … 紳 椰 曝 融 螂 鰊 赳 Ξ Do ro,r t;G: 駆 趙 ¨ 品 1暇1肝 轡 螢4■ '力 ″ル々 ′ィぉ t!:t!t"u 続 い 薇 i; y", ン く 4: 6こ ヽ 器 (需 涸 ‐祠 Ords is attached 予 唾 ■p“ 。n r".","1,i 辮聴 OA″ κ accOunt Srt";; cpptic;i;;; 0∼ li猟 1濡 section olds υ e,pe■ Jiturc LtI 4 CCrtincaies 2あ 10DB′ 10Dc :希莉 礫 製 望ィ 読 VERIFIcA T[oN 鋸岸窯編票肇誦碑f凛 1]li瞥 ッ評≒幽 !2?, <,* oa 4tor,lillグ 1枠‖ =西諭識 littn躍 鷲 業 Jng llsiti■ W犠 椰 l欄 ttillよ 〔 憮 部禅 Ⅲ l藉 節 │デ毒 酔 ill:]lilil〕 IWiillililillli:ll‖ ::::Ltも ∫ tllillililiil■ account numter- 1:言 m“ [‖ il撫 │llTξ lf暦 Pt^* aCe u Ftr″ hu.L ・ ∼ V"r" o7 ξ 【塑 lli」 ,1‖ lill∬ 瑕 lil雌 lii革 D".27鍔 dan:よ lilllll:=lf:1:::tlti :││[1:1lll] tl:│1鎌 ││:111」 lI[1]llt′ l席 iI:::L[瑠 T:i 忠 Iif乳 1を , aRL"lj ι滑 l.‐ ′ b′ )sgn htteぅ 備 A00unt 手¨ Of Purpose acculilul■ On section li ¨ A■ Ov.15 Hpplcd dUlillg ric )eal (s). ω `鰐′ 々 rr i"。 ′貿′ η るィ 総 魚 動 Bah nce a n10 ui" available rrjr applicatiO‖ i認 胤IIiv離 :lill 棚%1洛 ;‖ d Su雌 し ( ´ 里輸 里 VeS口 N0 ΞLis tt NI 里 Ves EI N。 p ves口 N。 Sl A mmNぃ I М 一 L as p;, re-(ion DaG "(5) ︲ ︶ ヽ thenr 11, &;k-- Deposir in3iiiiiそB,■ 1。 .c。 :ocieti.( as per 1ec 言= .Ⅲ ●● - … 『 4 」」 TOTAL B SM V 用 d at anv tlm。 ′ 11,,:..∼ .1 Ⅳ e a sib.詰 JI[高 “ 蹄 蝋評賂 S ア ro「 Cl■ Ss oF ie[d shares held │ 。“ 卜… ■ 一 一 m / … ノ │ し フ笙 / / / /― ―― ゛ / =― lmmm Ⅲ∞l“(6) 島品 l 機漱L., "濯両 ―― (0, 恥慕 N。 rl“ 万三 vetlier leX71こ ?rⅢ ofthe111lCe“ @mqn durin; ;; U NO 口 ves □ 高 聴 可 lhmT'Om l wlet“ (5) N。 O O こ 孫 再 布 面 雨濱 『 │ 口 ■es 口 肉 (5, / (3) “ " ― ∠ ■ ― ―― ――_― _ P 腱ⅥOい y“ roh高 炉棚 ぽ :ll 11霧 ‖ s“ _コユニ_4 !V 'A ny Otier f malu tl ∠レ :1 (ll _ le mc Po"orrce saving ori;;G; ば meけ 輌 二 1 / 「 口 1′ es 口 N。 □ ves ttT Elゝ es 日 馬 「 哺 T □ Ves EI N。 U Yes u N0 lmイ f 次 こ ∩ ´ │ ︲¨ C 一 S TOTAL tucr lnvesiments as。 ¨ Collcern ― ― ―― ― コ ¨ ヽ _________ υ 鵡 Whtther tieで 。n cernヽ ∼ cri$ or;;es;erd- そ た ″ 1騨胤 ′ η NumberoFsinresheldlN。 =t.′ (1) 11111二 ll) Of ︲ ︲ ・ 一一 一・ ︲ ︲ rl) (4) El y稿 1/ OTA一 ― 万 D IS: 鳳 嚇 N 0 erted lntO lllves(m enも け 一 (1, 0 【 ndi〕 ::f [:me prOvi(lPH l in留 li ―J rOTAL C_ in t浸 硫 輻 _l― T升 ― / __ ― Nnmeni転 PAN '… ― _倉 ー ――― `2- いにく,/mtta ユ」urinFllle 夢 … 4・ 牙 β 」 ― r(s)/FOundcr(s)/Trustee(s)/ lilllh° i ― ― ― 疏 Ittlζ ]I語 Nan-;;td."; 膠 b ner嚇 而硫 ー ‰ 辟嚇 Ornccottwhぃ 丼 瓢 喜ι 蕊 群 鮮 1椰 聴満 ■ Ⅲ Ⅲ ¨ 0蠍 淵 Li郡 篤 需 可 P輛 “ 濯ぉ糊L″ “ 切 ¨ ― ヽ VヽetlI::こ 131高 JIs∬ 品 蔽Fふ凛輌濱藁葛11扇 扇 「 :屁弓 長 石乏 ,11::;;】 lf y",date Or nud"? ―――― ―― ――_______ ,∫ _ 晰 に いこ 卜 o ∽口υ“一 引q刻 鉤 輌硫 顕 言 噸 ¨ 聴硫 VY― 生′ _ り eS Dン MM′ 百 瓦 EI Yes ,「 颯ね 「 「 1ヽ 1` ■ 硫 :ncO me nS under sec● 。