Annals of Library Science and Documentation 1987,34(4), 131-148 I.C.A.R. INSTITUTES LIBRARIES A SURVEY GRDESHMUKH Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Dehradun-248195 (U.P.) Information regarding Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Institute's libraries obtained with the help of questionnaire, has been presented. The problematic factors prevailing in these libraries and requiring timely consideration have been outlined. Certain measures for expediting efficient library service with minimum cost have been put forth. INTRODUCTION The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is an autonomous apex body responsible for the organisation and management of research and education in the field of agriculture, animal science and fisheries in India. The Council was set up in 1929 on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. It was reorganised in 1965 and 1973. The Headquarters of the ICAR are located in Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. OBJECTIVES The ICAR has the following objectives: 1) To undertake, aid, promote and coordinate agricultural, animal husbandry arid fisheries education and its application. 2) To act as a clearinghouse of research and general information relating to agricultural and veterinary matters. 3) To maintain a research and reference library. 4) To do other things considered necessary to attain the above objectives, and 5) To provide consultancy services in the field of education, research and training in agriculture and allied sciences. Vol 34 No 3 December 1987 ORGANISATION The Minister of Agriculture is the President of the ICAR. Its principal executive officer is the Director General. He is also Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) which was set up to provide the requisite linkage with the central and state government agencies and to look after international collaboration. During the past 57 years, the ICAR has developed a vast network of 41 institutes, 4 national bureaux, 4 project directorates, 7 national research centres, National Academy of Agricultural Research and Management and 68 All India Coordinated Research Projects. The total staff working in the Council in different categories is over 30,000 of which over 6,200 are scientists. EDUCATION The ICAR aids, promotes and coordinates agricultural education in the country through financial assistance to 23 state agricultural universities. Two of the ICAR institutes viz Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar have been conferred the status of "Deemed to be University". The National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal and Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Bombay provides facilities for education in dairy sciences and fisheries respectively. A library is attached research institute. to each and every DESHMUKH NEED & OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEY NEED: ICAR is one of the leading organisations in the field of agriculture and related sciences, having 41 research institutes. Almost all the institutes have very specialised libraries to cater to the needs of their scientists. of serials (about 4,800) and CARl, Izatnagar receives the minimum number (about 40). Most of the libraries have quite a good number of reprint collection. It seems from appendix A that microfilm and nonbook materials have not gained much popularity. PROFESSIONAL STAFF SCOPE This survey is confined to the libraries coming .under ICAF research institutes. OBJECTIVES OF SURVEY To make an assessment of the existing (i) resources, (ii) physical facilities, (iii) staff (iv) sources, and (v) to make a set of recommendations for future, based on the finding. METHODOLOGY After careful thinking, it was decided to adopt questionnaire method, in spite of its limitations, for the study. The questionnaires were mailed to 38 institutes and in all 29 filled-in questionnaires were received (5 received through personal visits). Nine institutes did not respond. Analysis was carried out strictly on the basis of data provided in the questionnaire by the libraries of the institutes. RESULTS OF THE SURVEY The details of the library collection have been provided in Appendix A. At present the collection of libraries range from 2000 to nearly 3,00,000. The largest collection is at IARI, New Delhi. It contains about 3,00,000 volumes. About 6000 items are added to the collection each year. It has good number of old periodicals, e.g. