Contest Entry Form.qxd - National Society Daughters of the

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Lynn Forney Young, President General
AMERICAN HERITAGE CoMMITTEE — AnnaLisa Lauer-Hansing, National Chair
6442 Butler Place, San Diego, CA 92115–6728 ★ Phone: (619) 709–4638 ★ E-mail: [email protected]
Each entry MUST be accompanied by this 2015 Contest Entry Form and mailed to the appropriate national vice
chair. Do NoT send contest entries to the national chair. All entries with the exception of Fiber Arts, must be postmarked between January 2, 2015, and February 14, 2015. A copy of this entry form MUST be sent to the state
American Heritage chair.
• Fiber Arts—send to state chair. Deadline determined by state. State chair sends to national vice chair Carla
Bue, National Vice Chair, 36 Van Buren Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06107–2736, postmarked by February
14, 2015.
• Arts and Sculpture—Shirley Fee, National Vice Chair, 7752 N. Via Del Mundo, Scottsdale, AZ 85258–3212
• Crafts—Annie Pierce, National Vice Chair, 8015 N. Jensen Road, Spokane, WA 99217
• Literature and Drama—Diane Oliver, National Vice Chair, 18 Waverly Place, Aberdeen, NJ 07747–1818
• Music—Polly Grimes, National Vice Chair, 206 S. Hickory Street, Aberdeen, MS 39730–3101
National number
Chapter name
Zip code
Chapter code
Chapter location (city, state)
CoMPETITIoN and CATEGoRY for which you are submitting this entry. Please be specific. (only one
entry per form.) For example—Fiber Arts: Hand Quilted Quilt
Title of your work
Write a paragraph or more, but not to exceed one page, explaining the technique used and how your work supports this year’s theme, “Celebrate America! Exploring Our American Heritage,” on the reverse side of this form.
The committee requests permission to reproduce entries in printed materials in order that the members may view
and read these entries. By signing below I grant permission to the National Society Daughters of the American
Revolution to reproduce my entry for use in print materials.
Document No. AHE–1004 (Revised October 2014)
National Information Packet 2014 • PART II