鷹 塾 dudbns‐ ー ¨ 罵 両 弓 雨 7 ¬ 嘔“ b) mЫ e晰 rlttheaIIIIIIIIIIIIII三 … 111lf・ 二 IIIII:][‖ :脇 73s9-0 つ 稿 dre$ orp;p;rry ― p.;;;tE; ,n,1". rh" h""d t,rr." 0ヽ ,h′ , tt," p'op.,ty "o-o*,JiE-* Y00,percent,ge。 yeS"口 “ 上 r ci〔 y r・ VEs・ p温 H O “ S E ,nle。 c。 。 「 w ner(s) に ,ぉ │。 whgda“ … AN OFcO owner(s)(0,● 。n,り Shtt h Pmperfy● P R O P ﹂ R T Υ ちり● iF● 。 ]El 坐r III「 τ 1lIF ::{::::::::::正 三i:[二 五 . :こ [71云 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― Ten'・ 三 高砺 ・編 出 ・ "bn“ ¨ … 型 … ,Ы eO・ (lf+1 ddress of propql)., b。 り 両 “ lshare in the prOpe,(y ensc e■ 。,端 「 T 'N Code mm 一 ︵嘔 いヽ / イー ︲︲ ︲ ¬こと . rh" p.op".ty "o-o;;iEaE ¨r percm● ame orco-d;;?, 口 VE,口 m● "・ 酪F 「 ¨ … AN rc_。 wm.0● ●b.J 型 摯 飾 ‖言 “""Ⅲ・ ● ifktout ll ■me。「 Ten,■ ( 型 器 軍′翠 耐 繹 撃 “ rt =聖 W“ TmaⅢ 10pl硼 " ¨瓦硫万 硫 砺J基 霊 Ⅲ 鹿‖屹 d Q nn.“ ¨ 91!l (r.b + ー ¨ 。 卸 pF+2gl Ⅲ 濶 … 117 ・ ““ Omc瘍 テ ち “ :: Under sec● On 25ハ バ ハ ― ー ノ ∩ に Ctlい V ¨ m" 一一 ■リ 1 ν C Gni ¨ 稿 iny incOme under cap tni ga ns?□ ︲ ‰一 A t,[ ′ ― N。― (if.`yes` 'p:e,se cntel「 Fo:1 ol● ing detat[s) ― Yes m CaPita ga n ・ 一・。 atue 甲 orconsiamtioF se.rion,ts- rl,ons,nU". ー m E"( "r*q,[,G; Expenaiture onliisG !ost of lDprovenrent IotAl ( bi + d 2 biil red 0: - bn-it 鼈 ― _ bi /´ Oi、 / 」 ′ short.,nii;i; ld 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 B ] 1 1 1「 引 7 Hl,1 “ ‐ : i*h capitalgain … … Assel ln tlle cnsc。 sc o「 〔h. s 「 。lhe「 '"trere proriso nsideration b lDed ,ctions unoe' ` [I:A(5‐ 6) ― ∽Z ¨● 0 ● イト ﹄ヽイ し siitiin lR bi 1,:i 嚇一 h :1: C 一d 19111 lbi+bl+bil) lLレ Nelbl n ce lc ― p1/― ― ― ´ ― [d Exemplon u′ ,1]`IA) │( 「 otai I in tle cnse oiotrrcn *rrqe 回 硫 稿 而 硫 証 一 引 b V l ia ¨ よ 忠 …“ 盤ExPendi[ure 「 On[ra nsrer f on r rl(r) is nol excrcised **i.二 (ld-te) rf 2, ― ,t,ons uncer、 ect。 ■48 V 軍 ,!1 iV b t 一 ● , Iotal(bi+ bii;;D biv / 1 2( 2● t"GIL"""'1* 1 C │ ャ 議n口 Jま hilr鸞 赤帯滞酬場沸∬号器十里型 nco打 F・ υ,ヮ ・ 赫 屁 FcAPITALcANS・ (AS+B3)`′ ″κ `∂ j″ ″ 21 3 一 C 3 │ = 5 . unrroiarior 躊 2 イ エ N'レ グ ー 0ど レ ー 可Qマ ′ Cererat un(rer the rczd busin€ss a.,r p."f";;;? tr-}; No (rr..yes,'please enGr ofBusne$ or protession (refer to t[e instrurtrons) employed in the previous yk- hethod otacconnting 口 一□ ethOd Or,cc。 