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London Vol.I (1665/66). The total file of serials in the library is 10,300 and number of current serials being received are 4,800 from 90 countries in 40 languages. IVRI library at Izatnagar also has good collection with about 86,395 volumes followed by NDRl, Kamal having a collection of 51,561 volumes. Appendix A gives detailed analysis of the total holdings of each library. It shows that IARl library receives maximum number Details of staff are given in appendix B. It is seen from the appendix that lARI library tops in the staff strength having a total of 50 professional and 38 non professional staff members, followed by IVRI library (15) and NDRl library (9). The survey reveals that almost all libraries have inadequate staff. Only three libraries have adequate staff. No specific pattern in observed in the recruitment of staff. Some institutes like VPKAS (Almora) and NRCG (Junagarh) have not even filled the post of Librarian. Some institutes have greater collection but serve only a handful of users. It is observed that no lCAR institute has adopted any staff formula. There is no uniformity in the recruitment of library staff. Library authority (Officer-in-Charge, Library) When there was no trained and qualified librarian, there was necessity to depute one of the scientists to look after the general administration of the library. He, was then called 'Officerin-charge, library'. This practice seems to be continuing even today, despite the availability of qualified and trained staff. Out of 29 libraries, 14 are headed by the Officer-in-Charge, library, 12 by librarians, and rest 3 by Documentation Officers. Library Hours There are a number of factors involved in keeping libraries open for longer hours. Most of the libraries lack adequate staff. Some are having only a librarian and an attendant. The number of users of libraries in lCAR in general, is comparatively meagre. It would be better to have long opening hours for those libraries which are attached to the institutions offering educational and training facilities as well as having large number of clientele. The survey reveals that more than 50% of the libraries (16) work for 7 hours, which is in fact normal office hours, 5 libraries are open Ann Lib Sci Doell SUR VEY OF ICAR LIBRARIES for 8 hrs i.e. they work 1/2 an hour more before as well as after the normal office hours'. 5 libraries are open for 9 hours i.e. they work 1 hour before as well as after the normal office hours. 3 libraries i.e. IVRI, IARI and NDRI libraries remain open for 12 hours, because these institutions are nationally reputed institutions. Technical Processing It is seen from the survey (Appendix C) that 10 libraries follow D.C. 14 libraries follow V.D.C. and 3 libraries follow C.C. for classfying their documents and IARI library follows D.C.(modifled). It is also seen that for cataloguing, AACR (1967) is followed by 16 libraries, ecc by 9 libraries and ALA by 4 libraries. It is observed Stock verification that VDC for classification and AACR (1967) for cataloguing are widely used in the ICAR Stock verification-practice in ICAR libraries is libraries. not uniform. 17 libraries do stock verification It is felt that an attempt should be made to annually, 11 libraries occasionally and one adopt a uniform cataloguing code and classificalibrary (IARI) does stock verification partly. tion scheme for all the libraries of the institutes It is also seen that 8 institutes fix the responsiunder ICAR. bility upon library staff for the loss of books. Library Building Only IVRI, IARI, NDRI and eSSRI have separate library buildings. 25 institutes have no separate building for library. Some part of the building or rooms are allotted for housing the library. ACQUISITION Document selection The document selection procedure in ICAR varies from library to library. 