Phone Fax: : 011-26692986 011-26691014 SRI AUROBINDO COLLEGE (University of Delhi) MALVIYA NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110017 E-mail: [email protected] ~ 31'<Fcr~ (~ {ilflClfcltM1(1) *1lclcft<l Ref. No 1i~IFcriUlcl~ ';ftR, ~·110017 ~ . Sealed quotations are invited as per the following requirements for ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT. I.Digital Electronics Lab (ELHP-30S) 1) Digital modules for serial and parallel shifting of data. 2) Digital modules for 4-bit counter design. 3) Modules for Digital to Analog convertor. 4) Modules for Analog to Digital convertor. S) Modules for 4*1 Multiplexer. 6) Digital Trainer Kit. 2. Analog Electronics lab (ELHP-406) 1) Modules for second order low pass filter using op-arnp. 2) Modules for second order High pass filter using op-arnp, 3) Modules for Band Pass/Band Reject filter using op-amp, 4) Modules for design of Astable and Monostable multivibrator multivibrator using Ie 555. 3. Analog Electronics Lab-1( ELHp-306} 1) Col pitt's oscillator module. 2) Module of Class A, Band C Power ampiifier. 4. ,Electronics Practicals-II ELHP-I06 1) Module of series lCR circuits. 2} Module of ParallellCR circuit. 3) Module of Thevenin, Norton and Superposition theorem. 4) Module of Maximum Power transfer theorem. , / , ... Phone : 011-26692986 Fax: 011-26691014 ~'{f4""G '"I~If4~1 cll4 SRI AUROBINDO COLLEGE (University of Delhi) MAlVIYA NAGAR. NEW DELHI-110017 E-mail: [email protected] S3ft (~ f4:tqf4tM1(4) ¥tI<'lcll4 9ftR, ~ Ref. No Dated . 5. Electronics Practical-IX . (ELHP-50S) 8086 kit with assembler 1) Microprocessor 2) Interfacing module 6. Instrumentation ~'110017 Lab for B.Tech (402) 1) Resistance boxes (range: 100 ohms, 10K ohms) 2) Capacitance boxes (micro farad) 3) Headphone 4) Anderson Bridge Kit 5) De Sauty's Bridge kit 6) Carey Foster Bridge 7) Galvanometer 8) Wein Bridge 9) Thermocouple for finding thermo EMF 7. Modules for Communication 1) Module for PPM 2) Module for SSB experiments 3) Module for DM 4) Module for PCM 5) Module for PSK 6) Module for ASK 7) Module for DPCM , • l Phone Fax: : 011-26692986 011-26691014 SRI AUROBINDO COLLEGE (University of Delhi) MALVIYA NAGAR. NEW DELHI-110017 E-mail: [email protected] ~ 3l"!FcI-=G +i~IFcI~lcll4 (~ l4*tq14tucl4) 'ui1cil4 ~, Ref. No . 8. Instruments ~ Dated ~-110017 . .. for Electronics lab 1) eRO (20 MHz) 2) Power Supply dual (0-30V) 3) Function generators 4) Panel Meters i) Voltmeters- (O-lOV, 0-30V, O-SOV) ii) Ammeter ·(0-10 uA, O-lOmA, 0-30mA) S) Analog Multi-meters 6) Digital Multi-meters 7) Bread board (with on board connecting points) , .. ---,---------------Phone Fax: : 011-26692986 011-26691014 SRI AUROBINDO COLLEGE (University of Delhi) MALVIYA NAGAR, NEW DELHI· 110.017 E-mail: [email protected] ~ 31~Fcl~ (~ 1if5IFcl~lcl~ Fcl~qFcl'EM,q) 'llcl4l4 0ffR, ~ ~'110017 Dated Ref. No .. . . 9. Requirements of apparatus for Engineering Material (ELHP-IOS) Lab 1sT SEM S.No. Experiment Apparatus Required 1. To determine the elastic constants of a wire by Searle's method. Searle's Apparatus, Unspun thread, a stop watch, a metre rod, vernier callipers and screw gauge. 2. To determine the modulus of rigidity ofa wire by Maxwell's needle. stand, telescope, stop-watch, Maxwell's needle, a knitting needle fitted vertically on a metre-rod, screw gauge. 3. To determine Young's modulus of a wire by optical lever method. Frame holding the experimental wire, clamping cylinder and a hanger, set of slotted weights, optical lever, telescope with a scale, metre rod, screw gauge. 4. To determine elm of electron by Magnetic Focusing. S. Measurement offield strength Band its verification in a solenoid CRT with a circular coil capable of sliding along its axis, A scale fixed along the axis of CRT to read the positlon of coil, a high voltage power supply for the cathode ray tube, a low voltage power supply for the coil, a voltmeter (O-lS00V) and an ammeter (O-3A} A closely wound solenoid, a ballistic galvanometer with lamp and scale arrangement, a tapping key, a search coil, a battery, rheostat, An ammeter, a po hi's commutator, a , ! 1 (determination of dBIDx). (MODULE) simple key. All the desired vendors submit their quotations within 15 days from this notice day. ; I
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