しntl■ g rol";t"g d.t"ilr) merて ,ntile 出 nt e ° 品 arku rnに s wHche、 erも によ 希十面高再孫昴面 1晟 i° “ 而 而 而 硫 而 而 薫¬ 而 疏 扇 「 催 饉 I辮 器 膜 lt還kli肝 :lξ Fuse° … f de,HJon,r,Fテ高青希葺 嵩蔽薦 市占鵠器 キ 1盤 1疇 よ ︲ Z︵ ︶ ¨ ∽ ∽ ω﹂︵ ﹂ 日 ヨ N Ч ﹁ E 引 切 団 力 i ﹁ 湘 . ﹁ Ч ﹁ 引 d 期 日 Ч 酬 割 ヨ ﹁ ﹁ Ч 力 ﹁ V 悪 NIレ / 霊 飛P ¨ 陥ぶ 鍼¨ 理 型Ш甍 高 I]T二 [二 三 二 IIIm eXempt・ 00me otrl€rempt … im;;;… 両 柵 師聴需繭 鱚 ― よ ∬∵よ l鴇 ;lil∫ ∬ ('・ Jb` ACco u"whch Oral 17+0 ¨med incO me:inder sec[iO● ny Other itein o44DA o. irens of 33A B′ 33ABA/3sABB iddi6;r;;rcti;18 ρ(紀・タ ヽ ■■つ , ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ “ 一 “ 一 ‘ 一 “ 一 柵酵 14 ■V 15 … nco me(14-17) 1, PrO ts sno garns roGi(lq 17 oiruiiniilioii ..a_- (o ︱︱卜︲︲︲︲︲︲ ︱ 一・ ■ 一 ¨ 川 一Ⅳ 一V 鋼一 お 1 ,2 1,1 (rs +lliiD き V 丑 ― 姉 du― 而耐¨ 面薇ま fま f革 :ぎ 語 健, ““ 囲需需 21、 赫 A23 … 24 25 寺 無 。 ●28h岩 語二 "蜂 ″ │… 26 面 面 而 十 」言 =言 │く iキ ー ー ー ー ibnS h accOrdnnce w"h sc“ ¨ T濡 k嚇 ppllng「 じに 7A or 7B(sn me,s ′ A or7じ ) ca* otsm";,i r,".r n";m=it;;;;i, ― r,ii,.-i-ii J“ ¨ 平 - ¨ ﹃一 ︲卜に 型 … A′ [o: r/roBA 10A 卜dd“ 0ヽ ha∝ 。 「dan“ 三 「 凹 lq,) ,.0nt o. tos r" roi.=aea u-ctio-nu-tl"ii"ifi.i Ded (ions ;G;ser,;n- ... - .. - bove m ZZ erept in co npu t, ti on or I ¨ 25 C │` 回 , 「 摯 i8 2子 │ ´ イヾ't/ ィ , 01,1(:5+16) 20 B ヽ i3 r B27 ョ生L` ns ″ C rccount rcno 五 itJtosst 略 Jシ ″ PrOnl。 │。 ss,Om s,ecined bus..、 「 、r,,,っ o,o、 ′ DeductiOns in accOrdance with sect O■ 35AD 32 D 33 _0● ′ E ・ヽ ●J。 ● 1[“ 〕 l D」 41 許 V /… Hqd/ s;rc€ ‖rre ; (7‖ 市 ` 「 Wil‖i瑯 1椰 :1:堺 l∫:ド 杷 出 │ぼ 響 ¨ Z ] ¨ 2 一 ∽ ﹂ ヽ o て∽ ﹁ 詞 ﹁ ﹁ 一 0 白 ﹁ コ∝ ﹁ イ ︺ コ ´[ S‐ l'Ы nfS,(e.dtd g Sp(utilion rorg rern inco; olill{ 郷11出霊F 担1精 Rill」 魔 Lo...",",ni,8 COm X ´ト ロト イZ ぼ ロ トコイ V rars losscs D us,1,e`s Loss posit,c) ▼ l "rt"a;Lo mern・ R11¬ e Tax お ]二 ‖ ]li:I■ _IJlll彿 ﹄ をし ¨ a¨Z 〓 ´ ― Iモ IT罵 拙 嵩 ble uhder se(ion I IsJO ; lliclll:11」 :le … ldend P,ld or prOposed 裕留 亜尊恥l柵 忠‖服概l肥 腋 需 需 癬 褥 踊 杖 お J nd“ nFn+4b+4c+4d+4e+4「 `謁 り βttγ ド 123“ ■tl Ⅲm燻 誦 雷 硫 興 針 “ [I躙 F 薫 W」 齢 ‖ 藷 よ 鮪 榔 器:冊 lil11111∫ llll:‖ ∫ ‖ l¨ :II「 ti::il:111 嘲 出 猟 ・ l鷲i鮮 疏品 … ″ 蒲 1蹴 徳離 t6.red ;中ed to P&Llit 留κ ot.I deducIrom =`ガ (5rrib+5d5d+-5eEr) "1プ pront unaerseitoi ' g p,yatte unrre.*"iioi "5J3o+4● ll5,rB,lE.5o%or(6)l 型 am¨ m ぃ … der O¨ 「 唾エコ畦 !!!q!14![!rt!]I ri壁 .sectionItsJAA 拝需要需需諏苧幕幕需薫幕 ta,agalns(wh ci cr Asre$mn, I rrerii Y,1〔 Iお 嗜詰 (A) II FOrw,■ L) 瓦 πl:肩 葛硫 蕊 i"AT Credil 一● 。Lυ 卜 ‘ F 濯11i鰍 Itir (lu rre nt (C) Ve,「 "nl■ Carried Fo「 wnrd (E) 1卜β ε+″ `′ 鏡 ¨ 祠 tl,v,"abに l… け credt h sulseluenttlsesmem vears′ `″ o″ ″ ′ ″ nte MAT cred" fo l“ e (D)′ ″′′ス `″ ′′おg′ で″′ 鍼 晨 ″″′ α″ 協 ″ 硫 `“ ″硫 ″″セ″ r7,′ '′ '′ ″′ ′ =E(、 ;i″ ● ﹄ ﹄ ¨ 一 / ,¨ / /. ηで, ■ N ● (%l ロトく ば コイ ¨ υ ]ヽ∽ 1 IA ロ 16 2 22 ロ lo 3 21 ,BB 4 5BBC 5 .: スX‖ 〕 ereo■ 58BD 6 / 7 レ や` □ ノ 8 15 ロ , / □ Tax lhereo■ ロ ヽ □ incOmc □ 。 