11 libraries procure documents through the recommendations of library committee and scientists, and 9 libraries through the recommendations of librarian and scientists. Library committee is responsible for the selection of documents in 5 libraries, 3 libraries procure documents purely on scientists' recommendation and in only one library the librarian is solely responsible for the selection of documents. Periodicals subscrip tion policy Reprogtaphic equipment Approximately 50% of the libraries of ICAR are having either xerox type machine or semi-automatic photocopying equipment to serve the clientele (Appendix D). Libraries of IARI, IIHR, are well-equipped with microfilm/microfiche reader printer, xerox machine, etc followed by NDRI and CPCRI. Some of the libraries render free xeroxing facilities to its user and some libraries charge Rs.2.00 per page to Rs.0.50 per page. Reprographic equipment in the libraries are not in good number in general. At least xeroxing facility must be provided to every library. SERVICES a) Accession list 20 libraries circulate list of additions to the libraries as per their convenient periodicity, 5 libraries send such list to outside libraries (Appendix E). Periodicals form the backbone of scientific b) Current awareness service research activity. As such, all ICAR libraries subscribe to Indian as well as foreign periodicals. 13 libraries provide current awareness service Periodicals can be procured directly from the (Appendix F) usually by bringing out current publisher or through an agent. contents type publications. On analysing the responses from the libraries, it is seen that 21 libraries procure periodicals c) Press clippings directly from the publishers and 8 libraries procure through agents. This indicates that 16 libraries provide press clippings service libraries have found direct procurement from (Appendix G). The institute's interest is the publishers more advantageous than procurement major criteria for selection of information. The through an agent. method of annual cumulation and storage is not Vol 34 No 3 December 1987 133 DESHMUKH same and depends upon the convenience of the library . d) post of incharge of library should be changed to information officer/documentation officer, etc. Bibliography 2) Librarian should be allowed to play a major 17 libraries provide bibliographical services to role in the collection development activities its clientele (Appendix H) either in cyclostyled by delegating more authority in the matter or typed fonn. IARI, SBI, ICAR Hq. library and of document selection. NDRI prepare bibliographies in anticipation as well as on demand. Other libraries compile 3) Each library should be given the Status of bibliographies on specific demand received from a department equal to that of any other the scientists/researchers. department of the parent institute. e) S.D.1. 4) Each library should be housed in a functional building or hall which were planned for the use of the library and that the UGC standards for library building be accepted as the minimum standards. Only 5 ICAR libraries are rendering SDI service to their scientific staff. Most of them are manu ally operated covering fields like fisheries, tobacco, soil salinity, plantation crops and 5) The practice of holding librarian responsible serving to about 770 scientists. for loss and penalising him for the same, It is not clear what methodologies these wherever existing, should be abolished. libraries are following in respect of profile construction of documents and users. 6) The lending policies should be made more liberal, the use of inter-library loan facility FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS be encouraged and wherever possible photocopies be provided without any cost within 1) The practice of holding librarian responsible I CAR libraries. for the loss of books and other material still exists in some of the institutes. 2) No uniform acquisition policy is .practiced in all the libraries. Somewhere library committee is authorised to select books and journals, in some institutes, individual scientists and somewhere librarian is authorised to select the books and journals. SUGGESTIONS 1) In view of the changing scope of librarian- ship due to emphasis on information services, the designation of person holding the 134 7) I CAR should plan and- prepare a written statement of its library programme including its policies, objectives, functions, and administration and that this be disseminated to its institutes. 8) IARI, New Delhi library should act as a clearinghouse for agricultural publication, bibliographies, translation and dissertations and as an official depository of all Indian agricultural publications. 9) Awareness should be created among the librarians and scientists to utilise the ARIC Computerised services. Ann Lib Sci Doell SUR VEY OF ICAR LIBRARIES QUESTIONNAIRE Date of despatch-------Date of receipt -------1) Name of the Institute, 2) Address (with Ph. No./ _ _ Telegraphic/Telex code) 3) Field of specialisation 4) Name of the Library (if any) : 5) Year of establishment: 6) No. of Clientele: 7) Library hours: _ _ _ _ _ _ - Whether open on:_-Yes/No Sunday /Holiday 8) 9) 10) Library collection a) Books----------b) Bound vol. of journals -----c) Current periodicals Indian Foreign ---d) Reports ------e) Patents ----- f) Standards g) Reprints & Photocopies ---------i) MicrofiJm/microfiche------j) Thesis & Dessertation k)Maps ---------------- Annual budget of Library: Rs. ---a) Books--------b) Back vol. of journlas ----.---c) Current periodicals Indian Foreign d) Reports ---- e) Patents & Standards ---------f) Reprints ---------g) Thesis/Dissertation h)Maps -----------i) Bindingf1"'------------- ..------ l------ Growth of collection during Last 3 years Year Books 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Vol 34 No 3 December 1987 Current periodicals Reports Patents Reprints Microfilm/ Standards Microfiche Maps DESHMUKH 11) Library Authority (Tick appropriate) a) Officer-in-Charge, Library b) Librarian c) Documentation Officer 12) Is there any Library committee Composition of Library committee: Yes/No Function: 13) Library staff: Professional SNo. Post Qualification Scale Nature of duties Non-professional staff: Strength: ----14) --------- Adequate/Inadequate No. of Lib. staff member who improved the professional qualification during the course of his service No. B.Lib.Sci M.Lib.Sci. 15) Circulation system a) B.T. system b) Register system c) Any other 16) Have you any Library or collection in your Institutes Sub-station. If so give some information about them (No. of collection, nature of collection) 17) Library Building (Tick appropriate) Independent/Part of the main building Provision of extension:--· 18) Document selection criteria (Tick appropriate) By Librarian/Library Committee/By Scientist recommendation 19) Document procurement practice (mode of purchase) Indian book Foreign book Instt & Societies publication Govt. of India Publication Ann Lib Sci Doell SURVEY OF ICAR LIBRARIES 20) Mode of Journals subscription (Tick appropriate) a) Direct from publisher b) Through agent 21) Classification scheme used a) CC b)UDC c)DC d)LC 22) Catalogue code used a) COC b)AACR c) ALA 23) Whether library rules have been framed. Yes/No (If yes mention Salient feature of the rules) 24) Stock verification (Tick appropriate) a) Whether done annually /occasionally b) Responsibility fixed upon staff Yes/No c) Weeding procedure for unwanted documents ----------------- 25) Binding (Tixk) a) Whether Library has own binding section: b) Binding done from outside binders : Yes/No Yes/No 26) Whether open Acces or closed acces 27) Which measure did you take to prevent the Library books from Insects/Pests ---- 28) Please mention procedure followed in recording (Accessioning) of unpriced publication received on complimentary basis (Audit point of view) LmRARY SERVICE 29) Do you offer to outside users consultation & loan facility 30) Do you offer inter-library loan facilities 31) Which type of document lent out (Books/Periodicals/Reprint/Dissertation) v ol 34 No 3 December 1987 137 DESHMUKH 32) Accession list (Publication added to the library) a) Title of the service: b) Periodicity: c) Scope & emphasis (Books/Periodical/Patents/Bulletins etc) d) Mention if copies are distributed to outside Institute 33) Bibliography & Technical Enquiry a) Is the bibliography service offered on demand or in anticipation or both b) Physical form of bibliography (typed, cyclostyle or printed) c) Approx. no.i of bibliographies compiled by Library & average No. of entries 34) Current awareness service: (CAS) a) Do you offer CAS? Yes/No b) Title of the service c) Periodicty d) Kinds of literature covered (Books, periodical, article, report, patent) e) Is