N oode t"r ,r.np.r"r ︲ S ncom€ charge.ble ro tnrom€ incOme S Set io■ □ ロ □ ll and serrAssesn,cnr rax payfrenrs or rncone,rax orte or oeoostL toodinEiii seri{l Nrn,he;iai;r;; =!ll9I1!lI:I"r ∽ 壼ι口〓 ン イ〓 xく ト た 0″ け /ま でに か の″&″ ィM脚 ′ね口″y,。 九 “ D.tails of Tax Deducted at Source on tncome Tax DeducJ。 。 ︶ 口︺ た0 ︶ Z ¨“ ビ 〓 ﹂0 た0 ∽Q↑ AccO■ ,(Numbt, (lAN)。 1 Fi,,a■ 歳薫 れ 満 粥 Fornr 16 A isstred (a Vc,,11 Anr0trnr Wlit h■ DS is 1lle oulot(() crrimed Ded ucted Detzih ofTax Co ccl..l,r s" SI コど ● 0 乙 一Z O ち︺ 一 N。 Tol3ttar.o (1) --- i,- - (ir) │││││││││ Щ ectcd 認『 器席I∬ d罵 :ned `り (5) レ ― I I I リ μ 僣如η ■2q n.`.i A 繹 cou;d… SI N。 0 Counlry (2 C;G N,.c;;;;,rd;"s o-rihe Name m;rioncd-l;th" PenЧ 範 (r) 市 ¬ … // B ,Is Of雨 SN ∽ト ロ ´´ ‘ ′ し ¨コ γ ︵﹀﹂ tountry 「 sti Countrr Code N,,ne ― ― n,t,.. ot",,t[ (2) ― ― ′ 膨 ,場男 リカ り `i) │(', lζ Enrit! レ ― -(4) / C ¨ コ ¨イト ロo SN。 (I) t; tails of Corrtry ― ン h 訃 Add「 ssiftle Properll (3) t2) 叫 齢 S,N。 融 戸 ロ ″ J扇■7ぁ ― (4) ●, Siヽ 。 hvestment"で ― ー ,tailS Or a■ (2) L Ъtn ― レ (1) (I) __1 ― tameinrr (.1) 0 隕 い │"ト ィ ‐ │ 詰満誌轟,ri;;l;r,i"r 1(S)“ : :i〕 e nccOunt (2) 〕which v.Ⅲ ぉ オ 席 高 __ ζ F … │ 硫 而 TT=_」 Л而而而詰 空些 翠撃理 the Instir li.-o; 『 tl"me o"ntio (3) ncで 。. (り `4) │ ′ │レ ∼ `│リ ρ“ ヽ0 ′ ご 6ク ′ ″ ″ と ヽ ψ , 子 `ル ¬こο Name ofthe Assessee AKH:L BHARTIYA SAMA」 WAD:CONGRESS Financial Year 2011-12 2012‐ 13 Assessment Year PAN No ______ AABAA7165」 COMPUTAT:ON OF TOTAL:NCOME 52550000 52550000 Total receipt as per lncome & Expenditure fuc Less. E emption u/s 'l3A V N‖ Taxable rncome Tax Due Tai oavable N‖ N‖ Note:The receipts of the politlcal party claimed to be exempt u/s 134 ofthe lncome Tax act,1961 β質 /ヒ ,"′ D「 師淋 W V ShV Ram S ngh Gaur 塗 "引 i鸞 襦 詢 ィ ﹀ , 一一 ヽ ¨ ¬ζ l SANJAY GARG&ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 836′ 22 BEHIND GUR MANDl SONEPAT HARYANA 131001 ============================================================ AUDITORS'REPORT We have audited the attached Balance,Sheet of AKHIL BHARTIYA SAMAJWADI CONGRESS as at March 31st,2012, and also the lncome and Expenditure AJc for the Year ended on that date, annexed thereto in which the audited accounts of the Akhil Bhartiya Samajwadi Congress have been incorporated, as audited by the Aditors,Which are in agreement with the books of