the coverage restricted to material being received in the library or secondary sources are being used f) No. of copies distributed 35) Selective Dissemination of Information (SOl) a) Do you provide SOl service Yes/No b) Since when started c) Subject field d) Scope of emphasis (Periodical article, reports, patents etc) e) Method of operation (Manual, semmechanical, mechnical) f) No. of user profile 36) Press clipping a) Do you undertake press clipping Yes/No b) Since when started c) Subject field d) Source consulted e) Criteria of selection of Information f) Method of annual cumulation, filing arrangement & storage 37) Reprography: Type of equipment available (mention brand name & No. of unit) a) Microfilm b) Microfiche c) Photocopy d) Xerox 138 Ann Lib Sci Docu SURVEY OF ICAR LIBRARIES 38) Reader printer a) Microfilm b) Microfiche c) Microcard d) d) Are the reprography services available to members of your Institute only or to others also? e) What are charges 39) Publication from the Library a) b) c) 40) Do you conduct user education programmes in your Institute for 1) The staff member 2) Trainees of Training course 3) Other 41) Are the staff of your Library deputed/encourage to attend seminar/Symposium/Workshops libraryscience & documentation Yes/No on a) Are the staff members deputed to refresher course for purpose of quality improvement Yes/No 42) Have you compiled list of core periodical (pertaining to your library) 43) Name of the professional organisation/Association member 44) Users need assessmentHave you carried out a survey of the need of your. clientele Yes/No to which your library is a Institutional Yes/No 45) Are you planning any new service in near future 46) Any publication giving details about your library (any article publication in a journal) 47) Do you avail SDI service from AGRIS Database through National input Agricultural Research Information Centre (ARIC) of ICAR Yes/No If yes your comment on the service provided 48) Any other detail you would like to mention Vol 34 No 3 Dl'Cl'mbcrl987 DESHMUKH 49) Problem faced if any 50) Suggestion you wish to make ensuring smooth functioning and servicing of libraries in ICAR family Thanking you for your cooperation, Signature LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CARl CAZRI CIAE CICR CIFE CIFRI CMFRI CPCRI CPRI CS&WCR&TI CS&WRI CSSRI CTCRI CTRI IARI I ·I·() Central Avian Research Institute Central Arid Zone Research Institute Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Central Institute for Cotton Research Central Institute of Fisheries Education Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Central Potato Research Institute Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Central Tuber Crops Research Institute Central Tobacco Research Institute Indian Agricultural Research Institute IASRI ICAR ICAR Res- IIHR ILRI IVRI JARI JTRL NBPGR NBSS&LUP NDRI NRCG SBI VPKAS Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR Research Complex for North-Eastern Hills Region Complex for NEH Region Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Indian Lac Research Institute Indian Veterinary Research Institute Jute Agricultural Research tute Jute Technological Research Laboratory National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning National Dairy Research Institute National Research Centre for Groundnut Sugarcane Breeding Institute Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Shala Ann Lib Sci Doell < APPENDIX 2- A V> ~ Analysis of Total Holdings of Libraries Z 0 V> 0 t'I Him. Yur 01 EI•• bllsh. or the InstUute (') n n \0 00 -...J Book. Current Bound •.oium" of IVRI, I.atnagar 1895 86,396 28,396 IARI, New Oelhi 1905 3,00,000 3,00,000 S.B.I., Coimbatore 1912 12,330 4,900 7,000 210 100 ILRI, Ranchi 1925 2l,6:n 7,086 12,615 166 60 I.C.A.R., 1929 Ie,s» f".eGO J.T.R.L .• Calcutta 1938 17,826 6,I8~ C.I.F,R.I., 1947 20,893 1947 46,380 New Delhi Barnckpore C.M.F.R.I., Cochin ,.ttntJ R.port Standard. " photo copl" p.rlodlcol. Ihpfintl Micro nlml Thill, Map. ptriodlnls mt"t 3 r:r .....• Totol IIoldln. 50,000 4800 ) 4160 70' I: <412 ., 525 245 ~O 867 6 176 1000 . 10 30 360 <4848 29 686 360 300 100 120 500 ·20 600 10 10 50 104 1212 32 25 176 6,55:' 13:1 5,689 10,000 20,000 25,000 907 - 1948 16,012 8,000 7,000 222 100 C.T.R.I •. Rajahmundry 1950 22,331 10,213 9,070 361 1UO C.A,Z.R.I., 1962 46,550 15,000 30,000 350 N.D. R.I., Karnal 1955 51,56. 