accounts maintained by the party. of our a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to thq best knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purpose of our audit. b) ln our opinion, proper books of Account have been kept as required by law so far, as appears from our explanation of those books. dl ln our opinion and to the best of our information and according to us the said accounts give fair view and conform(y with the accounting principles generally agcepted in lndia. i). ln the case of Balance Sheet, of the State of affairs of the above named party as at l\ilarch 31't ,2012. ii). ln case of lncome and Expenditure Account, of the Excess of the Expenditure over lncome for the accounting year ending on 31"t lvlarch,2012 for SANJAY GARG& V Chi::::;l (SANJA M No.504215 Piace:New Delhi Date:24‐ 09・ 2012 TES ηこL AKHIL BHARTIYA SAⅣ IAJWADI CONGRESS D167 RAJiV NACAR BECU M PUR PUR NEW DELHI‐ 110086 PO― SULTAN BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31ST MARCH.2012 Amount(Rs) L:ABLITIES Amount(Rsn ASSETS CENARAL FUND 673.59300 Opening Balance Less:Excess of Expenditure -7355000 As oer Anne\ure 55656800 "A" 60004300 Overlncome Current Assets Cash in Hand ∩“ c./復 ` ワ´ Yogendra Dr.Shiv Ram Srngh Caur ( President ) ( General Secretary ) Auditof ReDOrl Complied iiom lhc BooLs ol Accoq loiSANIAY GA tG&` (SANJAY V TOTAL 60004300 TOTAL V Placel New Delh Prop「 etor Datc1 24‐ 09‐ 2012 M No 504215 779000 3568500 4347500 η地 AKHIL BHARTIYA SAMAJWADI CONGRESS D167 RAJiV NACAR BECUMPuR PuR NEW DELHI l10086 PO― SULTAN PЮ nt&Loss Account“ r the vear ended 31st M,rch 2012 Amount(Rs〕 Incomes 8065200 ,727000 B,Rect pt nom COnけ bulon Expendrtures Io Adven isemenl &Publiciry To Enablishnrenl Expenses 1338500 1046500 To tclephone Expenses AmountrRs) 52550000 ヽ 4embclship lees 'to MeetinB E\penses 2658500 To tlank charge 1000000 B, Fxcess oi e、 Ptnd ture o、 er 65 00 1ncomes[ransitr lo Balance Io T.avelling Expenses To Pri.ting & SlaLionert 211600() Sheet To Water & Electricity To Boarding & LodsinS (Elecdon) 'lo News PapeB & Periodecah To Repair & Maintenmce To Otlice & Olher Mrsc.exp. 'lo Contribulron ro Cshditares 2748500 3578500 381000 7355000 8872()0 1546500 215150o 80()0000 2600000 871000 231800 3520000 To vehicle hrc charges (Etecrior) 74308 oo 599050 Q… ′ イニ D「 Shlv Ram S n9h cau「 (PreSidCni) 力 ヽ Yogendra ( Ceneral Secrerary ) Audito. Remrt Complied trom the Books ofAccounrs p ibrSANJAY GARG&AS V Charlered A (SAN」 AY Plκ e New Delhl Dale 24‐ 09‐ 2012 Propr etor M No 504215 TOTAL 599050 T Pt Ms Reeta Singh (TreaSurer) η3Ч AKHIL BHARTIYA SAMAJWADI CONGRESS 0 167 RA」 lV NAGAR BECUMPUR PUR NEW DELHl‐ 140086 PO‐ SuLTAN DETAILOF FIXEDASSETSfOrthevearended 31stMarch‐ 2012 tilttte anre 99sll!9 or DEP. Additions Totalas on Depreciation 9CDlcciellg! IqlglDcp. wDv.asat 31.03.2012 upto 01.04.12 lor the vear as on 31_3_ at'l.4.ll 000 24550000 24550000 000 1841250 1841250 22703750 60% 3575000 000 3575000 1072500 4501500 2574000 1001000 15% 6560000 000 6560000 984000 036400 1820400 4739600 15% 4840000 000 4840000 726000 617100 1343100 0496900 10% 25650000 3260000 28910000 2665000 2634500 5499500 23710500 Car 8% Compuier Office Equrpmenls TOTAL 406250 00 278100 00 断 sn熙1偽 604350 00 53475 00 r″ A ゛〈 ?F ( G€neral Secretary ) ( rreasurer ) lorSANjAY GARG&A ChTlertu (SAN」 AY P ace,Ncw Delhi Dat,24‐ 09‐ 2012 556567 50 l\4s Reeta Singh Audiror Repon Complied fiom the Bobk5 ol Accounls Produced belore us V 127782 50 Yogendra r ( President) 74307 50 Propr elo「 M No 504215 、 一 ´ ¬Ъゞ AKHIL BHART:YA SAMA」 WADiCONGRESS D」 167 RAJIV NAGAR BEGUMPUR PO― SULTAN PUR NE1/V DELH卜 110086 SiGNIFICANT ACCOuNT:NC POLICIES AN⊇ NOTES ON ACCOuNT FORMINC PART OF THE ACCOuNTS AS AT 31S・ MARCH 2012 l Basis of Accounting Accounts ofthe party is maintained on cash basis of accounting 2 Fixed Assets:‐ Fixed Assets are stated at costless depreciation 3 Depreciation: Dep「 eciation on fixed Assets has been prOvide atthe rates spec fied in the income Tax Act 4 Receipt From contribution:‐ Receiptfrom box cO‖ ect on and coupon sales are accounted for as certified by the office bearers ofthe pary 5 Du「 ing the yearthe party has been purchased old Scorpio Car For SAN」 AY GARC SSOCIATES For AKH:L BHARTIYA SAMA」 WADI CONGRESS Chartered Acco γ ∩突′ (SANJAY GARGi Propr etO「 M No 504215 Place:New Delhi Date124-09‐ 2042 (President) `恒 商 ( cen.Secretary 平 餃 ) (Treasurer) , ¬3` ザ ヽ AKHIL BⅡ ARTIYA SAMAJWADI CONGRESS D167 RAJIV NACAR BEGUMPUR PO― SULTAN PUR NEW DELHl‐ 110086 LIST OF MEⅣ IBER NAME NO ‐ Dr.Shiv Ram Singh Gour DIS:GNAT10N President ADUPG2327B 1 RajpalSingh Vice― Pres PAN NUMBER dent 2 3 Yogendra GeneralSecretary Ms Reeta Singh Treasurer Amarjit Secretary 4 5 V 判、 ミ 4 備 赫 ・ / /′ . 