40,850 17,000 625 1100 3800 2523 263 1250 15 C.P.R.I.. 195!; 17,232 S,n9 8,306 350 195 216 762 80 11 21 14,000 100 4000 500 50 21 .. J.A.R.I., Ba••ackpore Jodhpur Simi. 1959 25,000 25,000 68,750 30,000 20,000 15'0 1963 Not a.allable 1966 15,506 6,927 7,406 374 105 Bangalore 1968 11,413 ~,OOO 5,000 288 ,. C.S.S.R.I., Komll 1969 H,aoe 10,167 4,388 231 120 C.P.C.R.I., Kasargod 1970 14,29.c 1,469 6,388 366 1974 7,174 5,650 1.100 133 128 19U 3,499 1,679 1,400 120 300 ICAR, R••. Complex !or NEil Region, Shillong 1976 12,490 7,000 4,000 460 3110 N.B.P.G.R .• New Deihl 1976 6,467 3,574 1.300 43 C.I.C.R., Nagpur 1976 2,870 1,200 1,400 200 C.I,A.E., Bhopal 1976 7,320 5,000 300 200 300 1978 1.976 1.224 150 83 561 N.R.C.G .• Juna.arh 1979 2.761 680 C.A.R.I., 1980 2.340 2,000 New Delhi Bombay C.T.C.R.I., Tri.andrum C.S.&W.R.I., Avikanagar 9 C < tTl -< 0 1200 1961 I.A.S.R.I., C.I.F.E., - (/l ~ - "Tl (") > ;;:l ~ ~ t;I:I 198 12 665 5 639 ~4 900 100 > c: tTl (/l I.I.H.R., C.S.&W.C.R.&T.I., V.P.K.A.S., Almor •• N.B.S.S.&L.U.P., -~ Dehradun ""tn"gor Nagpur 200 100 95 25 63 2 72 50 600 10 300 10 50 1000 20 SOD 100 81 2000 40 H 200 20 8 2 61 ...... .f.>. l'-:l APPENDIX B PROFESSIONAL Institute Holdings Clientele STAFF Professional Staff Non-professional Staff 5 Adequate (As per remark mention in queation) Inadequate Budget (in Rs.) .. 1 :> ::s ::s r&' en n. 0 0 (') c IVRI, lzatnagar IARI, New Delhi SBI, Coimbatore ILRI, Ranchi, ICAR, New Oelhi JTRL, Calcutta CIFRI, Barrackpore CMFRI, Cochin JARI, Barrackpore CTRI, Rajahrnundry CAZRI, Jodhpur NDRI, Karnal CPRI, Simla IASRI, New Delhi CIFE, Bombay CTCRI, Trivandrum CS&WRTI, Avikanagar IIHR, Bangalore CSSRI, Kamal CPCRI, Kasaragod CS&WCR&TI, Dehradun VPKAS, Almora ICAR Res. Complex for NEH Region, Shillong NBPOR, New Delhi CICR, Nagpur CIAE, Bhopal NBSS&LUP, Nagpur NRCO, Junagarh CARl, Izatnagar 2 3 4 86,395 3,00,000 12,330 21,621 10,525 17,826 20,893 46,380 16,012 22,331 46,550 51,561 17,232 25,000 68,750 NA 15,506 11,413 14,906 14,294 7,174 3,499 200 1928 NA NA 1500 70 25G 1000 100 300 400 2300 200 425 300 43 78 500 80 250 80 50 15 50 2 2 6 3 2 6 2 4 4 9 12,490 5,467 2,870 7,320 1,976 2,761 2,340 NA 150 60 500 50 NA 60 6 2 1 •• 6 2 1 5 s 3 2 2 6 1 1 1 6 7 Npt available 38 2 8 2 3 1 1 4 3 12 3 NA 2 2 2 2 3 9 1 2 4 2 1 NA 2 NA 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Yea Yes Yea Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Approx 25 lakhs. No", available 4 Lakhs :2 Lakhs 1.25,000/~ 1.70,000/= 4 Lakhs. 6 Lakhs 2 Lakhs. 5.5 Lakh8 3.5 Labe 7.50 Lakhs. 6.5 Lakhs 4 Lakhs. 4 Lakhs 2 Lakhs 5 Lakhs 3.5 Lakhs 3.7 Lakhs 15 Lakhs 1.25 Lakhs 1.1 Lakhs, Yes Yes Yes YP.S Yes Yes 5 Lakhs 1 Lakhs. 2.5 Lakhs 5 Lakhs !.fi Lakhs. Approx. 1 Lakhs. NA Yea Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yea - --- 0 tT1 en ::c 3: C ;:<; :z: < ("., +- .srn:: lJ[X z - 'C 'J' rr:Ul.\/LIL ~ PROCESS/;YG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c: ,., Institutes Holdings Classification -e -c oo --J IVRI, Izatnagar IARI, New Delhi. .•.. -- DC UDC CC AACR 3 4 6 6 ----1 SBI, Combatore ILRI, Ranchi ICAR, New Delhi JTRI, Calcutta CIFRI, Barrackpore CMFRI, Co chin JARI, Barrackpore CTRI, Rajahmundry CAZRI, Jodhpur NDRI, Kamal CPRI, Simla A IASRI, New Delhi CIFE, Bombay CTCRI, Trivandrum CS&WRI, Avikanagar IIHR, Bangalore CSSRI, Karnal CPCRI, Kasargod CS&WCR&TI, Dehradun VPKAS, Almora ICAR, Res. Complex for NEH Region, Shillong NBPGR, New Delhi CICR, Nagpur CIAE, Bhopal NBSS&LUP, Nagpur NRCG, Junagarh CARl, Izatnagar 86,395 3,00,000 Yes Own modified sysbem based - on UDC <1< DC 1~,330 21,6?l 10,525 17,826 20,893 46,380 16,012 22,331 46,550 51,561 17,232 25,000 68,750 NA 15,506 11,413 14,906 14,294 7,174 3,499 12,490 5,467 2,870 7,320 1,976 2,761 2,340 ---- · Yes Yes · . Yes . · Yes Yes Yes ------Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . Yes ···No System-v-I Yes (=) .. · · Yes · . Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes > ::tI - r- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -<! b:I Yes Yes Yes c < tTl ::tI 0 "!l Yes Yes Yes Yes '. C/l Yes Yes Yes 11 . Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Any other Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes · - 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes No System 9 · Yes Yes • 8 Yes . Yes Yes Register system ------ - --------- · Yes Yes · B.T. ------ ---------. Yes Yes -.. 7 Yes :Yes Yes ALA CCC ---, --2 Clrculation Catalogue code Scheme · Yes · Yes _._----_._---, Yes ~ ~ tI1 C/l DESHMUKH APPENDIX 'D' REPROGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT Institutes Microfilm (Reader + Printer) IVRI, Izatnagar IARI, Coimbatore SBl, Coimbatore ILRI, Ranchi ICAR, New Delhi JTRL, Calcutta CIFRI, Barrackpore CMFRI, Cochin JARI, Barrackpore CTRI, Rajahmundry CAZRI, Jodhpur NDRI' Kamal CPRI, Simla IASRI, New Delhi CIFE, Bombay CTCRI, Trivandrum CS&WRI, Avikanagar IIHR' Barigalore CSSRI, Kamal CPCRI, Kasaragod CS&WCR&TI, Dehradun VPKAS, Almora ICAR, Research Complex for NEH Region, Shillong NBPGR, New Delhi CICR, Nagpur CIAE, Bhopal NBSS&LUP, Nagpur NRCG, Junagarh CARl, Izatnagar Yes Microfiche (Reader + Printer) Yes Xerox type Semi automatic machine photo-copying machine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes *(-=No.) 144 Ann Lib Sci Doell SURVEY OF ICAR LIBRARIES APPENDIX 'E' ACCESSION LIST Institutes IARI, New Delhi ICAR, New Delhi JTRL, Calcutta CIFRI' Barrackpore CMFRI, Cochin JARI, Barrackpore CAZRI, Jodhpur NDRI, Kamal CPRI, Simla IASRI, New Delhi CIFE, Bombay CTCRI, Trivandrum CS&WRI, Avikanagar IIHR, Bangalore CSSRI, Kamal CPCRI, Kasaragod ICAR, Research Complex for NEH Region, Shillong NBPGR, New Delhi CIAE, Bhopal NBSS&LUP, Nagpur Vol 34 No 3 December 1987 Periodicity Copies distributed the Institute. Monthly Monthly Monthly Biomonthly Monthly Irregular Irregular Monthly Annual Monthly Irregular Monthly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Yes Weekly Biomonthly Weekly Weekly Yes Yes Yes Yes side DESHMUKH APPENDIX 'F' Current A wareness Service Title of Service Periodicity Institutes ICAR, New Delhi Biomonthly Bio Energy Information. JTRL, Calcutta Fortnightly Current Contents List CIFRI, Barrackpore Biomonthly Contents List CMFRI, Cochin Monthly Current Awareness Service J ARI, Barrackpore Irregular -do- . CTRI, Rajahmundry Weekly Contents List CPRI, Simla Biomonthly Current Research Literature CTCRI, Trivandrum Monthly CTCRI, Library News Letter CPCRI, Kasaragod Monthly Contents page service ICAR, Research Complex for NEB Region, Shillong Monthly Current Contents NBSS&LUP, Nagpur Monthly Soil Science Information Bulletin CSSRI, Kamal Monthly Soil Salinity Information Bulletin SBI, Coimbatore Monthly Sugarcane Documentation News 146 on Potato Ann Lib Sci Docu SUR VEY OF ICAR LIBRARIES APPENDIX 'G' Press Clippings ----------------------------------------------------------Institute When Started Subject field Method of Cumulation ----Agricultural & Allied Subs. IARI, New Delhi SBI, Coimbatore 1955 Sugarcane JTRL, Calcutta 1960 Jute & Allied Subs. CIFRI, Barrackpore 1970 Fisheries JARI, Barrackpore 1966 Jute & Allied CTRI, Rajahmundry 1975 Tobacco - do - NDRI, Kamal 1970 Dairy Science - do - Potato -do- CPRI, Simla Subjectwise In register CIFE, Bombay 1975 Fisheries Subjectwise CSSRI, Kamal 1970 Soil Salinity Chronological CPCRI, Kasaragod 1979 Plantation CS&WCR&TI, Dehradun. 1978 Soil Science & Soil Conservation Register ICAR, Research Complex for NEH Region, Shillong 1978 Agri & Allied Subjectwise NBPGR, New Delhi 1985 Agricultural Fodder. CICR, Nagpur 1984 Cotton Chronological NBSS&LUP, Nagpur 1982 Science & Technology Voi34 No 3 December 1987 crop l-t7 DESHMUKH APPENDIX 'H' Bib liographies Institutes Form Remarks IARI, New Delhi Cyclostyled In anticipation SBI, Coimbatore Cyclostyled In anticipation ICAR, New Delhi Typed In anticipation JTRL, Calcutta Typed On demand CIFRI, Barrackpore Cyclostyled In anticipation CMFRI, Cochin Typed On demand CfRI, Rajahmundry Typed On demand DAZRI, Jodhpur Typed On demand CAZRI, Jodhpur Typed On demand NDRI, Karnal Cyclostyled/Typed In anticipation/on demand CPRI, Simla Cyclostyled/Typed In andicipation/on demand IASRI, New Delhi Typed On demand CIFE, Bombay " " CS&WRI, Avikanagar " " CfCRI, Trivandrum " " CTCRI, Trivandrum " " IIHR, Bangalore " " CS&WCR&TI, Dehradun " " ICAR, Research Complex for NEH Region, Shillong " " 14B Ann Lib Sei Doell
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