187 / メ│′ V V 6α `η 歩 ¬退 , ¨ SAN」 AY GARG&ASSOCiATES CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS I 836′ 22 BEHlND GUR MANDl SONEPAT HARYANA 131001 ============================================================ AUDITORS'REPORT 盤:記lβttf:臨 鳳 朧 胎 柑冊脚 響蜃 騨 鵬鵬 ξ Whm tte h ended on that date, annexed thereto in whic :∬訛d霧 譜脂 1'yhe 島 :鳳 鷲猟 よ ξ 滉よ 鯖詔 郡鑑甜 a) り d) Nお 喝 We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purpose of our audit' of our so ln our opinion, proper books of Account have been kept as required by law far, as appears from our explanation of those books' the said ln our opinion and to the best of our information and according to us generally principles ;;;"iJ;;; t"iiuiew ana conformity with the accounting accepted in lndia. i). named party ln the case of Balance Sheet' of the State of affairs of the above as at March 3l|'t ,2012. iil '' ln case of lncome and Expenditure Account, of the Excess of the Expenditure t"i the accounting year ending on 31"t March'2012 ir"t i*"r" for SANJAY GARG& V M.No.504215 Piac● :New Delhi Date:24‐ 09・ 2012 ¬?η AKHIL BHARTIYA SAMAJWADICONGRESS r ● 167 RAЛ V NACAR BECUMPUR PUR NEW DELHI‐ 110086 PO‐ SULTAN BALANCE SIEET AS ON 31ST.MARCⅡ 2012 Amount`Rs)ASSETS LIABLITIES CENARAL FUND Opening Balance Amount(Rsi Fixed Assets ‐ 673,5,3 00 -7355000 Less:Excess oF Ⅸ pendimre As per Anne測 ェ 556,56800 ''A・ 600,04300 Overlncome Current Assets 779000 3568500 Bank Oflndia Cash in Hand TOTAL 60004300 ∩氣「/往 'i'(''-f .ソ D「 Sh v Ram S ngh Gaur (PrCSidCnt) TOTAL Yogendra (General Secretary) Auditor Rooorl Complied Aom the Books ofAccounts Produced betoreus: forSANJAY GARG& Cha■ ered (SANJAY GA Proprietor M No 504215 Plェ e,New Delhi Date1 24‐ 09‐ 2012 4347500 60004300 汀 に Ms. Reeta Sin8h (Treasurer) 可ヽ0 AKHIL BHARTIYA SAMAJWADI CONGRESS D-167 RAЛ V 「 NACAR BECUMPuR PUR NEW DELH1 110086 PO― SULTAN Pront&Loss Account ror the vear ended 31st March‐ 2012 Amount(Rs〕 Incomes 8065200 ExDenditures To AdleriiserEnt &Pubhcity Amount`R3) To Esrablishment Expenses 97270 00 By Receipt¨ n Contibuい on, To Staff Welfare 13385 00 Memberslllp Fees To tel€phone Expenses 1046500 To Meeting Er?enses 2658500 To Audit fee 10000 00 By Excess ofexpenditllre over 21160 00 Shect To Travelling Expenses & Stationery To Water & El€ctricity To Boarding 7355000 65 00 1ncomes transFerto Balance To BanI charge To Printing 52550000 887200 48500 3578500 381000 1546500 2151500 8000000 2600000 871000 231800 3520000 フ430800 2フ & Lodging (El€ction) & Periodecals To News Papers To Repair & Maintenance To Office & Other Misc.exp. To Contribution to Canditates To Rent To Insumnce To Postage & Fax To V€hicle hire charges (Election) To Depreciation 599050 V 戯 /"仁 瀞 Dr.Shiv Ram Singh Gaur ( President ) YoBendra (GeneralSecretary) Auditor ReDOrt Complied'om the Books ofAccoun“ Produced before us i for SANJAY GARC&ASSOCIATES Chartered SAN Pro M No 504215 Placc:Nc、 ″Delhi Date:24092012 , 599050 {rcr Ms. Reeta (Treasurer) S鮮 AKHIL BHARTIYA SApIAJWADI CONGRESS ヂ D‐ 167 RA」 PO― SuLTAN NAME OF ASSETS RATE of DEP t: uompurer Goods lV NACAR BECuMPUR Additlons Totai as on Depreciation DepreciaUon 31032012 upto 01.04.12 for the year as on 31‐ 3‐ 12 31032012 2455000o 000 1841250 1841250 22700750 60% 3575000 000 3575000 1072500 1501500 2574000 1001000 15% 6560000 000 6560000 984000 036400 1820400 4739600 15% 4840000 000 4340000 726000 61710o 1343100 3496900 10% 25650000 3260000 289100 oo 2565000 2634500 5199500 237105001 40625000 270100o0 60435000 5347500 7430750 12771250 55656750 (“ た 瀞 Shiv Ram Singh Gaur Yogendra (General Secretary) Compled ionlthe Bo“ ofAceouns PЮ duca befOre us: forSANJAY GARC&A Cha‐ tered (SAN」 パ Proprie M No 504215 092012 W D V asat 24550000 Auditof Reoorl Date 24‐ Total Dep 000 (PreSident) Place:New IDelhi 2012 8% 能 D「 Costas at,411 I PUR NEW DELHi‐ 110086 DETA:L OF FiXED ASSETS rorthe vear ended 31st.March‐ 'Elechic ¬Ч 爬ti『 (Treasurer) ・ ヾ ■ヽみ AKH:L BHART:YA SAMAJWADiCONGRESS D‐ 167 RA」 IV NAGAR BEGUMPUR PO― SULTAN PUR NEVV DELH11lo086 'l.Basis of Accounting Accounts of the party is maintained on cash basis of accounting. 2.Fixed Assets:Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. 3.Depreciation: Depreciation on fixed Assets has been provide at the rates specified in the income Tax Act. 4.Receipt From contribution:Receipt from box collection and coupon sales are accounted for as certified by the office bearers of the party. 5. During the year the party has been purchased old Scorpio Car. For SAN」 AY Chartered GARG&ASSOC:ATES (SAN」 AY Prop面 etor M No 504215 Place:New Delhi Dato:24‐ 09‐ 2012 For AKHIL BHARTIYA SAMA」 イ‐ r銭 ′ (President ) WADICONGRESS ヽ つム ( Gen.Secretary ) さギ七と (Treasurer)
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